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E-commerce Shipping & Delivery 2024 : Methods, Solutions, & Costs

E-commerce Shipping & Delivery 2024 : Methods, Solutions, & Costs

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E-commerce shipping refers to transporting products from a seller to a buyer in an online transaction. This can involve various steps, including order fulfilment, packaging, labelling, and delivery. 

E-commerce shipping can be done through various carriers and methods, including standard mail, courier services, and freight carriers.

To ensure a smooth and efficient shipping process, it is important for e-commerce businesses to have clear policies and procedures in place, as well as to choose the right carriers and shipping methods for their specific needs.

Modern e-commerce shipping involves multiple processes like - ordering, picking, packing, labelling, shipping, tracking, management, communication, returns and much more. This should also involve the seamless delivery of the product on time, at the right place, and the right price. 

What is e-commerce shipping?

What is e-commerce shipping

E-commerce shipping transports products from a seller to a buyer in an online transaction. It is an essential aspect of any e-commerce business or online store, allowing merchants to sell online and deliver products to customers worldwide. This helps sellers grow from selling offline to a small number of people to going online and reaching millions of potential customers.

The e-commerce shipping process typically involves several different steps. First, an order is placed by the customer and processed by the seller. The seller then fulfils the order by retrieving the product from inventory and preparing it for shipping.

This can include packing the product, attaching a shipping label, and generating any necessary documentation. Next, the product is shipped to the customer using a carrier.

Carriers are companies that specialize in transporting goods from one location to another. There are several different types of carriers that e-commerce businesses can use, including standard mail carriers such as the United States Postal Service (USPS), courier services such as UPS and FedEx, and freight carriers that transport large or heavy items.

E-commerce businesses can choose the carrier that best meets their needs based on delivery speed, cost, and the type of products shipped. For example, a business selling lightweight, low-value items might choose standard mail as its primary carrier. In contrast, a business selling high-value or fragile items might opt for a courier service that provides more protection and tracking.

Once the product is shipped, the e-commerce business is typically responsible for tracking the package and communicating its status to the customer. This can be done through tracking numbers, shipping notifications, and other tools the carrier provides.

To ensure a smooth and efficient e-commerce shipping process, businesses should have clear policies and procedures. This can include setting shipping rates and delivery times, handling returns and exchanges, and managing inventory.

In addition, businesses should carefully choose the carriers and shipping methods that best meet their needs and invest in tools and technologies that can help streamline the shipping process.

E-commerce shipping can also be leveraged as a competitive advantage. By offering fast, reliable, and cost-effective shipping options, businesses can stand out in a crowded marketplace and attract more customers. In addition, by optimising the shipping process, businesses can reduce costs and increase efficiency, which can help improve their bottom line.

Overall, e-commerce shipping is a complex but essential aspect of any online business. By understanding the process, choosing the right carriers and shipping methods, and implementing best practices, businesses can ensure that their products reach their customers safely and efficiently.

What are the multiple processes involved in e-commerce shipping and delivery?

What are the multiple processes involved in e-commerce shipping and delivery

The e-commerce shipping and delivery process involve receiving the order from the customer to the order fulfilment at its destination. The process includes order confirmation on the portal, product locating and handling from the warehouse, packaging them, arranging the pickup by the transport company to send it to the nearest warehouse of the customer, and finally, arranging delivery personnel for the last mile delivery to the doorstep.

The e-commerce shipping and delivery consist of these 6 primary stages. The order-receiving process in e-commerce shipping, and delivery typically involves the following steps:

1. Customer places an order: The customer selects the products they want to purchase and completes the checkout process on the e-commerce website. Once the order is placed, there are two options: the customer pays online or opts for cash on delivery. All the other processes start after the order is confirmed.

2. The seller receives the order: The seller receives the notification of the order and begins processing it. This may include verifying the availability of the product, calculating shipping costs, and collecting payment.

3. Order is fulfilled: The seller retrieves the product from inventory and prepares it for shipping. This may include packing the product, attaching a shipping label, and generating any necessary documentation.

4. Order is shipped: The seller arranges for the product to be transported to the customer using a carrier. The seller may also provide the customer with a tracking number or other information to help them track the package.

5. Order is delivered: The carrier transports the package to the customer's address and delivers it. The customer may be required to sign for the package upon delivery.

6. Order is complete: The order is considered complete once the customer has received the product and the transaction has been completed. The seller may also follow up with the customer to ensure they are satisfied with their purchase.

What are the multiple costs associated with the shipping and delivery of e-commerce products?

What are the multiple costs associated with the shipping and delivery of e-commerce products

Shipping costs for e-commerce orders are typically calculated based on a combination of factors, including the dimensions of the package, the distance it needs to be shipped, and the shipping rate structures of the carrier.

1. Size and weight of the product: One of the primary factors that affect shipping costs is the size and weight of the package. Carriers often charge more for larger or heavier packages, as they take up more space and require more resources to transport.

To calculate shipping costs, carriers typically consider both the volumetric weight and the gross weight of the package. Volumetric weight measures the package's size, while gross weight is the package's actual weight. If the volumetric weight of the package is larger than the gross weight, the carrier will typically use the volumetric weight to calculate shipping costs.

2. Distance to the doorstep: The distance the package needs to be shipped is also important in determining shipping costs. Carriers typically charge more to ship packages over longer distances, as it takes more resources and time to transport the package.

3. Shipping rate structure: Shipping rate structures are another factor that can affect shipping costs. There are two main types of shipping rate structures: flat rates and real-time rates. 

4. Flat rate shipping: Flat rate shipping involves charging a fixed rate for shipping a package, regardless of the distance or size of the package. This can be a good option for businesses that ship a high volume of packages, as it allows them to predict shipping costs in advance. 

5. Real-time shipping rate: On the other hand, real-time rates are calculated based on the current market rates for shipping a specific package. This can be a good option for businesses that ship a low volume of packages or need to ship packages to various locations.

Overall, calculating shipping costs is a complex process involving considering various factors. By understanding how these factors affect shipping costs, e-commerce businesses can make informed decisions about the carriers and shipping methods they use and ensure that they offer competitive shipping rates to their customers.

What is free shipping, and how to offer free shipping without compromising on profits?

What is free shipping, and how to offer free shipping without compromising on profits

Free shipping is a type of shipping policy offered by e-commerce businesses in which customers do not have to pay additional fees for shipping their orders. This can be a powerful marketing tool, as many customers are willing to pay more for a product if they do not have to pay for shipping.

There are a few different ways that e-commerce businesses can offer free shipping without losing money or profits.

  • One option is to consider the cost of shipping into the product's price. This means that the business would charge a higher price for the product, but the customer would not have to pay any additional fees for shipping. This can be a good option for businesses that ship a high volume of packages, as it allows them to negotiate better rates with carriers.

  • Another option is to offer free shipping as a promotion or loyalty reward. For example, a business could offer free shipping for orders over a certain amount or for customers who are members of a loyalty program. This can help businesses target specific customer segments and encourage them to make larger purchases.

Finally, businesses can also consider offering free shipping as a loss leader, meaning they are willing to take a hit on shipping costs to drive sales of other products.

This can be a good option for businesses with a high-profit margin on their products or offering a wide range of products that can be bundled together for free shipping.

Overall, offering free shipping can be a powerful marketing tool for e-commerce businesses. Still, it is important to consider the financial implications carefully and choose the right strategy for the business.

Handling costs associated with shipping and delivery

Handling costs associated with shipping and delivery

Handling costs in e-commerce shipping refer to the expenses associated with preparing an order for shipments, such as packing materials, labour, and other expenses.

These costs may be included in a customer's overall shipping cost or may be charged separately. Handling costs are typically a small percentage of the overall shipping cost and are intended to cover the cost of preparing the order for shipment.

It's important to note that handling costs are distinct from the actual cost of shipping the order, which is based on factors such as the weight, size, and distance of the shipment.

The Handling cost is typically a flat fee or a percentage of the overall order value, whereas the shipping cost is typically based on the specific characteristics of the shipment.

Packaging process involved in e-commerce shipping

Packaging process involved in e-commerce shipping

Packing refers to the process of preparing an order for shipment by placing the products in a container or package and securing them for transport. There are several steps involved in packing an order for e-commerce shipping:

1. Gather the necessary materials: This includes packaging materials such as boxes, envelopes, bubble wrap, foam sheets, and tape, as well as any additional items that may be needed, such as packing slips, labels, and documentation.

2. Select the appropriate packaging: The type of packaging used will depend on the size, weight, and fragility of the products shipped. For example, a small, lightweight item may be shipped in a padded envelope. In contrast, a larger, heavier item may require a sturdy cardboard box.

3. Place the products in the packaging: The products should be carefully placed in the packaging to prevent them from shifting or becoming damaged during transit. This may involve using bubble wrap or foam sheets to protect fragile items or filling any space in the package with packing material to prevent the products from moving around.

4. Seal the packaging: Once the products are securely placed in the packaging, the package should be sealed with tape. It's important to use enough tape to ensure the package is properly sealed but not so much that it becomes difficult to open.

Several different types of packaging may be used for e-commerce shipping, including

Several different types of packaging may be used for e-commerce shipping, including

1. Envelopes: These are suitable for small, lightweight items that don't require a lot of protection. Padded envelopes, which have a layer of cushioning material on the inside, can provide additional protection for more fragile items.

2. Boxes: Boxes come in various styles and can be used to ship various products. Cardboard boxes are the most common type of box used for e-commerce shipping, and they come in various styles, including single-wall, double-wall, and triple-wall boxes.

3. Poly bags: Poly bags are lightweight, flexible bags made of polyethene and other plastic materials. They can ship small, lightweight items and are often used for products that are not easily damaged, such as clothing or other soft goods.

4. Bubble wrap: This is a flexible material with small air-filled pockets that can protect fragile items during shipping. It can be used on its own as a packaging material, or it can be used to wrap items that are being shipped in envelopes or boxes.

5. Foam sheets: These are sheets of foam material that can be used to cushion and protect items during shipping. They are often used with boxes or envelopes to protect fragile items.

What is Sustainable Packaging in e-commerce?

What is Sustainable Packaging in e-commerce

Sustainable packaging in e-commerce refers to packaging materials and practices designed to minimise the environmental impact of shipping products.

This can include using recycled or made-from-renewable resources, reducing the amount of packaging used, and designing packaging that is easy to recycle or compost.

There are several ways that e-commerce merchants can implement sustainable packaging practices:

1. Use recycled materials: Packaging materials made from recycled materials, such as recycled cardboard or paper, can help to reduce the demand for new resources and minimise waste.

2. Use renewable materials: Packaging materials made from renewable resources, such as plant-based plastics, can help to reduce the environmental impact of packaging.

3. Reduce the amount of packaging used: Using minimal packaging, or designing packaging that uses as little material as possible, can help to reduce waste and minimise the environmental impact of shipping.

4. Use packaging that is easy to recycle or compost: Packaging materials that are easily recyclable or compostable can help to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

By implementing sustainable packaging practices, e-commerce merchants can help to reduce their environmental impact and support the development of a more sustainable supply chain.

Surcharge charges in shipping

A surcharge is an additional fee added to the base cost of a service or product. In the delivery context, surcharges are often used to cover additional costs when shipping items. Here are a few examples of surcharges that may be applied to delivery services:

1. Fuel surcharge: This is an additional fee added to the cost of shipping to cover the fuel cost. Fuel surcharges are often applied to long-distance shipments, as fuel cost can be a significant component of the overall shipping cost.

2. Over dimension surcharge: This is an additional fee applied to shipments larger than the standard size limits for a particular shipping service. This surcharge is intended to cover the additional costs of handling and transporting oversized items.

3. Surcharges for remote territories: Some delivery services may charge additional fees for shipping to remote or hard-to-reach locations. This surcharge is intended to cover the additional costs associated with delivering to these areas.

4. Dangerous/hazardous goods surcharge: Some items, such as hazardous materials or dangerous goods, require special handling and may incur additional fees for shipping. This surcharge is intended to cover the additional costs associated with handling and transporting these types of items.

It's important to note that surcharges are typically applied in addition to the base shipping cost, and they can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the shipment. It's always a good idea to check with the delivery service to determine if any surcharges will apply to your shipment.

Handling returns in e-commerce 

Handling returns in e-commerce

Handling returns in e-commerce can be a challenging aspect of running an online business, as it involves managing customer expectations, processing the return, and potentially restocking and reselling the returned product. Some common problems associated with returns for online sellers include

1. Customer dissatisfaction: Customers may be unhappy with their purchase for various reasons, and handling returns in a way that is satisfactory to the customer can be challenging. This can be solved by allowing exchange and saving order cancellations. 

2. Restocking and reselling returned items: Depending on the condition of the returned item, it may need to be restocked and resold. This can be time-consuming and costly, particularly if the item is damaged or has been used.

3. Managing return logistics: Coordinating the return of the product, including arranging for the item to be shipped back to the seller and processing the return, can be a complex and time-consuming process.

4. Managing the financial impact of returns: Returns can have a significant financial impact on an e-commerce business, as the seller may have to refund the customer and potentially incur restocking and shipping costs.

It's worth noting that the rate of returns can vary widely depending on the type of product and the seller's return policy.

The rate of returns for e-commerce products in India is generally lower than in other countries, with estimates ranging from 5-10%. However, certain product categories, like clothing and accessories, tend to have higher return rates.

11 best practices to follow in e-commerce shipping to gain a competitive advantage in 2024

1. Offer fast and reliable shipping: Customers expect fast and reliable shipping, and businesses that can offer this will have a competitive advantage.

2. Offer a range of shipping options: Providing a range of shipping options, including standard, expedited, and same-day delivery, can help to meet the needs of different customers and give businesses a competitive edge.

3. Use the right packaging: Using the right packaging for the products being shipped can help to reduce damage and increase customer satisfaction, giving businesses a competitive advantage.

4. Use sustainable packaging: Using sustainable packaging materials, and practices can help businesses to reduce their environmental impact and differentiate themselves from competitors.

5. Use technology to streamline the shipping process: Utilising technology, such as shipping software or automated systems, can help businesses to streamline the shipping process and increase efficiency.

6. Negotiate competitive rates with carriers: Working with carriers to negotiate competitive rates for shipping can help businesses to reduce their shipping costs and offer competitive pricing to customers.

7. Offer free shipping: Offering free shipping can be a powerful marketing tool and help businesses attract and retain customers.

8. Use shipping as a marketing opportunity: Using packaging and shipping materials as a marketing tool, such as branding or promotional materials, can help businesses increase brand awareness and customer loyalty.

9. Communicate with customers: Keeping customers informed about their orders and shipping status can help build trust and increase customer satisfaction. Provide real-time order tracking to your customers while delivering earlier than promised.

10. Use data to optimise shipping processes: Analysing shipping data can help businesses to identify opportunities to optimise their shipping processes and improve efficiency. For example, they may be able to identify the most popular shipping destinations or the most frequently returned products. By analysing data on sales And shipping data, businesses can optimise their inventory management to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

11. Collaborate with other businesses: Partnering with other businesses, such as by using their fulfilment centres or joining a shipping consortium, can help businesses to reduce shipping costs and increase efficiency.

E-commerce shipping and delivery benefits

E-commerce shipping and delivery benefits

There are several benefits of e-commerce shipping for businesses and consumers:

1. Increased convenience: E-commerce shipping allows consumers to shop online and have their purchases delivered directly to their door, which can be more convenient than shopping at a physical store.

2. Increased accessibility: E-commerce shipping enables businesses to reach customers anywhere in the world, increasing their accessibility and potentially expanding their customer base.

3. Increased efficiency: E-commerce shipping can be more efficient than traditional brick and mortar retail, as it allows businesses to streamline their operations and reduce the need for physical storefronts.

4. Increased competition: E-commerce shipping can increase competition among businesses, as it allows smaller or geographically remote businesses to compete with larger or more established businesses.

5. Increased customer satisfaction: E-commerce shipping can increase customer satisfaction by making it easy for customers to shop online and receive their purchases quickly and conveniently.

Overall, e-commerce shipping has the potential to offer numerous benefits for both businesses and consumers, making it an important aspect of the modern retail landscape.

How to choose the best shipping services provider for your e-commerce business?

How to choose the best shipping services provider for your e-commerce business

Here are a few steps to follow when choosing an e-commerce shipping service for your business in 2024:

1. Determine your shipping needs: The first step in choosing an e-commerce shipping service is to identify your shipping needs. Consider factors such as the types of products you are selling, the locations from where the orders are coming, and the urgency of delivery the customer requires.

2. Research different carriers: Research logistics service providers to find which ones offer services that meet your shipping needs. Consider factors such as delivery time, Cost per product, reliability, and any additional services relevant to your business, like storage, inventory, and returns.

3. Compare rates and services: Compare the rates and services offered by different carriers to determine the best value for your business. Remember, as the cheapest option may only sometimes be the best, as you will also want to consider factors such as delivery speed and reliability. Also, always keep one redundant service provider or use two different operators; in case of a problem with one, your supply chain will not get struck.

4. Consider additional services: Some carriers offer additional services, such as insurance or tracking, that may be useful for your business. Consider which additional services may be relevant to your needs and factor them into your decision. Insurance comes in handy if you're selling luxury goods and electronics.

5. Test the service: Once you have narrowed down your options, consider testing the service with small orders to see how well it performs. This can help you understand the carrier's reliability and customer service before committing to a long-term relationship.

Overall, choosing an e-commerce shipping service is a process that requires careful research and consideration of your business's specific needs. By following these steps, you can find a service that meets your needs and helps your business to succeed.


E-commerce shipping is critical to running an online business, as it enables businesses to deliver products to customers and ensure that it reaches them safely and sound. Several processes are involved in e-commerce shipping, including selecting a logistics service provider, ordering packaging, and managing returns. 

E-commerce shipping offers numerous benefits for businesses and consumers, including increased convenience, accessibility, efficiency, and competition. To make logistics a competitive advantage in 2024, businesses selling online can implement best practices such as offering fast and reliable shipping, using sustainable packaging and optimising their shipping processes with data. 

If brands and businesses sell their products using an e-commerce website built on the Fynd Platform, they get integrated logistics support. We have more than 10 delivery partners that look after the end-to-end delivery process. Fynd Platform allows you to ship orders as fast as possible across India. 

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Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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How is e-commerce shipping done?

E-commerce shipping is the process of delivering products purchased online to the customer. There are several steps involved in e-commerce shipping, including

1. Selecting a carrier: Businesses choose a carrier, such as a courier or postal service, to handle the shipping of their products.

2. Preparing and packing the order: The business prepares the order for shipment by packing it in the appropriate packaging, such as a box or envelope.

3. Shipping the order: The carrier picks up the package and transports it to the customer's location using various methods such as air, land, or sea transportation.

4. Tracking the order: Both the business and the customer can track the progress of the shipment using a tracking number or tracking link provided by the carrier.

5. Delivering the order: The carrier delivers the package to the customer's location, either by hand or by leaving it at the customer's doorstep or mailbox.

Overall, e-commerce shipping is a complex process involving multiple steps and parties to ensure that the customer receives their purchase promptly and satisfactorily.

Which shipping company is the best for e-commerce?

Several eCommerce shipping and delivery companies are operating in India that you can consider for your business. Here are a few examples:

1. India Post

2. DT DC 

3. Blue Dart

4. FedEx

5. Delivery

6. Ecom Express 

It's a good idea to compare the services and rates offered by these and other companies to determine which one is the best fit for your business.

What is the cheapest way to ship products in India?

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There are several options for shipping products in India, and the cheapest option will depend on several factors, such as the size and weight of the package, the distance it needs to be shipped, and the speed at which it needs to be delivered. Some options for shipping products in India include:

1. India Post: India Post is a government-owned postal service that offers a range of delivery options at relatively low prices.

2. Private couriers: Several private courier companies are operating in India that offer a range of delivery services at competitive prices. Some popular options include Blue Dart, DTDC, and First Flight.

3. Road transport: Road transport is generally the most economical option for shipping within India, especially for larger and heavier packages. There are several companies that offer road transport services, including trucking firms and cargo carriers.

4. Rail transport: The Indian Railways also offers a range of cargo services for shipping packages within India. This can be a cost-effective option for shipping large or heavy packages over long distances.

To find the cheapest option for shipping your specific product, it is advisable to compare the prices and services offered by different carriers and choose the one that best meets your needs.

What are the 4 stages of shipping products in an online business?

The four shipping stages typically refer to the process of transporting goods from the point of origin to the final destination. These stages are

1. Planning and preparation: This stage involves determining the type of shipping service that is most suitable for the goods being shipped, as well as the required documentation, packaging, and labelling.

2. Pickup and transport: In this stage, the goods are picked up from the point of origin and transported to the shipping terminal or warehouse.

3. Handling and storage: At the terminal or warehouse, the goods are sorted, handled, and stored as necessary before being loaded onto the appropriate transport vehicle.

4. Delivery: In the final stage, the goods are delivered to the final destination, either by land, sea, or air, depending on the chosen shipping method.

Optimising these stages through careful planning and choosing the most efficient and cost-effective shipping methods can ensure smooth and timely delivery.

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