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The Top 16 Linux Server Hosting Companies: Updated For 2024

The Top 16 Linux Server Hosting Companies: Updated For 2024

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Linux hosting is any hosting company that runs the Linux operating system on its servers. The positive news is that Linux has excellent site design features, which cover every provider!

We can offer research-based suggestions for the top Linux hosting service based on the hosting you need. We have carefully examined various aspects, from reliability and live chat assistance to bandwidth and annoying add-ons:

The Top Linux Server Hosting Companies

Statistics on the server market share worldwide (based on operating systems)

  • The most significant overall Linux hosting company is The Fynd Platform.
  • The best aid and support is HostGator
  • The best hosting for photography is InMotion.
  • Best for cloud hosting: A2 Hosting
  • SiteGround: Trustworthy Linux hosting with excellent security
  • Cheap Linux plans from iPage come at the sacrifice of speed
  • The best blogging host is DreamHost
  • Hostinger - Limited features but affordable rates

Below, we will discuss the main advantages, disadvantages, and the plans and costs the providers offer. If you already know what hosting you require, we advise skipping down to that choice.

What is Linux Hosting?

What is Linux hosting

Web hosting services using a Linux-based server come under "Linux hosting," an open-source operating system. An individual or business can use Linux web hosting, typically one of the least expensive hosting services for small organizations.

With numerous hosting firms sharing their hosting tools following the needs of each customer, it is user-friendly and typically provides a high level of security. Linux web hosting enables customers to split workloads across numerous servers, and the source code is open for corporate and non-commercial use.

Although it is a third-party application, some web hosting providers offer cPanel in their packages because Linux users frequently rely on it to manage web development activities.

Should We Be Using Linux Hosting? 

Should We Be Using Linux Hosting? 

Probably! You will need Windows hosting if your website uses MS-SQL databases, ASP.NET, or .NET Core instead. If you know what those terms represent, Linux hosting will be perfect for you. Because it is significantly more versatile and offers a more fantastic selection of providers, it is simple to use than Windows hosting.

What Qualities Must the Best Linux Hosting Services Have?

What Qualities Must the Best Linux Hosting Services Have

The web host had to excel in the following categories to make it to our list:

  • Efficiency And Dependability: Greater visitor retention results from fast speeds and consistent uptime. People will leave your website and only return if it is consistently available. The hosts you choose should be quick and dependable.

  • Excellent Value For The Money: Affordable hosting can be high quality. We gave preference to hosts with comprehensive plans at reasonable pricing.

  • Timely And Helpful Assistance: For your site to be successful, you may need accessible assistance. That is why we are particularly interested in hosts that provide above-and-beyond support services.

  • Dependable Security Measures: Even though Linux is very secure, you will still be in danger if you don't use a reliable security program. Each of the hosts listed below is concerned about your website's security.

  • Accessibility To Development Tools And Adaptability: A superb Linux platform can create Open-source software. Extra points to hosts who offer a wide variety of developer tools.

How Did You Choose The Best Linux Hosting Companies?

How Did You Choose The Best Linux Hosting Companies

We thoroughly tested the companies on our list of top Linux hosting providers to give you reliable and helpful information on the best hosting services for you and your website. Each Linux hosting company here has undergone examination and testing (along with dozens of others) to determine our ratings:

  • Pricing: Price bracket, variety of plans, money-back promise, billing cycle, and other pricing aspects
  • Performance: cores, threads, RAM, storage space, bandwidth, and server response time
  • Features: Includes domains, control center, sustainable hosting, migration, backups, and security
  • Assistance: A knowledge base and available support alternatives for help
  • The market study: It includes information on competitors and search volume.

There are many different Linux hosting options, but we have concentrated on the most widely used and easily accessible. After all, depending on the business, the significance of the selected hosting type can differ substantially.

With the help of this thorough testing, we can assess and compare the top hosting companies so that you will feel prepared and able to make an educated decision.

1. The Fynd Platform

Fynd Platform

Overall top Linux hosting company In terms of hosting WordPress websites or for those utilizing dedicated hosting, The Fynd Platform is a fantastic option. Check out its advantages and disadvantages based on our study:


Why Do We Prefer Fynd Platform?

Some main benefits of the Fynd Platform:

  • Several features are unique to WordPress, like automated WordPress installation and plugin/software upgrades with a single click.
  • Low cost is one of the best advantages on our list. 
  • WordPress works well with the Fynd Platform, making it easy for users to integrate the two platforms. That is high praise!
  • Excellent live chat, telephone, and email services are available. Someone knowledgeable is available around-the-clock.

What Could Be Done Better - Where Did The Fynd Platform Drop The Ball?

  • No custom domain comes with the standard plan. 
  • You will have to pay an extra transaction fee of 4.5%.

Linux Plans and Pricing of The Fynd Platform.

Verdict: The Fynd Platform is the top-ranked Linux hosting provider. After a thorough study that took hours, we confidently recommend Fynd Platform for all hosting needs. Check to see if its plans fit your requirements.

2. HostGator


Best aid and assistance HostGator is a reputable hosting company that will ensure you get the required assistance. Find out how well it performed overall: What is uptime, exactly? Uptime is a metric for how long a hosting server keeps your site visitors ready, not if it gets your website up and running. 

So, you may say goodbye to website downtime if it has a tremendously high uptime rate (like 99.9%). Even a 1% downtime might cost a lot of money if you run a large business.


Why Do We Prefer HostGator?

We have a lot of great things to say about HostGator, which is why we gave it a rating of 4.7/5.

  • Excellent assistance: With phone and live chat support available round-the-clock, the HostGator body of knowledge is another perfect tool that is simple to explore. So you can frequently find the answers to your inquiries there.

  • Several Linux hosting options and configurations: It is encouraging to know you have lots of room to expand as your site evolves.

  • Exceptional uptime guarantee that promises 99.99%: This implies that a website hosted by HostGator should be online for the most extended amount of time, at least theoretically. HostGator will give a free month's service if it does not live up to this guarantee.

  • Complimentary SSL certificates (required for maintaining the security of your website) and a complimentary DDoS firewall, which guards against assaults that could bring down your server.

  • You get a free site transfer, but it is a good idea to be sure it pertains to the package you choose.

  • Optimum shared hosting packages, our study shows HostGator is the best option to save a few bucks and operate a small, low-traffic website.

  • You will come across a few greener hosting companies on this list. One of the most environmentally damaging sectors is web hosting. However, HostGator minimizes this impact and has offset its carbon emissions by 130%.

What Could Be Done Better?

Why didn't HostGator receive an excellent 5/5 rating?

  • Pricing openness, when it comes to the amount your package will cost after the initial offer, HostGator needs to be more upfront about it. As an incentive, the majority of suppliers provide a cheap first-term fee. Imagine that you get a price when you buy a flight, but as you add the add-ons to your cart, the price triples, leaving you in awe

  • Plans aren't the cheapest, but given everything they contain, they offer decent value.

  • The server response speed could be better, which is frustrating for such a well-known hosting company, indicating more downtime than its rivals.

Linux Plans & Prices for HostGator


Our Verdict

HostGator offers the highest uptime guarantee among any provider. We have extensively studied it over many hours and confidently recommend HostGator. Check to see if its plans fit your requirements.

3. InMotion


Best For Hosting Photography

InMotion's hosting for photography websites delighted us due to its outstanding feature score, robust security, and flexible backups. Since InMotion placed second in performance, your photographs will always be available clearly. For every new or small website, it is a fantastic solution.


Why Do We Like InMotion?

Due to their feature-rich hosting options for WordPress and e-commerce, InMotion ranks second. These are the key points:

  • Unlimited bandwidth and disc space- Few providers offer this, even on the most affordable shared plan.
  • Expert personnel- The inMotion support team gives 160 hours of training to users to handle complex inquiries.
  • All options include free domains, free SSL, and free backups- The incredibly generous plans will keep your extra expenses minimum.
  • Money-back guarantee in 90 days allows you to use InMotion risk-free for 90 days.
  • Site transfers are free- Request a free site transfer to InMotion.

What Could Be Done Better - Does InMotion Have Any Significant Flaws?

  • Assurance of average uptime: It could be better at 99.98%, lower than other top providers.
  • The score for average performance: Performance is average compared to its rivals.
  • Dedicated plans cost a lot: This is something to consider for the future, even if you aren't searching for this hosting now.

Pricing and Plans for InMotion Linux


Our Verdict

InMotion is excellent for a photography website. It is ideal for modest photography websites and comes with a generous 90-day money-back guarantee.

4. A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting

Favorable for cloud hosting

Although A2 Hosting's cloud hosting packages and support offerings impressed us, they primarily need to improve cost-effectiveness.


Why Do We Prefer A2 Hosting?

Even though A2 Hosting is currently in 5th position overall, it does have a definite area of expertise: cloud Linux hosting.

  • Top cloud hosting company. With more CPUs and maximum RAM than the following four providers, root access, and competitive cloud beginning pricing (from $5 per month), A2 has a successful cloud hosting combo. The cloud solutions from A2 Hosting are perfect for scaling your website.
  • Money-back guarantee of 30 days. Because A2 Hosting is so secure in its service, you are always welcome to request a pro-rata refund. This one supplier only provides this!
  • Free professional site migration: If you choose to transfer, A2 Hosting will move your website for free from your existing host to its system.

What Could Be Done Better?

When it comes to functionality and customer support, A2 Hosting kills it. They also offer the valuable benefit of free site transfers. Why, then, does it not appear earlier on the list?

  • Not the cheapest host on the list: Despite having several excellent features, A2 does not offer the best prices. But if you wish to try it out, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  • No domain: Of course, this is not an issue if you have an existing one, but if not, you have to buy a domain name. For this, choose a price between $10- $20 a year.

Linux Plans & Pricing for A2 Hosting


Our Verdict:

With A2 Hosting, try cloud hosting. Look over the available cloud hosting plans and get the best one. The ability to grow your demands and needs as your firm expands is an additional advantage.

5. SiteGround


Dependable Linux hosting with top-notch assistance and support SiteGround is a reliable web server. However, it could be more successful. Check out how it did in our analysis:


Why Do We Prefer SiteGround?

The following are the main benefits of selecting SiteGround.

  • Security is a priority at SiteGround: All hosting companies place a high premium on security, but SiteGround goes beyond. In addition to providing a complimentary auto-renewing SSL certificate and integrating, Encrypt, SiteGround will continuously monitor your server (every 0.5 seconds) to detect harmful assaults.

  • Several WordPress-friendly features: These include automatic software upgrades as standard, the WordPress Starter plugin for beginners, the SiteGround Migrator plugin for simple site transfers, and Smart WordPress Staging for evaluating site developments.

  • Free daily automatic backups: It includes a button in your control center to restore earlier iterations of your website.

What Could Be Done Better?

SiteGround features two significant drawbacks and many advantages.

  • SiteGround is an expensive choice- While the starting price listed above is slightly better than comparable lower plans, the table below shows how quickly this price increases.

  • When we asked our readers what factors were most important to them in a hosting company, a whopping 55% indicated cost, which is a massive setback for an otherwise excellent provider.

  • Average site speed and quick server response- SiteGround needs to do better in this area because even a one-second delay in loading time could drive away website visitors.

Pricing for SiteGround Linux Plans


Our Verdict:

SiteGround has top-notch security. Regarding security, SiteGround looks out for its customers. It will be worth the additional investment for websites that handle sensitive information.

6. iPage


Cheap Linux plans that sacrifice speed

iPage's affordable options are appealing- While they may offer good value for the money, according to our analysis, they have several significant weaknesses.


Why Do We Prefer iPage?

iPage features several substantial advantages-

  • Meager costs: If you enjoy a good deal, stop your search here.
  • Strong backing: You wouldn't anticipate getting live chat and phone help around the clock at these fees, which iPage does.
  • Third-place tie for site speed: iPage is a fantastic option if you want a plan that can endure the pace.
  • 200% carbon offsetting: Your mind can be at ease because iPage compensates its carbon emissions, even though hosting generates much pollution.
  • Excellent shared hosting. There is only one shared plan. $2.99 starting price, renews for $9.99, and allows for up to 500,000 visits each month. Nice!

What Could Be Done Better?

With iPage, you will have to make some concessions; how much this bothers you will depend on your requirements.

  • Small scalability: You only have a minimal number of scaling possibilities with shared hosting since only one payment option is available (there are no VPS or Dedicated hosting plans).

  • Backups will set you back a little: It used to cost $100 every time, but now it costs $2.58 to $3.67 a month, which is considerably more affordable! It is important to remember that several rivals provide free automatic daily backups.

Plans and Costs for iPage Linux


Our Verdict:

Some of the most affordable prices are on iPage. Examine its plans to determine if they will work for your website.

7. DreamHost


Cooperative blogging is the best here.

The plans from DreamHost offer plenty of storage and are excellent for blogging. Bid site delays goodbye because it is the only service to give a 100% uptime guarantee.


Why Do We Prefer DreamHost?

The highlights of DreamHost's Linux hosting are as follows:

  • One of the most affordable prices for shared hosting renewal- The cheapest shared plan from DreamHost rises to just $6.99 per month when the sale period ends, making it one of the lowest costs among all the providers mentioned here.
  • Ample storage- DreamHost's plans frequently provide great storage hosting options.
  • Complete uptime assurance- In contrast to other providers we examined, DreamHost consistently has 100% uptime, which is better than the industry average of 99.99%.
  • Extended period for a refund- If you want to check DreamHost out, the 97-day money-back guarantee is excellent.
  • A broad selection of payment alternatives- DreamHost has various plans if you are trying to scale.

What Could Be Done Better - And Now For The Negatives?

  • No phone support or assistance: Support is available around the clock through a ticketing system, email, or live chat. In addition, you are on your own, which could be better, particularly for people new to hosting.
  • Without cPanel, DreamHost operates: The industry-standard hosting interface, cPanel, is simple to use and understand. If you join DreamHost after hosting your site somewhere else, there will be a slight learning curve because it uses its interface.

Linux Plans & Pricing for DreamHost


Our Verdict:

DreamHost is ideal for websites with lots of media.DreamHost is an excellent option to think about, especially when scaling websites and blogs, thanks to its quick site performance.

8. Hostinger


Unadorned features but deeply discounted prices A prime example of a service where you "get what you pay for" is Hostinger. Yes, the cost is relatively low, but the level of service is quite minimal, so it will only be suitable for some.


What Do We Like About Hostinger?

Here are Hostinger's main pros:

  • Low promotional prices: With meager promotional prices, Hostinger provides your website's most affordable hosting option. After the deal expires, the cheapest plan renews at a higher cost ($9.99) than the comparable Bluehost and HostGator goals.
  • Even though the lowest plan only offers 30GB, depending on your selected price, the available storage space increases to 200GB after this.
  • Excellent security features: Free SSL certificates and DDoS protection are available.

What may be Improved?

Hostinger needs improvement in the following areas to compete for the top spot:

  • No round-the-clock service: Learning that your hosting company will reply quickly when something goes wrong is comforting. Hostinger is still up to speed with its support.
  • No actions to host sustainably: Hostinger might not be for you if you care about the environment. Currently, Hostinger needs to take steps to reduce its carbon footprint.
  • No plans for dedicated hosting: This indicates that Hostinger has a growth limit on how big your site may get.

Linux Plans and Pricing for Hostinger


Our Verdict:

With Hostinger, you can go online for as little as $1.99. Although you will give up some features and services, you will still receive terrific value. Visit the Hostinger website to learn more about the various plans and what comes with them.

Some Additional Linux Server Hosting Companies You Should Know About (But We Do Not Recommend Using)

Some Additional Linux Server Hosting Companies You Should Know About

9. GoDaddy


The best business Linux server for web hosting Due to its simplicity of use, excellent performance, and abundance of options geared toward businesses, GoDaddy is a reliable option for Linux hosting. First and foremost, using GoDaddy is simple. 

It takes just a few minutes from registering to putting a WordPress website live. Direct configuration of every necessary function is possible from the dashboard. Furthermore, GoDaddy consistently uses cPanel. An intuitive interface simplifies adding emails and domains and managing on-demand backups.

They are middle of the road in terms of cost. Three shared hosting packages are available. The monthly prices for:

  • The economy is $2.99, 
  • Deluxe is $9.99, and
  • The Ultimate is $14.99.

All options include unmetered broadband, a free domain for a year, two Microsoft 365 emails, and a free SSL for a year. Regarding specifics:

  • Economy: Supports ten databases, 100GB of storage, and one website connection. For a modest website, it is more than sufficient.
  • Deluxe: 25 databases, limitless storage, and the ability to link an unlimited number of websites. Everything in Deluxe comes in Ultimate, plus you get more processing power, endless databases, and a free SSL certificate for a year. For just a small to medium-sized firm, it is perfect.
  • Now, GoDaddy offers two additional options if you require something more than the hosting provider can offer. You can choose VPS hosting, which costs $4.99 monthly. Remember that since the servers are self-managed, you will require some experience. So, the rates are modest. 
  • Alternatively, you can select dedicated hosting, which starts at $129.99/month and is ideal for corporate sites.

Best Price: We would start with Deluxe if we were you. Thanks to the plentiful resources, you can build as many websites as possible. You will pay $9.99 per month if you choose a 12-month plan.

What We Liked About it:

  • A name carries much weight, especially regarding performance; fortunately, GoDaddy didn't fall short in this regard. We were thrilled with the uptime of 99.98% and the average response time of 341ms.

  • Although its uptime promise is only 99.9%, this hosting service exceeded our expectations, displaying an uptime of 99.98% with only two minor disruptions. The industry norm was far exceeded by the average response time, which was astoundingly fast at 341 ms.

  • It is also important to note that GoDaddy has data centers on three continents, in contrast to all the other service providers mentioned above. Users can target people in the US, Europe, or Asia.

  • GoDaddy also excelled in other performance evaluations. Therefore, GoDaddy has proven to be a highly respectable hosting company in terms of performance. Its excellent uptime and quick response time made it great for Linux hosting.

  • Overall, GoDaddy performs a great job providing hosting. Its performance is dependable, usability is assured, and you can access many tools to simplify the entire web construction process.


Free domain, cPanel, SSL



Avg. response time:


Best for:

Business-focused hosting

10. Bluehost


Good if you want to do minimal work. Due to its affordable costs and firm performance, we have personally evaluated it. Bluehost will be one of the finest Linux hosting providers in 2024. Shared plans from Bluehost start at $2.99 per month. 

You will only frequently discover such prices if you browse the market. And if you do, performance is, at best, dubious - this brings us to the second quality for which Bluehost is most known: its consistent performance.

Because Bluehost has seven server locations worldwide, performance does not suffer despite low cost. You can choose the area that is most convenient for your visitors. 

Your website will perform better for your audience the closer it is. Bluehost also uses a technology known as LiteSpeed WebServer for improved performance. One of the most rapid web server technologies is it. To make your website load fast, this program also offers caching options. 

The finest performance is when LiteSpeed and the capability to select the ideal place for your audience are combined. Let's now examine Bluehost's pricing more. One cloud hosting package and two shared hosting options are provided. 

The monthly prices for Cloud Startup are $9.99, the Business plan is $3.99, and Premium starts at $2.99. Each package includes 100 free email accounts, an SSL certificate, automatic backups, GIT access, and LiteSpeed Cache. 

What We Liked About it:

  • Up to 100 websites may be connected; unlimited bandwidth, 100GB of SSD storage, and a cap of 25k monthly visits. The business offers the same features as Premium, but with 200GB of SSD storage, 100k monthly visits, and daily backups instead of the weekly ones. This business plan is far more than adequate for small companies.

  • Three hundred websites, 200GB of SSD storage, 2 CPU cores, 3 GB of RAM, a cache manager, daily free backups, and a CDN are all included in the cloud startup package. Anybody looking for robust hosting with resources allocated and improved performance should consider this package. Of course, you can scale it up if shared hosting is inadequate for your projects. Large-scale projects can be accommodated with VPS hosting, starting at $3.49 per month.

  • Best Value Premium is the most excellent starting plan: You can acquire nearly as many resources with the initial purchase and save 75% of the cost compared to choosing the Business plan.

  • The one aspect that can make or ruin a provider is performance. There are no concerns with Bluehost in this area - this is one of the most dependable hosting companies available, with an availability of 100% and a typical response time of 511ms.

  • Given that the typical shared hosting response time is 600ms, Bluehost performed slightly better than average. This service, however, demonstrated a 100% uptime, which far exceeds the standard 99.9% uptime guarantee. Bluehost displays excellent performance outcomes, making it much more difficult for rivals to match the low rates.

  • Because it is reasonably priced, the plans are all-inclusive, and you have good scalability options to meet your demands even if you engage in large-scale projects, Bluehost is excellent for Linux.


Free SSL, automatic backups, SSD storage, LiteSpeed web server



Avg. response time:


Best for:

Fast and affordable web hosting

11. Hostwinds


The best Linux web host for expert users- A great choice operating system offering good value with Limited support! Almost everyone offers Linux hosting. However, the operator frequently handles anything other than a dedicated server (they set up, manage and maintain the OS and all its components for you). Although it is fantastic for novices, advanced users might need more functionality and control.

The unmanaged VPS solutions from Hostwinds give you total control over your workspace. Numerous distributions are available, including CentOS, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Debian, and Fedora. 

The operating system can be adjusted and configured in whatever you like, and you can configure your backup strategy, among other things. Remember, unmanaged packages come with obligations as well. You will be responsible for resolving issues with unidentified software bugs or missing updates. 

However, Linux users shouldn't find that daunting, as many of Hostwinds' products continue to be straightforward and user-friendly (you get site management via cPanel, automated WordPress, and other installs via Softaculous, one-click Nextcloud install).

What We Liked About it:

  • Even more, Hostwinds offers you a 25% discount on each bundle since you aren't paying for administration. Managed Linux VPS plans typically cost between $8.24 a month (with an initial discount at the time of writing; the regular price is $10.99).

  • It comes with 1 CPU core, 1 GB of RAM, 30 GB of disc space, and 1 TB of traffic and $395.24 (with a discount) for 16 cores, 1 TB of traffic, 750GB of storage space, 96GB of RAM, and 9TB of traffic.

The unmanaged range is $4.99 per month to $328.99 per year. You may test the service for a month to determine whether it works for you because no convenient long-term deal is available.


12. Liquid Web

Liquid Web

Best Linux web host for flexibility The control degree over your work environment ought to be a draw for Linux hosting, but not all companies offer it. You can use CentOS and cPanel as your default base environment, with no other options available.

Liquid Web has offered high-quality VPS and dedicated hosting services for many years. This company's success may be attributable in part to the level of flexibility it provides. The company allows you complete low-level control over your server parameters, no matter what you want.

What We Liked About it:

  • For instance, you can use CentOS in multiple versions. With CloudLinux as an option, Liquid Web offers CentOS 6 and 7, Debian 8, 9, and 10, Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04, and Fedora 30. The CentOS 7 images support cPanel or Plesk, and various self-managed, core-managed, and fully-managed plan options exist.

  • Over some auxiliary aspects, there is even more control. Liquid Web allows you to choose how many daily backups you want to save, or it can fit as many backups as will fit into a specified quantity of disc space, whereas other hosts might throw in a standard backup plan. You pay for what you use with both alternatives because they both have monthly fees of $0.08 per GB, which are reasonable.

  • No matter how you set up your server, Liquid Web's top-notch assistance, which you can access 24/7, 365 days a year, to handle issues as swiftly as possible. And by rapidly, we mean: the company guarantees they will solve all hardware issues within 30 minutes after noticing the problem.

  • Additionally, Liquid Web provides a fantastic service level agreement to support these guarantees. There are relative terms to protect you from power outages, network failure, and more. If the company answers an original helpdesk question within 30 minutes, you will receive ten times what they missed. All of this should increase your trust in the service quality you can expect if you select Liquid Web for Linux hosting.


13. OVH


The best Linux web host for those on a budget. Therefore, rather than committing heavily, buy a cheap host like OVH to understand the various Linux possibilities available. 

OVH represents excellent value for your money in terms of what you get, and as noted, it is a cheap way to explore the world of Linux hosting. However, we recommend it only for business-critical websites with the finest customer service.

Regarding Linux alternatives, OVH has a wide range to choose from, including various distros. Arch Linux, CentOS 6, CentOS 7, Debian 7, Debian 8, Debian 9, and Fedora 26 support the company's VPS options. 

However, one thing we could have liked about it was its poor support system. You can utilize Kubuntu 14.04 Desktop and Ubuntu 16.04 Server if you need a user interface.

What We Liked About it:

  • You are not limited to using cPanel as a website manager: In addition, OVH supports Virtualmin, VestaCP, Plesk Onyx, and CozyCloud.
  • OVH claims that you may conveniently have WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, and PrestaShop pre-installed, although no one-click application installer similar to Softaculous is available. Even so, you should be able to manually configure anything you require if you have full root access.

The pricing, which starts at just $2.20 monthly, without sales tax, is impressive. OVH is by no means the most excellent Linux host, but it does offer a very affordable option to test out various distributions and control panels to see what works for your business. For Linux newcomers or anyone who believes they need more hosting expertise before shelling out significant sums of money.


14. InterServer


Linux-Based Plans with Unlimited Resources- Due to InterServer's highly optimized servers, the US gets this service at excellent speed. One of the Linux shared hosting plans is offered by InterServer, which offers many benefits. Hostinger is relatively inexpensive, starting at 199 per month. 

But InterServer provides the best value for individuals who pay every month because its monthly plan is the most affordable in the industry. Unlimited websites, massive storage, and data transmission are all included in the adaptable Linux hosting package from InterServer.

InterShield protection protects your website with a next-generation machine-learning firewall and an internal malware database, and weekly automatic backups are available.

Despite having only two server locations — in Secaucus and Los Angeles — loading InterServer's times are excellent in the US and respectable in western Europe because of global content caching. It is also quite dependable, as evidenced by the excellent overall uptime in our tests.

What We Liked About it:

  • Developer-friendly: InterServer supports Ruby on Rails, Python, node.js, and many other well-known development frameworks and languages, offering SSH access.
  • Caching across proxies: A patented Inter-Proxy caching technique provides your material quickly and at every level - it includes LSCache, SSD caching, and more. Also included is Cloudflare CDN.
  • Web server with LiteSpeed: InterServer uses the potent LiteSpeed technology to increase your speed significantly.
  • VPS cloud: InterServer also offers potent VPSs sold by the "slice" if you require a little more power. One CPU with 1024MB of RAM and 30GB of SSD storage makes up each slice. You can access faster speeds, more significant resources, and managed service by purchasing more pieces.


15. Kamatera 


Fully Customizable and Scalable Cloud VPS for Linux Hosting Kamatera can be the best option if you are a programmer or developer searching for a robust, customized Linux environment. 

It offers cloud VPS solutions customized to your precise needs, implying that you only pay for what you require. You have complete control over your server, thanks to the fact that these cloud VPSs are, by default, unmanaged - this gives you access to root and SSH and the freedom to install any programming frameworks or tools you like. 

Additionally, Kamatera provides a variety of Linux distributions, such as CloudLinux, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and others. Performance shouldn't be an issue because Intel Xeon processors, which are fast, power Kamatera's servers.

But not everyone should take Kamatera. It could be more user-friendly for beginners and only offers full support once you pay extra. Kamatera might be an excellent fit for a seasoned developer wishing to work with Linux in an adaptable setting.

What We Liked About it

  • Add-on for cloud firewalls: You can get a cloud firewall for your server for an additional monthly charge. You can create virtual private networks and modify the firewall rules to suit your needs.

  • Managed service option: You can pay Kamatera to maintain your server if you want less time or effort - this covers server monitoring, security patches, and automatic OS updates.

  • Extended daily automated backups: For a small monthly cost, you may have the data on your server automatically backed up daily in the external storage system and are always available for restoration.

A free trial period of 30 days worth $100: Kamatera provides a generous, risk-free trial. You receive a $100 credit toward an utterly configurable cloud VPS and assistance from support in determining the best VPS setup for your requirements.


16. FastComet 


Developer-Friendly Linux Plans with Good Support Cheap hosting packages with lots of free features are available from FastComet. These include cost-free weekly and daily automatic backups, a comprehensive security solution, extra features like a free domain name (for a year), and a Cloudflare CDN.

For us, FastComet's support is what sets the company apart. Our encounters with the support staff of FastComet have always been enjoyable. The live chat representative tried their utmost to connect us to our MariaDB database within minutes when we had problems connecting to it. Knowing they have your back is terrific, especially if you are starting.

For developers, FastComet offers a few excellent features. Numerous well-known programming frameworks, Git integration, SSH access, and other features are supported. You can use cPanel or phpMyAdmin to give your developer limited account access if you'd prefer to leave the coding to the experts.

What We Liked About i

  • Security FastGuard technology: FastComet offers a free "Let's Encrypt SSL" certificate and many other cutting-edge security features. These consist of a powerful AI firewall, an extra web application firewall, and DNS and DDoS protection from Cloudflare.

  • Significant improvements: FastComet makes it easier to provide inert material quickly. In addition to the free Cloudflare CDN, you will receive tons of other minor enhancements like browser caching, lossless data compression, and JavaScript bundling.

  • Supervised migrations: FastComet will transfer up to three sites without charge if you have the FastCloud Plus or FastCloud Extra plans. Internal plan migrations from one to another also come in this amount.

  • Long-term money-back promise: If you quit within 45 days, you get a full refund which is more than all.


How To Choose The Right Linux Shared Hosting Plan For Your Business?

How To Choose The Right Linux Shared Hosting Plan For Your Business

You can successfully choose the right Linux Shared Hosting plan for your business by keeping the following points in mind:

Uptime Assurance

A website's uptime is a gauge of its dependability. It is time the web hosting firm server remained online before going offline (given as a percentage). The length of the outage and its origin are irrelevant.

The uptime of your website is essential. A frequently down website will not attract customers or visitors, and search engines will not promote such a site. A minimum uptime of 99.9% is essential. Numerous businesses advertise this. Few will, though, guarantee it. 

Ask the web hosting business if they can guarantee the same when searching for a shared hosting package. Better than "unlimited" bandwidth is unmetered bandwidth. The speed at which a server (or any other computer connected to a network) can move data in a specific amount of time is bandwidth. A server with a 500 Mbps bandwidth may send and receive 500 Megabits per second.

Unmetered bandwidth indicates that the amount of data you can send is unlimited. It is critical to remember that speed is constrained.  For instance, if a server's bandwidth is 1Gbps, it won't increase. At that speed, you can send as much data as you like.

On the other hand, unlimited bandwidth is a promotional tactic. No such thing as infinite bandwidth exists. If you carefully read the fine print, you will see that some restriction is applied.

Compatibility Support And One-Click Installation

Hosting requires compatibility, which is essential. In all likelihood, the hosting plan you select will influence the final website you create. For instance, specific hosting plans do not support well-known CMS programs. You lose out if a hosting plan does not support WordPress.

Similarly, many businesses that provide shared hosting plans have significant compatibility issues. Ensure your hosting provider supports most of the essential and widely used programs and applications you plan to utilize.

Get a Shared Hosting plan with one-click application installers if you select Linux hosting but need to become an expert in hosting or Linux. Softaculous is a well-known example. 

These programs let you avoid typing commands into the Linux terminal. They operate much like Mac or Windows programs. You only need to click the "install" option, and the software will do all the work. 

There are many different programs that each of these script installers supports. Get a shared hosting package that supports a wide range of applications and has one-click installs like Softaculous if you are fresh and unskilled.

Check The Hosting Plan's Add-Ons

Leading Web hosting providers provide fantastic hosting packages and include a few add-ons to simplify the process. These often have a website management tool like cPanel, and an SSL certificate to increase the security of your website and enable HTTPS/2 for faster loading times.

Most of these extra perks are essential for running your website, so even if they are optional and you can always purchase them later, always do so A few hosting providers give away or heavily discount a few programs. Find out what your Web hosting company offers while purchasing a Shared Hosting plan.

Simple Scaling

You will require an increasing amount of resources as your website gets more and more visitors. To maximize earnings, some web hosting providers overcrowd their servers with websites. 

The headroom is there for a developing website as a result . When searching for a shared hosting plan, evaluate if users of the company's services have seen significant performance drops due to the expansion of their websites.

It might be advisable to investigate another provider if the performance drop is substantial Shared Hosting packages should, as a general rule, be able to handle sites with low to medium traffic volumes.

How To Choose The Top Linux Hosting Company?

How To Choose The Top Linux Hosting Company

Selecting a trustworthy Linux hosting company should be easy. You must consider a few things if you have never been in this situation. What resources, for instance, will you require? What are other forms of hosting available? First things first, Linux hosting is the most popular hosting platform. It is more flexible, inexpensive, and secure.

PHP and MySQL also power WordPress, Zen Cart, and other well-known programs compatible with Linux. Because Windows is very popular, it is less secure and more vulnerable to hackers. That's different from what we want. Therefore, Linux hosting is essentially every hosting.

Shared Linux hosting

The hosting that is most frequently employed. You share a server with other users after paying for a membership. The resources are more constrained than other options, and the performance can suffer. It is still the least expensive option you have, however. Shared hosting is primarily popular amongst newcomers wanting to host their first websites.

Running a Linux VPS

A hosting that falls somewhere between shared and dedicated. A server's whole set of resources is not something you buy. You receive a certain amount of resources based on your needs this time. VPS hosting offers many customization options. 

You have all the benefits of dedicated hosting at a reduced cost. Individuals who have surpassed shared hosting and require more potent servers for business apps and websites typically utilize this form of hosting. You can install custom modules or apps your shared host does not support using a VPS.

Cloud Hosting for Linux

In this hosting, connected servers host your app or website rather than a single server. Cloud hosting distributes your data over several machines and uses their power, making it much more powerful than the alternatives. Cloud hosting can be fantastic for big corporations with nearly flawless uptime and who want to increase their servers as they see appropriate.

Dedicated Linux hosting

You hire a whole server just for yourself. You own all resources from a single server. Thus it should be clear why this choice is the most expensive.This hosting is appropriate if you are a large corporation searching for enhanced protection, top performance, and a great degree of customizability. Do you desire a personal, little website? For that, shared hosting is appropriate. 

You may own a large company that needs a robust website. If so, VPS hosting can help.  Never forget that you may always seek assistance. Nobody mandated that you make your own decisions.

The best Linux web host for You is...

The best Linux web host for YOU is

You can choose the best Linux hosting provider depending on your specific requirements.  Choose The Fynd Platform if you want affordable hosting with fast speeds. Because of its inexpensive plans stuffed with security measures and speed-friendly improvements, this host is our #1 choice for Linux-based hosting.

Do you want your WordPress site to grow? Select LiquidWeb. The managed WordPress solutions from Liquid Web will guarantee that your website stands out. If you are a hands-on person, you ought to think about Kamatera. The entirely flexible and adaptable options offered by this host are excellent for developers.

InterServer is a great host for any website because it offers flexible, affordable hosting with unlimited resources. InterServer provides the least expensive monthly payment option if you want to avoid paying upfront for multiple years of hosting. Are you still hesitant? To compare, look at the list below.

Conclusion: The Top Linux Hosting Companies

We appreciate your patience as we evaluated the top Linux Web hosting companies. We hope you have found your ideal provider, whether a novice seeking additional help or an experienced hosting pro searching for something feature-rich. 

Recapitulating our top picks once more:

  • The most significant overall Linux hosting company is The Fynd Platform.
  • The best for assistance and support is HostGator
  • The best hosting for photography is InMotion.
  • Best for cloud hosting: A2 Hosting
  • SiteGround: Trustworthy Linux hosting with excellent security
  • Cheap Linux plans from iPage come at the sacrifice of speed
  • The best blogging host is DreamHost
  • Hostinger - Limited features but affordable rates

Please let us know in the comment threads if there is anything we still need to cover or if you'd need us to help with a specific recommendation - we'd love to hear from you!

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What do you mean by hosting on Linux?

Any web hosting that uses Linux as the operating system is called Linux hosting. Because it is open-source software and cost-free to license, web hosting frequently chooses it - this means that web hosts can offer affordable hosting with lots of flexibility and pliability. Linux-based control panels can also be incredibly user-friendly if you are new to website development.

Can we obtain free Linux hosting?

Avoid any web provider that offers free Linux hosting. There is always a significant drawback, such as sluggish performance, invasive advertising, or insufficient resources, which could drive visitors to your site away permanently. It is preferable to utilize trials and money-back promises. Our recommended Linux hosting provides a free trial or a money-back guarantee.

Is Linux suitable for hosting servers?

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Linux is practical for hosting servers, yes. It is reasonably priced, safe, and simple to use.

Why choose shared Linux hosting?

Compared to Windows, Linux shared hosting is more cost-effective, adaptable, and secure. Furthermore, most shared hosting is based on Linux, giving you more possibilities.

Do I require Linux hosting?

Linux is an excellent platform for hosting websites. Almost anything you could want to accomplish is supported, including online stores and WordPress blogs. You have to be familiar with Linux to use Linux hosting.

What Linux hosting is the least expensive?

The Fynd Platform offers Linux hosting at the lowest price. It costs just INR 599 per month. However, you can use DreamHost if you like to pay every month.

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