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5 Powerful Tips to grab customer attention for your eCommerce Website

5 Powerful Tips to grab customer attention for your eCommerce Website

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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Regarding eCommerce, the faster you can grab a customer's attention, the better it is for you. The more visitors spend time on your website, the higher the chances of making more engagement, conversions and sales.
Here are the five incredibly powerful tips that need to be followed by eCommerce entrepreneurs to grab customer attention for their online store.

1) Refine your site search system

Tips to refine website search:

  • ‍Use Autocomplete feature: It is a fast & accurate search feature that helps predict customer wants, showing several potential search queries on entering a search word.‍
  • Show precise results: To ensure that you have an abundant checkout in the cart, you should optimize your search effectively. For example, when consumers put "yellow" in the search box, they should be presented with various products in various shades of this colour that can work according to shape, size, and price.‍
  • Handle long searches: Customers are extremely specific in what they want, and long search phrases can strain search engines. However, using an in-site search engine capable of handling it can improve customer experiences and sales. An example of a long search term is "Female short sleeve pink salwar suit size M.

2) No forced user registrations

Forceful user registrations on an eCommerce website can result in lost revenue as some users will abandon the site while others will have difficulty registering on it.

It is normal for websites that implement guest checkout to see an instant spike in revenue, as it is a straightforward way of encouraging more purchases. There can be many reasons behind this customer’s behaviour:


  • They may be annoyed by the difficulty of remembering usernames and passwords for each site they visit. 
  • Certain shoppers may not want a site to save their personal information, expecting that site registration will save that information. 
  • Many customers associate registration with receiving unsolicited emails flooding their inboxes.

Initially, you must deliver a smooth experience to your visitors and then invite them to register with you or allow them to checkout as guest visitors. Using such methods will help you in increasing eCommerce conversion rates.


3) Be super active on social media

Social media is vital for eCommerce businesses because it effectively reaches millions of potential customers. You can use social media for marketing yourself, building awareness, better conversion rates, and driving traffic to your website.


Social media marketing is becoming an essential part of every successful e-commerce strategy. It is pervasive and effective, and as more people spend time on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Twitter, the opportunities available to retailers increase.


So, what should you do to attract customers using social media?


  • ‍Post regularly: When brands post regularly on social media, your customers see and know more about your brand. And the cherry on top? It's a cost-effective way to market your business and get it in front of potential buyers.‍
  • Engage your customers: Ask them questions/polls, reply to their comments, write witty answers, and try to capture their attention.‍
  • Use Images: Social media posts often receive 50% more engagement than those without images.‍
  • Choose the best channels: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the social media platforms driving maximum limelight for online business presence.


4) Find the niche areas where your customers hang out online

An old saying says, go where your customers are. Check some of the effective ways to find where your online customers are:


  • Use social media demographics to find the ideal customers on:


Instagram: You should be here if you want to reach young female adults.

Twitter: Choose Twitter to engage with young adults and highly educated people

Facebook: you need to have Facebook If you target adults of nearly any age or gender 


  • You can engage in social listening and active social discussions to help discover additional online hangout locations for your customers and prospects. Use Hootsuite, BuzzSumo, and Sprout Social for this purpose.
  • Determine your audience's keywords and hashtags to find additional content about your subject, area of expertise, or products.
  • Look at community forums such as Reddit, Quora,, GitHub and other news sites.


Once you've identified online hangout spots for your target audience, you must build a unique campaign for each social media channel you want to use and find customers.


5) Engage in influencer marketing to gain new customers

94% of marketers use influencer marketing to drive 11x more ROI than traditional digital marketing channels. Engaging with the right influencers can help you reach a bigger audience, build trust for your brand, grow your social following, increase site traffic, get more quality leads and drive more sales.

You should target those with a large following and a high level of interaction and have demonstrated they are a good fit for your brand and have a like-minded audience.


Why should you opt for influencer marketing?

  • Brands can track influencer marketing conversions in real-time
  • Working with influencers can be cheaper than paid advertising
  • 84% of customers make a purchase based on an influencer's recommendation
  • Brands can use influencers to influence purchase decisions & drive more conversions
  • Influencer marketing increases brand awareness, thereby driving more traffic to your website.
  • Customers acquired through influencer marketing have a higher CLV than other media.


In this digital world, getting the attention of your potential customers is not easy. We hope that some of these tips will help you grab the attention of your visitors and convert them into loyal customers. 


Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.Fynd Platformcan help youbuild an attractive eCommerce website to grab maximum customer eyeballs. We appreciate your time reading and are always delighted when one of our posts provides important information on a subject like this!

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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