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How To Make The Website Mobile-Friendly

How To Make The Website Mobile-Friendly

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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Mobile is the leading platform for web searching and browsing; hence, people often look for the answer, like how to make the website mobile-friendly. Businesses are trying to offer a seamless mobile experience. According to experts, a mobile-friendly website positively affects brand image and sales. 

In 2015, Google first launched the mobile-friendly update for boosting the ranking of mobile-friendly web pages on mobile search results. Post that, in 2016, Google declared to strengthen the mobile-friendly ranking signal. 

Afterwards, big-scale businesses get extra focus on mobile website development. For instance, some popular mobile eCommerce sites are Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, Zomato, etc. 

The primary reason for a mobile-friendly website is it includes a better user experience, higher brand visibility, and greater conversion rates. Statista reports show that approximately 60% of website traffic comes from smartphones. 

On the other hand, approximately 4676.12 million people have spent 5 hours a day on their smartphones. Based on the report generated by Statista, the number of users of smartphones will increase to 7.5 billion by 2026. Hence, there is a chance of rising global web traffic. Therefore, mobile websites are more beneficial than mobile apps.

What Does Mobile Friendly Mean?

It is essential to know what mobile-friendly is, and one should have a detailed knowledge of the same before developing a website. Mobile-friendly means the website performs well on mobile devices such as tablets or phones. 

One can refer to the following features to develop a mobile-friendly website-

  • Responsive Design: The responsive design leads to adapting the mobile screen size, whether one is changing the size of the desktop tab or can browse from a tablet or mobile.

  • Mobile app: Sometimes, some apps are built exclusively for mobile audiences. In such cases, the website builders should ensure that the website has been developed from scratch so the users can get the information in detail. 

  • Dynamic Serving: The users view a different and purpose-built website version, depending on the device they visit. 

As per the experts, the responsive design should be the minimum feature aimed at the users. According to the experts of Google, one should not focus only on the main routes to make the website more accessible. One should edit the auto-generated mobile website since one can aim for an outstanding mobile user experience rather than the “acceptable” one.

How to Make Website Mobile Friendly

How to Make Website Mobile Friendly

Mobile phones are inseparable in our daily lives. As per the statistical report, the mobile platform accounted for approximately 58.99% of the overall traffic in 2022’s second quarter.

Hence, people are now giving extra focus on building mobile applications separately from developing and running a website. Consequently, the developers and the designers also focus on delivering seamless website UX on mobile phones. To build a mobile-friendly website, the website owners should consider some of the following factors, such as

  • What is the process of making a website mobile friendly?
  • What is the way of ensuring cross-browser compatibility for a mobile-friendly website?
  • How to optimise the mobile website to get maximum conversions?  

Steps to Develop Mobile Friendly Website in 2024- Top Tips to Follow

Tons of mobile website builders are available in the market. Hence, one should consider the following factors and steps to design a mobile website. 

1. Select a Mobile Responsive Theme or Template

At first, the mobile website builders should select a mobile responsive template or theme. The theme is something that the top website builders use to cover most of the templates. 

Kindly note that a mobile responsive website can successfully boost the SEO value of the website. Consequently, it will help Google prefer indexing and improve the ranking of mobile-friendly websites

A mobile responsive website is successfully operational on mobile devices and desktop platforms. To check mobile responsiveness, one should consider the following features-

  • Try to run out a quick test with the help of BrowserStack Responsive.
  • One should put the website URL, and then the tool is displayed immediately on the device screen.
  • While testing, you can find the website’s appearance on mobile phones and desktops. After that, you can optimize the feature to make the website highly mobile-friendly.

Once the testing is over, the testers will get accurate test insights. Based on the inclusive experience, one can take decisions further regarding mobile website building.  Here are some examples available that provide a top-notch responsive theme or template.

  • Squarespace: It offers water-tight mobile responsiveness and can be a top mobile website building choice. With the help of Squarespace, users can develop a website from scratch, and the view mobile experience will be the top priority.

  • Wix: It offers a wide range of mobile-friendly templates. Nonetheless, the users should also check the mobile view before confirming anything. The size of Wix’s templates is customizable. On the contrary, one should not translate the same seamlessly, and he customizable tweaking.

Kindly note that if you plan to build a website using a CMS system, like WordPress, you must ensure that the theme or template you have chosen for building the mobile-friendly website should be mobile responsive. Such flexibility should be there. 

Therefore, one should search for a responsive theme in WordPress from the own theme library or choose a third-party site like Themeforest.  

Pro tip: One should read user reviews before choosing a mobile-friendly website builder. If possible, check out the appearances of any site using specific themes From your mobile so that you can gain a better experience. 

Remember, if one is using an old and non-responsive theme or mobile template, then the users should add the coding line into each page's <head> tag, such as <meta name=" viewport" content=" width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Through this, the pages of your mobile will automatically reformat, which will fit the device width or can switch from the landscape style to portrait. 

Fynd Platform: As per the experts, one can quickly get the support of multiple themes in mobile apps. All those mobile apps by the Fynd platform are customizable. Remember that one can apply a theme for the mobile apps if available in the library. 

Since your mobile app will need at least one theme, you cannot keep your library (shared with the Fynd platform) at zero. 

Tip: If you upgrade your mobile theme, you should upgrade all the themes available in the Theme library. Under mobile theme customization, one can remove a theme (if you want) from the theme library. 

The fynd platform's theme will allow the users to add SEO information to every system page. The SEO information includes collections, categories, homes, brands, and many more. For the same, the users should select the system page from the drop-down and the need to click on the overflow icon. 

SEO Checklist Followed by Fynd Platform: The SEO approach of the Fynd platform will significantly affect the e-commerce website's sales. The SEO optimization of the Fynd platform maximizes the website's visibility and optimizes web search.

2. Strip Back the Content

Next, the mobile website builder must select a lovely responsive template or theme. For the same, one can consider the automated mobile view for the website and strip it to the back. 

While updating the content for the web page, the developers should consider the space restrictions, especially for the smaller screen. If required, only critical content elements are prominently viewed. 

  • Distill the Offer: Focus on the primary goal of the page you are on, and do not hesitate to make this a lot more prominent on the mobile version. The mobile app's homepage allows users to find things quickly. Also, on the desktop version, the design should be a bit pushy. 

  • Do not use large chunks of text: Try to add short and to-the-point content. Refrain from using unnecessary chunks or complex content which is hard to read or understand. The visitors will not like completing the entire web page content.

  • Use of Shorten Forms: Avoid using long forms. Instead, mobile website builders should add shortened forms to keep engaging the visitors. So that they can read the entire content easily and within a shorter period and can also move to the next page easily.

Top Tips: Pesky autocorrect is a useful way of turning the form filling into a major waste of time. Hence, save the stress of the readers by switching it off. However, if you have access to adding code for making corrections, then ensure to autocorrect the field by setting it to autocorrect=off. 

3. Make Images and CSS as Light as Possible

The website builders should use the low weightage images and CSS so that the page loading speed will not be higher. Pictures and the builders need to use light weightage videos. 

Google has specified that website speed is a crucial factor in controlling rank. For instance, if the page loading speed is high, visitors will feel reluctant to visit the website. In turn, the website will lose its rank over the other competitors in the search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Unless you select low-weightage images or videos, visitors from remote locations cannot open the page and will leave the webpage. 

  • Compress the Images: When uploading the image to the website, either mobile or desktop, it will be crucial to compress the images using the free online tool, The tool will minimise the image size by keeping the image quality sound.

  • Host the videos with a third party: Try to upload the videos to a third party for embedding to your website. It refers to the virtual weight of those videos to keep that to the selected website. For instance, Wistia can be an excellent example in this regard. However, YouTube is also effective. 

To host the videos with the third party, one can refer to the below-mentioned points-

  • Visit the WordPress page or post
  • Search the embedded code and post that. Click on the ‘Text’ tab
  • Find out the part like “Youtubeurlhere”
  • Add ?autoplay=0&rel=0, and after that, add Youtubeurlhere
  • Next, the code appears as src=”Youtubeurlhere?autoplay=0&rel=0″
  • Click on the ‘Update’, and now you are ready to host the videos with the third party

Top Tip: If you feel that your created videos will not be going perfectly on YouTube, then you should select the Visibility option to unlisted. Hence, none can stumble upon it anywhere but your website. 

4. Avoid Flash

You're at home browsing the web when you find a fantastic website. You pull out your mobile device the following day to demonstrate the webpage to a friend, but you're disappointed. 

Why? Because many mobile devices do not support Flash, website depends on it. To illustrate just how constrained that design platform is, look at this list of gadgets that do support Flash. Notable omissions from the list include some of the most widely used gadgets.

1. Changing Button Size and Placement 

Every website uses buttons to link through the other sections or forms. Nonetheless, a goof button can quickly turn into a bad button on the mobile device if it is not in the correct place or size. 

First, you should consider your phone's uses and how you hold the same. For instance, if you are using your thumb for everything, you cannot reach the other features, and it might be challenging to deal with the situation. The user experience will be worst.

One must focus on the place of CTAs on a mobile site. And once one gets the app buttons in the right place, the focus should be on the correct size. Hence, it will be more difficult to click correctly with a thumb than with a mouse. 

2. Space between links

One should check how it is difficult to click accurately with a thumb, just opposite to the mouse, which brings us nicely to the next point. One should check whether any hyperlinks on your mobile site are working correctly or not. 

  • They are not too close together to restrict people from accidentally clicking on the wrong object.
  • Remember to link out your mobile pages, which are also mobile-optimized for experiencing a seamless user journey.

3. Uses of Large and Readable Fonts

Though it is advisable to set the font size for the desktop is 14px. Nonetheless, one should check how it looks on a mobile phone before you make it confirm. If you choose a 14px font size for your mobile phone, you might find it small. Hence, all users should cross-check the font size's readability. 

According to the experts, one must keep the fonts "on brand," if possible, across all the platforms. In the case of mobile, the users will get much less space to explore things, whereas, on desktop, such a problem does not occur.

Therefore, on a desktop, one can get space out of the text and the breaks and images. In addition, one should bold or capitalize several lines of text instead of stopping them from merging. Large fonts will help the visitors to get the content visible.


4. Eliminating Pop-Ups

Pop-ups work well on a desktop, but you cannot avoid them when it comes to mobile apps. It is challenging to deal with the challenge, especially on such a small screen.  Also, the visitors cannot tailor the pop-up to the trigger at any moment. In turn, the visitors might exit the web page. 

Hence, the developers should affirm that the display ads are there subtly to deal with the most common web design mistakes, lowering the chances of mobile conversion rate. Here are some techniques which can be subtle in the pop-up implementation-

  • Try to implement the pop-up only when the visitors scroll down 70%-80% of the mobile web page.
  • Remember to match the pop-up design with the mobile-T design.
  • The design CTA buttons on the pop-up should be clear and actionable.

5. Optimizing the Website

The speed of the web page plays a significant role in creating the first impression in the visitor's mind. 

According to the statistical report, 47% of visitors leave the website if the page loading speed exceeds 2 seconds. Also, if the web page delays 1 second to reload, the website's conversion rate will hurt by 7%.

According to Google Analytics, a high-speed web page can increase the website's ranking. Hence, mobile builders aim to increase the speed rate of the website. 

To evaluate the page loading time of a webpage, the mobile developers should run the speed test on BrowserStack SpeedLab. For the same, they need to provide the URL of the webpage and then select the start button. 

In brief, it is a free tool for measuring the website speed on multiple browser-device combinations. The test will show the page loading score out of 100 for the mobile and desktop platforms separately.

6. Incorporate Viewport Meta Tag

With the help of incorporating meta tags, the developers will get control over the viewport's width and scaling so that the website can fit all devices. 

As per the viewport meta tag instructor, the browser can resize the web page width depending on the device screen. One can refer to the following code snippet for defining the meta element on each of the web pages

7. Declutter the Web Design for Mobile 

It is necessary to ensure that web developers do not clutter the website by adding every functionality on the same page. It will create confusion and make things difficult for users to understand. They cannot navigate the page since there will be too many elements. 

Offer the complex functions upfront, as this is the most searched function. As per the experts, the developers should prioritize a neat and minimalist design so everybody can navigate easily. 

Follow some essential functionalities regarding the decluttering of mobile-friendly web design-

  • Developers can incorporate one of the core elements of modern web design.
  • Mobile users can also access the complete menu with a single click. 
  • This process will make navigation easier and foster an enriched visual appeal.

Top Tips: If possible, run a responsive test to verify whether the website design is decluttered. 

8. Test the Website on Real Mobile Devices  

This is the most effective way to test whether your web page works correctly on your mobile device.  

  • Testing the website on a mobile device will help you find the error so developers can solve the issues or discrepancies. 
  • It will improve the real-time browsing speed of mobile users.

Testing the websites from real iOS and Android might be challenging without having access to the comprehensive test infrastructure. The BrowserStack test also comprises mobile-specific tools like geolocation testing, network simulation, push notification, location testing, etc. 

Reasons to Choose the Fynd Platform for Making Mobile Friendly Website

Considering the features mentioned above, one can rely on the Fynd platform for developing a mobile-friendly website. Find the following reasons for choosing the Fynd platform for website building-

1. Ease of Use:

Ease of Use

The developers should focus on decluttering the website so users can navigate the options easily. The Fynd platform assures you to provide all the website's features quickly. The websites are usually user-friendly.

Hence, visitors like to explore the website more instead of leaving it quickly. The primary aim of the Fynd platform is to develop a connection between you and your consumers. 

2. Security and Data Management:

Business continuity is one of the significant features through which the Fynd platform,m ensures to maintain the security of its customers. In addition, the Fynd platform is also on the way to getting ISO 27001:2013 compliant to support the information security and privacy of all the brands and cybersecurity available on the Fynd platform.

3. Domain Integration:

Domain Integration

Getting an appropriate name for your business is essential. The Fynd platform will allow you to integrate the custom domain or select your domain name. 

4. Custom Staff Management:

Custom Staff Management

With the help of the Fynd platform, one can delegate access to your team or a particular section of the website. This feature will help you maintain transparency among the team. 

5. Automated Marketing SMS or Emailers:

Automated Marketing SMS or Emailers

An eCommerce business must frequently communicate with visitors. Automated marketing SMS and emailers help in building a steady relationship with visitors. The Fynd platform has predefined SMS and email templates. One can easily create raw HTML or customized emails with free in-house editors. 

6. 24/7 Support:

24_7 Support

Fynd platform assures assistance or support 24/7. Hence, one can get the email to solve the queries by customer support and also support to respond within 24 hours. 

7. SEO-Friendly Attributes:

Fynd platform assures that its product catalogue includes the maximum attributes which define the product and help the consumers make informed decisions. 

8. One Month Free Trial on Fynd Platform:

Fynd platform assures a one-month free trial, so one can get a chance to accustom to the Fynd platform. Hence, one must enter the credit card details on the free trial's last day to continue with the Fynd platform. The free trial is valid to run during promotional events. 

9. Real-Time Price Integration:

Fynd platform offers a real-time price integration policy. Hence, if you plan to launch a single brand or multiple brands, there will be only one real-time catalogue and inventory system.  

10. Customized Theme:

Customized Theme

The designs and themes made by the Fynd platform are responsive to the mobile-friendly theme. Here the users will get all the customization. The users will have complete control over the online store and app. Hence, one can customize the payment gateway and popularity filters under one platform. 

11. No Hidden Cost:

Honest pricing is the primary reason for choosing the Fynd platform. The developers have listed down the accurate features for each of the different plans. The Commission structure of the Fynd platform also comprises the payment gateway integration. 

12. Cost Effective:

Cost Effective

The honest pricing and the choice of the Fynd platform is also a cost-effective program. For instance, one can develop a mobile-friendly website at just $ 7 / month and access custom domain integration. 

Hence, paying such a budget-friendly price plan, one can use multiple themes. As a result, the Fynd platform could be the best and ideal mobile website builder. 

It also has an add-on feature so that the brands can create a distinct look on the mobile web store, and the customers will get a chance to go through a unique experience. 

Why Optimizing your Website for Mobile is Important?

With the help of mobile optimization technology, the websites can reformat themselves for the device. A mobile-optimized website looks different in terms of the responsive site since it configures with the mobile user and has a different URL. 

If you have a mobile-optimized website, the website's images will be comparatively lighter than the conventional ones. Hence, the page loading of mobile-friendly web pages is quick. 

Also, the mobile website's button sizes accommodate the broader fingers. More specifically, the buttons in mobile-friendly websites are customized for scrolling and pinching. 

In addition, for mobile optimization, the text of the websites should be short yet easy to read, and there should be minimal conversion steps. The viewers should confirm that all the provided details are safe. 

Henceforth, mobile responsive websites usually offer a range of payment options, which include the entry of credit card details, such as PayPal, Google Pay, or Apple Pay. 

A mobile-responsive website also offers a simple way to navigate the menus available. For instance, mobile-optimized sites aim at reducing pop-ups and graphics in general. Thus, the icons used in mobile responsive websites are splash screens.

Benefits of Having a Mobile-Friendly Website

Benefits of Having a Mobile-Friendly Website

Based on recent studies, most of the digital traffic has been coming from mobile devices and apps. For instance, 25%-60% of the overall traffic comes from mobile phones. As per the experts, mobile-friendly websites can boost sales and conversions since it is quite easy to access. 

In turn, the mobile-friendly website helps increase interaction and engagement with the brand across devices. Increased accessibility is vital to create long-term loyalty and helps in customer retention. Hence, the benefits of having a mobile-friendly website are as follows-

1. Increase the time spent on the website.

If you apply a mobile-friendly website design, the website will get more time from visitors. Also, amidst the competitive market, a mobile-friendly website will grab the visitors' attention over the rest of the websites. It will, in turn, help you to convert the visitors to your loyal customers' list.

2. Enhance the User Experience

Enhance the User Experience

Fynd Platform If you add unnecessary features, tools, or content to your website, people will like to spend less time on this web page, which reduces the chances of converting visitors to consumers. 

They need help reading the website's valued information from their mobile devices. This is why developing or installing a mobile-friendly website or setup is necessary. 

3. High Load Website Speed: 

A mobile-friendly website will usually load faster than a regular website, as the HTML coding is structured and highly compatible with other devices. As per recent studies, if the website's page loading speed is high (if they have to wait for 5 seconds), the visitors immediately leave the website. 

4. SEO Friendly

If you want to improve your SEO, then Google suggests making a mobile-responsive website separately. Apart from that, you can also create separate HTML websites, which can serve the purposes of mobile users. 

5. Maximize Brand Visibility

If your website is mobile-friendly, you can highlight the brand name, addresses, messages, and logo in front of the general public; hence, you can expand the business.

6. Call to Action

Call to Action

One should subscribe to the newsletter and fill out the contact form if you are shopping from a website. Therefore, the Call to Action feature should be precise. With its help, the call to action will be easy to access. 

7. Attract More Local Customers

Attract More Local Customers

Mobile SEO is highly beneficial to attracting more local customers, which is more aligned with local SEO. Hence, people from the local area can easily find the search queries.

Also, if they are running their businesses nearby to your geographical location and if you find their mobile responsive website, then you will be more likely to purchase from them online. 

How does a Mobile-Friendly Website Differ From a Mobile App? 

A mobile-friendly website consists of browser-based HTML pages linking across the Internet (for the WiFi, 3G, or 4G networks). The mobile-friendly website is quite different from the standard website, designed exclusively for the smaller handheld display and touchscreen interface. 

The mobile-friendly website shows the text content, images, data, and video so users can access mobile-specific features, such as click-to-call or location-based mapping. Mobile apps are nothing but actual applications which are downloaded and installed on the mobile device instead of being rendered using a browser. 

For instance, users often visit the Apple app store, android market, or Blackberry app world to find and download apps for a specific operating system. Usually, mobile apps pull the content from the internet, or they might download it so that the users can access it without having an internet connection. 

Which is Better- A Mobile App or a Mobile Responsive Website?

If the question arises, like which one is better, a mobile app or a mobile responsive website, the decision depends on the end goal. A mobile app will be better if you plan to develop an interactive game. If you plan to offer mobile-friendly content, creating a mobile-friendly website will suit the broadest possible audience. 

Based on the experts' suggestions, a mobile website is built first. Later under the presence of a mobile web, one can approach mobile app development. For instance, if your prime objective is related to marketing or public communication, the first step is developing a mobile responsive website. 

The mobile-responsive website offers inherent advantages such as compatibility, cost-effectiveness, and broader accessibility. Here is a detailed comparison between Mobile Apps and Mobile Friendly websites, which is necessary to understand before concluding. 

  • Immediacy: A mobile-friendly website is readily available, and one can get access from any browser across a range of devices, whereas to get access to the features of the mobile apps, one should download and install the app from the app marketplace. Hence, there is a significant barrier between the initial engagement and action/conversion. Mobile websites are readily available

  • Upgradability: The mobile website is way more flexible than the mobile apps in updating content. E.g., if one wants to edit and update the content of a mobile-friendly website, then he can do the same, and the changes will be visible immediately. When one updates an app, he needs to share this update with the users. From this point, one can say that mobile-friendly websites can be upgraded instantly compared to mobile apps. 

  • Compatibility: Mobile websites are easy to reach across several mobile devices, whereas mobile apps demand a different version for each type of device. Besides, mobile website URL integration is easy within mobile technologies, like SMS, QR codes, and near-field communication (NFC). Mobile websites are highly compatible compared to Mobile apps. 

  • Findability: Mobile websites are easier to find since the pages are accessible in the search results. Therefore, visitors can automatically visit your website. However, the visibility of the mobile apps is restricted to the manufacturer's app stores. SEO implies mobile websites are available easily. 

  • Shareability: The mobile website's URLs can be shared easily with the users through a simple link (for instance, an email or text message, Twitter post, or Facebook). Publishers can easily direct users to a mobile website from a website or blog. Nonetheless, mobile apps are sharable in this fashion. Another instance of the necessity of mobile websites over mobile apps. 

  • Reach: Mobile websites are easily accessible across several platforms. The same can be shared with the users and the search engines, indicating that mobile websites have a broader reach capability than mobile apps. 

  • LifeCycle: The average life cycle of a mobile app is relatively short, less than 30 days. Therefore, unless the app is truly unique, it is questionable whether the same will last on a user's device. In contrast, mobile websites are readily available for users. Hence, the lifecycle of a mobile website is more than mobile apps.

  • Time and Cost: As per the experts, mobile website development is cost-effective and saves time than mobile app development. 

  • Support and Maintenance: The investment consideration related to the mobile website and mobile app did not only end up after the initial launch to support and maintain the app (upgrades, testing, ongoing development, and compatibility issues). Over time, the maintenance cost of the mobile app is way more expensive than the supporting cast of the website. Hence, the maintenance cost of a mobile website is costlier than mobile apps. 

How a Mobile-Friendly Website Benefits Everyone?

People are often using smartphones and tablets compared the laptops and computers. Hence, they browse websites from their smartphones more than their computers. 

For instance, approximately 61% of visitors do not return to the website if they browse the same from their smartphones. Considering the high uses of a mobile website, some significant advantages of a mobile-friendly website have been discussed in the given section.

  • Easy Accessibility: Sometimes, the web page does not work properly, especially while opening from a mobile. The visitors can only open the page from a laptop or desktop. A mobile eCommerce website is more accessible than modern web design techniques. In such cases, mobile users do not need to wait or suffer from page loading issues. 

  • Higher Conversion Rate: One of the major issues facing the online seller is getting visitors to convert. Mobile websites perform in a much better way compared to traditional websites. People spend much less time on mobile websites to purchase items using desktops or laptops. Hence, a well-designed mobile website can increase conversion rates. 

  • Cost Effective: Mobile website is responsive, which can cut down bandwidth costs. It will not only save money by minimizing the amount of data transferred among the server and customer's browsers. Even with this, one can avoid the cost of developing duplicate versions of your website. 

  • Easy to Navigate: Mobile websites have become popular since more than half of the web traffic comes from mobile devices. Apart from the easily accessible nature, mobile websites are navigated easily. Therefore, having a mobile-friendly website fits on mobile screens to reach more customers.

  • Higher Customer Retention: Mobile websites can minimize the bounce rate and maximize user engagement. The visitors who use the eCommerce website via their smartphones are much more likely to get a return. In turn, the customers will be happier and much more loyal if they shop wherever suits them. 

  • Cross-Device Support: If the mobile website looks different on the desktop than on smartphones, tablets, or laptops, visitors will feel uncomfortable. People expect consistency across devices, regardless of the screen size or the operating system. 

  • Higher Engagement: The mobile-friendly website can increase the visitors' engagement more than the ordinary one. The users like to interact more with the devices and apps rather than be forced the users to click using the mouse. 

In conclusion, a mobile-friendly website design effectively increases a business's reach and maximizes customer retention. Unless you have a mobile website, you can lose valuable business traffic, affecting mobile conversions. 

Therefore, a mobile-friendly website is better than mobile apps from any point. To build a mobile-friendly website, one can take the help of the Fynd platform, which can successfully build a mobile-friendly website. 

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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How do I make my website mobile compatible?

To make a website mobile compatible, one should refer to the following steps, such as

  • Implementation of a responsive, mobile-friendly website.
  • Website speed optimization.
  • Implementation of the subtle pop-up.
  • Incorporate the viewport meta tag.
  • Declutter the web design.
  • Examine the website on real mobile devices.
  • Update the content carefully.
  • Do not use flash.
  • Make the website compatible with both orientations.

How do I make my HTML website mobile-friendly?

To make the HTML website mobile-friendly, one must follow the below-highlighted steps-

Step 1: Adding some illustrations.

Step 2: Tools one needs for the HTML website.

Step 3: Addition of one code line in the HTML file.

Step 4: Media query for the mobile devices.

Step 5: Use Dynamic units to keep the site highly responsive.

Step 6: Addition of new CSS-Structure for the Navigation Links.

Step 7: Summarize the Text columns into one single column.

Step 8: Testing and Finalizing the HTML website.

How do I make my content mobile-friendly?

arrow down

It is necessary to add mobile-friendly content to develop a mobile-friendly website. The mobile website builder can refer to the below-highlighted points for making the content mobile-friendly. 

  • Find out the way of understanding how the visitors will read on the smartphone device.
  • Add chunk content to make the content easy to read.
  • Add short titles to make it crisp and to the point, which is nothing but the brief of the following content.
  • Try to write short and snappy paragraphs.
  • It is advisable to add only small words and not any complex, lengthy sentences.
  • Replace the wordy phrases with simple words.
  • Use images to describe the content, which attracts the visitor's eye-sights. 

What are mobile-friendly websites?

Mobile-friendly websites support to fit the display on a mobile device. In mobile-friendly websites, there will be a lot of zooming, pinching, and scrolling options. E.g., the Fynd platform is the ideal example for developing a mobile-friendly website. 

What is mobile-friendly web design?

The mobile-friendly website design comprises the website's information, such as texts, images, videos, and links- that are readily accessible across several platforms and is adjustable to the smaller screen of smartphones and tablets.

What do you do if your website is not mobile-friendly?

If one website is not mobile-friendly, he needs to refer to the following approaches-

  • Run an actual mobile-friendly test.
  • Re-develop the website on the top of the responsive platform or choose the WordPress theme.
  • Hire a builder to make the existing website more responsive than the previous one. 
  • Test the website to see whether it is mobile-friendly or not.
  • Pass Google's mobile-friendly test. 

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