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50 Best Low Investment Business Ideas for Kanpur in 2024

50 Best Low Investment Business Ideas for Kanpur in 2024

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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Want to start a business in Kanpur and need business ideas?? Then you have found yourself in the right place. Let's talk about the 51 business ideas in Kanpur. Choose one and be ready to start your startup business.

Beginner entrepreneurs are lucky they don't need to struggle, as many opportunities are just waiting to be successfully explored. All you need to start is a good idea. Good businesses are sometimes about something other than huge investments; they need much more. Money might be a plus point, but we also need attention and a marketing plan to start.

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Now, becoming an entrepreneur is an upcoming trend because we like to be our boss. And to get you started, we have gathered a list and come to your aid. We are bringing you a series of ideas just waiting for you to apply. Let’s begin!

According to the reports published by IBEF, between 2015-16 and 2020-21, the Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Uttar Pradesh grew at a CAGR of around 8.43% to reach US$ 234.96 billion.

Presenting 51 Business Ideas in Kanpur

These are 51 fantastic business ideas that will be your startup plan for a business in Kanpur.

1. Fast Food on Wheels

A chef preparing food on grill.

Suppose you are a person who finds joy in food and enjoys cooking or maybe experimenting with food. Then what are you waiting for? This is your sign to own a restaurant. But until your pockets are big enough to afford a significant investment. You can look into the options of owning a fast-food caravan.

The initial investment is small and can be pocket-friendly for you. In addition, this can be a great way to find out and see whether your food is appreciated and arrived at by people. Mobility gives you a higher advantage. You can reach various events easily, and later getting the opening of the desired restaurant won't be a problem.

2. Cafe

A board written cafe with lightning n it.

The number of coffee lovers in recent years has increased. The past years have seen the industry going through rapid growth. When considering spending time with your loved ones, cafes are one of the best options. You can arrange a meeting with your loved one or set up casual encounters. 

Considering you have a deep passion for coffee. It's your turn to convert your love and passion into something more like a profitable business in this area of business; make sure to keep these in mind:

  • menu design
  • coffee cups
  • ambiance

These are some critical roles that might kick-start your business to popularity. Getting help from a graphic designer is an essential part.

3. Bakery

A piece of bread with sprinkled flour and half covered with cloth.

A run-from-home business, the bakery is considered one of the most successful. If you have a way with baking and love to bake, this might be your ideal business. All you need is some essential qualities for these business ideas; you will need to create a range of visually tempting food. 

You can even consider the option of collaboration by selling your products in other different stores.

As per The Economics Times, In the year 2020-2021, the most significant investment was received in the Food Processing sector, amounting to Rs 940 crore and making for 32% of the total investment received in Uttar Pradesh.

4. Cooking Classes

A women is teaching cooking to a girl.

Is cooking on your list? If your food is good enough to make others want more of it, and if you get appreciated by everyone for your food. Then it concludes that you are a great cook. Teaching cooking and taking classes can be your start to a great business, mainly since the pandemic has caused us to stay a lot at home.

Your investment requirements for this business are minimal. Later, after reaching a level of great popularity. Consider the option of opening your training center.

5. Ice Cream Business

A ice cream truck parked on the side of a road.

Suppose you are not looking into a full-time business but rather thinking of a part-time business. This is going to be the perfect option for you. An ice cream stand or kiosk brings more than just lots of excellent flavors and some good profits. You even have the opportunity to be mobile or fixed.

But no matter what you opt for, the income will undoubtedly be as good as ice cream! When you think about ice cream, the first thing people like to go for is new flavors to taste. You can even use social media platforms to promote and inform others about all your new flavors, special offers, etc.,

6. Referent for Products / Business

A women standing in the medical store.

When it comes to small businesses, there is a constant need for people who can write reviews. Whether it's for the products or services. Also, the study encourages the audience to buy more of their products.

Suppose you have a passion and enjoy writing. But also like to stay online for most of your work. Then this is your cue to use this fantastic idea. You can consider the idea of starting a freelance profile or website. You can even directly approach or contact the companies.

You can exchange your written reviews with the companies for payment. But you can always consider the option of becoming an influencer. You are halfway there if you already own a website or blog. Simple write posts regarding the company's products. Recommended suggestions: 

  • Read a series of studies, guides & blogs before directly testing the product.

7. Home Food Delivery

A man is delivering parcel.

‍Today, with the busy schedule that we are stuck in, food delivery companies have gained tremendous popularity. People with a busy schedules have started looking for ready-made food online. They are going even far as to buy monthly or annual subscriptions.

Consider starting with a smaller menu if you plan to start. But you will need to find a collaborator to deliver your food on time. If things go well, you can grow into a huge business.

8. Accounting Services

A women is writing in paper looking at computer.

This business idea is only for people with knowledge or training in the field. If you are one of them, you can start by:

  • Keeping track of other businesses’ income and expenses
  • Preparing Statements
  • Payment Amounts

This would be ideal for getting you on the go. It is also a business that is sure to earn very well. Because it is sensitive data, you will have to make sure that you hire serious collaborators.

9. Web Design Services

A person is designing website in the laptop.

Today, we are in the digital age, where every business has its website for its customers. You will see that even a tiny one-page website. This is important to mark your online presence. But make sure that the website looks good and impresses.

You can try this business idea if you have the necessary knowledge. You will have numerous clients but only a few professionals who can fulfill their wishes.

10. Digital Marketing

A phone, keyboard and a coffee mug is placed on the table.

Online presence is much more than just a site. It needs to be promoted and help connect with its audience. These are the highly demanded digital marketing services. But also a business idea that is the cheapest start-up option.

All you need for this business idea is a team of experts and a little space to carry out your day-to-day work. You must start with a compelling presentation and an excellent website to find customers.

11. Currency Exchange 

A man is holding the foreign currency.

One of the most fascinating and lucrative ideas for business is currency exchange. Suppose you have your way with numbers and are good at it. If you don’t have any problem working late, you are ready to take some profitable risks for this excellent business idea.

12. Event Planning

Table and chairs placed in row for an event.

Suppose you are one of the people who are well organized, detail-oriented, and like to organize parties. Then this is the perfect necessary personality for an event organization business. You can even choose your preferred specialization in certain events (weddings, birthdays, team buildings, etc.) or do everything together.

The choice is best made and depends entirely on your talent and experience. A significant advantage of this business is that a satisfied customer will get you, other potential customers. And there's no need to worry about revenue as it is consistent.

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13. Photography

A women wearing wrist watch is holding the camera.

Photography is not only about capturing images, instead, but it's also about capturing emotions. Photography can become much more than a hobby. It can be converted into a business that brings in excellent revenue for you.

It is one of the businesses that can be spread through word-of-mouth advertising, and it grows effectively, but to add much more, you will need a Facebook page, Instagram, etc. This will help to connect and even tag your customers. Plus, it will also help you gain popularity.

14. Fast Food Center

Burger, fries and beverages all placed together in the box.

Fast food is one of the fields that are most profitable in current times. Despite the presence of vast players dominating the market, like Mcdonald's, KFC, etc. You can still make a good profit considering your chosen location, and the food you cook can be considered significant.

People want more delicious food, and trying something new will make you profit. Try looking for a nearby location, or consider the option of home delivery. In addition, try to keep the quality of the food at its best because it's essential to attract customers' attention. Also, it emphasizes the unique design and an attractive logo.

15. Yoga Studio

Two girls performing yoga on a yoga mat.

Yoga is widespread worldwide today, not just as a science but as a wellness art. People are now turning to yoga to relieve themselves from physical and mental stress. So you can consider a yoga studio a business that can get you started and gain revenue quickly.

Prepare yourself well and increase your chances of your success. This will ensure your high success. Of course, you can always come up with something unique and innovative to give you a plus point from your competitors.

16. Pet Care Center

A women is cutting nails of a dog.

Nowadays, many families have started to own pets. This also means that the owners spend much money on their upkeep. If you know about this, then you certainly agree with us. That's a perfect area to make money and profit.

17. Day Care center

A women is taking care of a child.

The care of children with working parents is in high demand these days. As both parents working to earn a living are rising. To start, you will need to gain the trust of your parents so that you can fulfill the need in your neighborhood. Simply by opening a daycare center for children who need to be looked after.

With just a little money, you can get started; this is one of the best business ideas. It even provides flexibility, is not seasonal, and resists in times of recession.

18. Marketing Agency for Content Creation

An office with table, chairs and working employees.

One of the significant issues for companies today is creating unique and engaging content instead of depending on a single person for this task. They consider asking for help from content creation agencies to provide them with unique content. If you are familiar with writing, then it’s a direction that you can think about.

As a content marketer, your job is to create relevant and valuable content, first for your business, to attract the attention of future customers. You can consider making use of any method for creating content: 

  • video
  • infographics
  •  web pages
  •  blog

19. Mobile Application Development

A phone with a game on its display.

Everyone now has smartphones and countless other applications that are developed daily. Mobile applications these days are much more profitable than desktop applications.

Application developers are sure to have a bright future. If you are a specialist in the field, this is one of the best business ideas to get you started. You need to look out for as many customers as possible. To meet the customer's requirements, you can also hire other developers.

20. Business in the agricultural field

Plabts planted in thje field.

The agriculture business is a range of topics. It involves the production and sale of agricultural products. To start this business, you need suitable land for agricultural production. 

Here is a list of business ideas in agriculture that you can look into:

  • Agricultural farm
  • Compost production for organic fertilization
  • Fertilizer distribution
  • Chicken farm
  • Beekeeping
  • Fish farm
  • Weaving of baskets
  • Dried plants and flowers
  • Dairy products
  • Fruit and vegetable farm

As per a report published by IBEF, the state government has allocated Rs 20,418 crore for irrigation and flood control in the State Budget 2021-2024.

21. Interior Designing

A room with sofas, furniture and curtains.

Interior design is one of the most creative business ideas. And is a notable upward trend that is gaining momentum. The industry has become hugely competitive and is even thriving for small entrepreneurs. When you look into interior design, there are several areas which you can consider for specialized like: 

  • Residential projects
  • Offices
  • Shopping areas

Interior design will make you meet new customers on a day-by-day basis. You need to have good communication skills and be able to have a good impression of them. Make sure to know how to present yourself well for this business.

22. Make-Up Artist

A women is doing makeup of another girl.

Beauty products have become an increasingly innovative innovation that mainly aims at women, but in recent times, it is aiming at men. Makeup artists have made it into the most successful businesses in today's world.

It is a very lucrative business idea, which provides flexibility, although it's not seasonal and is not affected by the recession. Consider this business idea if you can create magic with powders, lipsticks, and makeup.

23. Hotel Rental

The entrance of the hotel with a lot of lightings.

They are considering that hotel room prices have risen sharply. Hotel rental can be your new business idea. Unlike in the past, we don't have to wait for holidays to get started on the long-planned getaway.

Today, we often go out on the weekends or on short vacations to relax and get out of the hectic routine. If you have an apartment that provides all the essential facilities, you just put up or offer for rent. This can become the business idea that you are looking for.

24. Online Courses

Someonene is working on laptop with plants all the side.

Recently, we have seen significant or rapid growth in the online course industry. In addition, it has continued to develop when it comes to using technology to its advantage and is widespread with the help of the Internet. So people have started looking up and are enrolling in online courses.

You must look into and choose your topic very carefully, based on your field and what you are passionate about before you teach others virtually. This is a very profitable business idea.

25. Decoration Services

Decorative artifacts are placed on the furniture.

This can be an excellent option if you are creative enough and want to pursue a creative field. You can start a business by decorating private houses, office spaces, or lounges. There is a future for sure with profit. The firm can be administered online or from an office. The main important thing in this field is that you have to choose your unique design or theme.

26. Dance Studio

Dancers practising in the room.

As time passes, the popularity of dance shows has risen, and many people are now interested in learning different types of dance. This can be a good business idea if you have sufficient space in a good location that can be transformed into dance classes.

27. Gift Wrapping

A person is holding the gift bag.

Gifts are significant on any occasion, even for a get-together or dinner party. Nowadays, gift wrapping is more famous for its design, theme, art over it, and much more. If you are good at art and crafting, this can be your best opportunity.
This business doesn't require a considerable amount; you can start this kind of business with your savings.

28. Music Studio

Musical items placed in the store.

Nowadays, people are searching for their passion, and we have heard about new upcoming singers and seen them getting famous. There are a lot more like them, and you can encourage them by opening a music studio where they can record their music. If you want to start this business, you only need a good infrastructure and some equipment.

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29. Fashion Styling Shop

Girls posing with a skateboard for photography.

People love to dress up well, and if you're good enough to create different types or can say different styles, then you can do a good business out of it because all they want is to look different and attractive.

All you need is a good location, a plan, some well-trained designers, and a little promotion, and then people will pay you to make them look good.

30. Travel Planning

A women wearing blue jeans is walking with trolley at Airport.

Travel costs affect many people, so they search for an alternative to their budget. If you can find the best deals on a budget, it can be a good start, and the main thing is you can start this business with a laptop, internet connection, and hard work.

31. Affiliate Marketing

A phone, keyboard, and coffee mug is placed on the table.

Because of the pandemic, many stores got online, but not everyone can access them because they don't know about their stores, what they are selling, their quality, etc.

Affiliate marketing is a simple business where you must let other people know about their products by distributing them over social media. In exchange, you will get paid, and this business doesn't require a single penny.

32. Making Incense Sticks and Candles 

A man placing agarbatti in the pooja thal.

If you are thinking about something simple and reliable, you can start producing incense sticks andcandles. These products can be sold quickly in the local market and can give you a good profit. You must purchase essential supplies, equipment, and some people to work.

33. Online Book Store

A phone with ecommerce market on its display.

People love to read books and novels, which can be profitable for bookstores. People search for many unique books that are tough to find in the market by roaming from one store to another.

So, you can offer them your online bookstore where they can order online who are bibliomania, and the rest can read books online by paying some amount. People appreciate these kinds of online stores and may recommend to their friends and family that they can help in the advertisement of the online bookstore.

34. Furniture Upcycling 

Furniture placed in the lawn for upcycling.

Upcycling old and unique things are now in trend. You can start the business of upcycling old furniture and make good money. Get old furniture upcycle and make it available to the public. If you have the impressive talent to produce something new and unique from old furniture, it can be your best and most unique business.

35. House Cleaning 

Someone cleaning floor with vaccum cleaner.

Everyone loves neet and clean places to live, cleaning houses can be a good business with a minor investment with the help of some labor, and you can lead it to a successful business. People are so busy nowadays that they don't have enough time to clean it, so you can do it for them and get easy money.

36.  Car Cleaning and Detailing 

A man is washing his white coloured car.

This idea may look familiar to you as you can see in some car cleaning shops that it's still less that people have to wait in line to wash their cars and drive a long way for it. You can make it available near them by choosing a perfect place. It's a highly profitable business because everyone like their car clean and shining.

37. Review Writing

A person is writing in book with a pen.

It has become popular during the pandemic and has grown as a work-from-home business. You have to write reviews of the product or sites and post them on social media or their locations. You can even do this in your free time; you can do this as a freelancer or get hired by top companies if you are doing well.

People even write reviews for places like restaurants, private parks, and more private profitable businesses; your thoughts can attract other customers for which you are writing, and you can get paid per review or profit from your studies. This doesn't requires any investment.

38.  Homemade Food Delivery

Fruits, biscuits anddandwiches are placed all together in the tiffin box.

People travel all over the globe apart from their homes for jobs and higher studies, and they miss homemade food, as everyone does. 

Homemade food delivery can be a good business for places near colleges or industries. If someone is passionate about making food at home, they can earn good money by cooking and delivering it to people in need. You can add some schemes like monthly subscriptions and much more. 

39. Digital Marketing

A phone, keyboard and a coffee mug is placed on the table.

The world is getting online daily, and the need for promoting websites or social media sites has increased. If you are interested in this business, you must apply for short-term courses on online learning platforms and start your business by making other businesses grow online.

There is a massive demand for people who know digital marketing, and companies are paying well to them.

40. A Fitness Centre

A man working out on a mat in an empty place.

Nowadays, everyone is aware of health and fitness, and now it's the best time to open a fitness center in your apartment or rent a hall where you can start fitness classes and encourage others to their fitness. They are going to pay you a good amount in return.

If you are passionate about health and fitness, this is the best small business idea for women; you can start from a small space in your home or a studio. These days a lot of these classes are conducted online via Zoom. You do not need to travel anywhere too.

41. Content Creator

A person writing something in book looking at laptop.

If you're good at writing and love it, this is a good option. This business requires a laptop and a good internet connection.

You have to write about recent news and launches for their website, or if you have good knowledge of getting online, you can create your site and upload your content. After meeting the criteria for getting ads on your site, you will get contacted for posting ads on your content page and get paid as per the views over it.

42. Web Designing

A person is working on a laptop.

This field requires some knowledge of web apps and designs. If you're well known about the technology and if not then you can learn by applying for online courses and will surely get a better future.

You have to create a web design that can attract users more and more and make sure that it has to be user-friendly and easy to use. If you can meet the client's desire according to their design, budget, and time, you can do good business.

43. Cooking Classes 

A women and a man is teaching cooking.

During the last three years of staying indoors because of the pandemic, we have tried a lot of indoor activities like playing games, watching series, and cooking. Everyone was trying to cook something good for their loved ones.

So, from getting to know about the current situation, you can start online cooking classes for those in need who don't know how to cook correctly and can make easy money from it.

44. Selling Products Online.

A women is packing black shoes in the brown box.

Our market grows daily, and people have started trusting online sites to purchase things. If you have savings you can begin buying products at low cost from a factory or wholesale and can sell on e-commerce sites like, Flipkart, Amazon, meesho, and many more. You have to pack the orders and supply them to the courier guy, and you will get paid for them.

You can add products in stock according to the seasons that can help you for better profit, in winter; you should have a collection of winter wear, heaters, etc. You have to spend some savings to make a collection of things and contact the e-commerce site, and you can start selling your goods at a reasonable price.

45. Sell Old Things Digitally.

A laptop and a tablet is placed on the table.

People usually store old things that they aren't using, and they may think it's useless. You can directly purchase those things, refurbish them and sell them online at a reasonable rate or applicable rate per your profit.

46. Tour Organizer 

A tour guide is showing direction looking at the map.

Tourism is an excellent way of making money; you can also make money from tourism by organizing it or can be a tour guide as per your choice. You must know about the place and take them to its famous shops, sunset and sunrise points, and dishes.

47. Selling property digitally 

A property dealer shaking hand with his client.

Properties are getting sold and purchased globally at a vast number, and you can make use of this by selling properties digitally and making a good amount out of it. You can get easy inverters if you have good plans and will get success for sure.

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48. Printing T-shirts

A girl wearing blue coloured printed tshirt.

You have heard about customized printed t-shirts that look attractive and unique. People love this kind of T-shirt. You can start printing t-shirts and can sell them online or offline according to your requirement and can make customized t-shirts according to the customer needs and get a good amount from it.

49. Home Garden service

A person is watering the plants.

As per the research, we learned that the air we intake inside is more polluted than outdoors, so people started growing plants outside their houses. People love decorating their homes and keeping the rate of air pollution in mind; they started gardening, which is why gardening services can be a profitable business.

50. Therapy Center

Someone is in a theraphy center.

People are so busy in the work field that they don't even have time to rest. The human body needs proper rest, but work is essential for living. So, there's an alternative; you can start a therapy center where people can relax and relieve their day-to-day body problems like headaches, neck pain, body pain, not getting proper sleep, and much more; this can be a good business.


Those mentioned above are only some ideas from a vast sea of options. You can look into them for some of the best business ideas to start up in Kanpur. Although you must remember that to start anything, you need a will and will ultimately find a way. Make sure to make full use of your creative powers and knowledge.

This will become an asset to start your business anytime or anywhere. But to get yourself on the road to success, you will need Passion, dedication, and hard work.

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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Can you consider Kanpur to be an ideal location if you are planning for new business?

Yes. Kanpur can be considered as a growing city. There are also many opportunities for you if you are willing to take risks. If you are planning on business you can opt for any business idea.  You can even consider options from the above mentioned. But you need to work hard for it.

Which business can be considered to be most suitable for a city like Kanpur?‍

Any business is suitable if you keep in mind the good quality of products or services. But all you need is passion and dedication. That's all it takes to run a business. You can go through the above list of business ideas to consider your options. You can even choose any one of them.

What will it take to expand my small-scale business that is situated in Kanpur?‍

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To expand your small-scale business you can consider the options of promoting the business in your neighbourhood and social media platforms. This will help you to connect more effectively with your customers.

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