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Inventory Configuration

There are 2 tabs present in the given integration:


Here you can add the selling locations whose inventory you wish to pull into Fynd Platform.


Figure 1a: Adding Selling Locations


Figure 1b: Adding Selling Locations


This is the 2nd tab wherein you can create, edit and configure the exact data, format, and rules for fetching an inventory into Fynd Platform.


Figure 2a: Job Code List


Figure 2b: Inventory Configuration

All the fields are explained below:

  • Alias - Enter a name (also referred as Job Code) by which you want to identify this integration.

  • File Configuration - Here you'll specify the format in which your inventory is available.

    • Mandatory Columns - Enter the column names that hold the following data (check fig. 3 and fig. 4):

      • Location
      • Enter the column name that has the location code maintained by sellers.
      • Identifier
      • Enter the column name that has the product identifiers like EAN, SKU, UPC, etc.
      • Price
      • Enter the column name that has the selling price of the item. Will be ignored if you enable the enrich option.
      • Quantity
      • Enter the column name that has the available quantity of the articles.


      Figure 3: Adding Mandatory Column Names


      Figure 4: Sample Inventory File

    • Optional Columns - Here, you can add other columns from your inventory file and make them optional or mandatory. You can also choose the data type of the optional column, e.g., text, date, decimal, number, long number, and flag.


      Figure 5: Using Optional Columns

    • Does your file have a header - Turn on this option if your file has headers (seller identifier, loc code, etc.)


      Figure 6: Availability Of Header


      Figure 7: Position Of Header And Data

    • Row no. of that header - Enter the row number where the headers (column names) exist as shown in fig. 7

    • Start row no. of that header - Enter the row number where the data (entry) starts as shown in fig. 7

    • File type of your input - Choose whether the inventory file is an Excel or a CSV file. Depending on the chosen option, you'll be asked to fill the required details.


    Figure 8: Filling Excel Fields


    Figure 9: Filling CSV Fields


    Figure 10: Example Of Saving A CSV File


Choose whether your CSV file was encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16. This encoding type is generally chosen by you while saving the file. If the data is pure ASCII (bytes 0-127), '.csv' would work fine. However, for handling non-ASCII characters, you use UTF encoding schemes. For example, for character A, UTF-8 encoding is 41, and UTF-16 encoding is 0041. UTF-8 uses a minimum of one byte while UTF-16 uses a minimum of 2 bytes.

  • SFTP Configuration - Specify if the inventory exists in a compressed file and needs to be extracted. Also mention the zip format (.zip or .gzip)


    Figure 11: SFTP Configuration

  • Thresholds and Inventory Type - Specify all the rules and criteria before fetching the inventory.

    • Minimum Price - Indicate the system not to fetch the inventory of those articles which fall below the specified value.

    • Safe Stock - Indicate the system not to fetch the inventory of those articles whose quantity is not greater than the specified value.

    • Stale Inventory Threshold - Notify the seller if the inventory is not pushed into the system at least once within the specified hours. In simpler terms, this is the frequency in which the system should pull the inventory.

    • Inventory Type - Select the applicable inventory type from the drop-down:

      • Full Inventory - This is the default type.
      • Infinite Quantity Inventory - Choose this if your products have no fixed quantity such as 'made to order' products (e.g. furniture, jewellery, eyewear, etc.)
      • Parent-Child Inventory - Choose this if you deal in composite products, i.e., individual parts assembled to form a final product (e.g. motherboard).
      • Inventory Without Price - Choose this if you want the system to use the price mentioned in the product instead of the inventory.


      Figure 12: Specifying Thresholds and Inventory Type

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