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18 Tips To Boost Traffic And Attract Customers To Your E-Commerce Website In 2024

18 Tips To Boost Traffic And Attract Customers To Your E-Commerce Website In 2024

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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If a genie appears in front of a small business owner or a marketer, he will surely ask these 3 wishes. First,  getting more sales. Second, getting high traffic to attract potential customers to their website.

Third, getting more brand recognition. The third wish may vary, but this is all an e-commerce business owner will wish for. In a survey of marketers, it has been observed that more than 61% of marketers say that getting the required amount of traffic and generating leads via online channels is their biggest challenge.  

So why is getting high traffic so important? A website with no outreach and low traffic will probably generate less or zero leads. Leads are converted to customers, but if we generate leads in the first place, there will be sales via online channels. Thus getting high traffic on a website is essential for any business.

There are many ways to attract customers to your website. This article will focus on 23 ways you get many visitors to your website and convert them into leads and potential customers. 

Why is Good Quality Content Essential To Driving Traffic To Your Website?

Good Quality Content Essential To Driving Traffic

Content is in different formats. It can be a blog, social media post, email, or newsletter. If you can miss the content creation part and still be able to drive traffic, then spoiler alert! You can't. 

Content is a medium through which you can connect to your potential customers across a region or the globe. Let's understand the different content formats you can use to engage with your audience and enhance website traffic. 

Have a blog page

Blog page forms the bulk of website traffic drivers as it is the one place where you can be as descriptive as possible. On your business blog, you can post long-form content. This should be a well-researched topic related to your niche. A study by Hubspot shows that a business blog can;

  • Help companies in getting 97% more backlinks to their website. Backlinks are one way to grow organically by mentioning your website on other websites and blogs.

  • Help your business by increasing the number of new visitors by 55% compared to those who don't blog.

  • Help marketers generate positive ROI, 13 times more likely than those who don't incorporate blogs in their marketing strategy.

The intention behind writing blogs on your website is to provide the most value to visitors. Blogs are one of the best mediums to share information in a long-form format. 

Don't just chase trends; write more evergreen topics

Trending posts and news will give you an immediate boost with huge traffic. But considering this long-term, these topics will only do a little good for you. So if you're planning to play the long game with your content marketing strategy, focus on evergreen topics.

These topics are common problems and solutions from your niche. Since these topics are not trend dependent, they will keep ranking whenever the problem or a product-related keyword is searched.  Evergreen topics will also help you generate backlinks; as long as you keep updating them, the content will stay relevant for a long time.

Write compelling headlines for your blog posts.

Studies have shown that a creative headline has a 500% chance of getting clicked and opened compared to a boring headline. Headlines form an important part of any content. In the case of blogs where the content is behind the headline, writing irresistible headlines becomes crucial. Master copywriting to write the best headlines and get more clicks on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). 

Invite industry experts to guest post on your website 

Industry experts have diverse views on a certain topic. Inviting guest posts on your blog will help you by providing you with

  • Getting fresh content on your website.
  • Getting backlinks from the author's website.
  • Getting a different perspective and new readers.

The only thing that needs to be taken care of is that the content shouldn't be plagiarised or spammy. Share the guest post guideline with the authors and only accept high-quality content.  Fixing a writing standard guideline will help you with this. 

Create infographics and engaging visuals 

Infographics can be in the form of explainers, charts, diagrams, etc. You can create infographics about your niche and share them on your blog pages and social media channels. 

If someone uses these infographics, they will backlink the image to your website and thus increase the count of new visitors. Google also shares the infographics on the image search page and suggestions section. This will help you in ranking. 

Incorporate videos into your content strategy 

When it comes to understanding a concept, the go-to place is the videos. Videos make it easier to understand difficult concepts, and the conversation keeps the viewers engaged. But how to increase website traffic using videos? Here are a few tips you can incorporate to increase website traffic:

  • Place your videos in the blog post section. It will appear in your search results as a video. And if someone is searching for one, it will be available in the search results.

  • Add your video links in the description of YouTube videos and in the description of any social media channel you're using. Viewers can be redirected to your website from the video.

  • You can also add call-to-action (CTA) buttons on your videos to redirect viewers to your website.

With the recent rise in video content across various platforms and the social media algorithm pushing more videos, it's high time to focus on incorporating videos to improve your website traffic and brand visibility. 

Build a resource centre with downloadable resources

Blogs, social media posts, and videos are just some of the content that attracts customers to your website. You need to share as much information as possible. You can share infographics, case studies, research reports, webinars, and more with the audience.

Build a resource centre, like a library, that stores all the resources you want to share. Viewers interested in the topics will reach out to you, again and again, thus resulting in increased traffic.  

Boost Your Website Traffic Using SEO Optimisation 

Driving traffic through your content is only possible if someone finds you or your content somewhere. All your efforts will only be worthwhile if you can show your content to the maximum number of people.

With 71% of traffic driven from the first page of Google search results, your content or website must rank higher. This rank is determined by the search engine depending on how well your content is optimised. This is confirmed by implementing SEO techniques.

If your content is SEO optimised, it will be visible to more individuals searching for relevant queries or keywords related to the products you sell or the content you share.  Let's understand some SEO basics. 

Targeting keywords

Say you want to buy a pen; while searching for it on Google or any other search engine, you will put 'pen', 'gel pen', 'ball pen', or a brand name you like. Keywords are the words that we use as a search query while searching for something on Google. 

Targeting keywords means you should search for keywords in your domain that have a higher search volume and are easy to rank. Using these keywords in your website copy will make it easier for Google to scan your content and rank it higher for those searches.

Using long-tail keywords

So is targeting keywords all about using keywords in your website copy? No, not a quick solution. Smaller keywords are harder to rank, even with higher search rankings. 

So, we can go for long-tail keywords instead of just targeting single keywords. They're easy to rank, and your content reaches niche-specific audiences fetching relevant traffic to your website.

Keywords Placement Strategy

The main crux of your on-page SEO is placing the keywords in the right places to improve its search ranking. Placing your content in the right place helps search engine crawlers to understand what your website is about and ranks it for those searches. Here are the sections where you should be placing your keywords to increase traffic:

  1. Meta Title (title tags)
  2. Heading H1 (H1 tags).
  3. Minimum 2 H2 heading (H2 tags)
  4. Place keywords in the website copy
  5. Use keywords in the first paragraph or the first 100 words
  6. Add keywords in the image alt text and file names
  7. Use keywords in the meta description

Optimising the SERP appearance of your content

Placement is essential, but you need more than just stuffing the keywords in your content to help you rank higher in searches. To improve the placement of your searches, you need to work on optimising meta titles and meta descriptions.

This should represent the crux of your article or website. Keep this content 155-165 characters so that it is not trimmed on the search results page. Provide the most value a viewer can get through this description.

Meta title is the section where you need to grab your viewer's attention in less time. This should be at most 60 characters or less. The main keyword can be used at the beginning of the title, and it should show the value a user can get.

Do internal linking to other pages. 

While publishing content, you should add links to other pages on your website. This will benefit you by keeping the viewer on your page for longer. It will also increase engagement by allowing viewers to explore your services and get maximum value from your website's offerings.

Keep refreshing the content of your website

Content of any kind becomes outdated after a certain period. One of the ranking factors is content freshness, when it was published and when it was last updated.  It's fine if you're ranking on the first page of search results. A refreshed content can significantly improve your CTR shifting your rank up and inviting a surge of traffic. 

When it comes to content refreshing and updating, it doesn't mean changing or adding just a few words. It should be more than that. Let's learn some strategies to help you refresh your old content.

  1. Information and statistics change with time. You can add newly discovered information or newly released statistics for that topic

  2. Visuals and infographics, as we have learned earlier, are good viewer attractions. Try adding new images and infographics for a better understanding of the concept.

  3. Your website content is changing continuously with new blogs, articles, case studies, etc. Update your internal links by attaching links to new content in your content.

  4. Search broken links and images with errors and fix them.

  5. Research new keywords based on your niche and update the content with new and high-ranking keywords.

  6. Update your copy of the meta title and meta description.

Get backlinks from credible sources.

Getting backlinks for your website from credible sources is one of the most influential ranking factors on Google and other search engines. It depends on the quality and quantity of backlinks you're getting and the domain authority of that source. Higher the domain authority of sources, your domain authority will also improve. 

Pages with higher domain authority rank higher on search engines, not to mention the inward traffic coming from that backlink.  Here are some backlink-building strategies that work:

  1. Write a guest post for a credible website in your domain. You can attach a link to the content or the author bio.
  2. Use SEO tools to research the broken links on websites and offer your links as a replacement.
  3. Create high-quality content that will be backlinked by credible websites.

Tools that will help you in driving traffic to your website 

Here's a list of some free tools that will help you in improving your search ranking by allowing you to get relevant metrics.

Google Analytics (GA) to track SEO metrics

Google Analytics (GA) is the most valuable tool you can use to get data Insights on your website. You can get information ranging from the number of site visitors, demographics of the visitors, and what they are most interested in. 

You can use this data to improve your content strategy and focus on topics the viewers are more interested in. This is one of the best ways to form a content strategy and plan future content. 

Google Search Console to view queries 

Users don't find your site and visit it from thin air! They must have found it somewhere; it can be a direct search, social post, backlink, or elsewhere.  You can find these queries on the Google Search Console. You can figure out the phrases or keywords for which your content is ranking. You can start promoting similar content to maximise engagement.  

One more important feature of this tool is that you can view your organic outreach. You can check how many visitors are coming to your site organically. GSC also helps you show the issues happening while indexing your blogs, and you can troubleshoot them. 

Website Graders for Site Auditing 

There are many free tools available to audit your website. These website audit tools help you understand the issues and find opportunities to improve your website ranking and traffic. Compared to all-in-one SEO tools, these are built for specific purposes, i.e. website audit only.

Website graders generate reports with actionable items concerning improvement areas on your website. It will also show how accessible your website is and rank your readability score. Both of these features are crucial for user engagement.

Recap: Tips to increase your website traffic

  1. Have a blog page
  2. Don't just chase trends; write more evergreen topics
  3. Write compelling headlines for your blog posts
  4. Invite industry experts to guest post on your website
  5. Create infographics and engaging visuals
  6. Incorporate videos into your content strategy
  7. Build a resource centre with downloadable resources
  8. Boost your traffic with SEO optimisation
  9. Write compelling headlines for your blog posts
  10. Target keywords
  11. Use long-tail keywords
  12. Keywords placement strategy
  13. Optimise the SERP appearance of your content
  14. Do internal linking to other pages
  15. Write compelling headlines for your blog posts
  16. Keep refreshing the content of your website
  17. Get backlinks from credible sources
  18. Use Google Analytics to track SEO metrics
  19. Use Google Search Console to view queries
  20. Use website graders for site auditing

Maximize Festive Season Sales With Fynd Platform

Learn from the masters and cracks the code to festive season sales success with Fynd Platform's Festive Readiness Guide

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How do I boost traffic to my e-commerce website?

Use these 9 suggestions to boost your e-commerce revenues and get high-potential website visitors.

1. Make your website search engine friendly. It will get easily indexed, and the search engine will rank it higher on searches.

2. Spend money on paid search. Sponsored results appear higher on search engine results. 

3. Promote your content on social media. Share snippets, visuals and infographics and attach your content to them for further reading. 

4. Engage with influencers and promote your website through them.

5. Write articles or blogs and publish them on your website and other guest blogging channels.

6. Public relations can increase awareness (PR). Partner with some renowned digital media agencies and publish your article. 

7. Use display ads with retargeting. Make a perfect copy that catches attention and entices customers to click on it.

8. Maximise your use of email. Share updates and offers with your customer list. Start a newsletter and share research reports and articles related to your niche.

9. Boost reach with affiliate marketing. Start an affiliate or referral program by allowing bloggers and influencers to promote your products in return for cash benefits.

How can I promote my online store for free?

Here are five free marketing tactics you can implement right away to assist your small business in developing a strong, loyal customer base and brand awareness.

  • Improve your SEO.
  • Benefit from social media.
  • Email marketing should start.
  • Construct a business blog.
  • Join online communities and forums.

What are the methods of e-commerce website promotion?

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Let's examine several strategies for promoting your e-commerce website.

1. For SEO, give simple keywords top priority.

2. For your current pages, use SEO.

3. Make a free resource available.

4. Team up for a collaborative webinar or course.

5. Use your material again in other marketing contexts.

6. Find chances for guest blogging.

7. Share your content with others.

8. Utilise social media to interact with your audience.

What are the 4 common traffic channels to measure?

  • Direct traffic: refers to those who access your website directly through their browsers or other unidentified means.
  • Referral traffic: Visitors that arrive at your website by clicking on a link on another website are known as referral traffic.
  • Organic traffic: Visitors that find your website by typing a term into a search engine (such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo) and clicking on your listing are known as organic search traffic.
  • Campaign traffic: Campaign traffic refers to website visitors arriving there via a specific campaign or clicking a link with specific tracking specifications.

What are the types of website traffic?

1. Referral traffic: Visitors that arrive at your website by clicking on a link on another website are known as referral traffic.

Techniques to entice recommendations for your website:

  • Offer people reliable, enlightening, and high-quality material that they will value and want to share.
  • To build a network of possible links, increase your online engagement on social media and forums.
  • Take the time to comment on blogs or other articles similar to what was said above.

2. Direct traffic refers to those who access your website directly through their browsers or other unidentified means. 

Tips to improve direct traffic to your website.

  • When it comes to increasing direct traffic, there is neither a quick fix nor a tried-and-true technique. You need a website designed with the user experience in mind if you want users to return to it. In the end, the higher quality of service you offer, the greater the number of repeat customers you'll attract. The second is equivalent to directed traffic.

3. Follow these general guidelines to increase your social traffic.

  • Include the information in your post that are most relevant to your niche.
  • Give users a reason to click through with a call to action button.
  • If you intend to publish information on social media, think about developing something that you want to go viral.
  • See which posts have the most interaction (likes, shares, and comments) for inspiration. Try making similar content and publishing them consistently.
  • Schedule your post according to your content calendar and post regularly at the same time every day.

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