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What Is Retargeting In E-Commerce, And How To Do It?

What Is Retargeting In E-Commerce, And How To Do It?

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

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Are you aware that 97% of visitors that leave never return to a website? It is one of the biggest problem statements for ecommerce businesses, as this way, they would lose all their customers and business.

Retargeting comes as a proven rescue solution for them. Below research would tell you why?

  • Retargeting ads are 76% more likely to be clicked on than regular display ads. 
  • Retargeting beats all other ad placement strategies with a 1,046% efficiency rate.

Retargeting is one of the most effective ways to reach out to customers who have previously interacted with your brand when it comes to online marketing. This strategy is about serving specific product or services ads to customers who have already visited the ecommerce website.

The sole aim of retargeting in ecommerce is to recapture the attention of qualified leads by attempting to drive them to the ecommerce website page and convert them into paying customers. In this blog post, we will explore how retargeting works and some tips on how you can get started with retargeting on your eCommerce website.

How does retargeting work?

There are two popular platforms for retargeting the ads: Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

1) Google Ads 

Google Ads are for professionals that advertise on Google. All you need to do is add a code known as a tag to the ecommerce website so that visitors can be added to your remarketing audience.

This code is responsible for adding the anonymous information of the users who visited your website to a specific list. You can direct your Google remarketing tag to collect data on a particular action to target audiences, such as mailing list signup or searching for a product. This information can be used to create lists for particular remarketing campaigns. 

This process is completely automated, and ecommerce business owners do not need to run after every visitor to retarget them. Here’s an example: Ragini visits the “Body Cafe” website, looks at products like ‘BodyCafe Aloe Vera Gel" and ‘Body Café Face Mist," but doesn't purchase them.

Later, when Ragini visits another website—say, her favorite entertainment news site, she sees an ad for Body Café featuring the Aloe Vera gel and face mist she was looking for that day.

Body Café is running a remarketing campaign via an ad network that works with this entertainment site.  The retargeting ad aims to remind Ragini of those products she was interested in, and maybe by seeing the ad again, she will be convinced to click and make the purchase on the Body Café website she didn’t make previously.

2) Facebook Ads

Retargeting on Facebook enables you to advertise to visitors to your Facebook page, website, app, or store. It assists in targeting potential customers by automatically displaying the products in which they are most interested.

eCommerce websites need to install the Facebook pixel if they want to retarget their website visitors.  The Facebook pixel is a small piece of code that you, your web developer, or a Facebook Business Partner can incorporate into your website's code.

It keeps track of the people who engage with your brand and their actions, such as if they saw any Facebook advertising before visiting your website, the pages of your website they visit, and the things they add to their baskets.

How to Create a pixel in Facebook Business Manager

  • Go to Business settings in Business Manager.
  • Select your business.
  • Click Data Sources.
  • Select Pixels.
  • Click the + Add button.
  • Enter a name for your pixel.
  • Optional: Enter your website URL.
  • Click Continue.
  • To install your pixel on your website, click Set up the pixel now. If you'd like to stay in Business Manager, click Continue managing my business.

How can eCommerce websites use the retargeting feature on Fynd Platform in easy steps?

Step 1: Use the abandoned checkout feature of Fynd Platform

eCommerce websites powered by the Fynd Platform can use an in-built abandoned checkout feature to view the checkouts that people forfeited at the payment stage while making a purchase.

How to access this unique feature on Fynd Platform?

Platform Panel >> Sales Channel (select application) >> Orders >> Abandoned Checkouts

Platform Panel

Fig 1: Abandoned checkouts page – Main Screen

Every sales channel of Fynd Platform except marketplaces have an abandoned checkout section.

Sales Channel

Fig 2: Page Intro

You will get the following data on the page:

  • A date range filter
  • List of customers along with their name, email ID and phone number (if available)
  • The value of items added to the cart by an individual
  • The total number of carts abandoned during the specified date range
  • The total value of potential sales lost during that period
  • An Export button to download the entire list in a CSV file

Also, you can view the products added to the cart, as shown below.

Customer Details

Fig 3: Product abandoned in the cart

Step 2: Doing retargeting on the Fynd Platform

Retargeting is the process of bringing back the people who bounced off your website. Once you have downloaded the CSV file using the Export button, you can use the CSV file to build an audience list whom you can retarget.

On Fynd Platform, you can create retargeting strategies using the following features. Majority of these will require you to create and run a campaign to compel your audience to return to your website.

A) Create Coupons

Fynd Platform lets you create eight types of coupons. You can run an ad campaign, enter the coupon code into their cart, and avail a discount.

  • X Percentage Value
  • X Amount Value
  • Bundle Percentage Discount
  • Bundle Amount Discount
  • Bundle Amount Percentage Discount
  • Buy X Items Get Y Items Free
  • Buy X Items at Absolute Amount
  • Bundle On Quantity Percentage Discount

Create Coupons

Fig 1: Coupon main screen

New eCommerce business owners can learn to create a coupon here.

B) Offer Discounts

Fynd Platform allows you to create discounts and configure them as you want. This flexibility allows sellers to not only create conventional discounts but also perform the following actions:

  • Set a validity period for a discount
  • Create a discount for products belonging to a brand
  • Create a discount for products sold at a selling location
  • Create a discount for products listed in your sales channel
  • Create a discount for individual products
  • Create a discount for individual SKU
Offer Discounts

Fig 2: Discount main screen

You can create two types of discounts on the Fynd Platform:

How to access discounts on Fynd Platform?

Platform Panel  >>  Products  >>  Discount

C) Earn reward points

There are three ways to earn reward points that you can configure for your customers:

Earn Reward Point

Fig 3: Types of reward point earning methods

Order reward: It rewards those who place an order on your website or app.

Order Reward

Fig: Order reward configuration

Referral reward: A reward for those who refer others to register on your website or app.

Referral Reward

Fig: Referral reward configuration

Sign up for a reward: A reward for those who sign up on your website or app.

Sign up for a reward

Fig: Sign up reward configuration

D) Send reminders using email & SMS

You can send intimations to your customers during new user signup, provide order updates, and notify returns and refunds. Example: If a customer has placed an order, they will receive its corresponding email. Similarly, if a customer cancels an order, they will receive a cancellation email.

How to access email features on Fynd Platform? Platform Panel  >>  Sales Channel (select application)  >>  Communication  >>  Email

Send Reminders

Fig 1: Sign up reward configuration


Fig 2: Email – Main screen intro


The primary purpose of sending an SMS is to make the customer aware of the order status. Example: If a customer has placed an order, they will receive an SMS stating that the order has been placed. Similarly, if a customer cancels an order, they will receive a cancellation message.

How to access SMS features on Fynd Platform?

Platform Panel  >>  Sales Channel (select application)  >>  Communication  >>  SMS


Fig: SMS – main screen

Retargeting is a great way to increase the ROI of your eCommerce campaign, as it can increase conversion rates by as much as 150%. By targeting visiting customers, you can ensure that your advertising reaches people who are already interested in your product. 

Fynd Platform offers businesses many unique retargeting features that help increase ecommerce sales and conversion rates. To learn more about how Fynd Platform can help your eCommerce business, Book a demo or contact us today.

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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