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Image Guidelines

Image guidelines to follow

SizeImage size should be between 200 KB and 1 MB
Aspect RatioImage aspect ratio must be 1:1.25 and image should be more than 1000 pixels in both height and width
ResolutionResolution must be 72 dpi
FormatImages can be in JPEG or PNG format
BackgroundAny light background colour including white are acceptable
Subjective GuidelinesImages must not contain any objectionable or offensive material
TagsImages must not contain any brand URL, promotional text, price tags or watermarks
FrameThe product must fill 80-85% of the image frame for all angles, 100% for detail shot
ShadowsProduct must contain natural shadows to show depth
DuplicatesDuplicate images are not allowed for any angles
Subjective GuidelinesInfringement not allowed in the image i.e. Usage of image without permission/license or identical recreation of image

Apparel Guidelines

AnglesMandatory angles for the product are Front view, Side, Back and Detail view. Number of angles can differ based on the product
Image SequenceFor image sequencing, column for ‘MODEL field’ in VMS template is for primary/ first image, followed by MODEL2, MODEL3 for additional images. SWATCH image of product has to be updated only in SWATCH field
Product ConditionProduct must not contain any creases or folds, use properly ironed apparel
First ImageA cropped image is required as first image for Bottom wear/ Top wear, to fill image frame with the item on sales
MannequinsMannequins, ghost mannequin or pack images as First image are not acceptable
Celebrity ImagesCelebrity images are allowed only with authorization
General GuidelineFor Models, head cut from base of the nose is allowed