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Convert Your Website Visitors to Customers with Top 5 Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques

Convert Your Website Visitors to Customers with Top 5 Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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Visitors are brought to your website using various channels via marketing and optimizing your SEO. But not all people visiting your website converts to a customer. Unlike websites relying on ad revenue, eCommerce website relies on sales. Thus just visitors are of no use to an eCommerce business.


What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

What is Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization is the process of optimizing your website or landing page that compels visitors to take actionable steps resulting in business growth. It involves making changes in the user interface as per customer behaviour.


How to get more conversions on your website using Fynd Platform?

Fynd Platform offers the most extensive website building and optimizing tools to enhance your website usability and improve UI/UX. Let's understand how you can use the Fynd Platform to increase your website's conversion rate.


1. Enrich your website design

Enrich your website design


The design of a website influences user behaviour. A website can take a user to a product or a page where they can convert to a customer. Aesthetically designed websites have more conversion rates than those with improper layouts.


Users visiting your website have arrived intending to buy something. The design of a website influences their behaviour and compels them to purchase products and checkout seamlessly. Fynd Platform offers multiple themes and options to enhance your website's UI/UX and change its appearance. You can add your colours based on your brand. Effective use of white space and adding colours on actionable items like CTA buttons will increase its visibility.


2. Add high-quality images and offer a virtual try-on

High-quality images allow users to view the product in-depth to get a closer look at what they're buying. Pictures or videos used on your website must be flawless. Fynd Platform offers images, videos, 3D models, and YouTube video addition options on your website. It improves user experience and helps in faster conversions.


The GlamAR (Virtual Try-on) extension allows users to try on beauty products virtually before purchasing them. This feature improves your conversion rates by many folds. It eliminates users' doubt about 'How will that product look on them?'. Site visitors can try on and then buy products increasing conversion rates and decreasing the returns. This extension is currently available exclusively for makeup try on and can be used only on desktop.


3. Offer discounts and inform users about it


Offering discounts is one of the best techniques to increase sales, clear inventory, and improve conversion rate. Visitors prefer buying from websites that offer discounts. You can enable discounts using the Fynd Platform in minutes. Visit Fynd Platform β†’ Products β†’ Discounts β†’ Create Discount. Here you can set the start and end date of the campaign.


Fynd Platform also offers the Bulk Coupon Generator extension to generate up to 50,000 unique coupon codes in one go. You can use this for your upcoming festive campaign or clearance sale. Offer discount to your customers for:

  1. Purchasing their first product from your website
  2. Post-purchase coupon for their next purchase
  3. Special discounts based on festive occasions


You can inform website visitors about the live discounts or coupon codes via the Screensaver extension. It allows you to showcase your best products, promote offers, and share discount codes with customers via images, videos, and ads on the landing page of your website.


You also use the Modern Price Ladder extension to offer ladder-based discounts to users purchasing more than one quantity of the same SKU. It increases the conversion rate and allows customers to buy more by paying less.


4. Enable intelligent search for easy navigation

Businesses should think of site visitors as people who aren't sure what they want to buy yet. Even if they are purchasing anything from a specific category, it is not determined which brand they will purchase. As a merchant, you may influence their decisions by implementing intelligent searches.


The Search feature on Fynd Platform offers three options to enhance your website search. Namely:

  1. Autocomplete Search
  2. Keyword Mapping
  3. Search Re-Ranking


These options increase product discoverability by allowing users to explore more products. Enabling intelligent search improves conversion rates as customer satisfaction with product search directly translates to positive reviews and business growth.


5. Website content optimization

Websites with an aesthetic appeal and an improved UI/UX can still lead to lower conversion if the content cannot hook the visitors. Website copy allows visitors to take actionable steps to purchase the product or leave the site without buying anything. Website copy should be direct, convincing, and to the point. There are two parts of website content:


1. Headlines

‍It is the first thing users notice when they visit your website. If this is convincing and clear enough, the user will stay. Thus your headline should be short and crisp and grabs user attention. The formatting should be proper, and font type, size, and colour should be as per the background. You can choose from the following headline writing styles:

  1. Question: Looking for winter wear?
  2. Address Directly: These beach wears are what you need this summer!
  3. Promote Offers: Use FLAT50 for 50% off!


2. Main body content

‍Since you have hooked your store visitors into staying on your website, answer customer questions and give them relevant answers. The main body content should be concise and represent everything your website offers in one go. Main body content formatting for best results:

  1. Use pointers as much as possible and avoid large paragraphs
  2. Match the font type, size, and colours to the design of your website
  3. Use the right tone depending on your target audience (Formal, fun, friendly, etc.)
  4. Highlight key features and product categories
  5. Use relevant headings and subheadings to divide content into parts


The type of content alters based on the kind of page. For example, the main body should contain the crux of all the products website is offering, and the product page should only include specific information about that product and relevant CTA buttons. Fynd Platform also enable users to create announcements on their website pages that can be used to showcase offers and discounts.


Top 5 mistakes to avoid when dealing with Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

  1. Making continuous changes on the website. It will confuse your consistent customer, and they might consider dropping off.
  2. Writing irrelevant website content copy that doesn’t match with what your website has to offer.
  3. Enabling too many popups and discount banners on the product page. It might frustrate users and reduce conversions.
  4. Underestimating the importance of CTA buttons. Personalised CTAs are 42% more likely to get clicked and convert store visitors to customers than generic CTAs.
  5. Not creating urgency in the minds of the customer. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is when people believe they are missing out on something limited. Your website could display the number of items left or a discount end date countdown to create urgency.



Consider CRO as a continuous process and implement changes as per the data. Conversion rates are not improved using online tools; it is a process of optimizing small details to achieve a comprehensive impact. Use Fynd Platform settings and extensions to achieve optimal CRO and set your company apart from the competition. Get in touch with us at [email protected] to know more.

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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