A screen saver is an animated image or video that is activated on a device when no user activity has been sensed for a specific time. This section is for creating a screensaver and adding it to your website.
Creating a Screensaver
Media type - Your screensaver can consist of more than one image, video or a combination of them.
Upload - Upload your media files like images and videos.
Build Link - Add a link so that when a user clicks on this slide he will be redirected to that link.
Add Screen - You can add more slides in your screensaver, if required.
Slug - It's a human-readable part of any URL that makes it easy to identify the content of the page.
Platform - Select the platform (Web, Android, iOS) on which this screensaver should be displayed.
Start Time: Enter the time (in seconds) of inactivity after which this screensaver will be displayed.
Duration: The time (in seconds) allotted to an individual slide in the screensaver. Note that if you are using a video in your screensaver, the length of that video should be less than the duration entered here.
Start Immediately - Start screensaver immediately after loading the website.
Enable/Disable - Enable or disable the screensaver on your website.