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What Is Email Marketing? Definition, Method, Benefits, Strategies, Tools, How it Works.

What Is Email Marketing? Definition, Method, Benefits, Strategies, Tools, How it Works.

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Email marketing is a powerful channel of digital marketing, with which the sellers can be connected with their customers and make them know about the new products, discounts, and other services. This is nothing but a type of softer sell of making the shoppers educated about the value of your brand and try to keep them engaged so that they will incline towards purchasing the products. 

More specifically, email marketing is playing a major role in lead generation, brand awareness as well as building relationships with the customers by increasing their engagement. In addition, email marketing also helps sellers to increase their sales in the e-commerce business. As per the market research, return on investment (ROI) in email marketing has $42 for every dollar spent. 

Approximately 4.5 billion sellers are taking the help of email marketing for increasing their sales percentage of the business. Considering the other digital marketing tools such as social media, SEO, and affiliate marketing, email marketing is identified as the most effective marketing channel. Moreover, the number of email users has increased over time.

This indicates that the contribution of email marketing to the e-commerce business or online sales will be growing more in the coming days. As per the statistical assumption, email users across the global market will be growing sharply shortly. Check out the following diagram for a better understanding.

Moreover, as per the experts, the sellers will not need to be worried about email marketing, since there will be no algorithm changes so that the reach of the business will not be decreased. The most successful email marketing strategies are to adapt, grow and innovate. 

What Is Email Marketing?

What is email marketing is shown in the image

The primary factor of making email marketing or email campaigns is to build the trust of the customers. To work on it more effectively, the sellers aim to send personalized transactional emails such as promotional emails, coupons, etc.

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It in turn helps in encouraging customer loyalty. Before jumping into a detailed analysis and finding the pros and cons of email marketing, one should know the history of email marketing briefly. 

History Of Email Marketing

History of email marketing is shown in the image

Ray Tomlinson, a computer engineer sent the first email in 1971 for starting a new era of communication. In the mail, Ray wrote only a few letters and numbers. The usage of ‘@’ in the email address was also introduced by Ray. After that, in 1978, the marketing manager of Digital Equipment Corporation, namely Gary Thurek started to use this newly introduced direct communication.

He aimed to communicate via commercial mail so that the people can get to know about a new product in the market. There were approximately 400 addresses on his email list. Nonetheless, the emails he sent for his business got sales of $13 million. 

Then, with the rise of internet connectivity in the 90s, the usage of email marketing has been growing at a faster pace. For instance, Hotmail brought new history to the email marketing path in the year 1991.

For instance, in 1996, Hotmail launched the first free web-based email marketing service. Therefore, this helped to make a bridge between 20 million American internet users smoothly. Again in 1996, the other famous email marketing campaign that got acknowledged for advertising the “Email Robot” of web hosting company, Xoom

This was nothing but an anti-spam filtering tool. Hence, the way of talking, and communicating with customers for business has changed rapidly, which is the prime identified the reason for making email marketing successful.

Is Email Marketing Outdated? 

Email marketing as a popular digital marketing tool is not at all outdated. Nevertheless, some of the old school email marketing practices such as impersonal email address lines, ignoring of user experience, and tracking metrics have become outdated. 

If your brand or online selling business is not getting high ROIs over email marketing, then some further improvement is required to implement. There might be a possibility of using such old-school email marketing metrics, which are not more relevant for the current era. Hence, marketers should work more on email campaigns.

Check out the reasons for some email marketing “Dead practices” in the following section.

Impersonal subject line: 

Email marketing starts before the readers open the email, which is directly from the subject line. To ‘improve the old-school email campaign, the marketers should work more on customization. They can add attractive emojis so that the target customers show their interest to go through it.

‍Impersonal subject line is displayed in the picture

Here is the perfect example of making the email subject line more attractive. Apart from the customization, the marketers can make the subject line crispier. For this, they can use catchy words like “Must know”, and “takeaway”, so that the customers want to go through the subscriber's clicking section. For instance, the personal subject line of email marketing is usually choosing to notify the customers about the holiday season or special sales/offers/ discounts.

Ignore the GDPR Standards: 

As per the General Data Protection Regulations, marketers should not send any mail, which can violate the policy. Instead, the email marketers should make sure that the receiver will get unambiguous permission on the same. The primary objective of creating the GDPR standard is to know the data is being protected and being used by the brands and they will have maintained the trust with the personal information.

This is also good from the email marketer's point of view. With the GDPR standard, the marketers can only contact genuine buyers, who are interested in the brand and want to connect with it. This in turn also assures that the email messages comply with the law. 

Poor Email Designs: 

After customization, traditional email designs are no longer attractive to customers. Instead, they are looking for an attractive email design. Hence, to delight the buyers or readers, email marketers can use animation, GIFs, photography, etc. A colorful vision is more attractive to get the attention of the target customers. To edit the photos, the marketers can use Adobe Photoshop. Similarly, an email newsletter with longer text is not accepted now.

In turn, the marketers can use some flowcharts, and exciting images to explain the basic content of sending the email. Note: An exciting email is always more clickable than a traditional long text email. 

Does Email Marketing Work?

Does email marketing work is shown in the image

Email marketing has been playing a major role in digital marketing across the past two decades and the result of such marketing is reflected steadily across time. Over the passage of years, the success of email marketing has been growing in popularity. As per the latest survey report, 91% of people have access to email at least once a week.

They prefer to get updates on business information via email rather than the other means of communication. To measure the success of email marketing, three tools have been considered, such as engagement, open rates, and lead generation. As per the recent statistical report, through email marketing, one can generate an ROI of 4400%. 

Moreover, email marketing is around 40 times more effective than social media marketing, according to the report issued by McKinsey & Company. This refers to the fact that the buying process and the conversion rate via email marketing are 3 times faster than social media. One of the key factors of the email marketing growth is the devastating use of mobile devices (smartphones).

As per the report, approximately 2/3rd of emails are opened on tablets or smartphones. Statisticians highlighted, that 89% of marketers consider the email marketing strategy for getting success in the business. Along with it, 87% of marketers have admitted that the email marketing strategy is getting successful.

Useful performance metrics is displayed in the picture

If one considers the cost of email marketing as the mode of digital marketing, then it is also very affordable. You can send 2000 contacts out of the list for free, after that you will have to go for the paid version. Even paid email marketing is also not that expensive. 

Reasons For The Importance Of Email Marketing

Reason for the importance of email marketing image is shown

The use of emails across the world has already been mentioned. For creating a successful email marketing strategy, the marketers should send the right email to the right clients at the right time. Approximately 99% of customers check their emails every day. Check here the importance of email marketing in a detailed manner.

1. Create personalized content: 

Through email marketing, the marketers can get connected with the clients by sending some customized content, as per their demands. Successful personalized content includes the contact’s name in the email. More specifically, emails, that comprise the first name of the recipient in the subject line, will have a higher clickthrough rate compared to those that don’t. 

The major benefit of customized content for email marketing is based on the customers’ needs. In this regard, email marketers try to bring variation in the content by adding different and attractive images or modifying the subject line. 

Apart from creating personalized content, the marketers can target the individual client based on the segmentation. To create the segmented list, the marketers should target the geography or engagement levels. 

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2. Collect Feedback and Surveys: 

To successfully run the email marketing campaign, the marketers should keep a connection with the target customers and continuous interaction and engagement can increase the conversion rate or sales of the businesses. 

Through email marketing, the marketers can organize a survey for obtaining customer feedback, through which their satisfaction level can be easily measured. Email marketing is the best possible way of calculating the Net Promoter Score (NPS). With the help of this score, the sellers can also try out to improve the customer experience. 

3. Improving Sales: 

Email marketing is beneficial to increase sales. For approximately 59% of marketers, email marketing is the biggest source of generating the ROI. And if the marketers run segmented campaigns, then it is possible to increase 760% increase in revenue.

On the other hand, 59% of the respondents (based on a survey report) have admitted that email marketing is capable of influencing the purchasing decision of the customers. Hence, email marketing is nothing but an automated part of the sales process, which is helpful to increase sales.

4. Generate Traffic to Website and Drive Revenue: 

Email marketing aims at reaching the engaged audience and delivering the targeted messages. Hence, through email marketing campaigns, marketers can successfully send traffic to the site as well as improve the SEO.

When you run an email marketing campaign, you can link to your content as well as the clicks through Call to Action (CTA) will also be increased. It in turn helps to drive more revenue in the business. 

5. Increase the Leads: 

By applying the inbound method, email marketing can successfully nurture the leads as well as can increase the conversion rates. In addition, via a lead scoring tool, the marketers can keep a track of whether the leads are opened from mail or engaged by clicking the links in the email. Through the email marketing campaign, the sales team of the business can not get the opportunity of wasting time on bad leads.  

6. Low Cost: 

It is already mentioned that the cost of email marketing is also very low compared to the mainstream marketing channel. This is the other reason for choosing to digitally market a brand to the target audience. To run inexpensive email marketing successfully, marketers can invest in specialist software for automating, tracking, and evaluating emails. 

7. Easy to Get Started and easy to measure: 

Email marketing is considerably easier to start than other means of marketing. For a successful email marketing campaign, the marketers are only required to add fancy templates, videos, logos, and images. Apart from this, email marketing is also very easy to measure success.

If you find the approach or the movement is going wrong, the email marketers have the flexibility to track down the click-through and conversion rates. On the contrary, print or broadcast advertising needs a bit more effort for modifying the errors or for further updation.

8. Having a Platform for Self Promotion: 

Email marketing allows you to avail the self-promotion option. Hence, the brand can add new products, pros, and cons or new content as per their requirement. Since, email marketing can be a bridge between the sellers, markets, and buyers, hence, self-promotion cannot go unwanted or disrupted.Get Accessibility to Social Media

9. Contact List: 

Email marketers can get access to the follower list of the social media platform. Hence, you will get an idea about your target client and can build a connection with them easily.

This is the reason why email marketing is considered the best marketing way of reaching out to possible buyers. Hence, it is again proved that email marketing is not at all outdated. Moreover, these are certain reasons for choosing email marketing over other marketing techniques. 

Email Marketing Glossary

Email marketing glossary image is shown

Before one starts to run an email marketing campaign, he should know about the technical terms, from anchor text to click-through rate (CTR), etc. Email marketing is the most essential part of the inbound marketing strategy, so it is very important to understand the terminology used for the same.

1. Acceptable Spam Report Rate: 

The rate at which the marketers can be reported as the SPAM without affecting the reputation of the senders. Approximately over 0.1% (1 report per 1000 emails) will get a warning. 

2. Bounce Rate: 

This shows the rate of not delivering the emails to the clients. Bounce rates are of two types, soft and hard. The acceptable bounce rate in email marketing is 5%.

3. Call to Action: 

In Email marketing, a call to action (CTA) is nothing but a suggestion of the next step that the marketer wants the customers to take. A call to action can be as direct as the “Buy Now” or “Read more” option. The marketers can understand the call to action through the A/B testing practices

4. Click Through Rate: 

The Click-through Rate (CTR) can be calculated as the number of recipients who click through the link divided by the total number of customers who opened the email. 

5. Conversion Rate: 

This email marketing metric can measure the percentage of your email list, which completes the proposed and specific call to action. Through the conversion rate, the marketer can calculate the total number of contacts who have purchased the product and then divide the value by the number of emails delivered to the clients.

6. Double Opt-In: 

This is the widely used tool for building the email list. For this, the marketers need subscribers, so that they can confirm the opt-in by clicking on the link in a confirmation email or by responding to the confirmation email in other ways.

7. Drip Campaign: 

It is also known as the email sequence, which is nothing but a series of emails, which are sent to a prospect for a certain period. Drip campaign also works as a bridging with the marketing automation platform. 

8. Email Filter: 

This is the technique of blocking email based on the sender, subject line, and content of the email.

9. HTML Email: 

With the help of HTML email, one can customize the design and format, which is way better than the sending of standard plain text email.

10. IP Warm Up: 

IP Warm Up is a process to establish and send the reputation for an IP address. In other words, IP Warm up ensures that the emails will be received directly to the inbox instead of the spam folder of the clients.

11. Lead Nurturing: 

Lead nurturing refers to the marketer's aim at sending the emails from the consideration phase to the decision phase through the lead funnel. The nurtured leads can increase 50% sales than the non-nurtured leads. Even the new subscribers can also receive the nurturing emails automatically.

12. Newsletter: 

Newsletter is the regularly scheduled emails, through which the emails can be sent regularly as per the email list subscribers. The email newsletter comprises tips, articles, stories, or educational content. The main purpose of the email newsletters is to make the subscribers informed and engaged.  

13. Rendering: 

This is the process of knowing how an email will look in the recipient’s inbox after the email clients interpret the HTML code. 

14. Rental List (Acquisition List): 

This is the best practice of purchasing the contact list. However, this is not at all recommended email marketing practice. 

15. Sender Score: 

With the help of sender code, the marketers can measure the overall sending reputation of the IP Address on a scale of 1 to 100. The higher will be the score, the more will be the chances of getting delivered the emails to the recipients. 

16. Signature File: 

A signature file in email marketing is the process of attaching the signature at the button of the email for validating the marketing (whether it is for promoting a campaign, linking to a video, or directing receivers to a CTA).

Fundamentals Of Email Marketing

Fundamentals of email marketing is shown in the image

The email marketing campaign is the most cost-effective marketing effort for marketing a brand successfully to a wide group of people. Hence, the marketers should have detailed knowledge about the fundamentals of email marketing, so that the campaigns can run successfully.

Grow the Email List: 

An email marketing campaign cannot be successfully run if the marketers have a solid list of contacts. For that, the marketers can work on the growth of organic email lists. More specifically, to grow the email list, the marketers should follow the below-mentioned ways.

Ask the customers for an easy subscription. Make a list of those clients, who have an interest in your products, and brand. For this, the marketers can include the website pop-ups, social media outreach, static sign-up boxes in the header, footer, or sidebar of the website

Top Tips: For creating an email list of the customers, the marketers should work on the gated content and lead generation landing pages

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Host Webinars to showcase your leadership skill so that the customers can get to know about the authenticity of the business. This can also be a great tool for collecting the high ranged of contacts, who have a genuine interest in the brand. Do not violate the rules and regulations and hence, do not try to purchase the email lists

Understand the Target Audience: 

Make sure the marketers are targeting the right group of the target audience. In other words, target the correct audience by segmenting the contacts, so that they will find your email campaign more meaningful. Here in the following, some tips are provided to target the right audience for your brand.

1.Research on demographics (age, gender, ethnicity, religion, etc), which should be aligned with the products you sold 

2. Consider the contacts, which are in the purchase cycle

3. Focus on the previous purchasing behavior

4. Check out the past email activities

Though the customer segmentation process is kinda time-consuming, nonetheless, it is worth it and it can be reflected in the performance. 

Use of Email Marketing Tools: 

There are multiple email marketing tools for managing contacts, email content, and analytics, these have been working as the backbone of email marketing.

1. Email marketing automation is one of those tools, which is used by approximately 51% of companies for marketing automation. The brands/ organizations have been experiencing a ton of benefits such as rising productivity, better analytics, improvements in marketing, and uplifting efficiencies. Email marketing automation can simply add shortcut techniques so that the teamwork can be improved, smarter and harder. 

2. The Content Management System (CMS) is used for organizing the content as well as for optimizing the content output while sending emails. The marketing automation platform is useful for pulling the right content for the target customers. Through CMS, the email marketer can also recognize the content gaps, which should be filled. Additionally, the marketers can also keep the website informative and up to date through CMS.

Use of Content Creatively:

Creative content is the backbone of running a successful email marketing campaign. Through creative content, the marketers can easily engage, and nurture the clients, so that the conversion rate from the contact list will be increased. In the case of Drip campaigns, the marketers will send the specific behavioral content to the target audience. 

Newsletters are widely used by the marketers of every brand. Newsletters are shared with the clients in multiple formats, such as recent blog posts, videos, images, and user-generated posts.

Utilize the Analytics: 

It is the key element of the email marketing metrics. To increase the ROI of your brand, email marketers use Analytics. To start work on the Analytics, the marketers should focus on the following key performance indicators.

Conversion rate: With the help of the conversion rate, the marketers can track the number of times users perform the desired conversion

Unsubscribe rate: This is the number of percentage of emails, which refers to the receivables rate from one click-through via opener

Un-open rate: This shows the percentage of how many people opened the emails for paying attention and how many people did not

Unsubscribe rate: With the help of the unsubscribe rate, the marketers can get the details on the opt-out of fearing more options from the customers

Tips To Build High Converting Email Marketing

Tips to build high converting email marketing image is shown

Email marketing is beneficial for building relationships, which seems the art of sales. If social media is a valuable vehicle for collecting prospects and adding contact lists, then email communication is the channel, which helps in connecting and making bonds with the prospects, leads, and consumers. 

Regardless of the type of business, the primary aim of the brand is to increase the sales percentage, so that the reputation of the brand can be improved simultaneously. Therefore, it is necessary to work on the relationship-building process, so that the brand image can be improved. Check out the rules here, so that the marketers can build high-converting email marketing.

1. Know the Target Audience

This is the first and foremost thing of successfully running email marketing, through which the marketers can build the email list. Unless you know your target customers, then your email marketing will end up with generic and unremarkable ones. The customers will not give your brand extra preference or will not like to make connections. 

To create some attractive and effective emails, the researchers suggest that you find your target audience, and then try to gather information on their interests, needs, preferences, perspectives, demands, etc. Once you get the basic details, you can create more personalized emails for attracting them, so that they want to make connections with the brand. 

For instance, marketers should send emails to customers based on pre-defined aspects. These aspects should be defined as per multiple attributes, which include the following:

  • The average order value
  • The location of the recipient
  • The past open rate and the click-through rate
  • Time passed since the last purchase
  • Time passed since the subscribers signed up for the mailing list

2. Include One Clear and Concise CTA Per Email

It will not be wise if you send a person in two different directions in the same mail thread, better the email marketer should work on the CTA per mail. It means, trying to add only one link for the backlinking purpose, such as “Read more”, “Click Here”, “Also Read”, “Claim Discount” etc.

3. Segment the Email List

Email segmentation is solely dependent on personalized messages, through which the marketers can involve a higher degree of relevance as well as value for the users. Once you create profiles for the target audience, the marketers should create personalized groups as per the relevant categories. More specifically, for segmenting the customers, the marketers should focus on the age group, geographical location, religion, caste, gender, interests, etc.  

4. Make Eye Catchy Subject Line

Unless you create the heading or subject line catchy, no one will show their interest to open and read the mail. Hence, use some trending and strong keywords, add emotions, keep it simple and make the sense clear to the target audience. Show your creativity in the body of the main part. The opening rate of the email is highly dependent on the catchy subject line. 

As per the report, approximately 71% of the buyers have admitted that personalized emails influence their decision to open and read the emails received from the brands. Try to personalize the subject line with the subscriber’s name. 

5. Be Concise and Relevant

It will be better if the marketer writes content for the body of the mail concisely and relevant. No one likes to read such lengthy content, which is written suddenly. Concise content can generate more leads and the conversion for the business can be increased.

For instance, approximately 70% of clients get annoyed with the brands, since they send irrelevant information. Hence, it is also necessary to send interesting and relevant information. Pro Tips: Do not send excessive emails as those may be treated as spammy content, which is not good for running your campaign. 

6. Use User Generated Content

Through User Generated Content (UGC), email marketers can add brand-related basic content such as pictures, videos, posts, reviews, and other testimonials. Make sure, the UGC is engaging, focused on your brand, and grammatically correct. 

UGC can drive the sales of a brand up to 73% while, the email click-through rate can be increased by 82%. To gain customers’ trust promptly, UGC in email marketing is working like magic.  

7. Adds Offers, Discounts

It can be a good proposal to get clicked, opened, and read emails. The marketers should add exciting offers, and discounts, so that the clients get interested and show their interest to subscribe to the newsletter. So that they can get further notification about the offerings and discounts.

8. Test, Optimize and then Scale 

Testing is the other essential attribute to figuring out the compatibility or difficulty of email marketing. A/B testing is working the best in this context, which can find out if any blockage in the campaign, test the issue, and will fix it. After that, if the marketers will get any positive results, then focus on the scaling of the campaign. 

Lastly, if possible add a brief description of the social mission of your brand so that the clients understand your business goal. Along with it, sometimes the marketers add a brand's success story to attract the physiological minds of the customers. 

Top Tips To Run A Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Tips to run a successful email marketing image is shown

The marketers should keep in mind the below-mentioned facts while running an email marketing campaign. 

1. While designing an email, you must prioritize readability and user experience. How you segregate your content, the layout you pick, and even the placement of CTA can impact the overall reading experience and, thereby, conversion.

2. A free user is a well-qualified lead for a SaaS business, and emails are a great way to nurture them. However, SaaS marketers often stuff too much information in emails to reduce the number of emails in an email flow. This results in information overload and disinterested customers. The good practice here is to space out the information and send them a nurturing email flow scheduled with ample time between each message.

3. Statistics suggest that customers who answered a feedback survey (vs. those who didn’t) spent 131% more over the next year. It makes them feel valued and heard, which is where email marketing comes in.  

Especially if you’re into eCommerce, feedback emails can help you re-engage your customers and decide upon your upcoming product launches. Keep them straightforward and always include an open-ended question. You can try adding an interactive form to improve the response rate.

4. Always build a genuine email list instead of downloading contacts or buying email lists. You can begin by adding an email sign-up form on your website, hosting webinars, and offering lead magnets in the form of checklists, exclusive ebooks, etc.

5. Emails are increasingly becoming more and more indispensable, even in businesses such as fintech and real estate. From reminding people about open houses to educating them about cryptocurrency, emails can help you increase awareness, nurture customers, and close deals.

6. Online education is on the rise, especially in today’s dynamic business environment, where professionals constantly need to upskill themselves. As a result, the competition in the edtech sector is also on the rise.

These companies need a solid plan to engage and retain their customers consistently. A well-drafted email flow sequence can be their best friend in reaching out to customers at every step and keeping them interested for long.

Steps To Get An Email List

Steps to get an email list image is shown

Being a seller, if you are looking for strategies to grow the email list for running an email marketing campaign, then the marketers on the behalf of the sellers of the brands can directly communicate with the target customers. 

Check the steps here on how to grow an email list, so that the marketers can successfully run email campaigns. 

1. Set up the Email Marketing Account

Do not send emails to the target customers from your ID. To operate your business, the sellers should open an email ID separately for business purposes. In this regard, complete the sign-up process with the selected email marketing provider and then set it up. 

2. Create an Opt-in Form for the Website

If you want the customers to complete the signup through your website, then you should create an opt-in form for it. In the form, the marketers should add a description of the people’s expectations during their signing-up time.

Do not directly ask the clients for signing up, like “Sign up for my newsletter” try to avoid the use of this statement. Instead ask for a favor from them, so that they do not feel dominated. Check the below-mentioned instance for creating the Opt-in form for your website. 

Creating the Opt-in form is displayed in the picture

3. Create A Welcome Message 

The welcome message is nothing but an auto-generated mail, which will be received by the subscribers, once they complete the sign-up and complete the subscription. Since the first impression matters, hence the marketers should work on the welcome message. Do not forget to add your photo to make the email more personal. 

4. Write the First Newsletter

It will be better to write down your first newsletter irrespective of sending random notes or shout-out stuff to promote your subscribers. Through which you can send the daily updates to the subscribers (they are the target audience). 

To communicate through newsletters with your subscribers, the marketers can attract their attention of them by following a personalized way. Updation via a newsletter is way more appreciable and helpful to the clients than the pushy salesperson. 

Through the newsletter, the marketers can motivate the clients to take some form of action, such as:

1. Get an idea about the latest blog/ posts

2. Agreed to sign up for the upcoming event

3. Check out the new case study

4. Take part in the prize draw or giveaway

5. Buy something from the online store

As per the Statista report, approximately 49% of the buyers are satisfied to get promotional emails in the form of newsletters from the brands, at least once a week. 

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5. Design a Freebie

The marketers offer an unexpected gift to the clients to create a connection with the person. In this regard, the marketers can ask for freebies from the subscribers to make them happier. Here are some common types of opt-in freebies:

1. A workbook

2. A checklist

3. A cheat sheet

4. A video tutorial

5. An email course

6. A discount code

7. A PDF guide

Pro Tip: The subscribers, who will find interest in your brand and products, ask them to join the free tutorial or video class after completing signing up to get the latest updates.

6. Create a Landing Page

Once you have your freebie ready, then you should promote it and show it to as many customers as possible. If the customers will not find any homepage or landing page, then people will get distracted. 

After signing in, once the people visit the landing page, introduce them to freebies, what they will get and what possibilities they will get for signing up. If the marketers want, they can share the Instagram profile, post on Pinterest and Facebook groups, etc.  

7. Drive Traffic to Freebie 

The marketers will get multiple ways to promote the freebie, some of the popular ones are discussed in the following section:

1. In Social media posts

2. In social media bios

3. In blog post

4. In Facebook groups

5. In guest posts on other websites

8. Add a Sign Up Option to Facebook Business Page

If you are creating the email list and if you have a Facebook business page, then you should add the sign-up button to your Facebook business page. This is the way of attracting followers as well as increasing the subscription.  

9. Write a Blog and Ask for Free Subscription

It can be an attractive part of making your email list. Blogging is helpful to increase the engagement with the customers and they will like to visit the profile and automatically the page views will be increased. 

For offering a free subscription, you can raise a pop-up box for the customers or can guide them to read the entire blog and keep the subscription box at the end of it. You can ask the customers for feedback about the brand, not only for improving the service in the future but also to collect the email IDs. This is the other effective way of increasing connectivity with the target customers.

10. Host a Free Webinar 

A webinar is conducted based on the current marketing trend, through which the marketers can attract customers and can ask them to participate in different activities. During this, you will get their contact details of them (such as their email addresses).

11. Create an Email Funnel

Lastly, for getting a better insight, the marketers can go for the creation of an email funnel. As a result, they will get the details of the potential buyers along with the possible conversions. Through effective email marketing, the marketers can convert the target customers into loyal buyers. 

How Email Marketing Works?

How email marketing work image is shown

In spite of the rise in the use of social networks, email marketing is still one of the most useful ways of communication with the target audience. Hence, most of the brands have used email marketing for successful branding. Before the marketers start to run email marketing, they should have a clear knowledge about the process of working of the email marketing.

Here the marketers can find the overview of how an email marketing works:

1. Sign up for an email marketing tool

2. Create an email marketing strategy

3. Build and grow the email list

4. Set up of automation tasks

5. Supervise and improve the campaign performance through A/B testing

6. Use Autoresponders

1. Sign Up for an Email Marketing Tool

With the help of a good email marketing tool, the entire process of email marketing can be successfully automated. If one tries to use a personal account for mailing to hundreds of people and to keep track of the results manually, then you do not expect to experience the email marketing result. Hence, at first, you should choose which platform you want to use for email marketing.

An email marketing tool will help the brands in multiple ways, such as:

1. Create an email list

2. Add the users to the list using a number of methods

3. Send the emails to the audience

4. Provide the marketer a thorough report about the number of customers open the email, so that you can interact them (through a clickable link in the email)

5. Provide the marketers with multiple options for segmenting the audience based on the specified criteria

6. Create retargeting the audience on Facebook as per the email list

7. Automate multiple email marketing tasks such as sending a welcome email to the subscribers or different emails depending on the actions 

8. Make sales directly from the email message

9. Create an email funnels for redirecting the users to products/ pages/ actions (where you want them to take)

Some of the most popular email marketing tools are:

1. Mailchimp

2. ConvertKit

3. Aweber

4. SendPulse

5. Constant Contact

2. Create an Email Marketing Strategy

After completing the sign-up with the email marketing tool, the marketers should now focus on creating the email marketing strategy. For this, the marketers should consider the following things:

1. Make a decision on how the email marketing will be used as a conjunction with the other online marketing campaigns, which you will be used

2. Also decide which email marketing do you want to use and hence, think about the monthly costs

3. Take a decision about the strategies you want to use for growing the email list

4. Think about the time of using automation and what type of message do you want to send and when to send

5. Pick the right reporting mechanisms for measuring the effectiveness of your email campaigns

3. Build and Grow the Email List

If you want your email marketing to work successfully, then you should work on growing the active subscribers. Only make sure that you are not adding random people to increase the email list. The customers, whom the brand is not at all concerned with, should not be added forcefully or send mail for growth of the brand. Though, growing and maintaining the email list is tricky, nonetheless, the right tools and approaches are necessary for the marketing to follow.

To build and to grow the authentic email subscribers, the marketers should work on the following attributes.

1. Publish great content on the site:

If your content will not serve the purpose of the customers, then it would not be useful to get more subscribers. Only you need to focus on the content, which can add value to the clients to grow the email marketing at a faster pace. 

2. Give the Clients Incentives:

To attract the customers, try to give them free eBooks, trial offers and other added gifts, which are great incentives to offer the users. 

3. Make the Subscription Process Easy:

Work on the subscription process, so that the customers can easily complete it.  

4. Setup Automation Tasks

One of the biggest advantages of email marketing is, it can be fully automated. The email automation tasks are:

1. Send welcome emails to the users once they subscribe 

2. Send the customers a series of Emails (through a sales funnel)

3. Send the emails to those customers, who have added products to their cart but do not complete the purchase or complete the check-out

4. Suggest products to the consumers depending on the purchasing history

5. Once the customers will receive the items, request them for feedback 

5. Monitor and Improve the Email Marketing Campaign Performance through A/B Testing 

Apart from working on content or targeting the right audience for successfully running an email marketing campaign, the marketers should work on the multiple A/B testing. It has a greater impact to generate higher user engagement as well as to get higher conversions.

The marketers should do the A/B testing on the following things:

1. Length of the email subject titles

2. The format of the emails (HTML, text, with or without pictures)

3. Length of the body of the email

4. Frequency rate of sending the emails

5. Level of promotional messages within the email

6. Placement of the signup forms

7. Type of message/ content you use in the sign-up forms

8. Use authentication method for verifying the validity of the emails 

9. Type of offers used for increasing the email sign-ups

Apart from the above-mentioned attributes, the email marketers should know the uses of the following metrics, so that those can be monitored.

1. Number of new email subscribers per day

2. Exam method the marketers used for subscribing to your list. For instance, sidebar, exit pop-ups etc, which tool the clients are mostly using for complete the sign-ups

3. Email open as well as the click-through rates

4. Number of customers visited the website through the link given in the email

5. How many conversions are generated from the emails (and from which campaign)

6. Use of Autoresponders

An autoresponder is able to send email to the prospect based on the customer's behaviour. One can use autoresponders for automating the sales cycle and for maintaining the contact with the leads. Along with the Welcome mail, the autoresponders also send Thank you notes to the subscribers of your list. Check the success rate of autoresponder in case of an email marketing campaign in the give section. 

rate of autoresponder in case of an email marketing campaign

7. Measure Click-Through Rates

It is mandatory for the marketers to closely monitor the click-through rates, so that they can understand which emails are being opened and which are not. If you found, a few subscribers take action, then you need to find the reason.

1. Are your emails badly designed?

2. Is the content of the email poorly written?

3. Do you add irrelevant content more, and it takes much time to get the actual point of the email?

4. Do you try to cover too many topics to cover?

5. Do you feel that your call to action is unclear or just uninteracting?

6. Is your subject line too boring?

If you find you did not get an efficient click through rate from the email marketing, then you should perform the split tests. Tips: Do not forget to add the brand name against the name of the individual from the brand. Lastly, to successfully run an email marketing campaign, the marketers should recognize the value of your contact list.

Since you aim at developing a larger audience, try to respect the relationship. Do not forget to keep promises, hence, never compromise with the quality of the content you shared with them. Consequently, you will experience good success in business through email marketing.

How To Buy An Email List?

How to buy an email list image is shown

The capabilities and the features of the potential sources can generate better email lists. Apart from that, the marketers should also focus on the usability, pricing of those sources. To buy an email list for running successfully an email marketing, the marketers can take help from the potential sources. Here in the following table, the name of the potential sources and their functionalities have been highlighted.

Name of the Sources
UpLead   1. Assures 95% Data accuracy in case of B2B prospectus 2. It gives the access of a database of over 54 million professional profiles
Lusha  1. Gives the access of personal profiles and the phone numbers of the customers 
Lead41  1. You can purchase custom email lists from here, which is highly essential for target the right marketing campaign 
Hunter  1. It is popular as bulk email finder 
 Skrapp 1. If you are in searching of exact email emails and want to buy that email lists, then Skrapp is perfect for you. 2. It allows the marketers to be used in Chrome extension, so that if required they generate emails from LinkedIn directly. 
 SimilarWeb 1. SimilarSpace is used for studying the competitors’ strategies for taking better data driven decisions 
Cognism  1. The marketers will find a total of 400 million profile database 
 D7 Lead Finder 1. Offer to provide the access of 65 million profiles. 2. The marketers will get five free searches per day 

How To Write A Great Email Newsletter?

How to write a great email newsletter image is shown

As per the statistical report, the average open rate of emails is 24% across the industry, whereas the click through rate is only 4% (or 11% of the opened emails). Though a customer receives 88 mails on average every day and among them, very few they only open, email marketing is still a very effective tool for successful business growth.

This is the reason why 82% marketers like to invest in email marketing. After subscription, the newsletter is one of the most important parts of email marketing. However, keep in mind that the marketers should send the newsletters only when you have to say something informative. Do not send it on a regular basis to the clients.

Otherwise, it will be very disturbing for them to receive unnecessary mail every day. Moreover, the marketers may lose the number of subscribers in turn. The best newsletters have some basic structure, nonetheless, it might vary from one business to another. 

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1. Enticing Subject Line 

The marketers should keep in mind that the subject line of the newsletter should not be more than 10 words. Since it can grab the reader’s attention, therefore, no longer the subject line for writing a newsletter will be accepted. As per the expert, the newsletter should be written in a concise way. Not only the quality, the newsletter should not be too lengthy. Tip: An ideal newsletter should be to the point and short. 

2. Keep the Emails Simple and Focused

Do not think of sending a newsletter containing lots of content. Instead, add simple and focused content, which can draw the attention of the customers. If you want, you can add additional topics, and explain them in a brief manner after the main body of the email. 

3. Review Successful Newsletter Examples

It will help you to get an idea about how to write a successful newsletter. Check how they keep the subject line within 10 words. Moreover, you will find out the way of writing personalized mail. For instance, from the successful newsletter it can be seen that for promoting podcasts, the marketers can link the signature with the upcoming webinars and speaking engagements. 

4. Evaluate the Necessity of Sending Newsletter 

The marketers should conduct a research to evaluate the necessity of sending a newsletter. Once you find out the importance, the marketers should find out the type of newsletter, which they want to send.

Unless you are shaping the importance of sending the newsletter to the clients, it will damage your credibility as well as the trust with your subscribers. Top Tips: To write a successful newsletter you can hire an efficient copywriter. 

5. Get Creative with Email Subject Lines

There is no guarantee that the subscribers will open the emails every day. Hence, try to use creative content in the subject line, so that the marketers can fetch the customers’ attraction and they open and go through the mail at least for once. For instance, the marketers can add short and funny subject lines. 

6. Ensure Images have Alt Text

Sometimes, it can be seen that the images of the mails are not enabled. In that case, the marketers should use one essential component, alt text while you add one image to your email content. 

7. Invest in Email Design 

Your content of the email goes irrelevant if the design of it would not match. The marketers should work on the designing, colour, format to make the display of the email interesting. This is the other reason for making the clients interested. If you use too heavy text or if the design looks cheap, then you will face difficulty to get the result. 

Email Marketing Cost And Pricing :

Email marketing cost and pricing image is shown

Email marketing Software (ESP) is the basic infrastructure, which is required to run for newsletter or campaigns. When it comes to ESP pricing, the pricing model is depending on the following factors.

1. Number of Subscribers

2. Number of emails sent

3. Features availed (Design and template used)

4. Monthly email volume

5. Email marketing cost per email

6. Email campaign and design

Check the email marketing pricing of several email marketing software here.

1. $7.49/month is the SendX pricing, which is the basic pricing strategy. However, if the number of subscribers will increase, then the monthly email marketing campaign pricing will be different. 

Emails Per month
Features included
 1-1000 $7.49   Unlimited All features 
1001-2500  $14.99   Unlimited All features 
2501-5000  $29.99   Unlimited All features 
5001-10000  $39.99   Unlimited All features 
 10001-15000 $44.99   Unlimited All features 

2. To send 300 emails/ day, SendinBlue does not charge any price. Nonetheless, if you want to take a premium email marketing plan, then you have to pay a different charge.

Subscription type
Price (per month)
Free  $0   1. 300 emails/ day 2. Unlimited contacts
Lite  $25  1. 40000/ month 2. No daily sending limit 
Essential  $39 ($35.10 annual payment)  1. 60000/ month 2. A/B testing 3. Advanced statistics 
 Premium $66 ($59.40 annual payment)  1. 120000 emails/ month 2. Facebook ads 3. Landing pages 4. Marketing automation 5. Chat 6. Multi User access

3.  ActiveCampaign software charges $9 per month for providing the basic facilities. For the premium ranges, the charges are different for that.

Subscription type
Price (per month)
Lite  $9  1. Unlimited sending 2. Email marketing
3. send newsletters
4. subscription forms
5. Marketing automation
6. chat and email support
7. up to 3 users.
 Plus $49  1. Everything from lite
2. Facebook custom audiences
3. Lead and contact scoring
4. SMS marketing
5. Dynamic content
6. Up to 25 users
Professional  $129  1. Everything from plus 2. Predictive sending 3. customer attribution 4. conversion attribution reporting 5. split automations 6. site messaging 7. In- Depth onboarding consutation 8. Automation strategy consultation 9. Up to 50 users
 Enterprise $229  1. Everything from professional 2. Custom reporting (Beta) 3. Custom mailserver domain 4. Dedicated account 5. Free design services 6. Free social data 7. Phone support 8. Unlimited users

4. Mailchimp is the other email marketing provider, which charges differently for Sponsored and Featured Deal strategy.

5. The price range of email marketing offered by Zoho is $3 to $375 per month. The markers can send unlimited mails to the clients. 

Email marketing has a ROI of 122%. Hence, before choosing the suitable pricing strategy for running an email marketing campaign, the marketers should consider whether they have planned to send promotional, newsletters or eCommerce mails.

Apart from that, you should think about the number of emails, which you want to send per month. What will be subscriber acquisition strategy, etc. Sometimes it can be seen that the email marketing service is coming with the hidden cost. But, if the marketers conduct a little research, then they can avoid the unnecessary cost. 

Email marketing Tips To Get You Started

Email marketing tips to get you started images is shown

Considering the advantages of email marketing, the marketers should check the following tips to start the email marketing. 

1. Choose an Email Marketing Provider

At first, the marketing should find out the successful provider, which works best for the business. Some of the popular email marketing tools are MailChimp, Constant Contact and Hubspot.

Nevertheless, before choosing the email marketing provider, the marketers should determine the email marketing goals, size of the audience or contact list, and overall budget for the marketing program. Kindly note, your email marketing provider must be flexible as well as cost effective. 

2. Establish Your Goal

To set up the email marketing provider, build the new campaign for the email marketing. Hence, you should set the benchmarks for measuring the overall success of campaigns. This refers to the overall strategy of email marketing depending on the customer acquisition. 

3. Build the Contact List

To apply the email marketing strategy, the marketers should have a solid contact list. One good tip is to start the email newsletter in the sign up section on the website, add the opt-in form as a part of ecommerce section of the website. Make a note, if you send emails for the customers, who have not opted in, the marketers will end up in the spam folder.

4. Set Up Welcome Email

The marketers first set up the welcome email once the sign up will be done. Welcome emails can create a good impression and through which, one brand can increase the customer engagement. Consequently, there will be a higher chance to open the emails than the average rate. 

5. Create a Reusable Email Template

The marketers should choose a clean email layout, which should be eye catching. Do not forget to select the mobile responsive email template, so that it can look good on any device. Next, the marketers should customize the email template with the business logo, preferably at the top of the email and link the image back to the homepage of the websites. 

Then add the business signature, footer of the email with the brand name, contact information and link the business page with the active social media page link. Once you put all the details, you must make a copy of that email and save as a draft of the format of the master template. 

6. Plan and Execute First Campaign

Focus on the template design for creating goals and benchmark, which is fitted for the business. In this stage, the marketers should consider the important aspects, such as subject line, open rates and conversion rates for better planning. 

7. Test and Refine

For running the email marketing campaign successfully, the marketers should test thoroughly, so that they can reach perfection. If you introduce any new campaign, then you can track several aspects of the mails. Furthermore, it includes deliverability, open rate, click through rate as well as the conversion rate. 

For sending test check the errors is display in the picture

Note: Once the marketers send the emails to their contacts, they should constantly track the result, such as the open rate, click through rate, subscribe and unsubscribe rate etc for improving your work over the time. 

Best Email Marketing Software

Email marketing software image is shown

Email marketing software helps to create, send and monitor the emails to the subscribers. The best email marketing softwares is considered based on the price, ease of use and also on other factors.

As per the report, the best email marketing softwares are discussed in the following:

1. Best overall: Mailchimp

2. Best for automation: ActiveCampaign

3. Easiest to use: MailerLite

4. Best All in One Marketing Suite: Hubspot

5. Best Affordable Option: Moosend

6. Best for Ecommerce: Drip

Go through the pros and cons of the above mentioned email marketing software.

How To Segment Email List

How to segment email list image is shown

The primary reason for segmenting the email list is to create personalized email to attract the c customers’ attention. The customer segmentation can be done based on the buying habits, familiarity and also on the professional background. 

In order to segment the email list, the marketers should follow the below mentioned steps.

1. Demographics

The email marketers should start the email marketing segmentation by collecting the demographic data. In this regard, try to gather the information on age, gender, company position and on income level. 

Kindly note, do not ask too many personal questions about the customers, this will in turn scare people off to complete the signup process. The easiest way of segmenting the demographic information is aligned with the website forms. Hence, in this regard, you can use the plugin to create the opt in box. 

demographic data display in the picture

2. Survey of Quiz Results

A survey is useful to get an insight not only on demographic but also about the individual tastes, preferences and beliefs. Apart from that there are multiple ways of creating surveys or quizzes. One can arrange the survey using WordPress, or using Quiz and Survey Master to create the custom survey. These are integrated with Mailchimp, so that you can export the result. 

3. Email Engagement

Email engagement is the other way of segmenting the list, however, it will have a huge effect on the overall results. Open rate and click through rate are the main metrics here, through which one can track the email marketing service. 

4. Geographic Location 

Geographic area can be an important tool for email marketing segmentation. Based on the geographic location, the targeted open rate can be 68% compared to the 22% open rate for the general conference announcement. 

For sending the time based email messages, geographical location has been playing a major role. Moreover, using a location for the headlines or content is helpful to draw the personalized experience. 

5. Past Purchases

To make the email segmentation, the sellers should consider the past purchases.This is the easiest way of sending the similar items through emails to the target customers, so that the customers’ attention can be drawn. 

6. Website Behaviour

Keeping the track of website behaviour is the other easier way to gather more knowledge about the visitors’ interest as well as to make email marketing segmentation. Based on the website activity, the marketers can send out the emails to the targeted customers.

1. Pages people visited

2. Pages the people did not visit

3. People, who visit one page

4. What kind of videos people watch and how long they watch

Tips For Improving The Open Email Rates

Tips for improving the open email rates image is shown

  Check out the top tips to improve the open email rates here in the following section.

1. Keep the email list fresh and try to fill them with the engaged subscribers. It is the best way to remove the inactive subscribers from the list

2. Segment the email list. For instance, 39% of the email marketers, who segmented the email list, have been experienced a higher open rates and 28% experienced the lower unsubscribe rates

Email list segmentatin results

3. Avoid sending spam emails. For this, make sure the marketers send the emails from a good IP address. Also keep the code clean, send the mails from the verified domains etc.

4. Send the emails to the subscribers to their favourable time. Do not make them disturbed by sending mails at odd times. To figure out the perfect time for sending mails, perform some A/B testings

Percent of subscribers optiomal send times by hour of day
Distribution of subscribers optimal day of week.

5. Make the subject line of the emails stand out. If possible, try to write it in a concise and personalized way

6. Write the content using the large font, since small font size is difficult to understand

7. Use a large size call-to-action button since the larger buttons are comparatively easier to tap with a thumb

8. Do not forget to target the mobile users. Approximately 15%-70% of all the email opens from their smartphones. As per the statistical report released by Blue Hornet, approximately 67.2% of the customers use their smartphones for checking their emails

Automating The Email Marketing With Autoresponders

Automating email marketing with autresponders image is shown

An email autoresponder is a tool, through which the marketers can send the automatic emails in response to the pre-defined trigger event. Email autoresponder is one of the simplest forms of marketing automation. Email marketers use autoresponders for passively sending important mails to the subscribers.   

Advantages of Email Autoresponders

1. Email autoresponders save the time of the marketers, and they do not need to send manually to the new subscribers

2. Nurture the customer relationship by using the CRM data 

3. Maximize the opportunities to grow revenue

4. Increase the engagement with the customers

5. Improve the communication with the clients and hence, the relationship with the customers will be improved

Steps to Set Up an Email Autoresponder

To set up and run with email autoresponder, the marketers should follow the below-mentioned steps.

Step 1: Write and design the welcome email template

Step 2: Set up a marketing automation workflow

Step 3: Select ‘Welcome message’ from the available workflow types

Step 4: Select the email list for creating the welcome email

Step 5: Decide the ideal time frame for sending the mail. It is the best time if you send the welcome mail within 1-3 minutes after signing up

Step 6: Choose the welcome email template

Step 7: Activate the workflow

Ecommerce Email Marketing

Ecommerce email marketing image is shown

Email marketing is 40% more effective in terms of acquiring customers compared to Facebook and Twitter. Email marketing strategies are also adopted by the ecommerce owners to boost up the sales. Along with this, ecommerce email marketing is useful for user onboarding, cross selling and upselling.

To generate quality leads, the ecommerce marketers take the help of email marketing, so that the email can be linked with the landing page of the website. To take the ecommerce business to the next level, the sellers are running the email marketing campaign for their businesses.

For instance, 80% of retailers have admitted that email marketing campaigns are the most effective way for customer retention. On the other hand, 59% of customers believe that email marketing has the power of influencing the purchasing decision. In the USA, approximately 42% people subscribe to the emails for receiving discounts and special offers.

Go through the ecommerce email marketing best practices here in the following section.

1. The ecommerce sellers and the concerned marketing person should create eye-catching designs as well as email templates for the customers 

2. Run A/B testing for getting to know your customers in a better way

3. Send additional discount emails to the loyal consumers to maintain long term relationship with them and also to develop the brand image

4. Always notify the clients about the forthcoming sales, so that they can come to know about the hot deal, exciting discounts, offers, holiday themed deals

5. Send the behavioural emails to the customers such as send mails with latest update (about shopping cart, order confirmation emails, shipment status mail, feedback request mail) etc

6. Implement referral program in order to nurture the loyal relationship with them, through which the retailers can attract new customers

As per the report released by Fynd online platform, email marketing can generate the highest ROI of 4300% in the ecommerce business and this digital marketing strategy is much cheaper compared to the pay per click and social media marketing. Based on that, the global email marketing value will be increased to 17.9 billion by the year 2027. 

Why Choose Fynd Platform for Running Email Marketing Campaign?

According to a report published by Fynd platform, approximately, 18% buyers prefer to shop from those brands which preferred to market through email than those who do not run email marketing campaigns.

Hence, the Fynd platform offers the seller's inbuilt email marketing plan along with the creation of a business website for running a business. Considering the fact, Fynd platform offers the sellers email marketing strategies, so that they can experience a huge growth from the online business and can successfully run the email marketing campaign. Here in the given section, the reasons for choosing the Fynd platform for email marketing campaign have been discussed.

1. Get a free email platform:

The online sellers or the ecommerce owners do not need to spend extra money for a different email marketing campaign. This feature is already inbuilt in Fynd platform and the sellers can avail the email marketing campaign completely in free of cost

2. Get a free email plan:

With the Fynd subscription plan, the customers will be able to get up to 50000 free emails

3. Design free email templates:

Get your own customized or personalized predefined email templates using the free inbuilt editors such as BEE Free Editor, Raw HTML, GrapesJS. The sellers will send the notification to the customers during the new sign-up, order updates, return or refund every update via emails, in a hassle-free manner. The entire process will be looked after by the experts of the Fynd platform.

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What are the four different types of email marketing campaigns?

Four types of email marketing are: email newsletters, acquisition emails, retention emails, promotional emails. 

What are the basic steps of email marketing?

The basic steps of email marketing are:

1. Understand and segment the audience

2. Establish the goals

3. Create and send the sign up forms

4. Capture the right level data from there

5. Estimate the frequency of your email marketing campaign

6. Choose the best time that should be scheduled to send the emails

What are the examples of Successful Email Marketing Services

arrow down

The best email marketing services are Sendinblue, Mailchimp, Convertkit, Hubspot, MailerLite, Klaviyo, AWeber, Active Campaign, GetResponse, Constant Contact and Campaign Monitor.

How to Write Email Marketing Copy ‍

To create high converting copy and to generate sales, email marketers should follow the below mentioned steps to write the email marketing copy.

1. Write a short, personalized and attention grabbing subject line

2. Work on the preview text. The preview text will be ranging from 35 to 140 characters

3. Also write for the website. In this regard, you should follow a logical structure of writing, keep the paragraphs short and easily understandable

4. Keep the tone of the writing soft. Do not shout, otherwise it will be spammy. Try to avoid the uses of multiple exclamation marks, both in the subject line and body of the email

5. Selection of correct words while you write content

6. Follow and use psychology in email marketing content

7. Reward the readers

8. Test and split test email marketing campaigns content before sending the mails

How to make an email marketing template?

To create an email marketing template, the marketers can follow the below mentioned steps:

1. Click on the campaigns

2. Click on email templates

3. Click on the create template

How to drive customer loyalty and retention using email marketing?

37% of the respondents have identified that email marketing is one of the essential tools for customer loyalty and retention, followed by websites and social media. Four retention emails are discussed here, through which the marketers can increase the customer value.

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