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5 Must-Have Features For Every E-Commerce Website

5 Must-Have Features For Every E-Commerce Website

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

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If you are thinking of building one for your business, here are 5 must-have features for every eCommerce website.


1) FAQ Sections

FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions and consists of common questions repeatedly asked by online customers. So, a FAQ page is a dedicated page or section within your eCommerce store where you document the commonly asked questions about your business, products/services, policies, and processes. Addressing & answering them keeps the customers informed about your product and services. 


How does an eCommerce website benefit from the FAQ section?


Get Fewer customer calls: When customers get the answers of their questions on the website, they won't contact the customer care team to make an inquiry. It frees up your customer care team's time to devote greater attention to genuine client problems and concerns.


Faster buying decision: When queries of online buyers are addressed at the right moment, it helps potential buyers make a quicker buying decision and boost sales.


Boost organic search results: The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have traffic boosting organic keywords that can attract quality organic traffic on your eCommerce website.


2) Use a Blog post

As of 2021, there are more than 570 million online blogs on 1.86 billion websites. So, what is a blog, and why is every company blogging? A blog is an article in text format that makes your eCommerce website more searchable on the internet and accurately answers the questions faced by online users.


Companies use blogs to solve customers’ search for specific solutions related to the latest news, happenings, events, brands, a product with Unique Selling Point (USP), its benefits, advantages, disadvantages, no competition strategy, customer reviews, and whatnot!

Benefits of using blog posts in an eCommerce site:


  • It helps drive traffic to your website
  • It helps convert qualified traffic into leads
  • It is an easy way to promote your products
  • It’s a powerful way to engage your customers
  • It’s a perfect place to make announcements & launches


3) Search Bar

Nearly 30% of visitors use the site search bar to navigate the eCommerce website. The internal search bar is usually positioned at the top of the webpage. An eCommerce website without a search bar is like running an SUV without fuel. Your customers can find searching for products on the website challenging without a search bar.


Here are some of the greatest benefits of a search bar in an eCommerce website:


Let users find things faster: A well-developed eCommerce website with hundreds of pages could make it difficult for users to find what they are looking for just by clicking around. The search bar helps users find what they are looking for quickly.


Makes customers stay on your site: If people cannot quickly locate what they are looking for, they will seek it elsewhere. A search bar allows users to see and browse as much of your website as they want.


Mobile users love search: Mobile users are used to typing and browsing the website using the search function. You are missing a lot of mobile traffic if there is no search function on the website.


4) Display related products

Walmart does it. Amazon does it, and even Best Buy does it. Getting related products in front of your customers is a powerful tool to nudge them to browse just a little bit longer and check similar products that can help customers buy more.


Benefits of displaying related products on an eCommerce website:


  • You introduce products to customers they don’t know but can use
  • You are establishing a sales-boosting strategy, similar to how upsells work in a traditional retail environment.
  • Increased page views and time spent on your website indicate that your search rankings may improve.
  • You streamline the shopping experience for customers by eliminating their need to look for relevant items.


5) Up-to-date Security measures

There is a high risk of a data breach due to the higher number of data exchanges and critical financial transactions in an eCommerce website. That's why it needs security measures to avoid cyber-attacks and other frauds. 


Here are some critical security measures for an eCommerce website. SSL certificate: SSL certificates make it easy for eCommerce websites to protect sensitive user data like login info, password, credit card info, and other sensitive user information.


Firewall: A firewall acts as a network between your website and other networks on World Wide Web (WWW), which let's secure connections pass through and blocks harmful threats and traffic.


HTTPS: When a website uses an HTTPS connection, it alerts the online users using a secure connection. It directs them in the right direction and encourages them to continue surfing the secured site.


When it comes to e-commerce websites, the discussed features are non-negotiable. With these features, you will feel secure knowing that your e-commerce website is up to par with your competitors and can drive more traffic, increase sales, and convert customers.


Fynd Platform can help you set up an eCommerce website in 30 minutes. To discover more about things we can do to assist your business in growing and succeeding, contact us today to book a quick demo!

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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What is the most important feature of an e-commerce website?

The most important feature of an e-commerce website is often considered to be an easy-to-use and intuitive user interface, which includes a clean and well-organized layout, clear product descriptions, and a streamlined checkout process. Other important features include mobile responsiveness, a secure payment system, and fast page load times.

How can I improve the user experience on my e-commerce website?

To improve the user experience on an e-commerce website, you can implement the following:


1. Make navigation simple and intuitive

2. Provide clear product descriptions and high-quality images

3. Offer multiple payment options

4. Implement a fast and secure checkout process

5. Ensure mobile responsiveness

6. Offer personalized recommendations

7. Provide accessible and clear contact information

8. Offer multiple shipping options

9. Provide real-time customer support (e.g. chat support)

10. Continuously gather and act on customer feedback.

How important is mobile responsiveness for an e-commerce website?

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Mobile responsiveness is very important for an e-commerce website as a large percentage of online shopping is done through mobile devices. A mobile-responsive design ensures that the website is optimized for smaller screens and provides a good user experience for customers accessing the site on their mobile devices.


A mobile-responsive website also helps improve search engine rankings and can increase conversion rates by making it easier for customers to make purchases on the go.

What payment methods should an e-commerce website support?

In an Indian context, an e-commerce website should support the following payment methods:


1. Credit/Debit Cards

2. Net Banking

3. UPI (Unified Payment Interface)

4. Wallets (e.g. Paytm, Mobikwik, etc.)

5. COD (Cash on Delivery)

6. EMI (Equated Monthly Installments)

7. Gift Cards/Vouchers.


It's also important to ensure that the website has secure payment gateways and complies with industry regulations to protect customers' financial information.

How can I improve the security of my e-commerce website?

To improve the security of an e-commerce website, the following steps can be taken:


1. Use secure payment gateways such as SSL/TLS certificates

2. Implement strong password policies for all user accounts

3. Regularly update software and security systems to address vulnerabilities

4. Monitor for suspicious activity and implement fraud detection measures

5. Use firewalls to prevent unauthorized access

6. Encrypt sensitive data such as payment information

7. Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing

8. Provide clear privacy policies and educate customers on secure online shopping practices

9. Train employees on security best practices

9. Have a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place. Implementing these measures can help protect customer information and maintain trust in the brand.

What is the best way to showcase products on an e-commerce website?

The best way to showcase products on an e-commerce website is to:


1. Use high-quality images to showcase the product from multiple angles

2. Display clear and detailed product descriptions

3. Provide zoom-in functionality to allow customers to see product details

4. Offer product videos to showcase features and benefits

5. Allow customers to see product reviews and ratings

6. Offer size charts and product specifications

7. Display related or complementary products

8. Implement a search function to help customers find products quickly

9. Show product availability (e.g. in stock, out of stock, etc.)

10. Provide an easy-to-use filter system to help customers find what they're looking for quickly.

11. Integrate with Instagram to showcase product images and user-generated content.


The goal should be to provide customers with enough information to make informed purchasing decisions while making the shopping experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible.

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