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Branding For Success: How To Brand Your New Business?

Branding For Success: How To Brand Your New Business?

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

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Branding is the smart strategy to shape your company's reputation. If your brand stands out, so will your company's success and without good branding, even a strong product or service will get lost in the ocean of new startups that come up every day. If you really think about it, even great businesses would look bland without proper branding. Can you think of Amul and not think of the Amul girl? 


amul win gold

Or think of Nike without “Just do it”, or McDonald's without “i’m lovin’ it”. A company and its branding are inseparable from each other. Similarly, the importance of branding is inseparable from a company’s success.  


Now, something this significant can’t be built overnight but you need to have clarity of your brand's vision so you can create an interactive website for positioning your business, use social media to spread the word, and listen to customers to modify your approach.  How should you go about it? We’ll take you through the most important & most effective ways for branding your business in today’s day and age. 


Break out of the saturated market 

Thousands of businesses pop up every day but not all of them make a mark. You need to break out of the herd by being exceptionally different. In a world with easy options and easier access, people tend to shop from brands that make them "feel" good. This feel-good factor is what keeps your customers coming for more. 


loreal  paris

Branding isn't just about a logo or a catchy tagline, it is a personality, a way of dressing up, a way of communicating and showing up on the customer's feed. This is also how luxury brands get traction and even manage to do pretty well for themselves. They cater to a very exclusive audience by making full use of their brand persona.  A unique brand personality attracts people, impresses them, and keeps them coming. 


Your Branding is a statement 

"If you don't give the market the story to talk about, they'll define your brand's story for you" ~ David Brier, branding expert & author  Stand for things that your customers are standing for.


Don't just do it to please them, do it because it benefits the society as a whole. Go green initiatives have inspired many brands to take a conscious effort to offer products & services that don't leave a carbon footprint. 



Ever since the pandemic hit, healthy eating and healthy living have become very important for consumers. Companies have listened and adapted. 


i phone watch show in picture

A website that speaks your language

46% of people say that website design is the top criteria to judge the company’s credibility. And how long do you think it takes to make an impression? It only takes 0.05 seconds for visitors to make a perception about a website. 


In today’s age of 2 click purchases, people don’t waste time on things that they don’t find impressive and easy to access. A big part of your business is creating a website for branding that is easy to use and follows a consistent branding theme throughout its pages. This reinforces your ideals and creates a strong brand recall.


But you can't just build a website from scratch, that takes a lot of money, time, and planning. Fynd Platform helps you create a new design or modify existing templates to showcase your unique brand presence. 


You won't have to jump through operational hurdles to get your business website up and running, just a few clicks and your brand website will be ready with product listings, purchase support, and marketplace integrations. 


Website branding isn’t something new but it has evolved over time. A living, breathing brand website converts new users into loyal customers & loyal customers into brand promoters.  


Branding bridges your company, your customer & your sales target

Standing for things that matter to your audience creates a direct connecting line with your consumer. Finding your voice is the first step, the next step is finding the people who would want to hear you speak. 


If you are thinking branding is just a fictitious concept and not as important as good service or product then you might want to think about brands like Nike, Gucci & Armani. Unilever observed the power of branding first hand with the increase in the sale of their sustainable products. 


unilever ad


Almost half of Unilever's brands have positioned themselves with sustainability, for example - Lipton, Knorr, Dove, and many more. These brands exude a persona of a healthy sustainable lifestyle and they are growing 50% faster than the company's remaining brands. They are also responsible for more than 60% of the company's overall growth.


Branding for success

As per a study by Accenture, 66% of people stated that they are more likely to buy from brands that are transparent & trustworthy when price and quality are not the only determining factors. 


Branding takes time, consistent effort, and vision but you have to start somewhere, begin by owning your presence in the market. Begin by creating your very own website. 

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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What is branding and why is it important for my business?

Branding refers to the creation and promotion of a company's unique identity, including its name, logo, message, and overall image. It is important because it helps customers recognize and differentiate a company from its competitors.


Strong branding can build customer loyalty and increase customer lifetime value. A consistent and clear brand image can also communicate a company's values and mission, attracting customers who align with those values.


Branding can also impact the perceived value of a product or service, potentially leading to increased pricing power. Effective branding can also lead to increased marketing effectiveness and higher return on investment for marketing efforts.


In the digital age, branding is increasingly important for companies to establish a strong online presence, build customer trust, and stay top of mind with target audiences.


Overall, branding can contribute significantly to a company's success by creating a unique identity, building customer loyalty, and establishing a strong reputation in the market.

How do I identify my target audience for branding purposes?

1. Define your product or service: Start by understanding what your product or service is, its unique features and benefits.


2. Conduct market research: Gather information about your target customers and their needs, preferences and behaviour through surveys, focus groups, or online tools.


3. Identify customer demographics: Analyze the demographic data such as age, gender, income, education, location and occupation to determine your target audience.


4. Look at your existing customers: Analyze the characteristics of your existing customers and identify patterns.


5. Consider customer psychographics: Analyze customer values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles to get a better understanding of your target audience.


6. Evaluate competitors: Look at your competitors' target audience and see if there are any similarities or differences with your own.


7. Define your target audience persona: Create a detailed persona of your target audience, including their goals, challenges, and pain points.


8. Continuously evaluate: Regularly re-evaluate and adjust your target audience based on market changes, customer feedback and market trends.

What are the elements of a strong brand identity?

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1. Unique and memorable logo: A logo is a visual representation of your brand and should be simple, memorable and easily recognizable.


2. Consistent colour scheme: Choose a colour scheme that represents your brand and use it consistently across all communications.


3. Clear brand messaging: Develop a brand message that communicates the unique benefits of your product or service and aligns it with your target audience's needs.


4. Strong brand voice: Establish a unique and consistent tone of voice that represents your brand across all communications.


5. Purpose-driven story: Create a compelling brand story that connects with your target audience and communicates the purpose behind your brand.


6. High-quality visual assets: Invest in high-quality visual assets, such as photography and graphic design, that reinforce your brand identity.


7. Consistent design: Ensure that all brand communications, from your website to packaging, use consistent design elements, such as typography and imagery.


8. Relevant, valuable content: Develop and share relevant and valuable content that positions your brand as a thought leader in your industry.


9. User-friendly experience: Ensure that your brand experience, both online and offline, is user-friendly, accessible, and memorable.

How do I develop a unique brand voice and messaging?

1. Know your brand values and personality: Identify your brand's core values, personality and tone of voice that you want to communicate.


2. Understand your target audience: Conduct market research to understand your target audience's needs, preferences, and pain points.


3. Differentiate from competitors: Analyze your competitors' messaging and find ways to differentiate your brand by focusing on your unique value proposition.


4. Define your brand messaging: Create clear, concise and compelling brand messaging that communicates the unique benefits of your product or service.


5. Develop a brand voice: Establish a unique and consistent tone of voice that represents your brand and resonates with your target audience.


6. Use storytelling: Use storytelling to bring your brand messaging to life and create an emotional connection with your target audience.


7. Test and refine: Regularly test your brand messaging and voice with your target audience and refine them based on feedback.


8. Consistency is key: Ensure that your brand voice and messaging are consistently applied across all brand touchpoints, from your website to your packaging.

How do I create a memorable logo and visual identity?

1. Start with research: Conduct market research, understand your target audience, and gather inspiration from competitors and industry leaders.


2. Define your brand personality: Define the personality of your brand and ensure that it is reflected in your logo design.


3. Simplicity is key: Keep the design of your logo simple, unique, and easily recognizable, with no more than 2-3 colours.


4. Consider scalability: Ensure that your logo design can be easily scaled and used across different mediums, from business cards to billboards.


5. Consider typography: Choose a font that reflects your brand personality and ensure that it is used consistently across all brand touchpoints.


6. Seek professional help: Consider working with a professional graphic designer to create a high-quality, memorable logo and visual identity.


7. Test your logo: Test your logo with your target audience to ensure it resonates and is memorable.


8. Consistency is key: Ensure that your visual identity is consistent across all brand touchpoints, from your website to packaging, to reinforce brand recognition.

What steps should I take to ensure consistency in my brand across all platforms?

1. Develop a style guide: Create a comprehensive style guide that outlines your brand's visual and messaging elements, such as colour palette, typography, tone of voice, and logo usage.


2. Establish brand guidelines: Develop clear brand guidelines that outline how your brand should be presented across different platforms and mediums.


3. Train your team: Ensure that all team members understand and are trained on the brand guidelines and style guide.


4. Use consistent design elements: Use consistent design elements, such as typography and imagery, across all platforms to reinforce brand recognition.


5. Maintain consistent messaging: Ensure that your brand messaging is consistent across all platforms and is aligned with your target audience's needs.


6. Regular review: Regularly review and update your brand guidelines to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with market trends.


7. Monitor and adjust: Monitor your brand across all platforms and make adjustments as needed to ensure consistency and alignment.


8. Seek professional help: Consider working with a branding expert to ensure that your brand is consistently applied across all platforms and mediums.

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