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40+ Best Food Websites Design Ideas (2024)

40+ Best Food Websites Design Ideas (2024)

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The best food Website is a one-of-a-kind platform allowing restaurants to showcase and sell their food. It helps them to promote their product and gives them control over their business.

A best food website is a website that provides high-quality, engaging content related to food, including recipes, cooking techniques, food culture, and food-related news, while also offering a user-friendly design and easy-to-navigate interface. The website should also have a strong social media presence and a loyal following of engaged readers.

At one point, good food and word-of-mouth recommendations were sufficient to secure a restaurant's success. But it's 2024, the era of the internet, and everything revolves around your website now.

After all, according to one recent survey, nearly four-fifths (77%) of guests examine a restaurant's website before visiting it, so yours must be perfect. Just as the demeanour of a maitre d' can enhance (or break!) a restaurant experience, your restaurant's website can influence the choices of a global audience.

Check the list of the top food sites that do it all. These food websites, led by mouth-watering designs, themes, and drool-inducing layouts, will do more than inspire your future website work - they'll have you rushing to the closest eatery for a fast bite, too!

Why Do You Need a Food Website for Your Restaurant?

Why Do You Need a Food Website for Your Restaurant

While there are broad benefits to building a website for any business, several unique gifts can help a restaurant. Here are some reasons you should have a website for your restaurant.

It is difficult to determine the best food website worldwide as it depends on personal preference, but popular ones include Epicurious, Serious Eats, and Bon Appétit. In the United States, the top food websites by traffic are Allrecipes, Food Network, and Delish, according to SimilarWeb. These websites offer a variety of recipes, cooking tips, and food-related articles.

Lower Marketing Costs

Print advertisements and commercials are costly. A website allows you to present unlimited print content for a fraction of the expense. Anyone with an internet connection may access information 24X7. You can update out-of-date information on your website, but re-printing flyers are far more expensive.

Give Out Important Information

You can present important information about your location, menu, hours of operation, and special offers. A website lets you show guests basic information about your restaurant, such as service hours, location, payment methods, etc. 

Addressing these simple questions may reduce the time your employees and managers spend receiving phone calls. You can also inform customers about specials, such as pre-theatre meals, lunch specials, or Christmas specials.

You Can Put Customer Testimonials.

You might include consumer reviews on your website, or if your business has been published in a magazine, such as a restaurant critic's review in a newspaper, you can connect to it from your site. It will be extremely helpful in raising the credibility factor of your restaurant.

A website may also enhance your chances of someone being appraised by bloggers because it provides them with a resource for gathering information about their background to include in their posts.

Increases Business Awareness

When individuals seek information, the internet is the first place they check. It is critical that if somebody is searching for your company, they can quickly locate the information they require, thereby making them. Less likely to grow dissatisfied and examine your competitor (s).

You May Improve Search Rankings

By devoting time to search engine optimisation (SEO), you can help your company appear for relevant search queries. For example, if someone searches for a 'late night café,' 'Italian restaurant,' or 'family friendly pub,' your website will acquire greater exposure and, ideally, more clients.

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What Should You Include in Your Food Website?

What Should You Include in Your Food Website

If your business is online in today's environment, you're getting all the prospective clients. It applies to any business, but it is especially true for restaurants. 

Considering 57% of customers research restaurants online before going, you need more than simply a website - you need a fantastic one. What should your top-tier restaurant website include? Pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Excellent Design

The first requirement for your restaurant website is a current design consistent with your brand and the appearance of your restaurant. Businesses like that can offer a wide range of customisable templates developed exclusively for restaurants if you need the means to engage a website designer. Utilising any of these templates with professional photographs of your restaurant's interior, food, and employees will make the template distinctive and yours.

2. Updated Menu

If someone has never visited your restaurant, the menu is one of the first things they will look for on your website. Here are a few features to aid the most of your menu bar:

  • Don't merely create an image or a PDF: Mobile users may need help reading and using it. Instead, create a well-designed menu page that meets the same quality standards as the physical menu selection.

  • One should include prices: When picking a restaurant, people consider various factors, with pricing being a primary consideration for the majority. They will go on to the next alternative if your pricing is unavailable.

  • Include images of your best-selling meals: People consume with their eyes foremost, so use professionally shot photographs of your top two or three more popular items to tempt new consumers.

3. Reservation Openings

While you can integrate reservation information across your website, you should include a specific section easily accessible from the homepage. Include any reservation policies you have, including no-shows or massive party requirements. It is also an excellent spot to include your hours.

4. Information About How To Contact Us:

Visitors remain for the design, and the menu can be the right bait, but how do your visitors find you? Your Contact page should include at least four elements:

  • Contact information: Make it a clickable hyperlink so phone devices can call with a single tap.
  • Address: It is critical for everyone, particularly restaurants with multiple locations.
  • Email: There should be a mechanism for guests to reach you for non-urgent issues; either include an email address or integrate a contact form.
  • Hours: One of the most common reasons individuals call restaurants is to find out whether and when they are open. Having these hours accessible on the contact form saves you and their time on the phone.

41+ Best Food Website Examples in 2024

The best food websites showcase not only the location and menu of your restaurant but also the person behind the cuisine, your story, your employees, your motivation and your influence. 

Good food websites encourage visitors to look beyond the cooking and contact information to discover the tradition behind the food.

1. Curry Place

Curry Place

Curry Place's two Maryland stores may be a half-hour drive apart, but there's just one place to go for a terrific online experience - the curry chain's website can be made on Fynd Platform.

The food site is a straightforward, uncomplicated internet presence free of superfluous add-ons or frills. Full-width photos of seasonings and fresh ingredients immerse you in the universe of Indian cuisine, whereas vertically piled image columns highlight the restaurant's diverse menu.

Furthermore, Curry Place's menu, opening times, contact information, and locations of its two sites are all accessible on the homepage, ensuring an uninterrupted user experience. While the background graphic makes Curry Place's contact form challenging to notice, it is still comprehensive and user-friendly. 

2. Big Tree Farms

Big Tree Farms,

Founded by husband and wife team Ben and Blair Ripple. The pair, who sell a range of natural and responsibly sourced coconut-based items, rely on WordPress to reach a large online audience of customers.

Big Tree Farms' website uses white space to assist its vividly branded items to stand out. The consistent use of specific tones of blue and brown across helps create the company's design language and identity, while powerful CTA (call to action) buttons entice you to 'Know More,' 'Show All,' and, of course, 'Buy Now.'

One of the Best Recipe Websites, Big Tree Farm's Wix website likewise employs a carousel feature to display its most famous recipes and enticing images of the finished dishes.

Big Tree Farms wisely emphasises its ecological and ethical qualifications, with logos Indicating USDA organic certification and Non-GMO Project involvement taking Centre stage.

Besides that, the food website's amazing 'About Us' page uses photographs and videos to describe Ben and Blair's narrative and clarify their goal, mission, and. belief system.

3. Ocelot Chocolate

Ocelot Chocolate

Ocelot Chocolate's website is all you'd anticipate from a Scotland-based manufacturer of gourmet organic sweet delicacies manufacturer. It was built with Squarespace, a website builder best known for its fantastic selection of design ideas and templates. You can use Our system to create the best website, like the Ocelot Chocolate website.

Ocelot Chocolate's website is bold, eccentric, vivid, and brilliantly colourful, and it isn't hesitant to stretch the visual boundaries in strange, excellent new areas. The homepage is unique for containing almost no text. 

It is a mixed culinary website, part museum of modern art. Instead, big graphic blocks dominate the site, showcasing a handpicked selection of Ocelot's obnoxious, fashionable wares. 

The company's online shop, which is just a click away in the upper sidebar, has a similarly streamlined design that promotes clean lines, sharp corners, and a strong feeling of symmetry.

4. Ben & Jerry's

Ben _ Jerry_s

Ben & Jerry's, arguably the most prominent brand (names?) on our list, has been associated with ice cream since its establishment in 1978. If you need to be aware of the title, chances are you've had the company's Cookie Dough-flavored deliciousness at some point - but have you ever explored its website?

If not, it's well worth a look. Built on the popular online shopping platform BigCommerce, Ben & Jerry's uses a clever style and bold images to highlight its products, vision, and goal. You can use the Best E-commerce Website Builders to create your website in just a few clicks with Fynd Platform.

Ben & Jerry's website emphasises the company's dedication to ecological and sustainably sourced products. At the same time, the 'Recent Blog Posts' section invites users to browse quizzes, ideas, and other entertaining content alongside more serious topics like global warming and COP26.

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5. Mama's Fish House

Mama_s Fish House

is a fine-dining establishment in Paia, Hawaii, powered by Square, a popular payment service (now website builder). Unsurprisingly, it's packed out months in advance, with a feast of freshly cooked lunch and dinner options and a profusion of enticing beverages. Of course, one should not underestimate the importance of Mama's Fish House's website in the restaurant's unrivalled popularity.

Mama's Fish House's cuisine website resembles Square Online reputation for enabling simple, eye-catching designs. The website focuses on Mama's menu, highlighted with full-width, close-up photos underscoring the restaurant's zesty cuisine.  

One of the best Food Website Examples, this culinary website, on the other hand, never loses track of its roots, with connections to Hawaiian music and photographs of the surrounding area, categorising the cuisine within its native culture.

6. Xi'an Famous Foods

Xi_an Famous Foods

Xi'an Famous Foods, a Chinese food chain based in New York, has also chosen Squarespace to power its web presence - and it shows. 

The site uses a mostly monochromatic design language, highlighting crucial information with the stark, aesthetically attractive contrast of black and white. Xi'an Famous Foods has an all-too-rare website combining discreet (but powerful) CTAs with a smooth user experience while keeping the meals in the spotlight. 

Image panels allow prospective diners to evaluate and contrast the restaurant's extensive menu options, while a sophisticated font selection adds a touch of sophistication to the site. Xi'an's setting isn't quite a fine dining, but you'd never guess it from the site!

7. Yantra


Yantra, a well-known Singapore restaurant, serves Indian cuisine in a sophisticated atmosphere. Yantra's website, developed with the famous and excellent all-around website builder Wix, reflects its cuisine and location appropriateness.

Large, high-definition photos give diners a clear picture of what they're in for, while a subdued two-tone colour palette strengthens the brand. Yantra's food website is also a fantastic example of employing crisp, bold typefaces to significant effect - especially in how the site distinguishes between 'Dine-In' and 'Home Delivery.'

It attracts attention to its 'Reach Us' area. When visitors visit the Yantra website, they are welcomed by an imbalanced website layout that lures them in with a vast, elevated photo of the restaurant's interior decor.

It then brings their focus to the fragment of writing on the right. Photography dominates the site, with a short introduction and a horizontally scrolling photo reel directly beneath it.

Aside from that, Yantra provides you with the information you need to call or check the restaurant. Overall, the website conveys the elegant atmosphere guests might anticipate from a visit to or delivery from Yantra.

The online ordering page provides a seamless user experience, with photographs and prices for each meal; when a Customer clicks an item, a pop-up window displays where they can learn further about their decision and make unique demands.

On top of that, a helpful live chat function by a Wix connection with Facebook Messenger is accessible by clicking the little symbol in the bottom right-hand corner of the website. Yantra, not bad, not bad!

8. Di Bruno Bros

Di Bruno Bros

Since 1939, "culinary pioneers" Di Bruno Bros have been marketing cheese, deli meats, and other speciality items. And, while we are convinced that the company's website was unavailable at the time, it is now and it looks fantastic.

Di Bruno Bros' website features a horizontal layer design with photographs of the company's delectable items and plenty of white space. This fantastic food website includes everything you'd expect, including an online marketplace, recipe hub, blog, and FAQ section.

But what Di Bruno Bros' web presence excels at is enticing users with eye-catching bargains and discounts. When you initially visit the site, you will see a pop-up email subscription form. In exchange for joining Di Bruno Bros' email ecosystem, users receive 20% off their initial purchase.

Pop-ups aren't for everyone, and you don't want to distract from your personal food website's UX by making one appear unexpectedly, but you need to admit... they work.

You are not only captivating your site's visitors with appealing offers, but you are also capturing their email addresses. You may engage customers later with more specials and discounts, converting that one-time surfer into a profitable recurring customer.

9. Red Bamboo

Red Bamboo

Red Bamboo's site design is entertaining and informative, with a full-width image of Enticing foods encircling an elegant logo. Throughout the site, call-to-action pushes visitors to "Order Now" and "Order Pick-up." 

Red Bamboo uses restaurant social media advertising and integrates its Instagram feed to boost its brand by providing real-time moments with visitors to the site and constantly posting new material to the restaurant website.

The restaurateurs at Red Bamboo certainly understand how critical customer reviews are to diners, as they've highlighted three excellent ones directly on the homepage.

Potential visitors can find references to review listings across the site, allowing them to read more evaluations and, after dining at the restaurant, comment on their experiences.

10. Añejo


Visitors to this website are given their first indication that Aejo is a sleek, contemporary Mexican restaurant that values outstanding design as much as it does wonderful food with the fashionable blend of blue, white, and dark grey. 

The website has movement thanks to animations, vertical scrolling, and reactive shapes, highlighting the feeling of location conveyed by the numerous photographs of the restaurant's indoor and outdoor seats.

The enormous tilde that hovers over the letter "n" in the word "Aejo" is a particularly creative branding feature because it opens a window to a series of moving pictures. The emblem also appears under the "What's Your Aejo Mood" section, adding more texture to an intriguing layout.

11. Hai Poké

Hai Poké

The Hai Poké website guarantees its consumers a good time with a cheerful pastel hue and a selection of lively vector art. These design decisions and the restaurant logo assist in building the restaurant brand: "Hnai Poké" is typed in a tiki-style style and etched in orange and white. 

It displays at the top of each page and hyperlinks to the homepage, a crucial technique for website navigation. The restaurant's website includes images of colourful cuisine, so consumers know what they eat. It's beneficial on the online booking page, when clients may be more likely to order unusual things.

12. Park's Restaurant 

Park_s Restaurant

Park's restaurant has the most unusual site on the list, making it the most memorable. The homepage, devoid of imagery, exudes mystery, drawing potential buyers in. 

The website contradicts typical web design conventions at every turn:

  • The navigation links are in the underside corner of the page.
  • The page has several with a single typeface with a contemporary typeface.
  • The home is white, writing against a black background.

And yet, it works, thanks partly to Chef Antonio Park's unusual viewpoint and experience with cuisine (he defines himself as a "messed-up Latino with kimchi in his blood."

Park's restaurant, located in Montreal, must serve French and English, users. With Webflow Multilingual enabled, visitors can translate the site by selecting their chosen dialect on the right-hand side. Aside from the picture gallery, the Park's Restaurant website is relatively simple.

13. Market on Front

Market on Front

Market on Front combines a restaurant, an upscale grocery store, a local cafe, and a deli. With this much adaptability, the organisation is essential. To find all Market on Front has to offer, look no beyond the top of the webpage. 

The organised header links every needed detail of a consumer, from social media profiles and contact details to its online shopping system and more. 

Expand and advertise your restaurant online by taking one of these business courses. The market on Front's restaurant website is cheerful and rustic.

14. Pelicano Coffee Pioneers 

Pelicano Coffee Pioneers

You can immediately start your next vacation to have hand-roasted coffee since Pelicano Coffee Pioneers offers everything you'll need to create a great cup of joe Online. The roasting decision to accept various payment methods, like Paypal, is ideal for overseas visitors who prefer this more convenient mode of transaction.

The Pelicano Coffee Pioneers website is famous for good communication. Whether an item is out of supply or a new coffee mix has just been published, Pelicano Coffee Pioneers alerts customers with clear microcopy such as "Best Seller," "Just Dropped!" or "Baristas Pick." 

The visual imagery is equally evocative: each coffee mix has its distinct illustration, and they all contribute to the brand's character. The Pelicano Coffee Pioneer restaurant website showcases the brand's distinctive look.

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15. Sakara 


Sakara focuses on delivering plant-based, natural ready-to-eat meals straight to customers, so it's safe to say it's popular among modern, value-conscious consumers. Sakara's website, created with renowned e-commerce website developer Shopify, sets the tone right away, emphasising Sakara's critical service and USP (unique selling point).

Via crisp pictures of vegetable-laden bowls and plates brimming with seeds and superfoods. Of course, the benefit of Shopify is that you're creating a website and an online store. Sakara's is particularly appealing, with enough white space and a basic black script focusing on the goods. 

Sakara's storefront also allows you to sort products by 'New Arrivals' and 'Best Sellers' and the kind of food, supplement, or collection you're looking for. You can also narrow your culinary options based on purpose (such as Beauty, Cleansing, Energy & Concentration, and Gut Health), pricing, and featured items.

16. Bombay wok


Bombay wok's website was created using GoDaddy. GoDaddy provides the fastest and most effective website construction experience and has many must-have features, including its SEO Wiz, that will put anyone up for early success. 

However, as the website of New Jersey-based Asian diner Bombay wok attests, GoDaddy is also (at least in part) accountable for several of the leading food websites on the internet.

Bombay wok's GoDaddy-powered internet presence is refreshingly no-frills and no-nonsense. Large, high-resolution photographs of the restaurant's décor envelop you in the eating experience. At the same time, a constantly revolving photo gallery - this curated of the eatery's many Asian-inspired meals tempts your taste buds.

And Bombay wok's website not only lets its food speak for itself but also for its customers. Using GoDaddy's social networking integrations, the restaurant retrieved its most compelling Facebook reviews and displayed them on its website in a playful carousel manner.

17. Yang's Place

Yang_s Place

Yang's Place, a family-owned Chinese restaurant, stands out thanks to a geometric website layout that combines clickable text boxes with exquisite food images. Select the "Around Yang's" box, and a neat page with only two pictures and about 100 words gradually fades in.

Having far too much white space after having a small amount on the main page keeps the reader's attention on the essential details. If there's anything else, this restaurant site proves that keeping things brief and sweet is sometimes the most excellent way to keep an audience's attention.

18. Opa


Opa is a Tel Aviv vegan gourmet dining establishment. Opa greets visitors with an Appealing widescreen movie highlighting its distinct farm-to-food approach and expertise. 

It is an excellent example of employing high-quality videography on a website. Visitors will not be disturbed by extraneous noise because the video is silent. Opa's restaurant website is light and airy.

Opa Tel Aviv is a Mediterranean restaurant in the heart of Tel Aviv, Israel. This vibrant and bustling eatery offers a unique dining experience that blends traditional and modern cuisine in a lively and inviting atmosphere. With its warm hospitality and delicious food, Opa Tel Aviv has quickly become a popular destination for locals and tourists. 

19. Iseya


The website for Iseya's restaurant is rich in video elements, including photos, writing, and video. 

The box sequence, which alternates among a photo of undercooked beans, the term "quality," and a film of the pastry maker building a finished product, aids in focusing the visitor's attention. Iseya's brand identity build with these handpicked visual boxes. 

Expressing precise values and characteristics to your target audience is beneficial when developing a brand. Iseya wants us to understand that its traditional techniques and high quality set it apart. Iseya's restaurant website emphasises dynamic photography.

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20. Schaller's Stube

Schaller_s Stube

One of the best Food web Designs, Schaller's Stube Sausage Bar serves Berlin-style local cuisine with a New York twist. It offers a lovely site that saves users time by putting all they require on a single page. It's basic but adequate.

The parallax scrolling technique, which is there in various restaurant website themes, is eye-catching and delivers an engaging user experience. The restaurant site for Schaller's Stube is user-friendly.

From classic schnitzel to delicious sausages and savory pretzels, our menu offers a variety of options that will satisfy any craving. We take pride in providing excellent service and warm hospitality, making Schaller's Stube a favourite among locals and tourists.

21. Zero Fox

Zero Fox

The beer label mosaic that acts as the website's background demonstrates that Zero Fox is characterised by its enjoyable, adventurous spirit. 

Looking closely, you'll find that most labels are from Australian breweries, pointing to another component of the Zero Fox brand's identity. The Zero Fox crew is enthusiastic about local produce alcohol and integrating cocktail trends into its drink menu.

"We genuinely think that Australia makes some of the highest quality alcohol in the world," they claim confidently on the About Us page. The collection of highly stylised photographs and the clickable icons in the "Eat and Drink" section illustrates the Zero Fox team's enthusiasm for wine, liquor, and Asian cuisine. 

Zero Fox creates a menu that defines Korean and Japanese foods and even marks vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, or hot items. Overall, the website promises that customers may enjoy a carefully managed and unique atmosphere when they enter Zero Fox. Zero Fox's restaurant site is lively and entertaining.

22. FEZ


Peek at the FEZ restaurant website to discover how effective complementary colour schemes can be when done correctly.

Orange and turquoise boxes strew the homepage, border the footer and header and accentuate text. The clashing colours give off a dynamic vibe while neatly dividing the page's various areas without putting it off-centre.

Aside from the colour palette, the FEZ website is efficient because it offers a large amount of data in an orderly, exciting manner. When an image accompanies each text block, people are six times more inclined to recall what they read. Furthermore, the brand's voice is easygoing and sassy.

"Our team focuses on offering the greatest service while providing a welcoming atmosphere to dine and drink," states Our Team section, next to a photo of a burgundy-haired employee clutching a drink and poking out her tongue.

"There will be no haste. There will be no corporate spiel. There will be no cookie-cutter service." Despite a large amount of text, everything gets recovered. Every piece of material, from operating hours to a chef's greeting, becomes a part of a unified whole.

23. Añejo


This site's sophisticated blend of aqua, white, and grey gives visitors the idea that Aejo is a sleek, contemporary Mexican restaurant that values outstanding design and excellent food. 

The website moves thanks to animation, parallax scroll, and variable shapes, highlighting the sense of location offered by the numerous photographs of the restaurant's outdoor and indoor seating areas.

A big tilde (the sign above the 'n' in Aejo) provides a portal into a gallery of moving pictures, a highly clever branding piece. The emblem also occurs in the "What's Your Aejo Mood" section, adding texture to a fascinating layout. 

Aejo also has its brand voice down, with a hefty dosage of Spanglish that indicates, We're proud of our background, but we'll make every effort to make everybody feel at home here. The restaurant website for Aejo demonstrates its finely crafted identity.

24. MILK+T


When users arrive at this website, they must join the "boba squad" and register their email address to receive MILK+T updates. It strengthens the boba bar's email marketing offerings and keeps loyal consumers informed. 

Customers may also find various boba-themed items on the website, ranging from DIY packages and straws to brooches and tees. 

MILK+T's boba menu, when supplied with clean, well-lit pictures of each option, is appealing in its consistency. It matches the enormous picture of Founders Beyah and Stacey clinking their trademark MILK+T jars in front of the Las Vegas welcome sign. 

The unique cocktail names highlight the brand's playful personality and complement the restaurant's new decor and Instagrammable style.

25. Allrecipes


One of the best Recipe Website designs, this is one of your go-to websites, with just about everything you'll ever require to cook a variety of tasty meals. 

N-depth sections cover various meal types, foods from throughout the globe, and sometimes even special diets, such as 361 keto recipe ideas. Alternatively, you may start typing in the name of a meal - a search for mac 'n cheese yields almost 8,000 choices! 

The 'Food news and trends' area is more focused on customer reviews than the most recent culinary directions, but it can help you save much time if you need a professional analysis on which minty choc chip ice cream is best. Ultimately, Allrecipes is a great place to go when you need quick ideas.

26. Food Network

Food Network

What's excellent is determining at a glimpse the level of difficulty of each idea as well as the time required to make and cook it. Also, areas like 'What we're eating this week' make it simple to vary the manner of your meals based on what's in season.

If you like Rachel Khoo, Michel Roux's delectable twist on meat meals, or any Food You'll find many highlighted recipes here network series, you'll find many highlighted recipes here. 

Food Network is a popular website based in the UK that is dedicated to all things food-related. It offers various recipes, cooking tips, and culinary inspiration for foodies of all levels. 

The website features a variety of cooking shows and videos hosted by renowned chefs and personalities from the UK and around the world. Whether a novice cook or an experienced foodie, Food Network is the go-to destination for all your culinary needs.

27. Taste of Home

Taste of Home

This unique website focuses on hearty home-cooked food rather than showy exotic foods or complex procedures. 

Although some recipes are from the food lab, the vast majority have been submitted by site users, implying that they have been made and taste-tested in the real world by individuals who are happy to share their achievements.

What's entertaining is that they host frequent contests. Submit your most inventive dish, "one pan wonder," or "Grandma's holiday favourite," and you may earn up to $500!

28. Delish


This website offers a variety of recipe ideas as well as food-related topics. The 'What We're Cooking This Week' sections feature themed delicacies, from stews and marinated meats to sweet desserts and party nibbles.

The 'Food Trends' section has a variety of well-written pieces some of which are item or company reviews (e.g., 'Starbucks Drinks Rated by Caffeine Level,' '10 Things You Should Know Before Buying Alcohol at Costco').

29. BBC Good Food

BBC Good Food

It is a fantastic website for anyone looking to broaden and improve their culinary talents. One of the best Food Service Websites, hundreds of recipes are available for every food type, cuisine, special occasion, and diet.

Each of them is likewise rated by people who have tried it and provided input on how well it performed or how they improved it. Also available are podcasts with chefs like Tom Kerridge, instructional videos, and even seminars (which cost roughly $14 apiece).

This site is a terrific one-stop resource because it covers everything from the fundamentals to the most complex meals, and every detail is here in an easy-to-understand manner.

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30. The Spruce Eats

The Spruce Eats

With 16,000 dishes, 35,000 step-by-step images, and more than 1,200 video tutorials, The Spruce Eats provides what the 240+ million chefs who come to each year need!

The site has grown from a 25-year library of recipes contributed by chefs, cookbook authors, home cooks, food manufacturers, and others, and it is constantly evolving. The site gets continuously updated with new food ideas and inspiration.

We particularly like the breadth and diversity of their ethnic food area, which includes over 330 concepts from the Mideast, 120+ from Africa, and above 800 from Latin America. Don't repeat the same tedious formulas.


This website provides various recipes - whatever you're searching for is here - but it could be more intuitive and user-friendly. It's great if you know what you're searching for and utilise the search tool or are willing to go with the tide and try all their recommendations. is a well-known website recognised for its sleek and user-friendly design. The website features extensive recipes, cooking tips, and entertaining ideas, making it a go-to resource for food enthusiasts. If you want to create a similar website, you can use Fynd Platform's easy-to-use website builder.

With Fynd Platform, you can create a visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly website to share your passion for food with others professionally and engagingly. 

Whether you're an experienced web developer or just starting, Fynd Platform can help you meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

32. Chef's Pencil

Chef_s Pencil

Chef's Pencil deserves to be on the list of the finest cookery websites. Chef's Pencil, a global culinary magazine, began as a location where home chefs could get ideas. from their beloved celebrity chefs.

You can find hundreds of dishes from famous chefs from all over the globe on the website. Recently, the recipe collection has extended to include various cuisines, such as Italian, French, Japanese, Colombian, and Filipino, to name a few. Chef's Pencil includes how-to tutorials, relevant market reports, and recipes.

33. Recipetin Eats

Recipetin Eats

Recipetineats focuses on excellent meals with everyday items to put up, even if you're not a chef or busy and on a limited budget, with recipes sorted by category or collection.

However, this website is about more than just 'fast and easy.' We liked the 'Iconic Dishes' collection because it simplifies the process of making 'wow' meals from all over The world - from 12-hour roasted lamb to Greek feta and spinach pastries - so we can add it to our menu.

Recipetin Eats is a popular food blog that features delicious and approachable recipes for home cooks. The website is run by Nagi Maehashi, a self-taught cook and photographer passionate about creating easy-to-follow recipes anyone can make. 

Focusing on global cuisine and bold flavours, Recipetin Eats offers various recipes, from comforting classics to creative and unique dishes. Whether you're a beginner cook or an experienced foodie, Recipetin Eats has something for everyone.

34. Simply Recipes

Simply Recipes

Simply Recipe is a fantastic site for home cooks, with over 3,000 verified recipes, instructions, and meal plans, and it has one of the Best Food Websites Design. The reality that over 15 million people visit each Month demonstrates that combining dishes, healthy meals, and buying tips appeals to people of all skill levels and budgets.

Simply Recipes is a popular website with a wide range of approachable and easy-to-follow recipes for home cooks. The website was founded in 2003 by Elise Bauer, a home cook who wanted to share her passion for food with others. 

Today, Simply Recipes is one of the most trusted sources for recipes online, focusing on using fresh and seasonal ingredients to create delicious and wholesome dishes. Whether you're looking for quick weeknight meals or impressive dishes to serve to guests, Simply Recipes has you covered.

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35. Spend Your Pennies

Spend Your Pennies

This site's cooking philosophy is simple, home-cooked comfort food. So, while there won't be thousands of possibilities, you can always find something to make from standard components to offer a wholesome and pleasant supper.

Many instructional films are available for visual learners, covering anything from how to create the ideal corned beef hash to homemade apple pie roll-ups. If you merely want a fresh idea each day, they'll also send it to your email, so creativity is constantly at hand.

Spend Your Pennies is a budget-friendly food blog that offers delicious recipes and money-saving tips for home cooks. The website was founded by Holly Nilsson, a busy mom and experienced cook who wanted to help others save money on groceries without sacrificing flavour or variety. 

Spend Your Pennies features a wide range of recipes, from easy weeknight meals to special occasion dishes, all designed to be affordable and easy to make. Whether you're looking to save money on your grocery bill or simply want to try some delicious new recipes, Spend Your Pennies is the perfect resource for home cooks on a budget.

36. NY Times Cooking

NY Times Cooking

As you'd expect from the New York Times, this site is an excellent blend of the fundamentals, the trendy, and the traditionally classy. They keep it interesting by including the 'Recipe of the Day' and 'What we're eating this week' sections. 

NY Times Cooking is a popular digital platform with a vast collection of recipes, cooking guides, and instructional videos for home cooks. The platform is an extension of The New York Times newspaper and is a go-to resource for food enthusiasts worldwide.

The difficulty levels range from the simplest and basic to those requiring more advanced culinary talents. While meat eaters are adequately for, vegan and vegetarian cuisine are also prominently presented. There are also dishes for special occasions, such as over 100 Kwanzaa meals and, predictably, many drink ideas.

37. The Pioneer Woman

The Pioneer Woman

This blog relies on founder Ree's ranch lifestyle, style, cosmetics, and homelife. The food area has some beautiful ideas for midweek meals and ways to spice up old favourites, but it's on a different level than some of the more focused gourmet blogs.

The Pioneer Woman is a popular food and lifestyle website with delicious recipes, cooking tips, and entertaining ideas. The website is run by Ree Drummond, a food writer, photographer, and TV personality who shares her love of food and family with her audience.


Now we're getting back to fundamentals! With 170 'Prep in 10' meals and over 1,500 fast dessert ideas, there's always something new to try, whether you're short on time or want to create an unusual end-of-meal statement.

The website maintains true to its Australian heritage, with simple recipes for famous Lamingtons and Rainbow Billabong Ice-cream Cakes (components: ice cream, extra ice cream, creams, confectioners, sugar, and sprinkles!) that kids will love.

Of course, nutritionists will hate you for offering such a nutritional atrocity, so pick some meals from the 'Healthy' menu to balance things out.

39. Kitchn


Kitchn is a popular food and home website offering many recipes, cooking tips, and home improvement ideas. The website is known for its practical and approachable approach to cooking and homemaking, making it a go-to resource for busy home cooks and DIY enthusiasts.

Despite having over 6,000 dishes, Kitchn also serves as a lifestyle blog, with loads of style pieces ('How such a Boho Kitchen Received its Chic Appearance for Under $30,000') and 'must-have' gift ideas and unique bargains ('Sizzling Gifts for Bacon Fanatics'). The 'Sales and Deals' area can be a helpful resource for finding big-store and Amazon savings.

40. Food and Wine

Food and Wine

Food and Wine is a well-known culinary magazine and website that features recipes, cooking tips, and wine recommendations from renowned chefs and wine experts. The website is a go-to resource for foodies and wine enthusiasts worldwide, offering information and inspiration for cooking, entertaining, and enjoying food and wine.

This is yet another lifestyle website equally concerned with travel ('The 3 Things Everybody Should Eat in Yucatan') as it is with cooking. Although there are many dishes, many need 1-3 hours of preparation, making them more suitable for special occasions than everyday meals.

Given the site's name, what's particularly unexpected is that only some dishes include a wine pairing suggestion - which would be great for wine beginners.

41. Bon Appetit

Bon Appetit

Here's another combination of food and lifestyle. Some are moderately amusing ('We Had a Not-on-TikTok BA Writer Analyze the App's Insane Food Trends,' for example). 

In contrast, others appear completely random ('How Eating Hawaii's Exotic Deer Ended up saving Its Ecosystems,' for example). However, the site does contain over 10,000 ideas, so if you're searching for a new take on a recipe or item you're tired of, this could be a fantastic place to look.

 42. Food52


This is the best cooking-meets-shopping website. Food52 is at the vanguard of creativity and fads in all things food-related, with a network of over 13 million, a prominent Instagram page, and an online retailer advertising present and best-in-class cookware.

The recipes on their website are user-generated and subsequently tested in their kitchen, assuring a variety of techniques to suit all preferences.

What is the Importance of Food Websites?

A significant number of companies have gone online as a result of Covid 19. Whether creating your first site, integrating e-commerce into an existing one, or renewing your storefront, your internet presence has gained new importance.

The following are the top ten reasons you must invest in a good website:

  • The vast majority of significant corporate acquisitions begin with an internet search.
  • It enables you to demonstrate your particular product while being competitive.
  • A quality website immediately communicates the right message to your clients and can be a centre for other communication channels.
  • Businesses that do not have a website, or have a terrible website, are perceived as less credible. A decent website aids in the development of confidence and trust with your clients.
  • Your website is 'always on' and operates for you 24X7, enhancing your availability to earn more sales. You do not need to participate with each customer because your website may give them the information required to purchase. Responding to potential consumer inquiries can be time-consuming and frequently repetitive. Your website might save you money by addressing frequently asked questions.
  • Customers have certain expectations. First impressions matter to potential clients, as they carry powerful subliminal messages.
  • Because the web has no limitations, you can reach a far larger market. Search engine optimisation is critical for website reach, and the factors influencing ranking change constantly, so talk to your web developer about it.
  • A robust website can help a small firm compete with giant corporations worldwide.
  • Gathering reviews and testimonials from numerous sources and displaying them on your website offers potential clients confidence in purchasing your items or services.
  • The reach of social media is dwindling. Even if you have a significant presence on Facebook, you need a website. Each algorithm adjustment makes engaging with clients on social media more challenging. Social networking can benefit your website, but it should be something other than your exclusive online presence.

Which Website Builder is the Best For Designing Food Websites?

Which Website Builder is the Best For Designing Food Websites

With the rising cost of living and recent incidents, restaurants are under significant pressure to stay open. Creating a website is critical for a restaurant to thrive and outperform today's competition. 

It allows consumers to see menus when they're out and offers many service ways to help increase sales and profitability. Here is a list of the finest restaurant website builders to select.

In our expert analysis, the Fynd Platform emerged as the winner for selling and showcasing food online. It is due to its abundance of features aimed at drawing more consumers to your business. Because of its high-quality sales tools, Shopify is our second-best pick for processing online orders.

Fynd platform banner for free demo

1. The Fynd Platform

The Fynd Platform,

The Fynd Platform

The overall best website builder for designing food websites

  • Perfect for a big restaurant or a tiny cafe.
  • Their Restaurant app is quite helpful.
  • There are many great Food Website Templates.
  • $87.57-$328.43/Month

The Fynd Platform is the most excellent e-commerce restaurant builder accessible. It is simple to use, has a plethora of restaurant-specific layouts to select from, has terrific social network integrations, and even has its in-house payment processing and POS system!

With a 4.8 out of 5, The Fynd Platform provides the finest website functionalities (such as blogging and social network integration). It also received a high Score for Overall value and sales features and an excellent customer rating from our users.

The Fynd Platform provides the best website features of any e-commerce restaurant builder we've examined, with a rating of 4.9 out of 5! Among the attractions of its feature set are:

  • Simple social media integration.
  • The Fynd Platform POS - to make it as simple as possible to sync in-person and online transactions.
  • Excellent blog features for content promotion.
  • It's SEO Wiz, which simplifies search engine optimisation for beginners.
  • The Fynd Platform has partnered with Semrush to provide users with keyword data.
  • You can get an SEO summary and manage page-level SEO parameters from a single dashboard.

2. Shopify



Users' preferred powerful sales tools

Very Good
  • 20 "Food & Drink" designs.
  • There is no built-in menu designer.
  • A robust inventory system.
  • $24.26-$366.93/Month

Shopify is known for having a sophisticated e-commerce platform with excellent sales tools — it received an outstanding 4.7 out of 5 in our analysis for its sales features, making it a scalable solution for growing enterprises. 

We loved its extensive inventory system, capacity to manage bespoke orders, and opportunity to connect to its POS system. Shopify achieved the most significant consumer score from our users! It was placed first in sales tools but fell short in value for money.

Fynd platform banner for free demo

3. Square Online

Square Online

Square Online

Best overall value

Very Good
  • Menus are entirely customisable.
  • Add-ons for Food Delivery Websites.
  • Excellent e-commerce assistance.
  • $29+/Month


Due to its free plan and low introductory cost of $12 per month, payable annually. It's also one of the most user-friendly e-commerce website builders, making creating and administering your restaurant ordering website a breeze.

Because of its automated stock and Square POS syncing, we suggest Square Online connect your in-person and digital transactions. It has fantastic advantages, especially for local establishments.

4. Squarespace 



Squarespace is Best for designing visually appealing websites

  • There are 16 restaurant templates.
  • The simplest to use.
  • ChowNow integration.
  • $23-$65/Month

For educational purposes, Squarespace is the most fantastic restaurant website builder, but what about e-commerce and online purchasing? We were indeed impressed! Squarespace may not offer the same inventory management, order syncing, and customisation options as Wix or Shopify, but it still has much to offer.

Squarespace is not only the most straightforward e-commerce restaurant builder to use, but it also has the best designs! As a result, rather than mixing in-person and online sales, we suggest Squarespace for companies wishing to sell or promote their products. Entirely online.

The Best Food Websites: Conclusion

"There is no more genuine love than that of the love of food." Shaw, George Bernard. While this is true, the top 41+ food website examples we've reviewed demonstrate that it's not just the cuisine your restaurant needs to focus on to be successful - it's also your website.

There's much motivation available to get you started, whether you want to replicate the contrast and colour of Ocelot Chocolate, the historical setting of Mama's Fish House, or the classiness of Yantra.

Even better, there are so many website builders to choose from, many of which provide free plans to assist you in creating a beautiful, successful online presence.

So, why not begin your site-building experience right now? You can also leave a comment here for us to know what you think of this article and share any instances of food website inspiration you have.

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What are the best food websites?

Some of the best food websites are Sakara, Bombay wok, and Curry Place. What should I write on a food website. You must include your menu, restaurant timings, and contact information for the food website.

What are some food websites?

Some food websites are, BBC good food, and Kitchen. How do I create a food website. All you need to create a food website is to choose a website builder and leave the rest of the work on it. We recommend the Fynd Platform as a top website builder for food websites. 

Which food app is most prevalent?

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Zomato and Swiggy are the most popular food apps in India. 

Who is the top food blogger?

Some top food bloggers include Love and Lemons, Cookie and Kate, and Minimalist Baker.

Why should I use a website builder to create a food website?

A website builder can help you create a professional-looking website with ease, even if you have no coding or web development experience. With pre-built templates and drag-and-drop interfaces, website builders can save time and money compared to hiring a professional web developer.

What makes Fynd Platform the best website builder for food websites?

Fynd Platform offers a wide range of features specifically tailored to the needs of food websites, such as recipe cards, easy-to-use menus, and customisable templates. Fynd Platform offers a user-friendly interface, affordable pricing plans, and responsive customer support.

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