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How To Get Customer Reviews On Your E-Commerce Website?

How To Get Customer Reviews On Your E-Commerce Website?

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

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Nearly nine out of ten (89%) consumers worldwide make an effort to read reviews before buying products. The importance of online reviews is known to every business owner.


Reviews are the first thing customers look at before making an order and one of the best ways to increase your product visibility & boost customer trust. Customers who see many reviews of a product on a website before purchase are more likely to buy the product than customers who see only a few reviews.


Still not convinced! Check the below research.78% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation, with 91% of them being 18-34 years old. In 2021, nearly 70 percent of online shoppers typically read between one and six customer reviews before making a purchasing decision. Another crucial report found that 83% of marketers believe that managing online reviews deliver good ROI.


Benefits of customer reviews on your eCommerce website

Earn customer trust: According to a new study by eMarketer, 84 percent of survey respondents suggest that companies must establish trust before engaging in online interactions. Customer reviews on social media are the most critical factor in establishing trust, as when customers read reviews, they feel like they can buy from you with confidence.


Tackle competition effectively: You are likely to face increased competition as an online store owner. The effective way to win customers is to offer them the best service. Reviews allow you to showcase your customer's positive experiences, which increase your chances of beating competition & sell more products to the targeted customers.


Get valuable feedback about your products: Reviews give your consumers the critical information they need to make a purchase decision and provide you with valuable insight into improving your product features, service performance & quality.


Boost sales: It's a fact – reviews boost sales. Research from Nielson says 73% of online respondents use reviews to make purchase decisions. 35% of customers are less likely to buy in the absence of customer reviews.


Ways to get customer reviews on the eCommerce website‍

1) Directly approaching the customers for writing online reviews‍

An analysis says that 30% of consumers assume online reviews are fake if there are no negative reviews. It should not get overlooked, and customers should be requested to review your products.


Practical strategies for asking customer reviews directly:

Just Ask: The best way to get reviews is to ask the customer. It will help if you ask & remind them in the email & messages sent by you. You can make it even simpler by adding a link to a review site in your regular communication.


‍Reach out on social media platforms: Reach out to customers on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram in a friendly way and ask them to write a review. Most of them will. Check out some of the proven ways to get more traffic on social media.


Focus on the shopping experience: Ensure customers have a happy shopping experience as satisfied customers are likely to leave positive online reviews. Unhappy customers are two to three times more likely to leave a negative online review. 

Approaching Customer Reviews

‍2) Offer incentives for writing online reviews 

Encourage the customer to share their shopping experience with the company by offering an attractive incentive to write product reviews. Popular incentives that motivate a customer to write an online review:


1) Free Products: More than 91% of customers said they were motivated to write a review if they received a product free of charge. Distributing sample products is one of the most effective methods if you are looking to generate a high volume of reviews.


2) Receiving a product before it is available for general use: Customers feel like a Rockstar if they get early access to the product before its launch. Such customers are more likely to write an excellent review which means you can officially launch the product with plenty of reviews.


3) Offering discounts or coupon codes: 72% of consumers prioritize saving money using coupons and deals. Who wants to pay the total price if they are not required to? Offering vouchers or discount codes can boost the likelihood of a consumer writing a review.


3) Email the customer shortly after purchase

Once the customer receives their order, you should email the customer within a specified time to inquire about their shopping experiences and request online reviews. These emails should include links to your profiles on the platforms you want to focus on.


Keep the following best practices in mind when sending an email to the customers for a review:


Personalize the email: Address your customer by their first name, and sign off by mentioning the first name of the customer service staff who has reached out to them.


Make things simple for the customer: Please include a link to the page you request a review, such as Google My Business, Instagram, or Facebook, in your email.


Keep the email to a bare minimum: The shorter the email, the more focused would be the customer on the email content.



4) Use popular options to create a survey online

Several popular user-friendly options make integrating the survey links in your social media marketing strategies or email campaign easier.

  • SurveyPlanet
  • SurveyGizmo
  • SurveyMonkey
  • Zoho Survey
  • Sogo Survey


5) Use social media influencers to review your products

94% of marketers believe influencer marketing is an effective campaign strategy.  It means influencer marketing has immense potential to improve organic traffic to your store, grow the product visibility, leading to increased sales.


Social Media Influencers


Benefits of product review by social media influencers:

Boost product visibility: Your products get an instant boost by influencer's followers on the channel


Get more traffic: Generate more traffic for your website & get new customers


More sales: An influencer follower trust him & if they say that their product is good, their follower will buy it. 


6) Use feedback capture mechanism

Fynd platform’s feedback capture mechanism helps you know your customers better by providing a valuable option to share their invaluable feedback & suggestions. Fynd uses several bundled services as a part of their offering like

  • SMS Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Coupon Creation
  • Ratings & Reviews


Customer reviews on your eCommerce website can be a powerful tool to grow your business. It gives you a chance to showcase what real people think about your products and services instead of what your marketing team says.


But, getting customer reviews seems to be a great challenge for most eCommerce businesses. These tested ways assure that you get good reviews on your eCommerce website powered by the Fynd platform.

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