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Ten Great Reasons Why An E-Commerce Site Should Have A Blog?

 Ten Great Reasons Why An E-Commerce Site Should Have A Blog?

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

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Blogs are the virtual doors for acquiring new customers and show you are open for everyday business! They improve the level of trust towards your organization and are essential to get the site content crawled and indexed by search engines. This way, blogs enhance the visibility of eCommerce websites and make them recognizable in the highly crowded eCommerce market.


A well-researched blog can open up a world of exciting opportunities for your ecommerce business. They help the search engine crawl efficiently on your business website due to the intelligent use of good traffic volume keywords as on-site content that contains links, specific phrasing, and content related to the eCommerce business. It helps grow the organic traffic of the brand that can be effectively utilized to educate & engage the target audience about your products. 


Ecommerce blogs can also help you generate quality leads, build brand trust, awareness, loyalty, authority, improve search engine rankings & increase conversion rates. Here are some great reasons why an eCommerce site should have a blog.


1) Brands you as an industry expert

Blogging has become a powerful medium for sharing your expertise with the world. When you blog regularly, you build credibility and create a positive image for yourself. It gives readers a glimpse into who you are and what makes you tick, so they know what to expect when they work with you.


It can help get more clients as people will trust you with their projects when they see that you are an experienced and knowledgeable person managing the eCommerce brand. 


It helps you connect with the right audience, build trust and credibility, generate leads, drive traffic to your website and most importantly, build a personal brand that solves the customer’s problems.


2) Search engine optimization

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most effective ways to attract new customers and increase revenue.  Blogging can help in boosting your SEO by providing fresh, quality content with excellent organic traffic.


As it is an excellent source of information, people will find it helpful and share it over social media platforms. It improves your website's search ranking, attracts potential customers, improves website search engine optimization (SEO), and helps get more quality traffic from different channels. 


You can easily rank higher on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) when it comes to popular keywords in your niche. The no-follow and dofollow backlinks earned from posts and comments on blog posts can increase site trust and potentially bring thousands of targeted visitors in the future who are interested in the company news, products, and services.


3) Perfect place to make announcements

A blog acts as a virtual spokesperson of the company and is a perfect place to make company announcements anytime, from anywhere. It is an easy way for customers to see what is happening at your company, rather than searching for that information on social media or other channels.


It can make a big difference in building trust and loyalty among your customer base since they get highly authorized branded content from your company website directly rather than through an external third-party source You can announce product launches, market performance, limited offers, deals, discounts, and a lot more using blogs.


4) Customer engagement

Are you aware that fully engaged customers represent a 23% higher share in profitability, revenue, and relationship growth? Blogging helps in improving customer engagement by providing a direct interaction channel between the company and its customers. A steady stream of new, relevant content allows you to attract new readers and build relationships with returning readers.


It also reduces the bounce rate of the website, makes the visitors stay longer, and increases customer interaction and engagement with different elements of the website. The blog comments help gather valuable consumer feedback, understand their needs, and thus develop better products.


5) Build an online community

To become a successful blogger, you need to build an online community around your blog. The best way to do this is by engaging with your readership personally and providing them with valuable, informative content that they want to read and utilize.


Steps to building an online community

Step 1: Research the competition apps or websites

Step 2: Choose a platform like an eCommerce website

Step 3: Create relevant, unique content targeting the niche 

Step 4: Grow followers, engage & interact with the community members

Step 5: Spread your platform presence on the social media

Step 6: Track success indicators like user behaviour, number of clicks, and length of stay 

Examples of popular online community: eCommerce Elites Mastermind, Ecom Empires, The Ecommerce marketing community


6) Boost your conversion rate

57% of marketers say they have earned customers specifically through blogging. A blog can be a rich source of conversions and help build an active readership of people who will stay engaged and transform into paying customers.


Proven tips to boost blog conversion rate

  • Create a call to action in your top bar, like "Do you want more discount…read now."
  • Place a CTA box at the end of a blog post, like "If you have enjoyed this post, get updates; it's free."
  • Create a compelling Call To Action (CTA) in your conclusion like Sign up, Learn more, contact us
  • Use links to another blog post in the existing content to increase viewers' time on your site
  • Use the social media sharing button to share your blog post on Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Facebook.


7) Builds brand loyalty

A blog is a great way to build and nurture relationships with customers and prospects. It helps you establish your brand, raise awareness, gain customer trust and convert potential customers into loyal fans. A


A blog post can be written in any format like article, video, audio, infographics, interviews, guest blogging etc. By writing about news, trends, tips, real stories, case studies, reviews and advice relevant to your products or services, you can attract a loyal following of people who will want to hear from you in the future.


Steps to build brand loyalty using the blog

  • Plan a blog as step-by-step instructions with expert tips that are helpful to solve a problem that your customers are struggling with. For example, if your product is an email marketing tool for eCommerce businesses, you can post when to send emails to achieve the best open rates.
  • If you have a chance to interview an expert from your industry, record the interview and share it as a thought leadership blog post and also use the expert’s video in the blog.
  • Share business success stories to assist your potential customers in improving their strategies.


8) Grow your email list

Blogging is a powerful way to build your email list. It can be time-consuming and requires self-discipline, but it's worth the effort because most people prefer reading blogs over watching videos or listening to podcasts. 


You can grow an email list by using these practical tips:


  • Use an opt-in form on your blog and capture customer’s email address
  • Use exit-intent popups to prompt reading visitors on the blog to sign up for the mailing list 
  • Publish regular content on your website and share it with your social media followers. 

The more traffic you generate to your website through these activities, the more subscribers you will be able to acquire for your email list.


9) Get a free marketing platform

Blogging is a powerful tool for promoting your business, services, and products. It is a free marketing platform where you can connect with prospective customers and make them aware of the brand, vision, goals, products, and services. 


A blog acts as a free marketing platform in multiple ways:


  • When you publish a blog, it broadcasts valuable & critical information on the internet using branded content stuffed with relevant keywords to connect with like-minded audiences.
  • You can publish interviews, case studies, success stories & research papers to reach out to potential audiences genuinely interested in your services.
  • Blogs provide a space to place your content shared across the internet via social media, emails, and other platforms, and they can contribute to increased audience views.
  • It helps create an impressive business portfolio as a proof to drive B2B and B2C customers to the website. 
  • It has the right tools to share your content on different platforms without spending on advertisements.


10) Supports your social media marketing efforts

Each blog post you write has a unique URL, which can be included in different social media posts and link to in your other online marketing efforts. You can add "like" and "share" buttons to your blog posts, which is an essential part of expanding your social media reach.


If you include buttons on your website and blog that link to your social media profiles, this will help you gain more fans and followers. We hope you enjoyed our article about why blogs are crucial to eCommerce businesses.


A blog is a great way to engage your customers and entice them to keep coming back. So whether you are looking to increase sales or improve your business's reputation, a blog is a great way to do it. 


Fynd Platform empowers startups and entrepreneurs to weave their community of loyal users using blogging as a handy feature on every eCommerce site. You can boost search engine rankings, build credibility, increase website traffic, and foster relationships with customers with minimal expense and effort. To know more, Schedule a demo or Contact us now!

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