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SEO Checklist to Enhance Website on Fynd Platform 

SEO Checklist to Enhance Website on Fynd Platform 

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

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The SEO approach of your website built on the Fynd Platform has a major impact on your e-commerce sales. Fynd's SEO optimisation tools increase website visibility, optimise web search, and assist crawl bots in determining the pages to crawl.

As more consumers migrate to internet platforms to satisfy their buying demands, online retail sales have grown exponentially. With consumers preferring to shop in their pyjamas, brick-and-mortar store sales are becoming competitive with those of an online store.  E-commerce is becoming an increasingly appealing destination for shoppers.

Fynd Platform helps businesses shift their brick-and-mortar stores online or launch a complete online e-commerce website. But in a sea of millions of e-commerce businesses,SEO plays an important role in boosting sales and driving leads to generate sky rocketing sales. Moreover, it helps your clients reach your store,gives you more visibility, and converts them into customers by ranking your website on the first page of search results.

SEO-optimization options offered by Fynd Platform:

1. Getting the Robots.txt file right

Robots.txt file

Robots.txt files arestored in your website's root directory and tell the search engines about the pages to crawl. This file is essential for e-commerce websites having a large number of pages, as it will be difficult for crawl bots to crawl pages. Pages such as 'Cart page,' 'Thank you page,' 'Wishlist page,' and so on do not need to be crawled, hence they are excluded using the robots.txt file.

Edit Robots.txt page of Fynd Platform.

Fynd Platform offers to modify the robots.txt files, you may direct the crawl bots away from the parts of your website that don't need to be indexed. Fynd provides a predefined robots.txt file template that you can include in your website's robots.txt option. 

How does the robots.txt file help in SEO?

·        Disallows certain crawlers by blocking them

·        Adds delay times for specific crawlers

·        Modifies delay rules for certain crawlers

·        Allows you to add additional sitemap URLs

2. Adding ‘Custom Tags’ for site verification

Google Site Verification is a tool that is used to define the ownership of your website. Once authenticated and validated, you will have access to your website's private data and will be able to modify how your website is indexed by Google search.  

Adding custom tags for site verification.

Steps to add custom tags on Fynd Platform:

1. Go on Google Search Console via your browser keeping the username and password of your website handy

2. Click the Start Now button andit will open a menu where you can add your domain or website URL

3. Enter the details asked, login in to your account and the Google Search Console will take you to its welcome page

4. Once the details are added, averification box will appear with dropdown options for multiple meta tags choices

5. From the multiple verification methods mentioned, click the HTML tag and copy the code given 

6. Paste the copied HTML tag onthe Fynd Platform by opening Settings> SEO > Custom Tags > Add New Meta Tag

Voila! you have just created a Google Site Verification code and linked it to your Fynd Platform website

3. Enabling sitemaps to ease search engine crawling 

Enabling sitemaps.

Imagine you create a website that contains multiple pages and subpages, but some pages get isolated due to no backlinks. This isolation can result in the page getting invisible to the users and search engines.

Sitemaps list the pages of the website and make sure that theyare easily crawled by search engines. It also helps in understanding the structure of your website, making the navigation simple and smooth. 

Enabling sitemaps.

Fynd Platform provides an option to enable sitemaps, this should be toggled on always. Sitemaps act as a navigation map for your website and makeit visible to the search engine even if there’s no backlink linked to it. Once you update the URL on the search console it may take up to 24 hours to load it successfully. When the website has been verified, it will appear in thesearch results of any search engine.

A sitemap will be most beneficial for your website if:

1.     Your website contains a large number of pages 

2.     You don’t have your interlinking strategy in place

3.     The website is recently launched and is substantially new

4. Add meta ‘Title’ and ‘Description’ to improve searchranking

When you do a simple search on your browser, there appear relevant titles and short descriptions related to the keyword you searched for. These titles and their descriptions are called meta titles and meta descriptions when it comes to SEO.  For SEO optimised content, in the case of Google or any search engine, the character limit for title and description is 60 and 160, respectively.

adding title and meta description.

Fynd Platform offers an application details panel, through which meta titles and descriptions can be added easily. Goto the sales channel settings of your Fynd Platform account > SEO >Application Details > Add Title and Description.

There’s no character limit for adding content, but for it to be completely optimised, you need to add content keeping in mind the standard character limit. Add all the relevant keywords about the services and solutions provided in the description. 

Similar to website SEO, you can also optimize your blogs, pages, and product collection sections created on the Fynd Platform. Visit Marketing > Collections/Pages/Blogs and add relevant meta titles and meta descriptions.  

5. Selecting the right e-commerce keyword research

Keywords are the terms people search to get information or buy the stuff they want. For example; if you're looking for apparel, you will probably search 'Pants', 'T-Shirts', 'Jeans', or 'Shirts for men.

All these become your keywords and they need to be optimised well while writing descriptions and specifications about your product. On Fynd Platform, while adding a product an option is given to add a title and description. This can be used to add relevant keywords and content about the product and improve the search engine ranking.

Using the right keyword enables your customer to reach your website and let them know that you're offering what they want.  The problem with selecting the keyword is that, if you select the wrong keyword and optimise it, either of two things will happen, and both of them are bad for a business: 

1.     Targeting difficult-to-rank keywords and failing to get on page one.

2.     Selecting wrong keywords that people don't search for ultimately leads to no sales, as people are not getting pulled organically.

Both the situations are not ideal and hence need to be avoided when it comes to e-commerce SEO optimisation. Thus, keywords need to be selected based on the search volume, and conversion rates level, and that is fairly easy to rank. To level up youre-commerce SEO keyword research it's important to move in the right direction. Implement the right SEO strategy and use it in your content to rank higher and get the required results in terms of organic conversions.

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Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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