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Increase Sales by Leveraging Product Recommendation Extension

Increase Sales by Leveraging Product Recommendation Extension

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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Just try to remember, how many times have you considered buying one more product while purchasing something else. Like the other day, I was purchasing a T-shirt while the website recommended multiple shorts and jeans. Since I was purchasing a T-shirt, I was compelled to buy the shorts. That is how product recommendations work. It influences customer behaviour and eventually increases sales.


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A research study by Anuj Kumar from the University of Florida revealed that there can be an 11% increase in your store sales by introducing the product recommendation feature on your e-commerce store.


As per the popular streaming service provider, only 20% of their viewers come by searching it manually, remaining 80% come from recommendations. Customers are 4.5x more likely to buy the recommended products and increase the Average Order Value (AOV).


Let’s understand how Fynd Platform helps in enabling product recommendations on your website.


How to set up product recommendations for your sales channel?

Setup product recommendations.
  1. Visit Extensions > Product Recommendations > Select Sales Channel
  2. When you select a sales channel, your catalogue data will be automatically retrieved. Wait until the synchronisation is completed.
  3. Now the extension will ask you to select the type of widget you wish to add to your sales channel and select the appropriate one as per your business requirement.


When it comes to Product Recommendations extension, Fynd Platform offers eight types of widgets:

  1. Brand: This widget will enable you to recommend products based on a similar brand.
  2. Category: It will show products within the same category. Example - Shoes.
  3. Price: This widget will allow you to show products within the same price range.
  4. Vendor: This widget will display other products sold by the same vendor.
  5. Specification: This widget will show products having similar features and specifications.
  6. Recently Launched: It will Display the most recent products released by your store.
  7. Wishlisted Products: This will show products present in the customer’s wishlist.
  8. Most Compared: It will Display the most frequently compared products by customers.


You can configure the appearance of your product recommendations by adding discounts, reviews, and wishlist icons and editing the card, font, size, and colours.


Let us understand how to configure a widget

How to configure a widget.


Now, in configuration, Fynd Platform offers diverse choices for sellers to make their recommendations flawless. We will click on Brand widget to understand how you can enable it on your sales channel.

  1. Once the synchronisation is completed, select the brand widget from the widget options.
  2. Select the page where you wish to enable product recommendation, tick the product page checkbox and click on configure page.
  3. Now, click on Configure to edit the settings of your product recommendations.



Product Recommendation extension offers the following configuration settings:

  • Widget Settings
  • Product Image
  • Product Card Layout
  • Product Card Style
  • Wishlist Icon
  • Discount Label
  • Reviews and Ratings
  • Price
  • Product & Brand Title
  • Product Highlights


How to configure Widget Settings?

How to Configure widget setting.


The Widget Settings allow you to configure how the product recommendation section will appear to the customers. Configuration options in widget settings:

  1. Add Header Title to write a suitable headline showcasing your recommended product. E.g, More products from this brand.
  2. Add a compelling Header Subtitle that forces the customer to explore your recommendations.
  3. Upload the Icon of your brand that will be made visible to customers.
  4. Add the Max number of products you want to show in your recommendation section.
  5. You can set the colour of your title text and subtitle text using a colour picker or by entering the hex value.
  6. After clicking Save, your widget settings are completed.


How to configure Product Image and Card Layout?

Configure product image and card style.
  1. In the Product Image setting, enter the height of the product image in pixels. You can also enable the 'set to maximum' toggle button to auto-resize the product image.
  2. Select the appropriate layout for your website in Product Card Layout and Save.
  3. In Product Card Style, you can change the radius of border corners, change background colours, enable box-shadow, and add padding inside the product card.
  4. Wishlist Icon help customers to save their viewed products on a wishlist that they can consider buying later. You can configure the colour of this button from the wishlist section.


Now, the product recommendations section is all set. But it only contains basic information regarding the product. The Fynd Platform offers multiple configuration options that help in enabling/disabling banners related to discounts, ratings, price, and more to make it more compelling for the customers.


How to configure Discount Labels on Product Recommendations?

Configure discounts labels on product recommendations.
  1. You can enable/disable the difference between the selling price and the original price shown.
  2. The extension allows you to configure Font Size, Colour, Background Colour, and Positioning of the discount label on the product card.
  3. Click on Save to save the Discount Label settings.


How to add Reviews and Ratings on the product card?

How to add ratings on the product card.
  1. Reviews and ratings generate trust in the mind of the customer. They help in decision-making and increase sales.
  2. The Product Recommendation extension allows you to configure Reviews and Ratings on your product card.
  3. You can show or hide the star ratings received by the customer.
  4. You can set the colour of your star ratings as per your business colours or depending on your theme.
  5. You can enable/disable the review count received by the product.
  6. Similarly, you can set the font size, colour, and price display layout in the Price.


How do configure Titles and Highlights of Products and Brands?

Configure titles and highlight of the products and brands.
  1. The product title showcases the brand name and the category to which it belongs. The highlights give us general information about the product.
  2. You can configure the font size, colour, layout and margins of titles and highlights.
  3. For the title, you can set the truncate limit to configure the maximum number of characters that should be visible before trimming.
  4. Click on Save to display these settings on the product card.


Your product recommendations card is all set to go live. On the Brand Widget, it will show one page configured. Now let's enable this on your theme.

  1. Visit Sales Channel > Appearance > Theme > Edit.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu of System Pages and select Product Description.
  3. From the products listed on the Build Link pop-up, select a random product and then click on Ok.
  4. Now go to the Page section and set the position of extensions. Select Product Recommendations from the extension dropdown list.
  5. Choose the appropriate brand and click on Save.


The e-commerce industry concentrates on creating strategies that improve the shopping experience for customers and increase seller revenues. With over 2 billion people shopping online it's important to leverage customer data to develop a flawless shopping experience. In light of that, the Fynd Platform has developed a product recommendation extension so our sellers can leverage it to boost sales across their e-commerce website.

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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