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Website Hosting Cost 2024: How Much Does Website Hosting Cost?

Website Hosting Cost 2024: How Much Does Website Hosting Cost?

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When you decide to open an offline store for your business, you look for a place that is ready to host it. It could be someone who is ready to rent their land to you, or you can purchase your own land.

When opening an online business you do not need physical land, but you still need an area of space to upload your product designs and other site data. Who will provide that space? Well, that is where hosting providers come in handy.

Like you decide which location you want, how much space you want, the cost of land, and various other things before deciding on land for your business, you have to do the same while using a web hoster.

For this, you should know the types of hosting available, website hosting cost, providers of hosting services, and which one would be best for you.

Through this article, you will learn how much it costs to host a website and various factors that could affect that cost. Another significant thing you will learn is to set up a website quickly without going through all these complexities through some of the best website builders, such as Fynd Platform.

Understanding Web Hosting

Understanding Web Hosting

Web hosting is a service that various hosting providers offer to their customers, usually a website owner. Consumers need some space on the server of their site, and that is what these hosting providers offer.

The websites you see on the internet are all present on the server. These servers store files, codes, images, and other elements of a website to make it visible on the internet.

1. The cost of web hosting a particular site widely depends on the space allocated to that website on the server. However, space is a significant factor, it is not the only one.

2. To view anything online, that material has to be on the server. So to explain web hosting in simple words would be renting or purchasing space on the server.

3. Now, what is a server? Well, a server is nothing but just a computer with information about various sites, and it lets a web user connect to those sites within seconds.

When a user will enter or click on your site link, that server will transfer your website data present on it to the local computer that has asked for that site.

4. While you can host your website yourself too, there are several complications. It requires the technical skills of a professional. You need to know the way to configure a server from scratch and should also have the required resources.

5. Besides all these challenges, you will also be responsible for its maintenance.

6. By hiring a hosting provider, you ensure that your website can better security and protocols, and perform well. It also gives you an assurance that if a technical glitch arises, there is someone to make things correct.

7. Most people confuse a hosting provider and a domain name. Both are different. Once you decide on your hosting provider, it is time to give your site a unique address. This is the work of domain names.

8. To understand this clearly, take this example. You opened a store in a big mall in the city but in that mall, there are other stores too. So, to reach your store, you should have a unique name or address. In digital media, a domain name is your unique address that helps users reach your site.

9. There are several types of web hosting, each differing in the amount of storage and other variables. You will learn about these in subsequent paragraphs.

So, this is all you need to know about the basics of web hosting. Do not ignore the fact that you also have the option to avoid paying only for one service and go for website builders, such as Fynd Platform to get every service at one. 

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Types Of Web Hosting 

Types Of Web Hosting

Here are different types of web hosting and their various pros and cons. 

1. Shared Hosting

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is when multiple website owners share the same server, particularly its resources, such as space, processing power, memory, etc. It is one of the most affordable hosting offered by any company.

Because of its economical rate and simplicity, it is the top choice for small business owners or people with websites for personal use, such as displaying portfolios. These types of sites do not require high bandwidth or complicated configuration. 

Moreover, it is also tough for them to afford advanced hosting. Thus, sharing hosting is best for them. Here is a table that sums up the pros and cons of Shared hosting.

  • Economical, best for people with low investment capital
  • No need to have technical expertise
  • Offers pre-configuration server options
  • Do not require attention on administration and maintenance of server

  • Limited access to the configuration of the server
  • The bandwidth is low, so you cannot reach a large audience
  • If there is an increase in traffic on other shared websites of your server, the speed of your website could reduce

2. Virtual Private Server Hosting

Virtual Private Server Hosting

In this hosting provider too, your website will have to share a physical server with other websites. However, here the server makes a virtual partition for each website. This means that despite having shared hosting, you will be allocated a fixed resource of the server.

This web hosting service is best for people with comparatively bigger sites than small blogs and business owners. It is also good for sites that have begun encountering more visitors.

It also has some pros and cons. You can read them in the table below. 

  • You get a server space for your site
  • Because of your own virtual space, an increase in traffic on other websites will not affect the speed of your website
  • You will get basic access to the server
  • You can also customize things

  • You will need certain technical skills to manage it
  • Though it is an economical option for growing a business, your overall cost might increase because you will need a developer to manage and maintain the server.

3. Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting

This web hosting service requires more than one virtual server that will host the site. This is to ensure that the site does not get influenced because of the increase in traffic of other shared sites.

Instead of depending on a single server, Cloud hosting depends on a cluster of servers to function, thus downtime is rare. Owners of big eCommerce websites with multiple websites and a large number of visitors could benefit from this web hosting. 

The table below summarises the pros and cons of cloud hosting.

  • There is very little to zero chance of hardware failure or downtime
  • Easily manages high traffic on-site through load balancing
  • Protects your site from viruses or DDoS attacks
  • Helps the site to scale because of not depending on a single server

  • You might or might not get root access to the server.
  • It is quite expensive from the shared and Virtual private hosting

4. WordPress Hosting

WordPress Hosting

This hosting is particularly for WordPress sites. It improves the security and performance of sites on WordPress, a popular content management system. While WordPress sites could also work on other hosting types, this hosting might make things easier for users.

This hosting type is different from other hosting options because of its various WordPress-specific features, such as security tools and a one-click installer. Some hosting providers might also provide you access to the support team of WordPress.

The various pros and cons of this hosting are:

  • It is beginner-friendly because of its economical price
  • It is best for WordPress sites as it optimizes their performance
  • Access to a customer support team, trained particularly for WordPress issues
  • Get pre-installed themes and plugins of WordPress

  • If you do not have a site on WordPress, you might not get impressed by this web hosting.

5. Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated Hosting

With dedicated hosting, you get a separate physical server for your website. This means you can manage the server as per your choice. You can choose the operating system, and software, configure the server and maintain all the other things in your hosting as per your specifications.

Opting for dedicated hosting is like having your own server. The complementary benefit is a trained team to guide you. If you are a large business owner with a full-fledged site, you should choose dedicated hosting only.

Here are the pros and cons of dedicated hosting.

  • Have full control over the configuration of your server
  • It offers high reliability
  • You get root access to the server

  • Super costly, not affordable or useful to small business owners
  • You need to have intermediate server and technical knowledge.

Now you know all types of hosting and their advantages and disadvantages. But besides that, you should also know the features that are a must-have in your web hosting.

Things To Look At In Your Web-Hosting Provider

Things To Look At In Your Web-Hosting Provider

There are infinite web hosting providers in the market. This means you have tons of options to select your provider. Now, this leads to confusion about which one is the best. Do not worry, here are the factors you need to analyse to choose the perfect web hosting provider for you.

Types of Hosting they Offer

Most website owners think that today they can only afford shared hosting, so they can go for a hosting provider that provides good shared hosting features. But this could be a huge mistake. 

Today you might have a small website whose needs could be easily fulfilled by shared hosting but your website might grow. After some time, when your visitors will increase or you will need more space, shared hosting will fail to cater for its need.

You will have to switch to different hosting types which would be easier if you look for a hosting provider that offers all hosting types. 

If you are not good at tech skills, look for a hosting provider that offers a control panel. This lets you manage your hosting account and user interface without logging in to the web server.

What if you visit a site and find that the server is down? If this happens once, you might visit that site another time. But if this becomes frequent, you will ultimately stop using that website.

Similarly, if your users will frequently face downtime or unstable web servers, they will gradually stop visiting your site. Thus, make sure that the web hosting provider you choose genuinely offers the uptime they show in their advertisements.

There are several technical aspects you need to check with your hosting provider to ensure that your website will run smoothly. Some of those specifications include bandwidth, processing power, and disk space among others.

Nowadays, it has become too easy to access reviews from consumers who have already used a particular service. Most trustable and reputed websites, such as the Fynd platform provide testimonials on their social media pages or sites.

Make sure the web hosting provider you choose has good online reviews. Also, if you cannot find the testimonials or reviews on their site, run immediately, the side might be a terrible one.

Your primary aim is to protect your site and the users on it from any virus or DDoS attacks. So, make sure the hosting provider you choose has advanced security tools and mechanisms. This will not only keep your site safe but also help you to attract users by offering them trust.

If you are a business owner, there is zero to the rare possibility that you are a tech geek. You will absolutely have no knowledge about the technical aspects of a server. This means that if something goes wrong, you will need outside help.

If the customer support of your web hosting provider will not be suitable, it could make your experience worse. Thus, make sure that the hosting provider has a dedicated customer support team. Also, it is better to choose providers with 24/7 customer support.

Besides these, a good hosting service also offers complementary features, such as a business email account and SSL certificate. So, check for them too.

So, these were some of the things to look for in your web hosting provider. But is this enough??? Of Course not! A significant factor to consider is website hosting cost. You will learn more about it in the subsequent section.

Website Hosting Cost in India

Website Hosting Cost in India

The website hosting cost is different for each type of hosting. Through this section, you will learn about the range of prices available for each type of hosting in India. You will also learn about some top sites that offer economical pricing and good service.

1. Cost For Shared Hosting

Most people begin their web hosting journey with shared hosting only. As it is one of the most economical web hosting types with a target audience of small businesses, its prices vary from $2.20 to $22.99 monthly.

Here are some top shared hosting providers and their prices.


Among these, HostGator is among the most popular website hosting that offers unlimited bandwidth with all its plans and also has a great support team. Bluehost is also a good option but comparatively has a lower rating than HostGator.

2. Cost For VPS Hosting

It is the next hosting type that small business owners prefer after shared hosting. The target audience of this hosting is also small website owners with comparatively more visitors than shared hosting sites. The price plan for this hosting varies from $2 to $110 monthly. 

Here is a list of VPS web hosting providers and their plans.


While Bluehost is comparatively expensive than other hosting providers, it is among the one that offers rich features. It includes rare unlimited domains and a free IP address that attracts website owners. 

Moreover, it is also known for its support and help the team. It has a strong online reputation. After Bluehost, HostGator and InMotion are among the top choices of users. 

3. Cost For Cloud Hosting

If your business is not ready to handle even a second of downtime, then cloud hosting would serve your purpose. The hosting providers with the best cloud hosting always have a backup server to ensure that your website’s information is available for your consumers.

In comparison to its features, it is inexpensive with prices ranging from $4.50 to $240 monthly. Here is a table that lists some cloud hosting providers and their prices.


4. Cost For WordPress Hosting

This hosting type is not suitable for every website owner. It is particularly built to serve the needs of WordPress sites more comfortably. Therefore its pricing is comparatively low to serve a small segment of consumers. The price range varies between $2.95 to $16.99 monthly.

Here is a table that summarises WordPress hosting costs for various hosting providers.


You might notice a great difference in pricing for WordPress hosting. This is because of the difference in offerings of these plans. Thus, it is vital to read the features of each hosting provider carefully before selecting anyone.

5. Cost For Dedicated Hosting

Being a plan with full control over the server and other management, it is the costliest plan. It could vary between $47 to $539.99. This means that you are sure of your plan to take dedicated hosting. 

You should not commit to it until your visitors are growing rapidly and all the other lower plans will fail to cater for your needs. Also, the pricing of this hosting type differs to a great extent.

The following table summarises some top companies offering dedicated hosting and their price.


So these were the website hosting costs you can expect in India. Now the question is why did the pricing vary this much? Well, this is because of the resources a particular plan offers to your site.

Another thing that might arise in your mind is, are these the only costs for website hosting? With this cost would you be able to make a site? Of Course not, a site has many other things for which you might have to pay. The subsequent section will explain this in detail. 

Overall Website Hosting Cost

Overall Website Hosting Cost

Hosting a website involves various different costs. Till now you have only learned about a small part of website hosting costs. Now you have chosen only a place for your site, constructing the site will require some other costs too.

Some of these costs are :-

You already know about domain names. It works as your unique address. Without a domain name, a consumer has to enter an IP address which is quite tough to remember. Instead, if you have an attractive domain name that is also memorable, users will easily find your site and will visit frequently.

To register your domain name, you have to look for a reputed and trusted registrar. Many web hosting platforms already offer domain name registration that could make the website making the process smoother for you.

But if your web host does not provide this facility, you have to spend $10 to 15 for the same. If you choose to take domain names outside of your web hosting provider, go for affordable ones by cost-cutting.

For instance, pick new TLDs, such as .online or .store that are comparatively cheaper than the expensive ones, such as .org, .com, and .net.

Moreover, the name could also affect the domain purchasing price. Some names are more expensive than others. For instance, the domain name was priced at $345 million!!!

Another thing to consider is whether your domain name registrar provides domain privacy protection or not. This feature is to provide safety to the personal information of domain name owners. Some might charge extra for it while others offer it for free.

SSL certificate is a security tool that protects your website data ( through encrypting it) while transferring from a web server to any browser. The primary function is to protect sensitive information from any unauthorised user.

The price of getting an SSL certificate ranges from free to $450 annually. The average cost is $50. The price depends on various factors, such as its capacity to cover subdomains and domains.

Also, there are three types of TLS or SSL certificates that vary on the basis of their validation level. They are domain-validated certificates, extended-validation certificates, and organisation-validated certificates.

While all three have the same purpose, a more sensitive site might require a higher validation level than others. After getting an SSL certificate, your site will get a little green lock before the URL in the URL bar of the site.

While an SSL certificate is significant for all websites, it is particularly important for the ones that involve financial transactions. Also, if your users have to enter their personal details to log in to your site, you should definitely take an SSL certificate.

Another thing to note here is that google or other search engines prefer sites with SSL certificates over sites without that. This means your site ranking might get down just because you do not have an SSL certificate.

Some web hosting plans include SSL certificates while some demand extra cost for it. If you are not willing to pay for it, you can get a free SSL certificate through Encrypt. However, you need to have good technical knowledge for that.

A website without a theme will not look attractive or engaging. It gives a unique look to your site. Although most CMS or website builders offer pre-made themes that are free too, most of them are not satisfying.

A very few CMS, such as Fynd Platform offer free themes that are treat to the eyes. So, if you want to make your website attractive, you might need to purchase a premium theme that costs between $5 to $290.

Extensions are to make your site more functional or add more features to it. For instance, if you want to offer a chat box to your consumers on the site or want to improve the security of your site, you will have to use extensions.

To get an extension without using a website builder or CMS, you have to depend on a third-party marketplace. This will let you add the required plugins to your site. However, the cost of plugins could be very high depending on their purpose.

You can also avail of a backup service that will ensure that your data is safe in case of worse situations. It copies the files to a different location than your web host server for unfavourable situations.

Some plans include backup and do not charge extra for it. Some providers do not charge for backup but will charge if you need to restore them. Another thing to note here is that you can back up your site on your own but that requires some technical knowledge.

Moreover, that will also need you to maintain the backup and know how to restore it. If you are not a techy person, you cannot work on guesses because this includes a lot of risks.

In order to grow your site, reach more audience and enhance conversion rate, you will need several marketing tools on your website. Although you can market your site without these tools also, you will need them for SEO, email campaigns, social media campaigns and advertising.

The cost of marketing tools depends on their use, varying from $10 to $150 a month for each tool. Using some most reputed SEO tools could cost you between $99 to $999. On the other hand, some of the best email marketing tools range between $34 to $50 monthly.

You should select your marketing tools carefully and according to your needs. Initially, when you have no consumers, you can work on SEO tools and after having a good database of consumers, you can go for email marketing tools.

The difference between an eCommerce website and a general website is that the former includes an online store where consumers purchase products. They are often more expensive to build than regular websites.

These sites require various additional features to sell and manage services or products. The cost of an eCommerce website will depend on several factors, traffic and the number of products and services you have been the most significant of all.

On average, the various features cost $15 monthly each. However, the number of people your site attracts and the size of your site will decide the overall cost.

Some of the most significant eCommerce features would include an eCommerce platform with basic features ( ranges between $10-$15 for core features only ), Payment gateways for transactions ( ranges between $15 - $25 monthly for small size websites), and inventory management (might cost around $1000 monthly if you avail from a reputed site).

SiteLock is also a security measure for web application firewalls, regular malware scans, and protection from DDoS attacks. Although most website hosting costs include SiteLock, some might charge extra for it.

However, the cost is usually low, around $2 per month. The worth of money for SiteLock is a controversial topic with some people believing it to be of no use.

So, these were some other website hosting costs. Now the question is do you really need to get into all this mess? Do you have to look for all these things separately and pay for them? Of course not! There is a shortcut!

And mind you, not all shortcuts are bad! Some could save you a lot of time and effort. One such shortcut is choosing a website builder or CMS.

Yes, instead of researching for each component of a website rather than paying for them and managing everything from different places, you can have one destination for all. You will learn more about it through the subsequent section. 

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The Easy Way To Host A Website

The Easy Way To Host A Website

If you have no knowledge of tech and only have an idea to build an eCommerce platform, you need to choose a CMS or website builder. Your headache would only be to reach a reputed CMS. After that, all your problems will be solved in one place.

A website builder usually offers all the components of a website, mentioned above in their plans. This means that once you have committed to a CMS, it will handle everything, from SSL certificates to extensions. 

Searching for a trusted website builder could be a challenge for you. Therefore here is a list of some good website builders that could help you.

  1. Fynd Platform
  2. WIX
  3. Shopify
  4. WooCommerce
  5. GoDaddy
  6. Duda
  7. WordPress

Among all these platforms, Fynd Platform has successfully made a different place in the audience's heart because of its amazing features, all-in-one plans, and affordable prices. You deserve to learn more about this platform. The next section will help you with it. 

How Is Fynd Platform Most Useful For Ecommerce Store?

How Is Fynd Platform Most Useful For Ecommerce Store

TOP choice
Ease of use
Help & Support
Sales features
Customer score
Value for money

If you want to reduce website hosting costs, the best way is to look for a website builder with amazing features and economical plans, such as Fynd Platform. Some of it features include:

  1. Get Mobile friendly websites.
  2. Offer multi-language support
  3. Give your users the facility to chat, create blogs, and fill forums
  4. 24*7 customer support and Get a seller panel to easily manage everything on your site.
  5. Get some unique development kits
  6. Safe and smooth payment systems
  7. Customise your site as per your needs
  8. Create coupons and categories of products for your users
  9. Build a marketplace catalogue
  10. Get the analysis of your marketing tools and other analyses
  11. Give the option to take feedback from your consumer

Now after seeing the features, you might think that it would cost a lot. But fortunately, that is not the case. Fynd platforms offer all these facilities in three economical plans. They are

For entrepreneurs who have just begun their online business journey. Standard Plan (599) : 2% and offers all you need to begin an eCommerce store.

For the people who are witnessing growth in their business. This plan is all you need to take your site from the mountains to the skies. Professional Plan (1499): 2%

This is their best plan that offers every feature a settled business would need. If you have no budget constraints and want to make an online presence, this Premium Plan (2499): 1.5% All the plans give you access to its trained customer support team that will have your back anytime.


In the current times, it has become very easy to host a website. But how you do that could significantly affect your traffic and budget.

You can choose a web hosting platform or go for a CMS, such as the Fynd platform to make things easy. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time managing each component separately. The choice is on you!

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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Can I host my website for free?

Yes, you can definitely host your website for free. There are two ways to do that. You can either have good tech knowledge for that or you can access a free plan. But the free plans come with certain limitations on the server resources. You cannot expect a lot from the free plan. Paid plans are better if you want smooth working of your site. They offer larger bandwidth, more storage, and other features to provide security and speed to your site. 

Which website hosting is best?

The answer to this could be subjective. While some people might prefer the ones that offer cheap plans to fit their budget, others might prefer the ones with great features. It is tough to say that a particular web hosting provider is best.

You can research every option and see which one has the cost and features according to your needs. This is the best way to know the most suitable website hosting provider for you.

Is it Cheaper to host your own website?

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Of course, it is! If you are hosting your own website without hiring any provider, you will be able to do it at very little cost. But there are several issues related to it. For instance, if you are not tech savvy, you would not be able to do it.

Also, you will have to give time and effort to maintain your hosting server. You might also miss some other features offered by web hosting providers. Thus, it is better to take help instead of doing it on your own. 

What Do you mean by website hosting?

Although the article explains website hosting in detail, here is a brief explanation of it. Hosting a website is a process where a website owner ( an organisation or individual) purchases online space for their website data

They store all their website data there so they or anyone who wants to see their website could access it from anywhere. The place where the information of a website gets stored is a server. The server transfers that information to the browser that demands that site.

What are some best website hosting providers?

Some of the most popular website hosting providers include Hostinger, GoDaddy, Verpex, HostGator, MilesWeb, ONOHosting, Stromonic, Cloudways, BigRock, Zyro, myglobalHOST, AccuWebHosting, GoogieHost, etc. Some of these providers also offer free plans but most of them only offer paid plans. 

How many types of Hosting are there?

Yes, there are five types of website hosting. The details of each have been provided in the article. To explain in brief, the five types are shared, virtual private server, cloud, dedicated, and WordPress hosting. Among these, shared is for people with websites for personal use while dedicated is the most expensive one, usually preferred by big business owners. 

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