Create Single Listing
New Single Listing
A new listing will have to be created to add a product that is not a part of Amazon Catalog (not sold on Amazon). To create a new listing, do the following:
- Login to the Amazon Seller Central and navigate to Inventory > Add a Product.
- Click on I'm adding a product not sold on Amazon, Select the product category. For this example, let's add ethnic wear.
- After selecting the category, you will be redirected to the listing page. Here you will start by entering the details under the Vital Into tab.
You can check the Attribute Guidelines to fill these fields.
- If the product is available in different sizes, colours, package quantity etc, enter the info in the Variations tab.
- Enter the info like item price, quantity, condition (new or used), country of origin etc in the Offer tab.
- Add Images for your product listing in the Images tab.
You can add up to 9 images for your product. Refer to the Image Guidelines
- Provide a product description for your listing in the Description tab. If you have more than one point, click on Add More to add a description.
Once you have entered all the required fields, click Save and Finish. The more accurately you enter the information, the higher the product discoverability.
Your listings will now be in Quality check and will be live once complete.