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Why Is Email Marketing Vital For E-Commerce Business?

Why Is Email Marketing Vital For E-Commerce Business?

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The global email marketing market was valued at $7.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to increase to $17.9 billion by 2027. The astonishing growth shows that email is here to stay.

Emails are the foundation for every effective marketing campaign, regardless of the size of the company. For 81 percent of SMBs, email marketing is the primary source of client acquisition.

More than two-thirds of eCommerce customers have purchased as a direct result of email marketing. When it comes to eCommerce business, email marketing is one of the essential pillars for all brands, used by businesses to build brand awareness, drive traffic to their website, build their online presence, and a lot more. 

Here are the reasons why email marketing is so vital for an eCommerce business.

1) Email generates the highest ROI

Email marketing generates the highest ROI at 4300% and is much cheaper than other channels, such as PPC and social media. You don't have to pay much for a good email marketing platform, yet you can see great returns on your marketing campaigns, whether you are an eCommerce brand driving sales or a SaaS business seeking new leads.

2) Generate quality leads 

Email marketing is the most valuable technique used by marketers to generate direct leads and sales. eCommerce businesses can send direct mail to the targeted audience and convert them into paid customers. 

Some best practices to double your leads:

  • Write attention-grabbing email subject lines
  • Link your email to landing pages
  • Mention clear Call To Action (CTAs)
  • Send an email at the right time
  • Keep your email list accurate & updated
  • Use an automated email campaign to target the audience

3) Counters abandoned cart problem

The latest abandoned cart rate is 81.08%. Many consumers add things to their online shopping carts to abandon the basket without completing the transaction. Your business might get around this by sending abandoned cart emails and retrieving lost revenue opportunities.

As per research, three abandoned cart emails result in 69% more orders than a single one. It is one of the most successful types of eCommerce emails for increasing revenue.

4) Drive customer loyalty and retention

37% of respondents named email the most effective channel for customer loyalty and retention, followed by websites and social media.  Four retention emails that help reduce churn, increase customer value and give customers a reason to return to your brand are:

  • Welcome emails ensure customers don’t unsubscribe or mark emails as spam
  • Rewards & exclusive offers emails to reward customer loyalty
  • Re-engagement emails to bring back previous customers
  • Reminder & retention emails for repeat purchases, product recommendations, cart abandonment

5) Fosters instant customer connection

Email marketing helps brands to stay in their clients' inboxes without interrupting or blocking them. It leads to a steady, long-term relationship between a brand and its customers, crucial for any successful eCommerce business.

6) Measure results easily

Email marketing offers brands the supreme ability to monitor customer engagement by using different metrics like

Open rate: It is the percentage of subscribers who opened a specific email out of the total number of subscribers.

Conversion Rate: It is the percentage of people who clicked on a link and then took the desired action, such as purchasing a product.

Revenue per email: The ROI of an email campaign is computed by dividing the total revenue generated from the campaign by the number of emails sent.

Click-Through Rate: It measures how many customers clicked on the link or offer in the email.

Some remarkable statistics about email

  • Around 4.03 billion people used email in 2021
  • 99% of users check their email at least once per day
  • People in 25-34 age range spend an average of 6.4 hours a day using email
  • Email is 40x more effective at acquiring customers than Facebook and Twitter combined.
  • Shoppers spend 138% more when marketed through email than those who do not receive email offers.

These statistics give several compelling reasons to choose email marketing for your eCommerce business.

Why choose the Fynd platform?

Get a Free email platform: Brands do not need to spend an extra dime for a different email marketing platform. The feature comes wholly free and inbuilt in the Fynd Platform.

Get a Free email plan: Get up to 50000 free emails with Fynd Platform subscription plans.

Design free email templates: Create your own customized or predefined email templates using free inbuilt editors like BEE Free Editor, GrapesJS, or Raw HTML. You may notify the customers during new user signup, order updates, and return and refund notifications.


With over 3.9 billion active email users worldwide, email marketing is a powerful tool for growing your eCommerce business. At Fynd Platform, we have a team of experts who can help you successfully implement email marketing strategies for your eCommerce business.  Want to increase your conversion rates? We can help! Connect us today.

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