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Email Marketing: A complete guide for beginners

Email Marketing: A complete guide for beginners

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

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Email enables us to do business with people from anywhere around the world in a matter of minutes. More than 4.1 billion email users worldwide do business and avail masses of opportunity to engage new audiences. Thus, if utilized properly, email can play a vital role in creating and maintainingΒ profitable relationships between businesses and clients or customers.


Though every marketing channel has its own advantages and unique features, the results driven by Email Marketing have consistently been excellent over the last decade.


The effectiveness of email marketing in driving conversions and building brand loyalty, makes it an important component of every marketing plan.Β In order to establish achievable goals for your email marketing campaign, it is important to align them with your target market, wider marketing goals & KPIs.


Whether you want to drive customers to your website, intimate them about new launches and discounts, send reminders for products left in the cart, etc. email marketing turns out to be the single most powerful channel to reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.


Well! There’s a lot to learn in the discipline of Email marketing but to begin with let’s dive deep into what email marketing is, what are its benefits and how it can help your business grow.Β 


What Is Email Marketing?

‍Email Marketing is to send commercial messages and intimations to the customers who have subscribed to your company by signing up to your email list. It is an owned digital marketing channel which allows the sender to exercise full control over the content and distribution of the mail.Β 


Companies use email marketing to communicate with their customers, to inform them, drive sales, build a community, etc. It allows you to play around a lot of activities like selling products, sharing news or latest trends, improving your cart abandonment rate or telling a compelling story. Treading away from traditional email marketing, the modern approach focuses more on consent, segmentation and personalization.Β 


When it comes to ecommerce, email turns out to be the most vital tool of communication with the customers for sending, transactional, promotional and informational messages.Β 


How can Email marketing help your business grow?

‍Having read so far, you must have understood the importance and vitality of email marketing in terms of business growth and management.Β 


1. Conversion:

‍Launch an email marketing campaign to drive sales from your subscribers. According to Statista, automated welcome emails sent by ecommerce players had a conversion rate of 51.9% in 2020. Emails have proved to be the most effective tool for informing people about the business and making them sign up on the platform.Β 


2. Brand Awareness:

‍You are a small brand starting to pace up in the world of ecommerce business. The most important thing for your business is to make your potential customers aware of your brand and attract them to your website.


The most fascinating fact about emails is that it allows you to reach your customers directly. Frequent communication via emails help your brand stay on top of your potential customers' minds.


An opened email is definitely a more impactful marketing tool than a post on social media which may have been missed by your audience. As per GetResponse, the average open rate for a welcome email is 82%.Β 


3. Customer Loyalty:

‍Frequent communications and interactions with the brand generates more trust in the minds of customers making them loyal towards the brand. Personalized messages such as birthday wishes, special offers, etc.


drives customer’s loyalty at each stage of the purchase journey be it lead generation, conversion, retention, etc. As per Lifecycle Marketing, emails with personalized subject lines generate 50% higher open rates.Β 


4. Affordability:

‍Email is something that is accessible to people from all age groups. Thus, it is a gateway to a wide audience including the least digital savvy ones as well. Even though we live in a digital world, there are people who are not very comfortable using the internet.


However, the majority of these people do have an email account and know how to check their mails. Email marketing is not only accessible but it is an extremely cost-effective tool of digital marketing. As per a report by (DMA, 2019), for every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect an ROI of $42.


5. Increase Traffic:

Traffic generated via emails is considered the most effective and valuable source of traffic to your business website as it comes from the existing leads and subscribed customers.


The audience involved in email marketing campaigns behave differently than the cold traffic as they are already a part of the customer’s journey and have more interest towards your company.Β 


6. Communication & Intimations:

Email marketing is the most effective way to communicate with your loyal customers and make them aware of the ongoing discounts and special offers on your website and invite them for purchases.


Emails can also be used for conducting personalized communications with customers like mails on birthdays, anniversaries, etc. A recent report states that as many as 87% marketers use email marketing to deliver their content to the customers.Β 


7. Abandoned Cart Emails:

‍Brands send an abandoned cart email to the customers as a follow up mail if they had added items to their cart and left the site without purchasing them. A majority of customers often put items in their cart to purchase them later and then never come back. Let’s talk statistics! As per a report by Omni send, sending three abandoned cart emails resulted in 69% more orders.


With emails, you always have a direct line of contact with your customers and no other channel can match the intimacy of emails to bring customers closer to your brand. Perhaps this is why 80% of business professionals consider email marketing as a vital aspect in customer retention that has the potential to deliver ROI of $52 for every dollar spent.


Fynd Platform not just creates your website but also comes with built-in marketing and promotional tools to help your brand accelerate in the path of success. It helps the brand engage with its customers through professional and enticing emails. Along with various other tools like data analytics, SEO, etc. email marketing is one of the most important components of the Fynd Platform subscription plans.Β 

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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What is email marketing, and how does it work?

Email marketing is digital marketing that uses emails to reach out to and engage customers. It is an efficient method of promoting products and services and building client connections. Here are a few crucial elements to remember regarding email marketing:


1. Email marketing entails developing and delivering emails to a list of subscribers who have indicated an interest in receiving messages from your company.


2. These emails may contain discounts, special offers, new product releases, and other material relevant to the recipient's interests.


3. Software may be used to automate email marketing campaigns, allowing you to deliver targeted and customised communications to certain portions of your email list.


4. By offering helpful information and tools, email marketing may also be utilised to nurture prospects and drive them along the sales funnel.


5. Email marketing campaign performance is measured by measuring open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.


6. Email marketing is a cost-effective and effective way to contact consumers, but it is critical to comply with legislation such as CAN-SPAM and GDPR.


Overall, email marketing is a wonderful way to connect and communicate with consumers and prospects, and it aids in the development of strong relationships.

How to create an email marketing campaign?

Multiple steps are involved to guarantee that an email marketing campaign is effective and reaches the appropriate target audience. Here are a few essential stages in developing an email marketing campaign:


1. Define the campaign's goal and objectives.

2. Create or buy a tailored email list.

3. Make a catchy subject line and preheader text.

4. Create a mobile-friendly email template that is consistent with your identity.

5. Create the email's content, including relevant graphics and calls to action.

6. Examine the email for technical faults and design flaws.

7. Schedule the email at the best moment for maximum interaction.

8. Monitor open and click-through rates and conversions to track and assess the campaign's progress.


Analyse and improvise based on collected data.

How to build an email list?

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Building an email list is critical to developing a successful email marketing campaign. Here are some essential steps in developing an email list:


1. Make a sign-up form for your website with a clear and engaging call to action.


2. In return for an email address, provide something of value, such as a free resource or a discount.


3. Promote the sign-up form and the value proposition using social media, paid to advertise, and other marketing channels.


4. To attract new subscribers, use lead magnets like e-books, webinars, and whitepapers.


5. Make sign-up forms on your website easy to locate and use, and consider employing pop-ups and slide-ins to increase sign-ups.


6. Use the double opt-in approach to validate the subscribers' email addresses; this will reduce the bounce rate.


7. Add new members regularly through various events, in-store promotions, and other initiatives.


8. Keep your email list clean by regularly eliminating bounced and unsubscribed email addresses.

What are the best practices for email marketing?

Email marketing may be an efficient approach to connecting and engaging clients, but best practices must be followed to guarantee that your efforts are successful. Here are a few crucial marketing best practices:


1. Personalise the email by including the recipient's name, address, or other pertinent information.


2. Segment your email list by demographics, interests, or past purchases.


3. Use a clear, appealing subject line and preheader text to boost opens.


4. Check that your email is mobile-friendly and appears on all devices.


5. Include a clear call to action, such as a link to your website or a buy button.


6. Before sending your email to your full list, test it to identify any technical or design flaws.


7. To optimise future efforts, track and evaluate the effectiveness of your email campaigns.


8. Keep your email list clean by regularly eliminating bounced and unsubscribed email addresses.


9. Follow email marketing rules and regulations such as CAN-SPAM, CASL, and GDPR.


Followingese best practices, you can design efficient email marketing campaigns to help your business expand and enhance consumer engagement.

How to measure the success of an email marketing campaign?

Measuring an email marketing campaign's performance is critical for evaluating your efforts' impact and improving future initiatives. When determining the performance of an email marketing campaign, consider the following critical metrics:


1. Open rate: The proportion of receivers who opened the email.


2. CTR: The proportion of email recipients who clicked on a link inside the email.


3. Bounce rate: The percentage of emails that could not reach the recipient's inbox.


4. The number of recipients unsubscribed from your email list after receiving the campaign.


5. The percentage of receivers that completed a desired activity, such as completing a purchase or filling out a form, is referred to as the conversion rate.


6. Revenue: The amount of revenue generated frompaign.


7. Return on investment (ROI): The total financial return on the campaign's resources.


8. The proportion of receivers who who interacted with the email via clicks, opens, forwards, and so on.


Monitoring and analysing these stats allows you to find areas for improvement and optimise your email marketing efforts for better outcomes.

How to avoid spam filters and increase email deliverability?

Follow these best practices to avoid spam filters and boost email deliverability:


1. Obtain permission: Send emails only to persons who have requested to receive them.


2. Use a double opt-in process: Have them validate their email addresses before adding subscribers to your mailing list.


3. Avoid using all capitals or excessive punctuation in subject lines; keep them brief and to the point.


4. Use a professional email service to guarantee that your emails are correctly structured and less likely to be labelled spam.


5. Include a link to unsubscribe: This will assist in keeping your emails from being marked as spam by receivers.


6. Avoid using specific trigger words: Certain terms or phrases, such as "free" or "make money," may be flagged by spam filters.


7. Maintain the cleanliness of your email lists: Bounced emails and unsubscribes should be removed regularly to guarantee that you only send emails to active, engaged recipients.


8. To send bulk emails, avoid utilising free email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, and others.


9. You may authenticate your domain using SPF, DKIM, and DMARC data.


10. Test your emails before sending them: Use an email testing tool to see how your emails will appear in different email clients and to guarantee they aren't marked as spam.

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