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Quickest Ways To Increase eCommerce Store Sales

 Quickest Ways To Increase eCommerce Store Sales

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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You must understand how to market your business to generate consistent sales effectively. Here are some of the quickest ways to increase eCommerce store sales:


1) Develop buyer personas and know your customers

Creating buyer personas is the key to understanding your customers. With this, eCommerce businesses will know how to market to them, what language to use, which products they like, preferences, behaviour, attitude, psychographics, and many more.


eCommerce businesses have to think from a customer's point of view:

  • Where do they hang out online?
  • What are their pain points?
  • Where do they face friction?


Discovering the answers to these questions will enable you to quickly expand your sales—because you will now know what to sell, how to sell, and where to sell.


Practical ways to build buyer persona:

  • Integrate Hotjar polls into your website.
  • Analyze your reviews for recurring themes and keywords.
  • Identify user experience gaps and perform experiments to close them
  • Engage in meaningful conversations with customers about your product


Example of a buyer persona:

Here is an example of a buyer persona for a Jewellery delivery company:


Name: Aditi

Demographics: A bride in her late twenties from Punjab having a winter wedding in a month.

Goals: To find matching jewellery for marriage rituals like Roka, Sagai, Mehendi, Sangeet.

Challenges: She doesn’t know where to start with finding the right jewellery within her budget.

Purchase behaviour: She purchased earrings on her birthday this year

Interest & Hobbies: Travelling & other outdoor activities. She spends most of her time online, catching up on news & uploading images on Instagram.

Benefits of products: Authentic 22 Carat gold jewellery suits every budget and marriage ceremony with an excellent discount on making charges.


2) Build brand awareness to improve sales & repeat purchases

Brand awareness gives you an identity that helps you sell your product in a fiercely competitive market. It gives people the supreme ability to recognize your brand name, color, logo, slogan, packaging, jingle, telling the target customers about the brand and what it can do for them.The more people know & trust your brand, the higher would be the growth of your eCommerce store sales.


Expert Tip to build brand awareness:

  • Customers want the brand to be active & vocal about social issues
  • Share your brand story on social media – Who are you? What do you stand for?
  • Attempt to engage with all kinds of people like an introvert or an extrovert
  • Create high quality customized content for social media platforms
  • Ensure all pages of the website are SEO optimized
  • Make it easy for people to interact with websites & add products to their carts
  • Partner with well-known influencers to promote the brand
  • Use local listings to showcase brands among other local retail stores
  • Run paid ads on Facebook, Instagram, or Google to promote your brand
  • Use webinars to invite expert speakers speaking about your niche
  • Use referral programs to reward existing customers & incentivize existing ones
  • Use thought leadership in establishing you as a leader in your field


3) Meet your customers on social media

76% of consumers purchase a product they see in a brand’s social media post. Building a brand page on social media platforms like Facebook & Instagram is the best way to drive new visitors to your store, convert them into paying customers, and re-engage them to buy even more.


Instagram ads have the highest engagement rate of all digital ad placements, as Instagram images have 23% more engagement than when shared on Facebook.


According to Adweek, the average return on investment (ROI) from Facebook Ads in eCommerce is 152%, and it's the most prominent social media referrer for eCommerce orders. That's the reason not advertising on these channels is a significant-missed opportunity for online brands.


4) Use data analysis to improve your strategy

The number one tactics to increase eCommerce sales is deep segmentation.eCommerce businesses can do real-time, dynamic segmentation of buyers as they click around the website. For example, as a user visits the website, you can use the data to identify essential segments of an eCommerce brand like

  • Loyal customers
  • Indecisive customers
  • Idle customers
  • High spenders
  • Cart abandoners
  • Coupon lovers 
  • Newsletter readers


ECommerce businesses can use these customer segments to run targeted campaigns by carefully planning the product, pricing, and promotion to get more sales out of them. Companies can ensure that the marketing efforts are not intrusive but welcome and timely by studying customers and adapting to their preferences.



If you’re looking for the fastest way to increase eCommerce store sales, we have got you covered. We have put together different strategies that you can use right now to help grow your store’s monthly revenue. 


We at Fynd Platform support Indian brands and help them create their eCommerce website and sell professionally online. Pay zero subscription cost and get your website today. Book a demo here.

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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