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25 Best Free Responsive Website Builder (2024)

25 Best Free Responsive Website Builder (2024)

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

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Nowadays, using a mobile device to browse the internet is standard, making it increasingly crucial to understand how to create a mobile-responsive website. You need to read our list of the best responsive website builder.

What would a user do if they visited your website and it looked awful on their mobile device? We predict they might leave and go to a different website that is easier to use. It's already hard enough to get people to visit your website, so it's important to ensure it looks good on mobile devices too.

In this article, We'll introduce you to the concept of a mobile-responsive website in simple terms and explain why it's important for your success. Additionally, we'll show you how to create one quickly and easily using a responsive website builder such as Fynd Platform, Weebly, or 1&1, an ideal option for creating a website that looks great on all devices.

A Mobile Responsive Website

A mobile responsive website adapts to the device's screen size, whether a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer, by adjusting its design accordingly.

It's easy to see that a phone has a smaller screen than a tablet, and a tablet has a smaller screen than a desktop or laptop computer; even if you're not good at math, you can notice this difference.

Visitors will have difficulty using it if you try to make your website designed for a bigger screen (like a laptop or desktop) fit into a small mobile phone screen. They might get frustrated and angry and leave to visit your competitor's websites.

Without sarcasm, having a mobile-responsive design can help you make your website easy to operate on a small screen, which is important for keeping visitors on your website for a long time.

How Can A Mobile-Friendly Website Benefit You?

How Can A Mobile-Friendly Website Benefit You?

The benefits of a mobile-friendly website

A mobile responsive website automatically adjusts its content and navigation bar to fit smaller screens. The menu bar is often condensed into a tab when you click the side menu button.

On the other hand, Websites that are not mobile responsive often make the menu items very small, making them hard to see and tap on without zooming in. To make viewing and selecting pages easier, a mobile responsive website automatically puts everything in a column that you can easily scroll through.

Non-mobile responsive websites sometimes make the content and text very small, making it difficult to read without zooming in. It's like trying to fit three columns of text and graphics onto a tiny mobile phone screen, which can be a real challenge for the reader.

A mobile responsive website automatically rearranges the three content columns into a single vertical column, making it easier to read on smaller screens. As a result, this makes it better for visitors to use the website.

How To Use an Online Responsive Website Builder?

Oline responsive website builder

Key statistics of responsive web designs

You can create a mobile responsive template if you are an expert coder. But be easy on yourself; 99.9% of people aren't programming experts. What can you do then? Utilizing tools to assist you in developing a responsive website is the simplest solution.

There are responsive website builders that may assist you in building a website without writing a single line of code. Their tools are straightforward; you may develop your mobile-responsive website by dragging and dropping your material into a template.

Nowadays, you don't have to be a technical expert to build a website. With the help of website builders, you can create a mobile-optimized website easily (more details below).


When you join up to use one of these website builders, they deliver all the necessary tools to add content to your website and host the website for you so that it is online accessible. Do you need to learn what hosting is? Well, you do not need to learn.

They take care of all the technical details, so you can focus on using their drag-and-drop tools to add your content to the website. Sounds too simple, no? It is! Modern technology has made incredible changes. Creating a mobile-friendly website with modern technology is now quite simple.

Take a Look at Instagram or Facebook. They are establishing connections for hundreds of millions of individuals worldwide. Therefore, it's no surprise that tools are available to help you create a website without writing any code.

Want to Start Selling Online with Fynd Platform?

Fynd Platform is our top-rated ecommerce website builder, and for good reason with 30 days free trial!

What Qualities Must The Best Responsive Website Builders Possess?

What Qualities Must The Best Responsive Website Builders Possess

Key statistics of responsive web designs

Responsive web design has become increasingly popular in recent years. Here are some key statistics:

  • 94% of people judge a website's design on responsive web design
  • 85% of adults think that a company's mobile website should be as good or better than its desktop website
  • 52% of web traffic worldwide comes from mobile devices
  • 57% of internet users say they won't recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile website
  • 88% of people are less likely to return to a website after a bad user experience on mobile
  • 48% of people believe that a website's design is the most important factor in determining the credibility of a business.

What Qualities Must the Best Responsive Website Builders Possess?

Qualities Must the Best Responsive Website Builders Possess

Best Overall Website Builder

The Fynd Platform

TOP choice
Template Design
Ease of Use
Features & Flexibility


TOP choice
Template Design
Ease of Use
Features & Flexibility


TOP choice
Template Design
Ease of Use
Features & Flexibility

1. The Fynd Platform 

The Fynd Platform 

The Fynd Platform, undoubtedly, is the most effective and free responsive website builder available right now. They allow non-technical individuals to create stunning and professional-looking websites with their beautifully designed templates.

The Fynd Platform focuses heavily on design to create a unique website that will make your visitors think you spent thousands of dollars on a professional web designer (even though you're paying much, much less - see our The Fynd Platform Review for more information).

Thanks to The Fynd Platform's templates, your website will look outstanding on desktop, smartphone, and tablet devices, standing out from the competition. The Fynd Platform is a market leader in building responsive websites, and we often receive positive feedback from satisfied customers.

Users love The Fynd Platform's 24/7 service, where they respond to email inquiries in less than an hour, and the ease with which customers can build beautiful websites.


  • The mobile app - Besides being mobile-responsive with The Fynd Platform, your site may be instantly edited on a mobile device using The Fynd Platform iOS and Android applications.

  • E-commerce capabilities - The Fynd Platform provides various tools to assist you in selling and managing your inventory if you intend to sell things (physical or digital) on your website.

  • Expert SEO editor - Many features in The Fynd Platform might help you appear in search results.

  • Extensions for The Fynd Platform - You have access to many free and paid extensions to increase the functionality of your websites. You may use these to handle invoicing, produce feedback surveys, and more. You can even establish email marketing campaigns.

  • With The Fynd Platform, it's also possible to build an extremely responsive web store. The system includes an easy-to-use eCommerce engine for creating modest online shops. The platform provides for creating and updating product galleries, configuring payment and shipping requirements, introducing bonuses and discounts, connecting SSL Certificates for maximum website security, and other features.

  • The well-known Fynd Platform hosting company powers the website builder. They provide all-inclusive options to suit any requirements and will take care of your domain name and website hosting.

  • The extensive list of features can block good time to get used to.

  • Plans

    Pricing plan


    Starting at INR 599, making it the cheapest responsive website builder on our list. You can try out their free trial too!

    2. Weebly


    Weebly is a user-friendly website builder that easily creates a website by dragging and dropping elements. It's a perfect choice for those who may not have a lot of technical expertise but still want a simple way to build a website.

    Although they have fewer features than The Fynd Platform, they deliberately keep things basic and uncluttered on their user interface. They can assist you in creating a website that is attractive and useful.


    The most user-friendly responsive website builder available on the market right now is Weebly.

    • Remember that while Weebly's website designs are responsive to mobile devices, they are less attractive of a design library than The Fynd Platform.

    • The Fynd Platform will be a better option if you value design highly. Weebly is a good option if simplicity and usability are essential to design. 

    • It doesn't mean that The Fynd Platform is challenging to use anyway. We are simply stating that Weebly is even simpler. Still, as a trade-off, the design templates provided by Weebly are less updated and professional than those offered by The Fynd Platform.

  • Weebly's website designs are responsive to mobile devices.

  • Weebly is a good option if simplicity and usability are more essential than design

  • Design templates provided by Weebly are less updated and professional than those offered by The Fynd Platform, which has a responsive website builder design for you.

  • Last but not least, Weebly lacks a limited trial period offer. As a result, you are free to continue using Weebly until you are due for an upgrade. Of course, as a free user, you will only have access to a certain amount of tools and assistance programs.

  • Plans

    weebly pricing


    Weebly is an affordable website builder. It provides a never-expiring free plan that gives users access to essential features. Using the system, you can select one of three premium memberships to construct a worthwhile responsive project. They start at $10 per month.

    3. 1&1 responsive website


    1&1 Website Builder is an easy-to-use tool to help you create a responsive website. It comes with excellent customer support, so if you need any help along the way, you can get it easily.

    While 1&1 Website Builder provides excellent customer support, their platform is so user-friendly that you may not even need assistance. It's easy to use and can be compared to Weebly in terms of simplicity, but there are still some differences between the two.


    • Convenient website editing features are there in the website builder. A unique responsive website layout can be created by rearranging on-page items using 1&1's inbuilt drag-and-drop editor.

    • Users can use a variety of website elements (such as contact forms, media files, Live Feeds, social integration buttons, etc.) and built-in customisation tools to give a project a distinctive look.

    • The platform provides access to the collection of add-ons and applications. These can be found in the system's integrated App Market, improving your website's functionality. As a result, you can pick from navigation panels, search bars, image galleries, social network timelines, and other valuable components.

    • Get access to various integration options with 1&1. You can choose and install well-known connections using the system for social media, PayPal, Google Maps, SoundCloud, and many others. This functionality enhances the mobile browsing experience and raises the bar for project performance.

  • All of the templates offered by 1&1 are responsive, and many are mobile-friendly. Select a template with that feature if you want a fully responsive website.

  • The templates from 1&1 are to build websites that are useful and simple to use. However, With 1&1's awesome template previews, you can quickly see how your website will appear on desktop and mobile devices.

  • The Fynd Platform could be your responsive website builder if you're all about looking fashionable

  • Plans

    Site ground pricing


    We assume you're interested in how much 1&1 will cost you. Although 1&1 Website Builder doesn't offer a free plan, great discounts are available. If you sign up for a yearly plan, you can get 1&1 Website Builder for as low as $1 per month.

    4. GoDaddy


    We have determined that GoDaddy is the best responsive website builder because it's easy to use and has simple design components. It makes building a website incredibly straightforward and uncomplicated.

    One of the advantages of using GoDaddy's website builder is that it has limited capabilities compared to other platforms, which can result in smoother operation and better search engine optimisation.

    It's perfect for small business owners who want to build a website quickly and will find the GoDaddy website builder to be an incredibly responsive tool.


    • The GoDaddy website builder will inquire about your company and ask you a few straightforward questions while using it for the first time. GoDaddy will immediately create a website with your company's name based on your responses. 

    • You'll have a stunning, fully functional, mobile-friendly website in less than five minutes - Including all the pages you'll need to get started.

    • Naturally, you will update the information on your website's pages to reflect your business's products and services accurately. These changes are easy to make. They won't be too noticeable to your visitors.

  • Speed: GoDaddy enables you to create a finished website in less than five minutes, which is beneficial for SEO.

  • Simple: You may build a professional website customized to your business without experience with website design.

  • GoDaddy websites have a sophisticated admin panel that offers access to simple yet effective marketing tools. With these capabilities, you can increase your company's online visibility beyond your website, including social media channels, email marketing campaigns, and a Google Business Profile page.

  • Limited Flexibility: For most small businesses, the GoDaddy website builder's simplicity is a benefit rather than a drawback. However, companies that require greater flexibility and expansion in their website possibilities can take advantage of the modifications offered by alternative platforms.

  • Basic E-commerce Functionality: Larger stores may choose a specialized eCommerce platform like Shopify, even if the eCommerce tools offered may function reasonably well for modest web shops

  • Limited Customization: GoDaddy restricts some layout personalization choices to keep its website builder as user-friendly as possible. It indicates that if you wish to relocate a button five pixels to the right, you're out of luck. Perfectionists should refrain from using GoDaddy.

  • Plans

    GoDaddy pricing

    5 . Wix


    The greatest responsive website builder for artists and other creatives is Wix. Wix offers a wide range of options to assist you in building a stunning website for your small business and enable you to edit your website in mobile and desktop modes effortlessly.

    As a result, Wix consistently ranks as one of our top website builders for proprietors of small businesses. Additionally, Wix offers a free plan, making it the perfect choice for people with limited resources.

    You only need to visit Wix and click the "Get Started" button to create your website. An invitation to sign up using your email address, Google, or Facebook account will appear.


    • Following submitting this data, a quick-start page with questions regarding the kind of website you wish to create will display. Your responses will guide the Wix website builder toward themes and templates that may be most appropriate for your company.

    • You can build a mobile-friendly website using Wix, either with or without an E-commerce store. Before you begin the design process, you can add certain fundamental elements to personalise your websites with this responsive design builder, such as chat functionality and appointment scheduling tools for service and hospitality firms.

  • Abundant Storage Space: Each Wix plan has sufficient storage space to host photographs, blog posts, documents, audio files, video files, and other material for your website.

  • There is no restriction on the number of products you may sell in your online store if you purchase a Wix Business & E-commerce account.

  • Secure Online Transactions: Each Wix website includes an SSL certificate, a secure online payment processor, and the option to integrate third-party integrations for ticket sales, reservation taking, and class and event registration.

  • Round-the-Clock Customer assistance is there through an extensive knowledge base of help articles, a specialized team, and VIP plans that receive priority support from Wix. You can relax knowing that your website is in the hands of people who genuinely care about your success.

  • Many Wix users complain that their websites lose visitors due to slow page loading times. Wix is still working to speed up its performance, but its template-heavy platform needs to catch up to its HTML-based rivals.

  • Wix makes it simple to purchase a domain name and create your website. However, Wix sites don't transfer smoothly to other web hosting companies. If you decide to leave, you should use a third-party app to prevent losing crucial data while transferring the data.

  • More Simple Metrics: Some of Wix's rivals' business and e-commerce analytics are more comprehensive. You must install Google Analytics on your website and connect it to it if you want the most comprehensive metrics.

  • Plans

    wix pricing


    Wix offers a free plan, making it the perfect choice for people with limited resources.

    Want to Start Selling Online with Fynd Platform?

    Fynd Platform is our top-rated ecommerce website builder, and for good reason with 30 days free trial!

    6. Shopify


    Shopify is the top responsive website builder for individuals requiring E-commerce capabilities. Regarding E-commerce functionality, Shopify is a powerhouse on which small business owners and organizations rely.

    With the platform, you can create an online store with an excellent user experience for your customers and scalable options that let your website expand along with your company. Creating a free Shopify account is the first step in using it to build a responsive website.


    • It's that easy, to begin with! A free trial and then select a premium plan afterwards. You must enter your contact information.

    • To get started, go to Shopify's homepage and input your email. Shopify will inquire about your company and send you an email for verification. You'll be ready in a matter of clicks.

    • After registering, the Shopify dashboard will show up. All the tabs and connections required to create and maintain your mobile-friendly website are available here.

  • Thanks to the unlimited storage option, you get as much space as you require for your items, pictures, documents, and other website content. You won't be limited to how many things you may sell in your online store if you use Shopify.

  • Shopify offers a well-organized, user-friendly dashboard for accessing your company's KPIs. The Shopify customization options are effortless, making it simple for you to construct and maintain your website.

  • If you enjoy working with HTML, you may upload your themes or program new themes straight into your website to expand on what Shopify offers.

  • Integrated Features: From your dashboard, Shopify allows you to connect to and manage your company's social media profiles and its numerous alternative sales channels. Additionally, you may manage your blog posts straight from the Shopify main dashboard or the customization menu.

  • Shopify doesn't have an autosave feature. Therefore users must frequently save their work to prevent losing their modifications.

  • Transaction Charges: Every time you accept payment for your products from customers, Shopify will cost you a transaction fee unless your clients use the Shopify Payments digital payment channel.

  • Plans

    Shopify pricing


    Although Shopify is not the most affordable E-commerce solution, it still has fair pricing for launching high-quality online storefronts. During the free 3-days trial period, you can first evaluate the service's features to help you determine which plan you want to upgrade to. Your monthly fee for the cheapest Shopify package will be ₹20 INR/month.

     Fynd platform banner for free demo

    7. WordPress


    We choose WordPress as the best mobile responsive website builder free for bloggers; although officially a content management system (CMS), WordPress includes drag-and-drop functionality in many layouts.

    As a result of its enormous features and customisation options, WordPress firmly deserves a spot in our list of the most responsive website builders. But to publish your WordPress site, you will need a reliable web host as WordPress is an open-source CMS.

    To learn why we suggest Bluehost, read our assessment of the Best WordPress Hosting Providers.


    • Choosing and purchasing a domain name for your website is the first step in creating a responsive WordPress website. Use their Domain Name Generator tool to find a domain name specific to your company and service offerings if you don't already have one in mind.

    • After choosing it, it would help if you bought your domain name from a domain name registrar. Some companies that offer website hosting, like Bluehost, offer free domain name registration for the first year.

    • You must buy your domain name through your selected host or straight from a domain name registrar if you decide to use a different web hosting company.

  • Almost Free Services Despite the fact that the WordPress software is free, website owners still need to pay for a domain and web hosting plan.

  • Moderate Ease of Utilize: Although WordPress is less intuitive than many of the other website builders on this list, you can still learn to use this platform if you have adequate technical knowledge.

  • A vast market: For WordPress, there are tens of thousands of free (and commercial) themes and plug-ins. You may improve the look and functionality of your website by using these pre-made themes and plug-ins.

  • It's not a case of getting what you see. WYSIWYG Environment: WordPress does not offer a "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) experience because it is not a drag-and-drop website builder. If you choose to utilize WordPress, you'll need to be aware of this and comfortable employing a more iterative design process.

  • WordPress websites are a popular target for cybercriminals. To defend your website against assaults and safeguard its data, you will need to adopt additional security precautions.

  • Plans

    wordpress pricing

    8. Mobirise


    Mobirise offers the best drag-and-drop editor for building responsive offline websites. To use it, download and install the platform on your computer. Whether you use Windows or Mac, you can quickly install Mobirise on your computer.

    With Mobirise, you can easily create high-quality websites that work well on mobile devices using pre-designed content blocks.


    • The software has flawless mobile device website optimisation. By default, every system design is responsive to mobile devices. One can explain it by the platform's use of the Bootstrap 4 framework, which guarantees that projects created using it are instantly mobile-optimised. Before officially publishing it, you may also see a preview of your website look on desktop and mobile browsers.

    • Instead of pre-designed templates, the platform provides a selection of ready-made content blocks. All the blocks are helpful to build whatever website structure and layout you need because they are all responsive and customisable. 

    • To be accurate, you may develop any project by selecting from over 50 themes (blocks) and 150 demo pages. These include headers, footers, sliders, lightbox galleries, movies, photos, Google maps, data forms, price lists, client endorsements, articles, and more.

    • Additionally, you can incorporate Mobirise extensions into your project to improve your website's interactivity and mobile browsing capabilities.

  • The website builder's ease of use makes it particularly useful for non-techies who want to develop mobile-ready websites without programming experience or understanding, which is one of the upgrading features of Mobirise.

  • The system's integrated AMP Website Builder is unquestionably one of its best features. The open-source Accelerated Mobile Pages tool is usable to improve the mobile performance of your Mobirise-built mobile projects.

  • It is the best way to embrace your website's visually appealing appearance and guarantee that it functions well across all mobile platforms and devices. By using the AMP website builder, you may display valuable material with little coding knowledge and ensure quick and easy website performance and loading.

  • Has a steep learning curve

  • Only suitable for some.

  • Plans

    Mobirise plan


    Mobirise is a free site design tool anyone can download and set up without spending money. You can use it for free indefinitely, but if you want a project with many features, you should still consider whether you need a paid plan.

    9. SITE123

    Site 123

    While Wix and the Fynd Platform are excellent choices for those willing to invest time refining their website's design and functionality, some may prefer a faster approach to building a website.

    If you don't mind giving up any customisation, you can create a helpful site in a few minutes with SITE123's straightforward point-and-click editor. Over 180 templates are available from SITE123 for various markets and use.


    • Multilingual assistance - SITE123 provides many tools to help you make your website bilingual, including a website translator and the option to modify SEO settings in other languages.

    • Easy-to-use online shopping - The E-commerce Platform from SITE123 makes it simple to sell goods online. Even more sophisticated features like product variations, premium subscriptions, and contribution buttons are there in the user-friendly interface.

    • Free picture archive - You may use thousands of royalty-free photos from SITE123 to personalise your site.

    • 24/7 assistance - To assist you in resolving any issues that may arise, SITE123 provides 24/7 customer assistance.

  • Even though they all have similar appearances, they don't look too horrible.

  • Every template has fundamental design components like headers, color schemes, and fonts that you can change.

  • Your options are constrained, but it's just enough to develop a unique website.

  • The fact that every template on SITE123 is mobile responsive by nature is something we genuinely like.

  • It makes mobile site conversion more accessible but can't customize the mobile experience. You also receive the fundamental tools for blogging, SEO, and e-commerce.

  • These are frequently simpler to operate, even though they are less adaptable than those provided by other top builders.

  • Plans

    Site 123 pricing


    SITE123 is a straightforward and reasonably priced website builder. Users can test the system for free by subscribing to the relevant service. They can switch to one of four paid subscriptions to publish fully featured projects and use the advanced toolkit. They start at $10.80 per month.

    10. IONOS


    IONOS is a cost-effective website builder that easily creates professional, fast-loading sites. While the editor may not offer as many customisation options as other builders, it balances editing freedom and user-friendliness, making it a good choice.

    IONOS has over 100 templates, allowing users to customise them to create a unique website. They provide hosting services, domain registration, and email solutions. It's affordable, with monthly plans starting at $1, and offers 24/7 customer support. Users can try the platform for free.


    • Affordable website creation - The prices of all IONOS plans, from Starter to Pro, are lower than those of most other builders' equivalent designs. It also applies to its Ecommerce options, which makes IONOS an excellent option for beginning a low-cost online business.

    • Rapid dynamic element loading - Websites containing video and animations run smoothly on IONOS. IONOS stands out because of its amazing loading speed, even though other builders provide these features.

    • Corporate email - Even if you buy your domain from a third-party seller, every plan includes a free business email account that ends in @yourdomain.

    • IONOS provides tools to test your website's responsiveness, loading times, and security. It can assist you in making defensible choices regarding how to enhance the functionality of your website.

  • The 18 industry-specific templates provided by IONOS. It's a small selection, and even among the existing templates, more variation could be desirable.

  • However, because of its awesome font, color, and animation capabilities, IONOS is excellent for creating quick-loading websites that look and feel professional.

  • Additionally, IONOS sites automatically adjust to look great on all displays, including mobile. All of this makes IONOS ideal for landing pages for businesses.

  • Unfortunately, we can't suggest IONOS for the most extensive sites due to the lack of more sophisticated capabilities. The Starter plan costs only 79.65 per month, which is a plus.

  • You may always upgrade to access MyWebsite Creator, which offers more customization choices and even CSS editing if you find the editor too constrained.

  • Plans

    IONOS pricing


    IONOS offers a basic plan for $1 per month and premium plans ranging from $4 to $8 per month, depending on the features required. All plans include hosting, domain registration, and email solutions.

    11. IM Creator

    IM Creator

    IM Creator is a mobile-first website builder with responsive website designs that stand out from the competition with its simplicity, user-friendly approach to online building, and robust integrated capabilities.

    The system has a handy drag-and-drop website builder, and getting started with personal and professional projects doesn't require coding expertise. The system provides a variety of choices to give web design experts while initially focusing on the requirements and expertise of beginners.

    The following IM Creator highlights merit user attention regarding creating responsive web projects.


    • The system has a selection of designs suitable for mobile use. Depending on the sub-niches to which the themes belong, they are separated into various groups.

    • All the designs are easily adaptable to multiple screen sizes and resolutions and are free and customizable.

    • Users can use social media integrations to improve project performance. You can add social networking buttons to increase the functionality of personal and business web projects.

  • To increase the functionality of responsive websites, one can integrate external plugins. Users can choose and add widgets based on the specifics of their project. The most popular extensions available are, among others, the OpenTable reservation form, the Google event schedule list, the SoundCloud audio player, the PDF viewer, and Facebook comments.

  • Due to the website builder's support for multiple languages, IM Creator makes it easy to develop websites in various languages. It facilitates reaching customers and partners.

  • More Responsibility: You will be solely in charge of handling site updates, storage, safety, and all other maintenance duties as the owner of a WordPress website.

  • Plans

    IM creator


    ‍IM Creator is among the least expensive website builders available. Users intending to launch non-commercial online projects can utilize the system for free. Other users, such as students, artists, and small business owners, can apply for the system for only $8/month.

    12. Webflow 


    A responsive site builder called Webflow is among the most expert web design tools. The service is comparable to modern Content Management Systems due to its high-end integrated drag-and-drop capabilities, complicated interface, and advanced design modification options. 

    Because of this, Webflow involves extensive research before beginning the actual process of developing websites. A website builder is an excellent option for creating complicated projects, and web design experts working on custom website development should also consider using it.


    • A selection of responsive, fully customisable templates is there with the system. A selection of responsive themes, both free and paid, are available from Webflow. 

    • The system also allows you to launch your project from scratch, and it will function responsively right away. Most pre-made templates come in various web page display styles that work with practically all pages. Each website has a distinctive and polished style thanks to the pre-made templates.

    • Website builder gives customisation of the design a lot of attention. Webflow focuses entirely on sophisticated design customisation. Along with a wide range of flexible design options, the website builder provides a great opportunity to use its built-in toolkit to alter any web page component. 

    • While experimenting with element sizes, positioning, effects, backgrounds, colours, opacity, rotation, layers, and other features/tools available in the dashboard, you will encounter hundreds of variations. Your website will remain responsive to be readily browsed on all mobile and desktop platforms, regardless of the quantity and nature of the replacement content and changed design components.

    • The editor differs from typical website builders in that it offers traditional visual editing options in addition to integrable widgets, general settings, and other features.

    • It has conventional visual editing capabilities, integrable widgets, standard settings, and modules that comprise the system's "CMS Collections." Depending on your level of web design expertise, you can choose between the two website editing modes of Designer or Editor.

  • Users can generate customized dynamic content with Webflow's responsive web design environment. Forums, blog feeds, online forms, photo/video slideshows, portfolios, and the design and upgradation of other responsive projects are now system users.

  • Integrating Lottie, After Effects, and Lightbox Galleries increases the likelihood of developing dynamic and mobile-responsive website content.

  • The editor on the platform is a handy drag-and-drop interface. You can change each selected responsive template structure and layout.

  • Higher app costs: It provides a marketplace with hundreds of plug-ins to help you build your dream website, but some come with a high price tag and/or monthly fees.

  • Plans

    Webflow pricing


    Webflow offers a free unlimited plan, although it has some limitations. Choose one of the premium plans to develop a professional, feature-rich, responsive project.

    Fortunately, the website builder offers a variety of subscription groups to accommodate different customer needs. You can upgrade to the Basic plan at only $14/month, while its CMS Plan is the most popular at $39/month.

    13. uKit


    uKit is a well-known and straightforward responsive website builder for small businesses. The service is simple to use, and you may launch any website with it depending on your preferences and needs for business.  uKit is easy to use, practical, inexpensive, and convenient. uKit is now a very popular website builder because of its good features, and it is one of the best options available.


    • With the help of uKit, you may build responsive websites from scratch. uKit makes creating a website that looks good on desktop and mobile devices easy. You don't need to be an expert in coding, and you won't need to create separate versions for different devices; it will automatically adjust to fit any screen size.

    • The system provides a range of responsive designs. The website builder includes a large selection of responsive templates and options for customising them to their specific needs for style and functionality.

    • You can personally control the website-building process by using the WYSIWYG editor. Thanks to the WYSIWYG editor, the system enables tracking all the changes you make in real-time mode and allows you to preview how the changes will appear on various devices, including desktop, mobile, and tablet gadgets. 

  • It gives you a realistic idea of how your ready-made website will seem when viewed on all possible devices by potential customers.

  • UKit uses the Bootstrap grid. Enhancing your website's responsiveness may help you make the most of this feature.

  • It is not the best suited for newbies.

  • It only offers a few templates and designs.

  • Plans

    Ukit plans


    uKit is one of the least expensive DIY website builders available. The system offers a 14-day free trial that allows you to examine its features. There are four different premium subscriptions available here. Your monthly cost for the cheapest plan will be $4.5/month.


    14. Gator


    Gator is a website builder powered by HostGator that allows users to create responsive websites. It's designed primarily for launching simple websites, making it a great choice for beginners learning to design websites.

    Gator is a website builder that is easy to use, and even web design experts can find it useful. It has a drag-and-drop editor, responsive designs, and practical features that make building websites enjoyable and efficient.


    Gator has many templates designed to be mobile-friendly and categorized based on their purpose. These templates make it easy for people to create websites without knowing how to code. Each template has a feature that lets users preview how the website will look on desktop and mobile devices before it's published.


    Pricing Plans


    Gator has a few pricing plans for their website builder service. You can choose the free plan or select one of the three paid versions, with the cheapest one costing $3.84 per month. You can still get the same deal for a two-year subscription.

    Some Additional Responsive Website Builders That You Should Know About (But Not Recommended)

    15. Jimdo 


    If you believe that your company or portfolio has the potential to be the next big thing, or if you have an idea for a project but don't know where to start, Jimdo can help you bring your dream to life.

    Jimdo offers two simple ways to use their free website builder. With Jimdo Dolphin, you must answer a few questions, and the rest is handled. Jimdo Creator, on the other hand, offers a more detailed approach to building websites.

    Also, Jimdo ensures that the website design is optimized for all devices, making it look great on any screen size. Jimdo can create all of them, including online resumes, web stores, travel blogs, and fashion, wedding, and restaurant websites, to mention a few.

    You can change the content to suit your tastes using Jimdo's regular capabilities. The code is thoroughly explained and documented, so there is no room for error when using the Object() function, which is written in native code.

    16. Weblium 


    Weblium is a complete, free responsive website builder that serves various purposes. Several templates are available for building websites related to the arts, law, mobile apps, construction, architecture, medicine, and photography, among many other fields.

    You can customize the appearance of the sample on Weblium to fit your specific requirements. Moreover, Weblium has an inbuilt Artificial Intelligence (AI) that helps you build a successful webpage. You can focus on your main goal while AI takes care of the rest.

    With Weblium, your website will work on all devices and web browsers. The builder also handles hosting, domain management, and security, so you don't have to worry about them. You can check your website and then continue with your work.

    17. Carrd 


    Carrd is the free responsive website builder you should consider to create a one-page website. You can use the editor to construct a page for your marketing campaign or a personal website that will help you gather leads.

    Carrd is a great website builder that can help you create all kinds of websites, not just for marketing or personal use. You can be as creative as you want with it and choose from pre-designed templates or start from scratch.

    Carrd has endless options for customization, so you can make your website look and feel exactly how you want it to. Not only that, but Carrd also handles all the technical details for you, so you don't have to worry about them.

    Your one-page website will work smoothly on all modern devices, browsers, and high-resolution retina displays.

    18. Ucraft 


    Ucraft is a website builder that is fast, reliable, and efficient. It allows you to create mobile-friendly websites and work well on different browsers. Whether you want to create a website for personal use or your business, Ucraft offers the tools to simplify the process without compromising quality or speed.

    Ucraft offers many different pre-designed themes that you can choose from to create your website. Templates are available for business websites, blogs, portfolios, photography, sports, apps, education, and events. With so many options, you're sure to find a template that works best for you and your website.

    Ucraft has great customer support and can help you with any questions about web design. Remember, you don't have to feel restricted by the existing materials because Ucraft allows you to customize your website exactly how you want it.

    Ucraft enables you to use the tool unconventionally and with an open mind when constructing your website. Another exciting feature of Ucraft is its built-in logo creator, which can help you design a unique logo for your website.

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    19. Tilda 


    Tilda is genuinely unique in terms of innovation and web design. This free responsive website builder provides many potent theme options to help you stand out. However, you don't have to compete with anyone because your distinctive style and inventiveness stand out.

    Tilda is ideal for all your online projects because its 450 pre-built blocks demonstrate its professional and user-friendly qualities. Tilda has a big collection of icons, fonts, and colours that you can use to create different styles for your website. Mix and match them in any way you like to make endless style possibilities.

    Tilda is excellent at typography and visual content, and you can add videos, pictures, and galleries to make your website look even better. It also offers hosting, search engine optimization, and Google Analytics. Plus, Tilda is easy to use, so you don't have to worry about technical details.

    20. Readymag 


    Feeling hesitant or unsure about creating a beautiful and valuable website? Don't worry. Let Readymag take the load off and help you out. This free website builder can showcase your company's name, products, services, or portfolio on a marketing page.

    It works well on different devices and browsers and is easily extendable, adaptable, and mobile-friendly. Readymag is for individuals who desire a website with a modern and stylish look that will last a long time. With Readymag, you can easily create a website without doubts or worries.

    You can choose the most suitable design for your website from a wide range of web fonts, animations, and available integrations. Your projects are hosted on Amazon Cloud, but you still have the option to choose.

    You can start creating your website using a variety of templates available on Readymag. However, you can begin with a blank canvas and create your design from scratch.

    21. Webnode


    The path to achievement may be too difficult. While this is mainly true, achieving success can be challenging, but using Webnode as your website builder can make it easier. They created this free responsive website builder with a premium product and contemporary style.

    It is a flexible editor ideal for companies, startups, individual portfolios, and design firms. It is built using the most recent technology and is entirely mobile-ready, allowing it to function flawlessly on any device or browser. You can get creative and make a unique website with Webnode.

    Webnode helps you build a website that effectively communicates all the important information to your visitors. You don't need any prior experience because designing and creating a website is easy with Webnode. Even if it's your first time, you can create a professional-looking website in just five minutes.

    22. 8b


    Soon, you will be becoming a website owner. With 8b, a free responsive website builder, creating your website is easy and fast. It is top-notch software for users of all skill levels. Regardless of skill level, all web developers can benefit from 8b.

    With 8b, you can easily create a website for different industries such as agencies, medical facilities, hotels, real estate, music, sports, restaurants, and more. You can choose the category, create the page's name, and modify the template. Once you're done, you can publish your website with just a few clicks.

    8b provides a fantastic feature that allows users to edit and update their website on a smartphone or tablet, making it incredibly mobile-friendly. This means you can change your site on the go without being at your computer.

    23. Webs


    Webs, a free responsive website builder, keep up with the latest online and technological standards to ensure your pages are optimised for various devices, such as mobile phones, and compatible with different web browsers.

    Additionally, Webs include social media integration and robust search engine optimisation features for your website. With Webs, you won't need to hire a programmer or designer and pay a lot of money for their services because you can create your website on your own.

    When you start using Webs, you can select from a range of pre-designed templates and customise them using the in-browser website builder without coding. The drag-and-drop technology allows you to make changes easily.

    Webs also offers video presentations to help you get started. You can watch a video presentation beforehand to get an idea of how it works.

    24. PageXL 

    Page XL

    If you need to create a one-page or landing page, PageXL is a free responsive website builder that can help. It has all the necessary features and tools to help you build a stunning and functional one-page website easily and passionately.

    PageXL is a free website builder specialising in creating landing pages and one-page websites. It offers various templates for different purposes, such as non-profit organisations, restaurant apps, weddings, and small businesses.

    With PageXL, you can let your creativity run wild and make a unique impact. PageXL offers free hosting coverage, SSL certificates, and other tech-related needs. All your creations will be quickly responsive and flexible on all browser platforms.

    Furthermore, PageXL pages are designed to be easily found by search engines, so you don't have to worry about search engine optimisation. Plus, you can update your page using your mobile device, even if you're away from your computer.

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    25. WebStarts 


    If you have a business, having a website is essential. There is no way around running a business without a website. A website can attract new visitors and potential customers to your business, and it should be well-designed and visually appealing.

    With WebStarts, a free responsive website builder, you can access all the tools to make your website look stylish and attractive. WebStarts lets you establish a blog, develop an online store, or create a page that promotes your business.

    Create a website quickly and efficiently using WebStarts while expending minimal time and effort. WebStarts also offers domain registrations, website hosting, and essential design tools.

    1. Bookmark

    Advance innovation and join the hundreds of happy users who trust Bookmark. Any agency, startup, business, or online portfolio site can use our free responsive website builder to create a website

    It is suitable for viewing on contemporary, technologically advanced gadgets and well-liked browsers because it is entirely mobile and retina ready. In addition to a plethora of additional capabilities, Bookmark offers a hundred elements plus portfolio layouts. 

    For adaptability, it offers both multi- and one-page layout possibilities. Pick a typeface and colour scheme from a variety that suits your taste. The incredible Aida is what separates Bookmark from the competing choices. An AI design helper handles the majority of your site design work. 

    AIDA provides the most appropriate lesson for improving further following a series of straightforward questions. You can use Bookmark's free eLearning business courses along with the manuals.

    2. WebsiteBuilder

    You are correct; the name of this website editor is WebsiteBuilder. Its name is very straightforward so that you can quickly recognise how wonderful it is. One can use the free responsive website builder WebsiteBuilder for almost any purpose.

    After selecting the ideal website design, WebsiteBuilder promises a drag-and-drop customising process that requires no coding expertise. Once you begin working with WebsiteBuilder, you will also receive access to a great library of templates, graphics, and extras.

    With a name as generic as WebsiteBuilder, you can anticipate that it has a wide range of options for the kind of website you want to create. Additionally, WebsiteBuilder offers a simplified social integration and SEO strategy to increase online visibility. You can continue changing your page to offer a cutting-edge user experience after it has gone live.

    3. WebSelf 

    WebSelf aims to make every website its clients create look attractive and enticing. With this free responsive website builder, customisation is easy, and you can do it in various ways. To get the trip off to the perfect start, pick from a variety of more than 100 templates.

    Put your spin on everything, from blog entries to media integrations, to change it up. Are no pictures in stock? Then choose a few from the free image library provided by WebSelf and customise it as you see fit. There is no need to worry because everything is free of royalties.

    With WebSelf, there are no restrictions on your creativity. Utilise Facebook, Twitter, and other social media to advance your brand while boosting website traffic and generating fresh leads. The leading SEO elements of WebSelf's websites make them search engine friendly.

    Additionally, WebSelf offers safe and secure web hosting so you can launch your website as soon as you're ready. You can always contact their support staff, who are eager to assist you.

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    Why Do We Need to Create a Responsive Website?

    Why Do We Need to Create a Responsive Website

    Regarding current web design trends, responsive design is quite essential. And the reason is not that it is convenient (although this aspect is also crucial). That's also because search engines now rank responsive websites. In the long run, this significantly impacts your website's marketing and visitor flow.

    What Do the Numbers Say?

    Have you ever considered the number of users that use their mobile devices to view their favourite websites or check up on the data they are fascinated by? Do you know the percentage of online purchases on a tablet or smartphone? The most recent statistics may surprise you quite a bit!

    According to significant trends and reports, the total number of unique mobile users browsing their favourite smartphone websites today reaches approximately 5.44 billion. That is merely a 3.2 per cent increase over the per year.

    More than 4.89 billion people are using social media, an increase of 6.5 from one year ago. Furthermore, one can predict that by the end of 2024, about 71% of individuals will frequently access the worldwide network via mobile devices.

    These numbers cannot be understated. If you truly want to market your business online, attract customers, and grow your customer base, you will make sure to make your webpage responsive.

    Google's Views on Responsive Web Design

    Google revealed at the start of 2015 that mobile-friendliness is one of the vital website ranking variables for its search engine algorithms. It marked the beginning of the digitisation of websites.

    Since then, a lot has changed, and it is rare to discover websites that need to be mobile-friendly. But how about mobile-friendly websites? Are they more successful than their mobile-optimised rivals or versions?

    About two years ago, Google unveiled a new method for indexing and ranking websites. Today, this strategy is referred to as "Mobile-First Indexing." It indicates that Google initially considered a website's relevancy in the search query results using the desktop version more than a year ago.

    In the future, it will primarily favour mobile website versions when producing search engine results. So, if your website needs to be more responsive, get on it so you don't lose your search engine rankings.

    What Could You Do to Change That?

    Your website must adhere to several standards to be responsive and properly indexed by search engines. What you should do about that is as follows:

    • Ensure that the text, photos with alt attributes, and videos on your website are identical between the desktop and mobile versions;
    • Both versions should also contain the structured website data and metadata (page titles and descriptions);
    • Make sure your hosting can handle increased traffic. Only those users are affected by this, as their websites have distinct URLs for mobile versions.
    • Keep in mind that most websites now use the Mobile First Indexing procedure. You can prevent issues with SEO by taking the steps outlined above.

    Conclusion on How To Create A Responsive Website

    How To Create A Responsive Website

    Keeping your website mobile-friendly has become increasingly crucial as more people use their mobile devices to browse the internet.


    Making a responsive website is one of the finest ways to guarantee that it is prepared for more mobile visits in the upcoming years.Modern responsive website builders like The Fynd Platform, Weebly, and 1&1 have made it incredibly simple to create a mobile responsive website, even if you need to be tech knowledgeable.

    You may also create a website with them if you have a computer, an internet connection, and the ability to move objects around your screen. Making your website is no longer a difficult task. You pay an exact monthly price to use website builders' services. 

    So you must understand what you're getting into before giving a random freelancer thousands of dollars. (Note: If this is your first website, we strongly recommend you build it using a drag-and-drop website builder.)

    Does it seem too fantastic to be true? It is! And to believe it, you must see it for yourself. You may have a mobile-friendly website online in a matter of clicks. It's time to flaunt it to your loved ones!

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    What is the best free responsive website builder?

    This question lacks a definite response. What you require from your website will determine which responsive builder is best for you. For us, we favour the Fynd Platform. It's simple to use, provides complete creative control over your site's design, and lets you change your website's mobile version separately.

    How can I build a responsive website in the best way possible?

    We recommend the Fynd Platform to build your responsive website in under 30 minutes.

    How do we make my website mobile responsive?

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    You can make your website responsive with the Fynd Platform in under 30 minutes. To know more about the process, read our article!

    Which framework is most common for responsive web design?

    A free and open-source front-end framework is Bootstrap. It is used for designing and creating web applications and responsive web pages.

    What are the core three components of a responsive website?

    The Three Key Elements of Responsive Design are Systems for fluid grids, the Use of fluid images, & media searches.

    Which app is best for creating a website?

    We recommend the Fynd Platform, the best app for creating a responsive website in under 30 minutes.

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