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Powerful E-Commerce Growth Hacks To Amplify Your Sales

Powerful E-Commerce Growth Hacks To Amplify Your Sales

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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Having a great product and a great store is the best start you can have for an eCommerce business. There are plenty of things to fast track eCommerce business growth, like making your online store products visible, focusing on automation, publishing engaging content, doing social media marketing and a lot more. But inspite of these best efforts, sometimes things fail to work, and you seek guidance from a growth hacker for shortcuts. 

eCommerce growth hacks are proven shortcuts that make running a business much more manageable and crucial for success in any online retail business. This blog will outline a few critical growth hacks that you can use to drive more traffic to your eCommerce site and boost sales. Take a look at some of the robust growth hacks to amplify your eCommerce sales.

1) Create Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)

Fear of missing out or FOMO is a strategy where you create a sense of urgency and scarcity in your customers' minds by reminding them that the offer is for a limited time only. It is experienced by 69% of millennials and is a proven strategy to boost sales.

You can make buyers complete their inventory urgently by highlighting these pointers (FOMO) on the product page:

  • Applying a time limit on your offers like “only 5 minutes left."
  • Show a countdown timer in front of your customers.
  • Show real-time activity like what other people are buying from you
  • Show stock levels like “only a few left in stock."
  • Label the products as “best-selling products."
  • Use checkout pops to urge shoppers to checkout
  • Use email campaigns with limited time offers

2) Integrate live chat to boost trust

Nearly 50% of customers say that having a live chat agent answer their query in the middle of purchase is an important feature that a business can offer. Live chat leads to a 48% increase in revenue per chat hour, and 40% of live chat customers have higher chances of making an online purchase.

How does Adding live chat functionality to the eCommerce website helps?

  • It can boost sales by quickly engaging with potential customers & addressing any concerns they may have.
  • It helps in getting real-time help & thereby promotes trust in the eCommerce website
  • It keeps your customers on-site longer, which can lead to increased conversions.
  • Adding live chat on-site can help in increased customer satisfaction & loyalty

3) Use unique exit-intent popups

Exit-intent popups are one of the best ways to convert your eCommerce website visitors into customers. It works by using the customer's inactivity to indicate that they may be leaving the website. It shows them a popup with custom-tailored messages and offers to help increase their likelihood of completing a purchase.

Exit popups work for sure! Research show exit messages have higher conversion rates than other kinds of popups. Exit popups typically convert an additional 2% to 4% of your website visitors.

Where to use exit-intent popups?

You can use it to 

  • Turn abandoning visitors into shoppers
  • Remind the benefits like a full refund, free exchanges & more
  • Recommend alternative products that are on sale
  • Handle shopping objections like "Questions about the order."
  • Collect visitor feedback like “How to improve next time?”
  • Increases newsletter subscription & grow an email list
  • Reduce site abandonment & keep visitors engaged
  • Entice visitors by sharing coupons, freebies & valuable content
  • Reduce shopping cart abandonment by sharing a free gift

4) Use FAQs on category pages

A FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions page is one of the most effective ways to help visitors on your website, drive organic search, and direct them to the related pages. It can educate, inform, and guide the user naturally. Also, it can assist the eCommerce brand in responding to the audience's needs in a more timely and appropriate manner, without the help of the customer care team.

Take a look at the FAQ page of an eCommerce site like Flipkart. It has every question related to 

  • Getting started
  • Pricing & payments
  • Listing & Catalogs
  • Order management & shipping

FAQ page can offer a lot of benefits like

  • Improve your customer experience
  • Establish your business as an expert
  • Improve eCommerce sales
  • Provides relevant content to boost SEO

5) Ensure the website loads in 3 seconds

The faster your website's load time is, the happier your visitors will be! Research says that the first five seconds of page-load time have the highest impact on conversion time. Website conversion rates drop by an average of 4.42% with each additional second of load time (between 0-5 seconds). 

Another one says that nearly 70% of consumers admit that page speed impacts their willingness to buy from an online retailer. Example: If 100 people visit your website for a $50 product, this could illustrate the difference in your potential earnings:

  • A <1 second page load time at an 8.11% conversion rate results in $405.50
  • A 1 second page load time at a 6.32% conversion rate results in $316.00
  • A 2 second page load time at a 4.64% conversion rate results in $232.00
  • A 3 second page load time at a 2.93% conversion rate results in $146.50

You can see that in less than 4 seconds, potential sales have dropped by over $250. So, to improve transaction conversions, you should aim for a 0-2 seconds load time.

6) Publish online customer reviews, testimonials & case studies

92% of consumers read online reviews and testimonials when considering a purchase. 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. 72% say positive reviews and testimonials make them trust a business more.

These are beneficial for conversion and can also grow organic traffic (SEO), upsell, and cross-sell additional products to existing and potential customer cohorts.

How to verify online reviews & testimonials? If you have a limited budget, concentrate your efforts on driving reviews through Facebook and Google Reviews. All of this will help to reduce visitor skepticism and convert more buyers.

On the other hand, case studies can be a great way to showcase how the customers have successfully implemented the product or services of the eCommerce brand. It is a proven way to build trust, turn one-time shoppers into repeat customers, and implement simple solutions to increase online sales.

7) Setup retargeting Ads

Retargeting is a powerful form of online advertising that enables brands to show ads to site visitors when they visit other sites on the internet. The goal of retargeting is to get potential customers back to your site to increase leads, conversions, and sales. With retargeting, you have a unique opportunity to catch them again, remind them about the product they viewed and increase their desire to buy.

Some of the best retargeting tools for brand awareness and conversion are:

8) Show trust badges

A whopping 48% of survey respondents said that trust badges reassure them that the site is secure and trustworthy. The same survey found that 76% of respondents said trust seals affected their sense of trust in a website. Another 61% said they had not purchased because there were no visible trust badges or logos when they went to a website.

What kind of trust badges are essential to grow an eCommerce business?

Safe checkout trust badge: This type of trust badge indicates that your website's checkout process is safe and secure. The shared information is encrypted, and the customers' identities or credit card information will not be stolen. E.g., Symantec, Norton & Lifelock.

Accepted Payment badges: Having a Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, or Shopify payment badge can boost the level of trust, confidence, and conversion rates in your website.

Money-back guarantee badge:  This badge helps eliminate the fear and perceived risk of purchasing online, which is one of the most significant factors in conversion rate issues.

Free shipping & returns badge: This badge indicates that your online store provides free shipping and returns and can instill a sense of security in your customers, mitigating some of the perceived risks of purchasing online. It also highlights your store's policy and exceptional customer service.

9) A/B test your product pages

Running A/B tests is a popular growth hack to know what’s growing your business and what’s hurting it. As an ecommerce seller, you can test the product page as it is where sales happen. You can experiment with the 

  • Size and colour of the product image
  • Add to cart & Buy now button placement 
  • Colour of the Call-to-Action buttons
  • Including or excluding a trust badge

You can test two completely different versions of the product page with suggested variations and expose them to separate traffic. The response (clicks, leads and sales) to the product page determines which page is good to go. 

Here are the 5 best A/B testing tools:

  • Leadformly

10) Show how customers are shopping

eCommerce businesses can drive more shoppers to purchase by showing the live details of customers that have bought the product. It can entice new customers to make purchases, clear self-doubts and confusion about shopping for products. By displaying a live notification about recent purchases, you demonstrate the business transparency to online buyers and how successful and helpful your company is.

Fomo is one such tool that allows you to add notifications of live customer interactions on your online store. You can also measure the ROI of displaying customer interactions on your site by integrating Fomo with Google Analytics.

There are tons of eCommerce growth hacks out there, and the one we shared with you today came from our own experience and research. We hope this post gives you some fresh ideas to growth hack your eCommerce business. Fynd Platform assists firms & startups in building a business-ready eCommerce website in 30 minutes. Learn more, Schedule a demo or contact us anytime for guidance.

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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