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How to Build a Website From Scratch in 8 Easy Steps (2024)

How to Build a Website From Scratch in 8 Easy Steps (2024)

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In the current age of digital evolution, going live with an E-commerce website is the best way to start your business. You must build your site before going live. If you are a beginner, it may be challenging, but every problem has a solution. Creating an E-commerce site is not an exception to this universal rule. Are you worried because you do not have the professional expertise or skill sets to build a website? No worries, you need not be a programmer or a designer to accomplish the task. The easy-to-use and practical tools on the Fynd Platform will lend a helping hand to you for it. Creating a website has become an essential skill in today's digital age. Whether building a website for your business or personal use, having an online presence can help you reach a wider audience. This post will guide you through creating a website from scratch.

Define your goal

Define your goal

Before creating a website, it is essential to understand your website's purpose or goal clearly. Whether you're building a business website, blog, portfolio, or any other type of website, defining your website goal will maximise the benefits of your online presence.

Some Niches Which you can opt

  • Blog: A blog is a website that features regular posts or articles about a particular topic or niche. It's a great way to share your thoughts and ideas with a specific audience.
  • Photo gallery: A photo gallery is a website that showcases photographs or images visually appealingly. It's a great way to share your work or passion for photography with others.
  • Social media links: Social media links on a website allow visitors to connect easily with you on various social media platforms. It's a great way to expand your online presence and engage with your audience.
  • Online store: An online store is a website that allows visitors to purchase products or services directly from the website. It's a great way to sell products and reach a wider audience.
  • Chat feature: A chat feature on a website allows visitors to communicate with you or your team in real time. It's a great way to provide customer support and engage with visitors.
  • Members area: A members area on a website is a section that is only accessible to registered users or subscribers. It's a great way to provide exclusive content or services to a dedicated audience.

Once you have identified your website's niche, it's time to start brainstorming. Write down the type of site you plan to make in the middle of your map, and think about words and phrases that describe the vibe you're going for and your brand voice. For example, if you're creating a blog about cooking, you might want to include keywords like "recipes," "food," "cooking tips," "healthy eating," and "meal planning." These keywords will help you define your website's content and target audience. Next, you must decide on your website's logo, design, microcopy, and colour. Hiring a designer or using design software like Figma to create your website can be tempting, but we suggest starting with pen and paper. 

This will allow you to brainstorm freely and experiment with different ideas before committing to a design. Using the map you created earlier, write each element in separate circles stemming from your initial idea. Once you've broken down your brand into individual elements, it will be much easier to continue to the next step of the process. In conclusion, defining your website's goal and niche is essential to create a successful online presence. Once you clearly understand your website's purpose, use paper and pen to brainstorm and map out your brand elements. This will help you design a website that effectively communicates your message to your target audience.

Choose The Right Website Builder For You

Choose The Right Website Builder For You

Do you wish to build a website without getting into the details of code editing? If yes, a website builder can help you with it. By using it, you can effortlessly build a website. You can do so by performing a few simple steps. The Internet provides many options for choosing a website builder tool. You must choose the right one among them to achieve your desired outcome.

Which Website Builder Should You Choose?

Which Website Builder Should You Choose

Regarding choosing the best website builder, its definition may vary from one individual to the other. So, choosing a website builder boils down to individual preferences.  To ease the workload of reviewing different website builders, consider the following criteria:

Your chosen website builder should be easy to use. It must have tools like design customisation options, tools for editing, and a drag-and-drop builder that you can customise according to your requirements.

Choose a website builder that gives you good value for money. Find out if the website builder you wish to buy has free E-commerce features. Also, find out if it comes with a free business email, SSL, and a domain name.

Knowing about the hidden costs (if any) is equally important. Once you learn about these details, you will find it easier to make an informed choice from the standpoint of your budget

Does the website builder you wish to have the feature of adding professional templates? Is it flexible enough to add extra features like a CRM, Google Analytics, and marketing tools from third parties? Comparing existing website builders regarding these features will help you make the right decision.

A website builder, alongside the best features, must also have robust customer support. Support will help you get answers to your queries and reliable solutions to your problems.

Consider the abovementioned aspects as the benchmark for choosing the best website builder. Weigh your options and choose the best one that meets all or most of the abovementioned criteria.

Sign Up For A Plan That Suits Your Needs And Budget

Sign Up For A Plan That Suits Your Needs And Budget

Pay attention to your requirements and budget to choose a needs-based website builder. With such an option, you could address your needs within your budget. If you need more clarification about your requirements, feel free to sit down with a pen and paper and note the essential features you want a website builder to have. Once you have the requirements in mind, making an informed decision would be easy.

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DIY: Website Creation Software

DIY or do-it-yourself websites have undeniable advantages for those who build them. Building such a website will benefit you in three ways: 

  • You can save money.
  • Personalise it the way you want.
  • Exercise total control over it. 

You can use website creation software, a program with valuable tools for building a website. The website builder on the Fynd Platform platform is a valuable tool for building a solid E-commerce platform with inbuilt payment gateway options. Being tech-savvy in manual coding is optional for using a website builder. So, you can use it even if you are from a non-tech background.


Your business may belong to any niche. But to make it successful, having a business website is paramount. Given the rising competition, you need to think out of the box to build a website. Only by doing so can you turn your business site into an asset that would give you a competitive edge in the long run. While it is true that you can build a professional website with advanced features if you have the expertise. However, contrary to what most web admins believe, it is not a mandatory requirement. At present (in 2024), there are also other options to build a business website according to your preferences.

Using a website builder is one of them. If you need to learn more about website builders, you first need to know whether you can use them for free. To a large extent, it will depend on your choice, as you can choose between free and premium options. Premium options have more features than those that are free of cost. If you wish to choose a cost-effective option without compromising features, you can opt for powerful platforms like Fynd Platform. The best part about using Fynd Platform is that it offers you the latest features and functionalities without the need for you to break the bank. It provides the best features at reasonable packages. Here’s more on how to build a website in 2024 by adopting a step-by-step approach with a website builder.

Most website owners or webmasters ask this question at some point in time. And there is a good reason for it. After all, more than a handy option, building a website is a necessity for running businesses these days.

Most entrepreneurs who wish to launch their business plan, or even those with an existing business, are well aware of it. To offset the cost, they look for a cheap or a free option for building a professional website.

While you can make a website for free in 2023 using a free website builder, you can only build an essential website with it.

For a professional website with advanced features, you must look or think beyond a free option. An intermediate choice will help you strike the right balance between cost and features. In 2023, you can search for such options online; Fynd Platform is one of them.

Most website owners ask this million-dollar question at some point in time. But there's no direct answer to it, as there is neither a price cap nor a hard-and-fast rule for building a website. You can go about it according to your budget and preferences. And this means you can either build a website within a tight budget or spend a lot of money on it.

The cost of a website depends on several factors. These include a domain name, website functionality, website maintenance, the size of a website, and the pricing plans for hosting a website. Plus, you also need to pay the charges to a professional to build a website for you. When you add up the costs, it would add up to $12,000 at least.

On average, you would need to spend between $12,000 and $15,000 to build a feature-rich professional website based on your desired features. To have a website with advanced features, you must have the upper limit in mind to have a website with advanced features.

The easiest way to create a website for free is to use a free website builder. It is a software tool for building a website by following simple steps. That said, free website builders do have some shortcomings. For one, free accounts of website builders need the premium feature you usually get with paid accounts.

Unlike paid accounts with which you can buy custom domains, you can do so with free website builders. If you plan to build a professional website, this is a significant disadvantage.

Free website builders are a good choice if you are testing the waters of building a website without being bothered about the final result. However, you need to look beyond it if you wish to build a professional website. That's because you need advanced features to build a professional website, especially one with some advanced features. To get them, you may need to spend a few dollars.

Among website builders, you can choose some of the top options. These include Fynd Platform, Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, and Shopify. To build a website with the help of a website builder, the steps you need to follow are included:

  • Register an account with your preferred website builder to sign up for one of its plans.

  • Browse its design template options and choose your preferred one from them.

  • You may have some professional needs to fulfil while completing your website. Make use of the drag-and-drop feature of the website builder software. The features may vary according to the package you choose for a website builder.

  • Build your brand by adding fonts, text, logos, and images.

  • Depending on your business need, you can or a wide range of E-commerce features to your website. You can also consider the idea of including third-party integrations.

  • Optimise your newly built website with a mobile editor to ensure it is mobile-friendly or properly visible on mobile devices.

  • Before you proceed, check your website's features at least once to verify everything is in place. If all is well, go ahead and publish your website.

Once you create and publish your website for free by following the steps mentioned above, you next need to consider gaining sizeable or healthy traffic. You can make it happen only by bringing as many visitors as possible.

They will act as your business leads. To gain business leads, you can use the latest marketing methods. After that, you can convert them into regular customers. The days of using traditional marketing methods to gain potential customers or business leads are long gone. Nowadays, more and more companies are investing in digital marketing.

You can use WordPress or a website builder to build a website from scratch. You can choose any one of these options depending on your convenience. Your budget will play a role in your choice of option. You can subscribe to a website builder plan that suits your budget.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how you can proceed with your idea of building a website using a website builder. Read on to know more about it.

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Fynd Platform is our top-rated ecommerce website builder, and for good reason with 30 days free trial!

Conduct competitor research

Conduct competitor research

Conducting competitor research is essential in creating a successful website. By understanding your target audience and what your competitors offer, you can identify gaps in the market and find opportunities to differentiate yourself.

To start:

  1. Search Google for websites similar to what you envision yours to be.
  1. Look for relevant pages, whether blogs, community forums, social media feeds, testimonials or Q+A section.
  1. Take note of the type of content they offer and how they engage with their audience.

Another helpful tool is the "People Also Ask" section on Google. This section provides insight into what questions people ask about your industry or niche. Use these questions to inspire your content and identify potential areas of opportunity. By conducting competitor research, you can better understand your target audience and the type of content they are interested in reading and searching for. Use this information to inform your content strategy and find ways to differentiate yourself from the competition.

Pick the Right Platform: CMS vs Website Builder

When building a website, choosing the right Platform is essential. Content management systems (CMSs) and website builders are the two most popular options. Understanding the differences between these two options and selecting the one best suited to your needs will make the website-building process much more manageable. A CMS is computer software that allows you to design, manage, and publish website content. With a CMS, you can easily create and edit web pages, add new content, and manage existing content. One of the most popular CMS platforms is WordPress, which offers many features and customizability options. WordPress is the most popular CMS platform in the world, powering over 40% of all websites. Businesses, bloggers, and individuals use it, offering over 50,000 plugins and themes to customise your site. 

On the other hand, a website builder is a program or tool that simplifies website creation even more. With a website builder, you don't need coding or web design skills to create a website. Instead, you can use pre-designed templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface to build your site.  Website builders are great for creating a straightforward website without complex features or design elements. One famous website builder is the Fynd Platform.

Fynd Platform offers high-quality templates and a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, making creating a professional-looking website easy. Whether building a website for your business or personal use, Fynd Platform offers all the tools and features you need to create a stunning website in minutes. Choosing the right Platform for your website is crucial. Consider your needs and skill level when deciding between a CMS or website builder. A CMS like WordPress might be the best option for flexibility and customizability. However, if you want a simple, easy-to-use website builder, Fynd Platform is an excellent choice.

  • Cost: Different platforms have different pricing structures, so choosing a platform that fits your budget is essential. Some platforms are free, while others require a monthly or yearly fee.
  • Support: It's essential to consider the level of support you'll need when building your website. Some platforms offer extensive customer support, while others have limited resources. Choose a platform that provides the level of support you need.
  • Technical knowledge: Some website-building platforms require a high level of technical knowledge, while others are designed for beginners. Consider your level of technical expertise when choosing a platform.

Considering these factors, you can choose a website-building platform that meets your needs and helps you create a website that achieves your goals.

How To Build A Website: Your Step-By-Step Guide (Using Website Builder)

How To Build A Website: Your Step-By-Step Guide

You can use many website design options. The website builder is one of them. It is an easy option for those who need to be tech-savvy. To further simplify matters, you can utilise a user-friendly platform like Fynd Platform. With the help of a website builder, you can create a website without spending a hefty amount of money. Most website builders' packages include hosting costs. So, you do not need to add hosting costs separately to your overall cost of building a website. Follow the proper steps to build a feature-rich and professional method with a website builder. You will get the best outcomes by following the steps below.

1. Choose a Website Builder

 Choose a Website Builder

Website builders are widely popular for website creation due to their user-friendly nature. They are highly preferred because they offer the most straightforward website-building method. Some popular options they use are Fynd Platform, Shopify and Wix. Fynd Platform is helpful in this regard, especially for those who need tech-savvy. If you are new to a website builder, you may be curious to know why you should use a website builder for building a website. It would help if you did so for a simple reason.

When you use a website builder for creating a website, you do not need to pay attention to unnecessary details. Instead, you can focus on its content and design. A website builder eases building a website through templates and beautiful interfaces. You can create a visually pleasing site by playing with its features as you do while making a PowerPoint presentation. For the best outcomes, you must choose the right website builder. You can use standard options such as Fynd Platform, Wix, GoDaddy, Shopify, or Squarespace. We recommend you choose the Fynd Platform, which is tailor-made for ease of use. It is ideal for serving your needs if you want to start without spending much time learning the technicalities. The key points you need to consider for making an informed choice of website builder are the following:

  • Features
  • Ease of use
  • Help and support
  • The flexibility of design
  • Customer review

Attention to all the above points is necessary for choosing the right website builder. It would help if you went with it because Fynd Platform is a frontrunner. Remember to keep your priorities above everything else while making your decision. Test your chosen website builder to find out if it is as helpful as mentioned by its provider. You can simplify matters by choosing the one that offers free trials. For instance, Fynd Platform provides a free trial package to its clients to let them check out its features. If satisfied with its features and services, you can buy one of its packages.

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2. Register with a Website Builder Service Provider Based on Your Requirements & Budget

Register with a Website Builder Service Provider Based on Your Requirements & Budget

After identifying a website builder, you need to create an account with it. After that, choose a package to proceed with your subscription. These days, most providers offer several choices. Choose a plan carefully. Make sure that it is in line with both your budget and requirements. Some providers include additional tools in their packages. Usually, such tools are chargeable. If you find an additional tool that is chargeable in your package and increases your subscription cost, try removing it. Prioritise it, especially if you are still looking for a premium tool included in your package to be relevant to your needs.

Fynd Platform Website Builder

Fynd Platform Website Builder

If you're looking for a website builder with advanced features and benefits, Fynd Platform's website builder is what you need. Some of the other main benefits of using Fynd Platform's website builder include the following:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools: Fynd Platform's website builder uses AI tools to help you create a custom website that reflects your brand and business goals. These tools include personalised design recommendations, intelligent image cropping, and automated content creation.
  • Security: Fynd Platform's website builder is designed with security in mind, with features such as SSL encryption, daily backups, and automatic updates to protect your website from cyber threats.
  • Cloud hosting: Fynd Platform's website builder uses cloud hosting, which means your website is stored on multiple servers worldwide. This ensures that your website is fast, reliable, and accessible to visitors worldwide.
  • Fast setup: Fynd Platform's website builder is designed for easy and fast setup. You can create a professional-looking website in just a few hours without the required coding or technical knowledge.

In summary, Fynd Platform's website builder offers a range of advanced features and benefits, including AI tools, security, cloud hosting, and fast setup. If you're looking for a powerful website builder that can help you create a professional-looking website quickly and easily, Fynd Platform's website builder is worth considering.

Costing and Budgeting

The next thing you need to consider is the cost of the packages. Generally, it ranges between $7 and $41 per month for most providers. If you want to get your stuff at a lesser cost, look for a cost-effective provider. You can look for a package that meets your budget and requirements on the Fynd Platform. No matter whichever website builder package you buy, it will be cheaper than hiring a website developer. You can prioritise your needs to choose the correct option. Due to the availability of free website builders, you might want to know if you can build a website free of cost. Yes, you can do it. But upon thinking of it carefully, you will find that free website builders miss out on many valuable features you need to build a website. A free website builder is a worthy option if you are a learner or in the beginning stage. You can learn a lot by using some of the features of free website builders. Learning the method and art of using the features of a free website builder will help you utilise the features of premium ones with proficiency.

3. Choose a Domain Name that is Relevant & Unique

Choose a Domain Name that is Relevant & Unique

Every residence has a postal address. Similarly, a website has a domain that gives it a unique identity among several websites. Besides giving a website its identity, a domain name also helps it stand out among several other websites. You usually get a domain name while signing up with a website builder provider. Your Sitemap is organised so that a visitor shouldn't have to click more than twice to move from one page to another. This means creating categories that logically group pages and labelling them clearly and descriptively. For example, if you have a website for a bakery, you might have categories for "Cakes," "Cookies," "Bread," and "Pastries."

  • Choose a relevant domain name. It should align with the business you wish to build a website for. A domain name can either make or break the deal for your business, as more than half of your target audience will identify or recognise your business based on the domain name of your business website.
  • Given that the majority of visitors to websites tend to forget the names of websites, you must do your best to choose a domain name that's short and easy to remember. Upon remembering the name of your website, visitors can visit it directly without running a Google search to get to your company's website. Google's rankings for websites and SERPs change from time to time. You would want your potential and existing customers to visit your website without searching for it on Google. 
  • Websites with numbers are tricky to remember for most Internet users. Besides, they also do not look professional. For these reasons, you must only go with a website with numbers. It will also help your target audience easily remember your website's name.
  • Find another website with the same domain name before selecting your domain. The process is imperative for the simple reason that the Internet has millions of websites. It would help if you considered the possibility that one or more of them have already used the domain with the same website name you wish to use.

After choosing a domain name with the points mentioned above in mind, you can register your domain. You can choose an option with a yearly or monthly renewal fee. Fynd Platform offers the best domain plans and a website builder. The advantage of choosing a unique domain name is that it comes in handy later when you wish to move. A unique domain name becomes available to you when you purchase it, and you become the domain owner. After purchasing a domain, you can use it in all its usable forms.

4. Pick a Preferred Design Template

Pick a Preferred Design Template

After concluding the first three steps, you are almost ready to implement your website plan. You can simplify the task with a website builder. With a website builder, you can avoid wasting time and effort building a site. Instead of manual effort, you can use the templates of your website builder to perform the task in a quick time. When you use a top website builder like Fynd Platform, you do not need to worry about hiring a designer.

Its templates act as a canvas to help you create the content for your website in your preferred way. Don't worry about your site's final appearance; It will be as visually pleasing with Fynd Platform's tools as you can expect from a professional designer. You can also be creative to make it look professional, provided you use it correctly. You can choose your template from extensive selections when using a website builder. You can also make your selection based on categories. If you are still determining which template to go with, consider the nature of your business. Niche will help you choose a suitable design template.

5. Customize the Design of Your Design Template

Customize the Design of Your Design Template

Website builders like Fynd Platform offer many customisation options. You can accomplish many things with these options while building a website. For instance, you can add new pages to your website's navigation. Or, you can enhance the appearance of your site by tweaking the size and colour of its fonts. You can also add between single and multiple menus through the customisation options. Additionally, you can also add some contact forms to your website. When it comes to customisation, the homepage gallery is one of the options you may want to consider.

Go through the images and try editing the ones that need editing. You can be creative with the choice of colour palette to give your site a refreshing look while exploring the customisation options. You may have many questions while using a website builder for the first time. But don't worry, as website builders are easy to use. The more you explore them, the more familiar you will become with using them to create your website. If you wish to overcome the challenges related to customisation, consider using an easy option. Fynd Platform is designed for both beginners and professionals alike. Even if you need to become more familiar with the technicalities of using a website builder, the simple-to-use tools and navigation options of Fynd Platform will help you use it like a pro. You can also contact one of its technical experts for professional assistance if necessary.

Creating a sitemap is essential to building a successful website. Think of it as the blueprint of your site's architecture. A sitemap outlines all the pages you plan to create and how they connect. Creating a sitemap gives you a better chance of perfecting your Website navigation and offering users a smooth browsing experience. Your Sitemap is organised so that a visitor shouldn't have to click more than twice to move from one page to another. This means creating categories that logically group pages and labelling them clearly and descriptively. For example, if you have a website for a bakery you might have categories for "Cakes," "Cookies," "Bread," and "Pastries."

Add a website menu that remains visible on every page to make your Sitemap even more effective. A menu lets visitors quickly navigate any part of your site without returning to the homepage. Your menu should be easy to read and use, with clear labels matching your Sitemap's categories. Finally, ensure your menu has a clickable logo that leads visitors back to the homepage. This not only offers a convenient way to return to the beginning of the site, but it also reinforces your branding and helps establish your site's identity. In summary, creating a sitemap is crucial in building a successful website. It helps you logically organise your content, offers a smooth browsing experience for visitors, and reinforces your branding. Creating a sitemap and menu that are easy to use and navigate will increase the chances of visitors staying on your site longer and returning in the future.

6. Post Your Content & Arrange It Properly in an Organized Manner

Post Your Content & Arrange It Properly in an Organized Manner

You can upload your desired content after modifying your website's layout, Sitemap, and colours. Depending on the nature of your website, consider including videos and images along with the text. Website builders offer templates with drag-and-drop features. If you find them suitable, you can add them to your website. The quality of content on your website (both textual and multimedia) will determine how popular your site will be among your target audience. Ensure that you check for grammatical errors in the write-up of your Website content before publishing it.

Usually, a professional website consists of a call to action, an about us page, and product descriptions. But depending on your requirement, you may also add a particular page for the blog section or pages of other categories. Most visitors appreciate visiting websites that have rich-quality videos and images. To meet the expectations of your visitors (or your target audience), consider checking the quality of the images and videos on your website. Avoid using low-quality videos or blurred images. You can use free images or buy premium copies of relevant images when choosing images. You can get free images from various categories at Pixabay and Unsplash.

7. Decide on the Applications You Need to Download

Decide on the Applications You Need to Download

Your site may belong to any niche. But you would want it to have a set of functionalities that would ease your workload and encourage your target audience to return. You can download tons of applications to fulfil this requirement. In this connection, you can attach several social media integrations and forms. Most website builders have dedicated markets to shop for apps these days.

Just as the users of Android devices access their favourite apps through PlayStore for Android phones, website builders also have dedicated marketplaces from which you can search for applications and buy them to serve your needs. While some applications may be free, you must pay a fee to use others. Whether you choose free or premium applications for your website, both are easy to download and install. You can install your chosen app on your site by clicking on the available options. Fynd Platform has many applications to help you get started with a bang. You can also install advanced applications to your website from various categories on the Fynd Platform based on your needs.

8. Check Your Website for the Final Time with a Critical Eye before Publishing It

Check Your Website for the Final Time with a Critical Eye before Publishing It

Once you choose a template and customisation, you are almost ready to publish your website. Take your time if it is necessary to test your website. Once you make your website live, it becomes available on the Internet. If you want your business website to give the best impression to your clients, ensure that it is error-free. No matter how professionally you build your website, some glitches may need to be addressed. You must check for errors to ensure your website is 100% ready to go live. 

Check the following points to go live with an error-free website:

  • The grammatical correctness of the sentences
  • The spelling of all the words used in your Website content (make sure that all the words are correct before publishing your website)
  • Check the consistency of formatting on your website.
  • Examine if your website is responsive on the computer and mobile devices (it should be responsive on both these devices)

Ticking all the right boxes on the checklist above will help ensure you get all the crucial things before publishing your website. With a website builder, you can see the preview of a website before publishing it. Previewing your website is one of the best ways to find out how your website would look to others before going live with it.

Using a Website Builder: FAQs-

Yes, you can use a free website builder to build your website. But if you use a free website builder plan, your user experience will differ from that of a paid subscription. A paid subscription has some advanced features you may not get with a free website builder plan.

You can do so, but it is more challenging than it sounds. The features of one website builder can be different from another one. Therefore, you may need to move some content on your own. You will have a lighter workload if you do so from one website builder to the other with nearly-similar features.

When you think of easy-to-use website builders, the two common names that come to mind are Fynd Platform, Wix and Weebly. Both these options have some striking similarities. However, the Fynd Platform is easier to use in comparison to Wix. It also has more intuitive design features than Wix and Weebly. Thus, Fynd Platform is the easiest website builder.

You can conclude the creation of your website in an hour with the help of a website builder. But you would be better off spending some time knowing about the features of your Website builder. This will enable you to fully take advantage of the available features of your Website builder and achieve the best possible outcome. Even then, it shouldn't take more than a few days to conclude the task of creating your website.

The ranking of your site on Google will depend on its optimisation. If you build a well-optimised site using a website builder's best features, you can rest assured that it will rank on Google. After building your website, you must run an SEO campaign and follow Google's SEO guidelines to improve your site's ranking on the search engine.

Option 2: Create a Website Using WordPress

Use WordPress

Apart from using a website builder, WordPress is another option you can try to build your website effortlessly. Though you need technical knowledge to use WordPress, you can acquire it quickly. WordPress is simple and easy to learn. 

Key features of WordPress include

  • Thousands of templates and themes.
  • Easy-to-use plugins for added functionality.

WordPress is free to use and can be installed with just a few clicks. Using WordPress to build your website can be a game changer for your business idea/venture. By following a well-planned strategy and a systematic approach, you can successfully build a business site with the help of WordPress.

WordPress Suitability

  • Best: WordPress is best for anyone looking to build a website quickly and easily without coding knowledge, making it ideal for beginners and experts alike.
  • Key features: WordPress offers thousands of templates and themes, easy-to-use plugins for added functionality, and robust SEO tools to improve your website's visibility on search engines.
  • Website niche examples: WordPress is used by websites across a range of niches, including E-commerce (e.g. WooCommerce), blogs (e.g. HuffPost), and corporate websites (e.g. The Walt Disney Company).

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How to Build a WordPress Website

How to Build a WordPress Website

Building a WordPress website can be simple or complex, depending on your approach. You can easily conclude the task if you do it in an organised way based on a step-by-step approach. Adopting this approach will also enable you to accomplish the task quickly without much effort.

  • Install WordPress: Install WordPress through your hosting dashboard, manually or locally.
  • Choose the suitable theme: Choose a theme that fits the look and feel of your website.
  • Install necessary plugins: For added functionality, such as contact forms or social media integration.
  • Create web pages: Create pages for your website's content, such as an About Us or Services page.
  • Add a navigational menu: Create a menu to help users navigate your site easily.
  • Optimise for search engines: Optimise your site's content and metadata to improve your search engine visibility.
  • Add additional functionality: Add any other features you need, such as E-commerce capabilities or a blog.
  • Publish your Website: Make your Website live and accessible to visitors.

WordPress is Right For You

Are you new to WordPress? If yes, creating a website with it may seem to be a challenging task for you. Most people who try their hand at it feel the same. But WordPress is intuitive and user-friendly. So, you can use it to build a website, even if you have yet to gain professional expertise. The technical part of setting up a website may be more straightforward. But you may need help determining what to put on your website.

To a large extent, you can simplify the task if you know what WordPress is. It is an open-source content management system that you can use free of cost. In layman's language, it is a simple and effective website builder which is free to use. WordPress involves the combination of PHP and Maria DB/MySQL database. Though primarily used for blogging, it became a popular platform for building websites. This happened due to its wide range of features. Almost one-third of all the websites on the Internet are based on WordPress, which speaks volumes for its rising popularity.

How to Create a Website with WordPress in (X) Steps:

How to Build a WordPress Website

Building a WordPress website is simple and easy if you follow a step-by-step approach. You can accomplish the task like a pro by performing a few simple steps. Follow the steps below to succeed in it.

1. Define Your Site in a Way That Complements Your Business

Define Your Site in a Way That Complements Your Business

Identify the niche to which your business idea belongs. You will have more chances of success with your business and website if you develop a unique idea for building your website. Aside from making it visually pleasing and unique, you must also ensure it complements your business idea. Your website must mirror your company and be the Platform that registers your online presence. You can also build a WordPress site, not for your business. If you wish to build such a website, choose a topic that interests you.

2. Select a Domain Name for your website

Select a Domain Name for your website

You may have any niche in mind, but it would help if you chose a compatible domain name for your business and its website. Make sure that users can remember it without any difficulty. Most businesses prefer a .com (dot com) domain, but you can also choose a .co or a .net domain if a .com domain is not available. When choosing your domain, consider the cost. There is no hard-and-fast rule in this regard, as it may differ depending on the type of domain name you choose. Regular and popular domains are pricier, while less popular domains may be more affordable. When choosing a domain name, only a few website owners get it right. There is no fixed rule, but keeping a few basics in mind is necessary. Remembering the points below will help you decide when choosing a domain name.

  • Confident: Ensure your chosen domain name is relevant to your business. If your business relates to apparel, you would be better off choosing a domain name that defines it instead of going with one related to flooding.
  • Brand Building: One of the ultimate objectives of building a website for a company is to use it as a tool to gain sizeable traffic. This happens if your target audience remembers the name of your website. Try choosing a short and sweet name for your website that your target audience can easily remember.
  • No Numbers: Some WordPress site owners may need to add numbers to their domain names, but this is generally discouraged. Firstly, it can appear awkward to visitors and create confusion in their minds. Secondly, using numbers may lead your target audience to visit your competitors if they are unsure which numbers to use in your domain.
  • Uniqueness: Try choosing a unique name for your website. There are millions of websites on the Internet. If you want your website to stand out, you must choose a name that would make it appear unique. You can apply your creativity to choose a unique name.

3. Choose Hosting Plan

Choose Hosting Plan

Your website will have multimedia, text and other forms of content. Hosting space is necessary to keep them on the Internet space. The space you need depends on the size and type of website you plan to have. Unless you are an expert, you would need an easy-to-follow knowledge base and tutorials to be self-dependent while using the features and services of your hosting service provider.

Go with a dedicated or shared web hosting plan depending on your requirements. Alternatively, you can also opt for VPS hosting, an intermediate choice between these options. The latter involves a shared server and is, therefore, budget-friendly. Also, remember to consider a provider's customer service alongside the cost of its packages while choosing its service. For your convenience, choose a hosting provider you can contact through telephone, email, or chat for issue resolution. If it offers round-the-clock service, you can easily reach out to it. Choosing the right web hosting provider is essential for your website's success. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Reliability and Uptime: Ensure the hosting provider has a reliable and consistent uptime record (ideally 99.9% uptime or higher) to ensure your website is always available to visitors.
  • Speed and Performance: Look for a provider that offers fast page load times, which can significantly impact user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Security: Choose a hosting provider with robust security features like SSL certificates, firewalls, and regular backups to protect your website and customer data.
  • Scalability: Ensure the hosting provider can scale to meet your website's needs as it grows without causing performance issues.
  • Support: Choose a hosting provider that offers 24/7 customer support, so you can quickly resolve any issues.
  • Pricing: Consider your budget and choose a hosting provider with a good balance of features, performance, and affordability.
  • Control Panel and User Interface: Look for a hosting provider with a user-friendly control panel and interface, so you can easily manage your website and a hosting account.

4. Install WordPress

Install WordPress

After finalizing a domain name and hosting provider, you need to install WordPress and set it up properly. If your hosting provider offers an easy-to-use installer tool, you can install and set up WordPress within a few minutes. Some hosting providers offer one-click installation for WordPress, making the setup process even easier. If your hosting provider has this feature, take advantage of it to quickly install WordPress.

  • Install WordPress: Download the WordPress installation files and upload them to your web host's server via FTP, then follow the installation wizard to set up your website.
  • Auto-installer: Many web hosts offer a one-click auto-installer that simplifies the installation process and allows you to set up WordPress quickly and easily.
  • Manually: You can install WordPress manually by creating a database, uploading the WordPress files to your server and then editing the configuration files to connect to the database.
  • Locally: You can install WordPress on your local computer using software like XAMPP or MAMP, which simulates a web server environment on your computer.
  • Installation Wizard: The WordPress installation wizard guides you through setting up your website, including creating an admin account, configuring settings, and choosing a theme.
  • Database: WordPress stores all content and settings in a database, which is essential for the website's functionality. You must create a database and configure WordPress to connect to it during installation.

5. Select a WordPress Theme

Select a WordPress Theme

Once you are done with installing WordPress, check its functioning. If it functions properly, you can proceed with the step of choosing a WordPress theme. Your WordPress site must have a theme. You can choose one from thousands of available options. While some of them are free of cost, others are premium. The latter option has additional features, but you must pay a fee. Some website developers choose WordPress Themes worth thousands of dollars under the impression that they are the best as they come at a higher price. But just as all that glitter is not gold, a pricey item may not always be the best choice. Instead of choosing a pricey theme, you'd be better off choosing one related to your business idea and WordPress site.  It must also be compatible with the content and layout you wish to publish. When creating a website with WordPress, choosing a suitable theme is crucial. 

Here are some things to consider:

  • Cost: Many free WordPress themes are available, but premium themes usually offer more features and customisation options for a fee.
  • Purpose: Consider the purpose of your website and choose a theme that fits. For example, an E-commerce website would require a theme with built-in shopping cart functionality.
  • Design: Choose a theme that matches your brand or personal style. Many themes offer customisable colours, fonts, and layouts to help you achieve the desired look.
  • Features: Look for themes that fit your needs, such as mobile responsiveness, SEO optimisation, and social media integration.
  • Support: Choose a theme with good customer support and regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest version of WordPress.
  • User Experience: Consider the user experience when choosing a theme. A well-designed theme can make it easier for visitors to navigate your website and find the necessary information.
  • Customisation: Consider your ability to customise the theme. Some themes are more accessible to customise than others, so choose a theme that allows you to make the necessary changes without requiring advanced technical skills.

Hiring a web designer to create a custom website can be expensive. With over 8,800 free and premium WordPress themes available, you can find a theme that suits your needs and budget.  Some themes are designed for specific purposes like E-commerce, blogging, or portfolio websites, while others are suitable for all websites. Considering these factors, you can choose a WordPress theme to make your website look professional and meet your needs.

How to Install WordPress Theme

Here's a step-by-step guide to installing a WordPress theme:

1. Login: Login to your WordPress dashboard.

 Login: Login to your WordPress dashboard.

2. Appearance: In the left-hand menu, click "Appearance" and "Themes".

Appearance: In the left-hand menu, click "Appearance" and "Themes".

3. Add New: Click the "Add New" button at the top of the page.

 Add New: Click the "Add New" button at the top of the page.

4. Search or Upload: You can search for a theme or upload a zip file if you downloaded a theme from a third-party website.

Search or Upload:

5. Preview and Install: Once you find a theme, click the "Preview" button to see how it will look on your website. If you're happy with it, click "Install"

Preview and Install:

6. Activate: After installation, and you can activate the theme by clicking the "Activate" button.


7. Customize: Click "Customize" to change the theme's settings, including colours, fonts, and layout.

Customize: Click "Customize" to change the theme's settings, including colours, fonts, and layout.

8. Widgets and Menus: Some themes may require additional setups, such as configuring widgets and menus. Check the theme documentation for instructions.

Widgets and Menus: Some themes may require additional setups

9. Done: Once you've made all the necessary changes, click "Save & Publish" to make the changes live on your website.

 Done: Once you've made all the necessary changes, click "Save & Publish" to make the changes live on your website.

Installing a WordPress theme is a straightforward process. You can search for themes within the WordPress dashboard, preview them, and install them with a few clicks. Once installed, you can customise the theme and configure additional settings, such as widgets and menus.

For Premium Theme Upload

When you purchase a premium WordPress theme, you'll typically receive a .zip file containing the theme files. Premium themes require manual installation; unlike free themes, you can search and install from within the WordPress dashboard. To install a premium theme, you first need to log in to your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance> Themes, and click "Add New Theme." From there, select the "Upload Theme" button and choose the .zip file you received when purchasing the premium theme. After the file has finished uploading, click "Activate" to make the theme live on your website. This process differs from free themes, which you can search and install directly within the WordPress dashboard.

Create and Customize Your Content and Pages

WordPress has an organised way of adding content. You can do so in the form of pages and posts. Whether you can add content to your website in the form of a page or post depends on the kind of theme you use. You can click on the options on the dashboard for better customisation. You can choose your appropriate option depending on whether appropriate to upload pages or posts. The best part about WordPress is that it allows users to exercise control over how they can post their content.

6. Install Plugins for Your WordPress Site

Install Plugins for Your WordPress Site

A WordPress plugin is software installed on a WordPress website to enhance its functionality. It's like an add-on that provides additional features to the website. WordPress plugins are based on the PHP scripting language. Each acts as a software program that equips a WordPress site with specific features. Regardless of the niche of your WordPress site, it must have tools and features based on which it can be user-friendly to you as well as the visitors to your site. Installing suitable WordPress plugins will enable you to customise your WordPress site according to your needs. Look for your preferred plugins on the admin dashboard. You can choose the ones you wish to install from the list of available options. Installing options like JetPack, Yoast SEO, and other plugins will benefit you in the long run. One of the advantages of building websites with WordPress is its vast collection of plugins. WordPress has over 59,000 free and premium plugins available for various purposes.

Here are the benefits of using WordPress plugins:

  • Usability: Plugins can make it easier to use WordPress by simplifying complex tasks and adding new features that are unavailable by default. For example, some plugins can help you create custom forms, add social sharing buttons, or even add a chatbot to your website.
  • Performance: Some plugins are designed to improve the speed and performance of your website. For example, caching plugins can speed up the loading time of your pages, while image compression plugins can reduce the file size of your images to improve page load times.
  • Additional tools: Plugins can provide additional tools to help you manage your website more efficiently. For example, some plugins can help you manage your email list, create website backups, or even monitor your website's security.

WordPress plugins can provide additional functionality and features to your website, making it easier to use, improving its performance, and providing additional tools to manage it efficiently.

How to Install WordPress Plugin

The installation process involves several simple steps, which are explained in one line per step.

1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

2. Go to the Plugins page and click "Add New."

Go to the Plugins page and click "Add New."

3. Search for the desired plugin by name or functionality.

Search for the desired plugin by name or functionality.

4. Click "Install Now" and wait for the installation to finish.

Click "Install Now" and wait for the installation to finish.

5. Click on "Activate Plugin" to activate the installed plugin.

Click on "Activate Plugin" to activate the installed plugin.

6. Configure the plugin settings, if necessary.

7. Enjoy the new functionality provided by the plugin.

How to Install Premium Plugin

When purchasing premium WordPress plugins unavailable in the WordPress repository, you must download the plugin files from the vendor's website and manually upload them to your WordPress website. To do this, log in to your WordPress dashboard, go to the "Plugins" page, click on "Add New," select "Upload Plugin," and choose the plugin file you downloaded. After uploading the file, click "Install Now" and "Activate" to start using your premium plugin.

Popular WordPress Plugins

  • Contact Form 7: A free plugin that allows you to create and manage multiple contact forms, customise form fields and mail contents, and integrate with other plugins.
  • WooCommerce: A popular e-commerce plugin that turns your WordPress website into an online store, providing features such as product management, order processing, payment gateways, and shipping options.
  • Akismet: A powerful spam filter plugin that protects your website from spam comments and malicious content using advanced algorithms and machine learning.
  • Yoast SEO: A comprehensive SEO plugin that helps you optimise your website for search engines by providing tools such as keyword analysis, content optimisation, meta tags, and XML sitemaps.
  • Jetpack: A multi-purpose plugin that offers various features such as website statistics, security, backups, social sharing, and content creation tools.
  • WPForms: A drag-and-drop form builder plugin that allows you to create custom forms, surveys, polls, and quizzes, with features such as conditional logic, file uploads, and payment integrations.

Contact Form 7 is a popular plugin for creating contact forms, WooCommerce is a widely-used e-commerce plugin, Akismet helps protect against spam, Yoast SEO helps with search engine optimisation, Jetpack offers multiple features, and WPForms is a plugin for creating custom forms.

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7. Build Your First WordPress Page

Build Your First WordPress Page

Alongside protecting you, administrative pages are also crucial for protecting visitors to your site. WordPress sites have several administrative pages. Prominent among them are the disclaimer, privacy, and about pages. After building your website, you would want to add content to it. Before you do it, consider fulfilling the requisite details of the administrative pages of your WordPress site so that you can publish them. You can choose to have single or multiple pages when creating a website. If you go with the latter option, it's a good idea to include the following pages:

1. Homepage: This is the first page visitors see when they arrive at your site, so it should have fast loading times, engaging content, and an attractive design to capture their attention

2. About page: This page provides more information about your website and clarifies whether it's a personal or business site.

3. Contact Page lets visitors contact the website owner for further information or inquiries

4. Blog page: A separate page that regularly adds new content, keeping the website fresh and up-to-date.

5. Product or service page: An eCommerce store page that allows you to sell your products and services in a single location.

6. Testimonials page: This page showcases feedback and reviews from satisfied customers, building trust and credibility with potential customers.

7. FAQ page: A page that answers frequently asked questions about your products, services, or website in general, saving time for both visitors and you.

8. Portfolio page: A page that showcases your work, whether it's artwork, design, writing, or other creative endeavours, to potential clients and employers.

9. Privacy Policy page: A page that informs visitors about how their personal information is collected, used, and stored on your website, in compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

10. Terms and Conditions page: A page that outlines the rules and guidelines for using your website, including disclaimers, copyright information, and liability limitations.

11. Services page: A page that details the services you offer, the benefits they provide, and the pricing options available.

12. Sitemap page: A page that displays the structure of your website and all the links to your various pages, making it easy for visitors and search engines to navigate your site.

How to create Pages on WordPress

Creating pages on WordPress is straightforward. Pages display static content on your website, such as an "About Us" or "Contact Us" page. To create a new page, follow these simple steps:

1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and click "Pages" in the left-hand menu.

2. Click on "Add New" to create a new page.

3. Enter a title for your page and add your content using the visual editor or HTML editor.

4. Use the "Publish" box on the right-hand side to set the visibility of your page and publish it.

5. Add any necessary tags or categories to help organise your pages.

6. Use the "Page Attributes" section to choose your new parent page or template.

Creating pages on WordPress involves logging into the dashboard, clicking "Pages," adding a new page, entering a title and content, setting visibility, adding tags or categories, and choosing a parent page or template. Focusing on informative, accurate content and user-friendly navigation is essential when creating a website page. WordPress provides built-in blocks to help with content and layout. To optimise a page, click on the + icon in the top left corner and browse through the various blocks to choose the ones that best suit your needs. These blocks help you create visually appealing and engaging content for your website visitors.

When creating a blog page in WordPress, there's no need to add anything to the page itself. Instead, go to Settings → Readings and choose "A static page" next to the "Your homepage displays" section. Then, select the empty blog page under the "Post page" section and click "Save Changes". From there, whenever you add new blog posts, WordPress will automatically display them on the blog page without needing to do anything further.

WordPress Page Builder

WordPress page builder plugins allow users to create custom designs without extensive coding knowledge. Famous examples include Elementor, Beaver Builder, and WPBakery Page Builder, which offer drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-built designs, and content resizing. The benefits of using a page builder include:

  • Customization: Page builders allow for complete design customisation, enabling users to create unique and visually stunning websites.
  • Ease of use: The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for non-technical users to create professional-looking pages.
  • Time-saving: Page builders can significantly reduce the time it takes to design and publish a website, especially for those without coding experience.
  • Pre-built designs: Many page builders offer templates, blocks, and customised modules to meet specific needs.
  • Responsiveness: Most page builders offer responsive design options, ensuring pages look great on all devices without additional coding.
  • Cost-effective: Page builders can save money by hiring web designers or developers to create custom pages, especially for small businesses or individuals with limited budgets.

8. Create a Navigation Menu and Widgets

Create a Navigation Menu and Widgets

One of the essential components of a well-organised and user-friendly website is a navigation menu. Creating a navigation menu and widgets is a simple and effective way to improve website navigation and functionality.

Need and Importance:

Navigation menus provide users with a clear path to website content and improve the user experience. Adding widgets like search bars or social media links can enhance website functionality and engagement.

Steps to Create a Navigation Menu and Widgets:

  • Go to Appearance → Menus and click Create a new menu.
  • Name the menu and click Create Menu.
  • Select the pages, posts, or custom links to add to the menu and click Add to Menu.
  • Drag and drop the menu items to arrange them in order.
  • To add widgets, go to Appearance → Widgets.
  • Drag the desired widget, such as search or social media links, to the desired widget area.
  • Configure the widget settings if necessary.
  • Click Save to update the menu or widget changes.

Optimise the widget.

To optimise your website's navigation, consider installing WordPress menu plugins such as Max Mega Menu, Responsive Menu, and WP Mobile Menu. These plugins offer customisation options and a quick, responsive menu for a better user experience.

  • Max Mega Menu: A WordPress plugin that allows you to create responsive and customisable menus with features such as icons, custom styling, and dropdowns.
  • Responsive Menu: A plugin that offers a beginner-friendly interface to customise responsive menus with over 150 options, including dropdowns, icons, and animations.
  • WP Mobile Menu: A lightweight and fast plugin that optimises the website's menu on mobile devices with a responsive and customisable menu.

Additionally, customising WordPress widgets can enhance your site's content and structure. Some popular widgets include recent posts, calendars, and search bars. To add or create a custom widget, go to appearance → Widgets and use the + icon to add content using blocks.

  • Choose a widget area to add the block.
  • Select the block you want to add.
  • Edit the block settings to customise the widget's appearance and content.
  • Save changes and preview the website to ensure the widget is displayed correctly.

  • You can use the built-in Customizer tool to customise widgets on a WordPress website. This lets you change your website's design and layout, including widgets. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance → Customise to get started.

    1. Once in the Customizer, look for the Widgets option on the left-hand side menu. Clicking on this will bring up a list of the different widget areas on your website, such as the Sidebar Right, Footer, Header, and Side Section.

    2. Click on these areas to see the currently active widgets. From here, you can add new widgets by clicking the "Add a Widget" button or remove existing ones by clicking the "Remove" button.

    3. Once you've added a widget, you can customise its settings by clicking on it. This will bring up a menu with options like the widget's title, content, and appearance. Depending on the widget you're using, you may also be able to customise its layout, colours, and other design elements.

    4. Overall, the Customizer is a powerful tool that makes it easy to customise the widgets on your WordPress website. Whether adding new widgets, rearranging existing ones, or tweaking their settings, the Customizer gives you full control over your site's design and functionality.

    In WordPress, you can easily move the blocks around to rearrange the widgets by dragging and dropping them to the desired position. You can add more blocks by clicking the plus (+) icon and choosing the desired widget from the available options.

    Once you make any changes, It is shown on the website immediately. This makes it easy to customise and update your website in real-time without delay. Click Publish to save your customisation. It is also possible to press the gear icon next to it to Save Draft instead.

    9. Optimise Your Website for SEO and Conversions

    Optimise Your Website for SEO and Conversions

    Search engine optimisation (SEO) improves a website's visibility on search engines like Google. In contrast, conversion optimisation involves increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as purchasing or filling out a contact form. Optimising a website for SEO and conversions is critical to driving traffic and increasing conversions. A website that ranks higher on search engines will be more visible to potential customers, leading to more website traffic and, ultimately, more conversions.

    On the other hand, a website not optimised for conversions may have a high traffic volume but fail to convert visitors into customers. SEO plugins are one of the best ways to improve SEO on a WordPress website. These plugins offer a variety of features, such as optimising content for keywords, generating sitemaps, and analysing website traffic. Using these plugins, website owners can improve their website's visibility on search engines and drive more traffic and conversions.

    List of Popular SEO Plugins

    • Yoast SEO - a comprehensive plugin that optimises website content, meta descriptions, and titles for better search engine rankings.
    • Broken Link Checker - checks for broken links on a website and notifies the user, preventing negative impacts on SEO.
    • Google XML Sitemaps - generates a sitemap for a website, making it easier for search engines to index the site and improve its ranking.
    • W3 Total Cache - a caching plugin that speeds up website loading times, a factor that affects SEO.
    • in One SEO Pack - a powerful SEO plugin that includes features such as XML sitemap generation, meta tags optimisation, and social media integration.
    • Rank Math - an all-in-one SEO plugin with advanced features, including keyword optimisation, internal linking suggestions, and advanced schema support.
    • SEOPress - a plugin that improves website SEO by generating XML sitemaps, optimising metadata, and integrating with social media platforms.

    Site Speed optimisation. 

    Site speed is an essential factor in SEO as it determines the time it takes for a website to load. A slow website can impact the user experience and cause visitors to leave quickly, leading to a high bounce rate.

    • Site Speed: In contrast, a fast-loading website can improve user experience, lower the bounce rate, and increase the time spent on the website, leading to higher rankings on search engines.
    • Mobile Responsive: Mobile responsiveness refers to how well a website performs on mobile devices. As more people access the internet through mobile devices, having a mobile-responsive website has become crucial for SEO. A mobile-responsive website ensures that the website adapts to different screen sizes, providing a seamless user experience across all devices.
    • Image Optimization: Images can also play a vital role in SEO. Optimised images can improve website load time, user experience, and SEO rankings. Some ways to optimise images for SEO include compressing images to reduce file size, using descriptive file names and alt tags, and using the appropriate image format. Also, properly optimised images can appear in Google Images search results, increasing website visibility and driving traffic.

    10. Launching Your Website

    Make an Arrangement to Back up the Data of Your WordPress Site

    To ensure optimal viewing experience and usability, checking for issues before launching a website is important. Various methods exist to test a website before making it live:

    • Get feedback from family and friends: Seek input from someone you know to view the website from a visitor's perspective. Receive feedback on the design, navigation, features, and mobile responsiveness.
    • Perform A/B testing: Use tools like Google Optimize or Nelio AB testing to compare two website versions. This technique provides data-driven insights into which version works better.
    • Conduct a speed test: A website's speed is critical in attracting and retaining visitors. Utilise tools that can test website speed to ensure optimal performance.

    Buy the Right Hosting Plan (We Recommend Fynd Platform DIY Website Builder)

    Buy the Right Hosting Plan

    Choosing the right hosting plan is necessary to build your online business. If you search for hosting providers online, you will find many options. Not all are on the same page regarding their services or packages. Fynd Platform strikes the right balance between price and features among the leading hosting service providers. It offers the following plans to address the needs of website owners. These include the following:

    • Standard: This basic plan comes across a transactional fee of 4.5% and a selling location. The charge for the package is INR 599 per month.  It is an ideal package for entrepreneurs who wish to enter the business world by launching their startups.
    • Professional: With this package, Fynd Platform intends to help those entrepreneurs grow their businesses who have already started them. Again it has the same transactional fees as the standard package. You can subscribe to it at INR 1499. It comes with two selling locations and a custom domain.
    • Premium: This is the best plan that favours businesses' upscaling. It has a transaction fee of 3.5% and involves five selling locations and a custom domain. If you are an ambitious entrepreneur with a plan to scale up your business to grow it in the future, you can subscribe to this plan at INR 2499.

    Unlike most other hosting service providers, Fynd Platform's packages cover all the essentials. Each of its packages includes several valuable features. Among them are analytics integration, coupons and discounts, unlimited customers, an online storefront, a page editor, pixel integration, an unlimited number of products and shopping. Thus, you get all the primary features upon subscribing to any of the packages of the Fynd Platform. While the standard package involves basic themes, the other two have premium themes.

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    Stepping Up to Self-Hosted Services

    Stepping Up to Self-Hosted Services

    When deciding on self-hosted services, one of the essential questions is your hosting and horsepower requirements. You can choose cloud or dedicated hosting if your site has higher server requirements. You get some undeniable benefits from this form of hosting. These include multiple email accounts, quick data transfers, and huge storage space. If you are still determining which hosting service provider to choose, prioritise your choice and budget. The one that meets your requirements in the best possible way, both in terms of your budget and needs, is the best hosting plan for your needs.

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    hero image

    Can I use WordPress free of cost?

    Yes, you can use WordPress free of cost. But to reap the benefits of using WordPress, you will need a domain and hosting plan, which will incur expenditure. You will need to spend additional money if you use premium WordPress themes and plugins

    Can I maintain WordPress with ease?

    Once you set up a WordPress site, the rest becomes simple and easy. You will need to put some effort into setting it up. If you wish to use WordPress to build your site, you must understand that the challenging part of using a WordPress website is to set up all the elements. Once you do it, you do not need to worry about anything else.

    Is WordPress reliable as a content management system (CMS)?

    arrow down

    Yes, WordPress is genuinely reliable as a content management system. Once your WordPress website is ready, you can use WordPress to manage the different pieces of content on it effectively.

    What is the minimum duration for building a WordPress site?

    You can set up a WordPress site in about 5 minutes. Or, you may even take an entire day for this purpose. It depends on your coding skills and what you want on your site. Having a clear understanding of the latter is of paramount importance. If you are particular about the things you want on your website, you can create a top-notch WordPress site in a day. To do it in just 5 minutes, you can utilise the one-click-setup feature offered by some providers. 

    Is different from

    Yes, there are some differences between them. is the website builder form of WordPress, whereas is its CMS version. Another feature that draws a clear line of distinction between them is customisation. has more customisation options, but it is challenging to set up. On the other hand, is simple to use, but it offers limited customisation options.

    Should You Use a Website Builder or WordPress?

    What is the best website builder or WordPress depends on your needs and technical expertise. Website builders are easier to use but less customizable, while WordPress is more scalable and flexible but requires more technical knowledge and cost.

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