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Instagram Ads 2024: Comprehensive Guide for Creating Successful Ad Campaigns

Instagram Ads 2024: Comprehensive Guide for Creating Successful Ad Campaigns

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Follow the e-commerce expert tips to launch a successful ad campaign in 2024. Deliver high-performance marketing and get maximum ROI with your ads.




When it comes to running ads for online stores and e-commerce brands, Facebook and Instagram are the two places where one should plan on placing the ads with their ad spend budget.Β 


But why should you go with Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns and not other sites such as Quora Ads, LinkedIn ads, etc.? The major reason is if you advertise on Facebook, your ad can reach 2.17 Billion people, which is close to 30% of the world's population.


Similarly, if you choose to advertise on Instagram, your ad can reach over 1.2 Billion people, which is 20% of the world's population with ages greater than 13.


The customer conversion rate is higher when it comes to social media advertising. According to a survey, 27% of users have confirmed that they bought a product after seeing the ad on Facebook or Instagram.Β 


This article will give a comprehensive overview of ad campaigns and how to run them on Instagram. We will also share a step-by-step guide on creating your first ad and launching it in a few clicks.Β 


Let’s Understand Advertising On Instagram.Β 

Why Run ad campaigns on Instagram?

One of the most popular social media platforms of 2022 was Instagram. Many people were shifting fromΒ  There are several reasons why a business or organisation might consider running advertising campaigns on Instagram in 2024:


1. Large and engaged user base: Instagram has a large and active user base, with over 1 billion monthly active users as of 2021. This means there is a good chance that your target audience is on the platform and will likely see and interact with your ads.

2. Visual content: Instagram is a visual platform with a focus on photos and videos. This can be an effective way to showcase products and engage with potential customers

3. Targeting options: Instagram offers a range of targeting options that allow you to reach specific audiences based on demographics, interests, and behaviours. This can help you ensure that the right people see your ads.

4. E-commerce Integration: Instagram has integrated e-commerce features that allow users to shop directly from the app. This can make it easier for businesses to drive sales and conversions through their Instagram campaigns.

5. Influencer marketing: Instagram is home to a large number of influencers who have the ability to reach and influence large audiences. Partnering with influencers can be a powerful way to promote your products or services on the platform.


Overall, running advertising campaigns on Instagram in 2024 can be an effective way for businesses and organisations to reach and engage with their target audiences, drive brand awareness, and drive sales and conversions.


What Are The Benefits of Running ads on Instagram?

Instagram ads can be useful for promoting your online store and reaching a wider audience. The major buying audience is currently using Instagram as Gen Zs and millennials prefer Instagram over social media platforms. Here are some benefits of using Instagram ads:


1. Easy-to-use platform: Instagram has a user-friendly ad platform that allows you to create and manage your ad campaigns quickly and easily. Setting up targeting, budget, and other settings for your ads is easy, and you can easily track their performance in real time.

2. Scalable pricing: Instagram offers a variety of pricing options for its ads, so you can choose the one that best fits your budget. This means you can start with a small budget and scale up as your ad campaigns become more successful.

3. Robust reporting: Instagram provides detailed reporting on the performance of your ad campaigns, so you can see how well your ads are performing and make improvements as needed. This helps you to constantly improve your ad campaigns and get the best results possible.


Overall, Instagram ads can be a powerful tool for promoting your online store and reaching a wider audience. You can effectively promote your business and drive sales by leveraging the platform's easy-to-use ad platform, scalable pricing, and robust reporting capabilities.


How Much does it Cost to run ads on Instagram?

The cost of running ads on Instagram will depend on various factors, including your targeting options, ad format, budget, and the competition for the ad space. It also depends on the time frame of your ad. The cost of running an ad is directly proportional to the number of days you’re running the ad. Here is a general overview of how Instagram's ad pricing works:


1. Cost per click (CPC): With CPC pricing, you pay for each click your ad receives. The cost per click will depend on the ad space competition and your ad's relevance to the target audience. On average, the cost per click for Instagram ads ranges from $0.20 to $1.50.

2. Cost per impression (CPM): With CPM pricing, you pay for every thousand impressions (views) your ad receives. The cost per impression will depend on the ad space competition and your ad's relevance to the target audience. On average, the cost per impression for Instagram ads ranges from $5 to $10.

3. Cost per action (CPA): With CPA pricing, you pay for each desired action that your ad receives, such as a purchase or sign-up. The cost per action will depend on the ad space competition and your ad's relevance to the target audience. On average, the cost per action for Instagram ads ranges from $10 to $50.


It's important to note that these are just rough estimates, and the actual cost of running ads on Instagram will vary depending on your specific ad campaign. To get a better idea of the cost of running ads on Instagram, you can use the platform's ad targeting and budgeting tools to set up a campaign and see the estimated cost.


There are also a few other factors that can affect the cost of running ads on Instagram:


1. The type of ad: Different ads can have different costs, depending on the format and the level of targeting and engagement they offer. For example, a sponsored post from a brand may cost more than a simple banner ad, and a video and reel ad may cost more than a static image ad. You can select the correct format based on your viewers and the trend. Mostly for a D2C brand, reels are a great way to engage with a wide user base whereas, for B2B brands, a carousel and static image post with a direct message works well.

2. The target audience: The more specific and targeted your audience, the more you may have to pay to reach them. For example, if you are targeting a very specific demographic or location, you may have to pay more than if you are targeting a more general audience. This helps if you’re planning to grow your brand in a certain area and reach a certain demographic based on the usability of your product and the availability of resources for you to deliver it.

3. The ad objective: Different ad objectives can have different costs. For example, if you are running an ad to drive website clicks, you may have to pay more than running an ad to increase brand awareness. Usually, brands and businesses want to enhance their social presence and boost posts and reels to increase their brand visibility. Whereas businesses are looking to generate leads and drive sales towards the website visit options and divert users from Instagram to their landing page.

4. The level of competition: If you are running an ad in a highly competitive market or industry, you may have to pay more to reach your target audience. Fashion apparel, like jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, etc., will be highly competitive compared to pet accessories and food. If your product lies in a highly competitive industry, targeted ads diverting users to your website will be very fruitful for your business.


Overall, the cost of running ads on Instagram can vary widely depending on your ad campaign and the abovementioned factors. To get a better idea of the cost of running ads on the platform, you can use Instagram's ad targeting and budgeting tools to set up a campaign and see the estimated cost.


How to run Instagram ads: Step by step guide

When it comes to running an ad campaign, running ads on Instagram is much easier compared to those on Google. Here are the steps for running an ad on Instagram:


1. Set up a business account: To run an ad on Instagram, you will need to have a business account. To set up a business account, you must first create a personal account on Instagram and then switch to a business account. This can be done through the settings menu on the app.

2. Create an ad campaign: To create an ad campaign, you will need to use Facebook's Ads Manager or Power Editor. These tools allow you to create and manage your ad campaigns, set your budget and targeting options, and track the performance of your ads.

3. Choose your ad format: Instagram offers several different ad formats, including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads. Choose the ad format that best fits your campaign goals and budget.

4. Set your targeting options: Use the Ads Manager or Power Editor targeting options to specify the audience you want to reach with your ad. You can target based on demographics, interests, behaviours, and other factors.

5. Choose your budget and bid: Set your budget for your ad campaign. Your budget is the total amount of money you want to spend on your ad, and your bid is the amount you are willing to pay for each action (e.g., click, impression, etc.) your ad generates.

6. Create your ad: Use the Ads Manager or Power Editor to create your ad, including the text, images, and other media you want to include. Follow Instagram's advertising guidelines to ensure that your ad is approved.

7. Launch your ad: Once your ad is created, you can launch it by clicking the "Submit" button in the Ads Manager or Power Editor. Instagram will then review your ad, and if it is approved, it will be published and shown to your target audience.

8. Monitor and optimise your ad: Regularly monitor the performance of your ad to see how it is doing and make any necessary adjustments to optimise its performance. This may include adjusting your targeting options, changing your ad copy or media, or adjusting your budget and bid.


You can simplify your ad posting and running process by using Meta Business Suite. It allows you easily post, manage, track, and analyse your ad campaigns. Meta allows you to easily post stories, reels, and posts on Facebook and Instagram. You can easily run ads on multiple channels and track them on the same panel.Β 


Why use Meta Business Suite to run ads?

There are several reasons why someone might choose to use Meta Business Suite to run ads on Instagram:


1. Convenience: Meta Business Suite provides a single platform for managing and optimising ad campaigns on multiple platforms, including Instagram. This can be more convenient than using separate tools for each platform.

2. Advanced targeting options: Meta Business Suite provides advanced targeting options that allow you to target specific users or groups based on a wide range of factors, including demographics, interests, behaviours, and more. This can help you reach your ad's most relevant and engaged audience.

3. Customised ad formats: Meta Business Suite offers a range of ad formats that can be customised to fit your specific goals and budget. This includes options for photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and story ads.

4. Advanced analytics and reporting: Meta Business Suite provides detailed analytics and reporting tools that allow you to track the performance of your ad campaigns and analyse the results. This can help you identify areas for improvement and optimise your ad campaigns for better results.

5. Easy to use: Meta Business Suite has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to set up and manage ad campaigns, even if you are new to advertising. It has advanced analysis and tracking features that can show your campaigns' success without installing additional plug-ins.


Meta Business Suite can be a useful tool for running ad campaigns on Instagram, particularly for businesses that want to take advantage of advanced targeting options and analytics to optimise their ad performance.


How to run ads using Meta Business Suite?

Meta Business Suite is a software platform that provides tools for managing and optimising ad campaigns on various platforms, including Instagram. To run an ad campaign using Meta Business Suite, follow these steps:


1. Set up your Meta Business Suite account: If you don't already have a Meta Business Suite account, you will need to sign up for one. You will need to provide basic information about your business, such as your name and contact details, and set up a payment method.

2. Connect your Instagram account: In order to run ads on Instagram using Meta Business Suite, you will need to connect your Instagram account to the platform. To do this, you will need to log in to your Instagram account and grant Meta Business Suite access to your account.

3. Set up your ad campaign: Once you have connected your Instagram account, you can set up your ad campaign in Meta Business Suite. This involves selecting the type of ad you want to run (e.g., photo ad, video ad, etc.), setting your targeting options, and choosing your budget and bid.

4. Create your ad: Use the Meta Business Suite platform to create your ad, including the text, images, and other media you want to include. Be sure to follow Instagram's advertising guidelines to ensure that your ad is approved.

5. Launch your ad: Once your ad is created, you can launch it by clicking the "Submit" button in Meta Business Suite. Instagram will then review your ad, and if it is approved, it will be published and shown to your target audience.

6. Monitor and optimise your ad: Regularly monitor the performance of your ad to see how it is doing and make any necessary adjustments to optimise its performance. This may include adjusting your targeting options, changing your ad copy or media, or adjusting your budget and bid.

7. Track and analyse your results: Use the analytics and reporting tools in Meta Business Suite to track the performance of your ad campaign and analyse the results. This will help you understand how your ads are performing and identify any areas for improvement.


11 Objectives of running an ad on Instagram?

There are several objectives that businesses might have when running ads on Instagram, including:


  1. Reach: This objective aims to show your ad to as many people as possible.

  2. Traffic: This objective aims to drive traffic to your websiteor other online destination.

  3. Brand awareness:This objective aims to increase awareness of your brand and products among your target audience.

  4. App installs: This objective aims to drive installs of your mobile app.

  5. Engagement: The goal of this objective is to increase engagement with your ads, such as likes, comments, and shares.

  6. Video views: This objective aims to drive views of your video ad.

  7. Conversions: This objective aims to drive conversions, such as sales or sign-ups, on your website or other online destination.

  8. Lead generation: This objective aims to generate leads, such as contact information for potential customers.

  9. Messages: This objective aims to increase the number of messages sent through Instagram's direct messaging feature.

  10. Store traffic: This objective aims to drive traffic to your physical store location.

  11. Catalogue sales: This objective aims to drive sales from your catalogue, which can be accessed through Instagram's shopping feature.


Choosing the right objective for your ad campaign is important based on your specific goals and target audience. This will help ensure that your ad is shown to the right people and achieves the desired results.Β 


MetrTok while running an Instagram ad

You can track several metrics when running Instagram ads to assess the performance of your campaigns and determine whether they are effective. These metrics include


1. Reach: This is the number of unique users who saw your ad.

2. Impressions:This is the total number of times your ad was displayed, regardless of whether it was seen by the same user multiple times.

3. Engagements: This is the total number of times users interacted with your ad, such as by liking, commenting, or sharing it.

4. Link clicks: This is the number of times users clicked on a link in your ad.

5. Conversion rate: This is the percentage of users who took the desired action after seeing your ad, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter.

6. Cost per action:This is the cost of your ad divided by the number of actions it generated, such as clicks or conversions.

7: Cost per impression (CPI):This is the cost of your ad divided by the number of impressions it received.

8. Cost per click (CPC):This is the cost of your ad divided by the number of clicks it received.


By tracking these metrics, you can get a sense of how well your Instagram ads are performing and make adjustments to your campaigns as needed to improve their effectiveness.



Now, you know how to run ads on Instagram and track them effectively and successfully. This guide will help you understand how to run ads, what objectives to target, and what metrics to measure. Apply these options and see how Instagram ads provide you with potential customers that convert to high-paying clients.Β 


Here’s the summary of this Instagram ad campaign guide:
  1. Why run ad campaigns on Instagram?
  2. What are the benefits of running ads on Instagram?
  3. How much does it cost to run ads on Instagram?
  4. How to run Instagram ads: Step-by-step guide?
  5. Why use Meta Business Suite to run ads?
  6. How to run ads using Meta Business Suite?
  7. 11 Objectives of running an ad on Instagram?
  8. Metrics to track while running an Instagram ad.


Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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Is it worth running Instagram ads?

Whether or not running Instagram ads is worth it for your business ultimately depends on your goals and resources. Some potential benefits of running Instagram ads include the following:


  • Increased reach: Instagram ads can help you reach a larger and more targeted audience than you might be able to with organic content alone.


  • Greater engagement: Instagram ads can help you increase the number of likes, comments, and shares you receive on your content, which can help to boost your overall engagement.


  • Improved brand awareness: Running Instagram ads can help you build awareness of your brand and increase recognition among your target audience.


  • Increased website traffic: Instagram ads can be used to drive traffic to your website, which can help to increase conversions and sales.


  • Cost effectiveness: Instagram ads can be highly cost-effective, especially compared to other advertising forms. You can set a budget and target your ads to specific audiences to ensure you get the most bang.


However, it's important to keep in mind that running Instagram ads can also be time-consuming and requires a significant investment of resources. It's essential to have clear goals in mind and to measure the results of your campaigns to determine whether they are effective and worth the investment.

What is the best way to run Instagram ads?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to running Instagram ads, as the best way to run them will depend on your specific goals and target audience. However, a few general strategies can help you run successful Instagram ad campaigns:


  1. Define your target audience: The more specific you can be about who you are targeting with your ads, the more effective they are likely to be. Use Instagram's targeting options, such as location, age, and interests, to narrow down your audience and ensure your ads are being shown to people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.


  1. Choose the right ad format: Instagram offers a range of formats, including photo ads, video ads, carousel ads, and Stories ads. Select the format that best fits your marketing goals and the content you want to share.


  1. Use compelling visuals: Instagram is a visually-driven platform, so your ads must use high-quality, eye-catching images and videos. Use compelling visuals to grab your audience's attention and effectively communicate your message.


  1. Test and optimise your ads: Be bold and experiment with different ad formats, targeting options, and messaging to see what works best. Use Instagram's analytics tools to track the performance of your ads and make adjustments as needed to improve their effectiveness.


  1. Use a clear call to action: Make sure to include a clear call to action in your ads, such as "Learn More" or "Shop Now," to encourage users to take the next step and engage with your brand.


By following these strategies, you can run effective Instagram ad campaigns that drive results for your business.

Is running ads on Instagram free?

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No, running ads on Instagram is not free. Instagram is an advertising platform, and businesses are required to pay to run ads on the platform. However, Instagram offers various advertising options to suit different budgets and marketing goals, so you can choose the level of investment that is right for your business.


To run ads on Instagram, you will need to set up an ad account through Facebook Ads Manager, the platform used to create and manage Instagram ads. Once you have set up your ad account, you can choose your budget and targeting options, create your ad, and set it live. You will be charged based on the targeting options you select and the performance of your ad.


It's important to note that running ads on Instagram is not a guarantee of success. Like any other form of advertising, the effectiveness of your Instagram ads will depend on various factors, such as the quality of your ad content, the relevance of your targeting, and the performance of your call to action. To maximise the return on your investment, it's important to consider your ad budget carefully and to track and optimise the performance of your campaigns.


How much do Instagram ads cost monthly?

The cost of running Instagram ads varies widely, and there is no set monthly cost for running ads on the platform. Factors that can influence the cost of Instagram ads include your budget, the targeting options you select, the type of ad you choose, and the performance of your ad.


In general, the cost of Instagram ads is based on a pay-per-action model, meaning you are only charged when a user takes a desired action, such as clicking on your ad or making a purchase. You can set a daily or lifetime budget for your ads, and you will be charged based on the number of actions your ad generates.


To get a sense of the potential cost of Instagram ads for your business, you can use the ad budget calculator in Facebook Ads Manager. This tool allows you to enter your budget and targeting options and see an estimate of the cost of your ad campaign.


It's important to keep in mind that the cost of Instagram ads can vary significantly depending on your specific goals and target audience. To get the most value for your ad spend, it's important to consider your budget carefully and to track and optimise the performance of your campaigns.

How much should I spend on Instagram ads per day?

The average Instagram CPC in the United States in July 2021 was $1.28 per click, as opposed to the $1.33 CPC in 2022, according to data from Revealbot. There is no set amount that you should spend on Instagram ads per day, as the appropriate budget for your ad campaigns will depend on a variety of factors, such as your marketing goals, target audience, and the cost of the actions you are trying to drive.


To determine how much you should spend on Instagram ads per day, consider the following factors:


  1. Your marketing goals: What are you trying to achieve with your Instagram ads? Are you looking to drive website traffic, increase brand awareness, or generate leads? Your goals will help determine the budget you need to allocate to your ad campaigns.


  1. Your target audience: How large is your target audience on Instagram, and how competitive is your industry? The size of your target audience and the competition for ad space on Instagram can impact the cost of your ads.


  1. The cost of the actions you are trying to drive: How much is it worth to you to drive the desired action, such as a website visit or a purchase? This will help you determine your maximum budget for your ad campaigns.


To get a sense of the potential cost of Instagram ads for your business, you can use the ad budget calculator in Facebook Ads Manager. This tool allows you to enter your budget and targeting options and see an estimate of the cost of your ad campaign.


It's important to keep in mind that the cost of Instagram ads can vary significantly depending on your specific goals and target audience. To get the most value for your ad spend, it's important to consider your budget carefully and to track and optimise the performance of your campaigns.

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