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Frequently Asked Questions

Product Listing

These are the most commonly asked FAQs regarding product listing on Myntra. They are divided in to three categories as shown below

Product Creation FAQs
What are the requirements for creating a product catalog?
  • Gather all your product data.
  • Start with gathering product information such as Product name, Variation details, Size, Color, Material, Dimensions, HSN, barcode, and Price.
  • All product images must be professional photoshoots and keep the image as per Myntra Image Guidelines
  • Keep the inventory/stock information for the products
  • Mandatory Attributes are highlighted in Yellow.
  • What are the Image guidelines for Myntra?
    • Images must meet the following requirements:
    ParamaterShort DescriptionLong Description
    Size1 MBImage size should be between 500 Kb and 1 MB
    Image DimensionImage dimensions: 1080 x 1440Image dimensions: 1080 x 1440 or more. Image resolution: 72dpi or more. Aspect Ratio should be maintained to 3:4
    FormatJPEGOnly JPEG file format is allowed
    BackgroundWhite/light GreyImage should be in white/light grey
    Subjective GuidelinesTagsImages should not contain price tag, stickers or the product tag
    Image QualityImage QualityImages should not be cropped, extended or elongated
    Image QualityImage QualityBlurred, pixelated images are not allowed
    Image QualityNo part of the product must be out of focus
    IllustrationsNo text/watermark are allowed in the image
    Subjective GuidelinesCelebrity imagesPhotoshopped images of celebrities are not allowed on products
    Subjective GuidelinesImage shouldn’t contain any offensive or objectionable items
    What are the minimum and the maximum number of images allowed by Myntra?
  • Minimum 1 and Maximum of 7 images are allowed. You can arrange the order after uploading. Number of images may differ as per categories.
  • What is the image dimension supported by Myntra?
  • Image size: 500kb to 1 MB. Image dimensions: 1080 x 1440 or more. Image resolution: 72dpi or more. Aspect Ratio should be 3:4
  • How to upload the image on Myntra?
  • We can upload the images through the Myntra template to put the URL, Also you can upload image folder directly on seller portal in Image Uploader tab.
  • What is the new Image Uploader Feature?
  • The new Image Uploader Feature on the Myntra-Jabong DIY Cataloging screen is designed to help marketplace partners submit images for cataloging in an easy and efficient manner.
  • Users can upload images at a style level, add Brand-VAN-Color information while uploading and then upload attribute sheets with blank URLs, which the system will automatically fill with the correct image links based on the Brand-VAN-Color information
  • How do I access the Image Uploader Feature?
  • The image uploader feature can be accessed on the left navigation bar by clicking on “Image Uploader” under the “Catalog Mgmt.” section
  • It can also be accessed from the “Add New Products” screen by clicking on any of the blue colored in-line links for “Image Uploader
  • How do I upload images on the Image Uploader feature?
  • Go to the Catalog Mgmt and select Image Uploader
  • Click on the green Upload Images button on the top right.
  • This will open your internal computer drive. Please navigate to the correct folder containing the images for the styles you would like to upload images for.
  • Select all images for that one single style and click upload.
  • You will see a progress bar, and image thumbnails will be visible on the screen once the upload is complete.
  • Please select the store (Mandatory) and the Brand, VAN and Color details for the style so that these can be automatically filled on the attribute sheet and you would not need to do any manual copy-pasting of links.
  • Once all the images are uploaded and the fields are filled, please click on the green “Submit Style” button on the bottom right.
  • You can then repeat the above process for all other styles
  • You can access all your uploaded images and styles by clicking on the white “Image Logs” button on the top right of the screen
  • Why should I add Brand, VAN and color details while uploading images?
  • Adding the Brand, VAN and color details while uploading images will reduce all manual effort in copy-pasting the image links to the attribute sheets
  • You can choose to not add Brand, VAN and color details while uploading images, but then you have to manually copy paste each image from the “Image Logs” to the Attribute Sheet - which may not be efficient
  • How do I check the images I have submitted?
  • You can access all your uploaded images and styles by clicking on the white “Image Logs” button on the top right of the screen
  • You can search uploaded images by Store, Brand, VAN, Color and ‘Uploaded Date’
  • Can I delete one image or a set of images?
  • You can only delete a set of images at a time (style level) from the “Image Logs” section
  • You can do this by clicking on “Delete style” on the right most column for each set of images
  • Image upload is failing!
  • Please refer to the PDF file to check the errors and solution for image upload-


  • How to do bulk listing on Myntra?

    Login to the

    Myntra Partner Portal and navigate to Catalog Management > Cataloging > Download DIY Template.

  • Select the template that you want and click Download Template
  • Fill in the required fields in the template and once complete, click Add New DIY Products. A pop-up window will appear where you will have to upload the attribute sheet (template that you downloaded).
  • Once you have attached the sheet and selected the Store and Studio, click on Add Products
  • A draft lot will be created under the Lots in Draft tab with the status as PARTNER_DRAFT
  • To complete the DIY Request, click the View Details upload images for the draft lot.
  • After clicking the View Details you will need to upload the images. Click Upload to add images (min 5, max 7) for each VAN
  • Click on Submit once you have uploaded the images. In case you want to do a bulk upload instead of adding images for each VAN, you can click on Upload Image Folder
  • Please use the Upload image folder process as mention above at point #6.
  • Once the cataloging has been completed, the styles will be made live. The Catalog Style Status for each active style will be shown as P under the View Details section of the lot.
  • How to create product variants?
  • In Myntra the product variant should be created based on size only and its grouping with stylegroupid field
  • What is style group id?
  • Style group id is used to show a single product/style having multiples sizes with same color
  • How can I contact seller support?
  • Go to the left tab Help and Support and raise a ticket for your quires.
  • Can we create a duplicate product listing on Myntra?
  • No, Myntra does not support duplicate listing.
  • Is there a way to list a product if a similar product is already listed on Myntra?
  • No, There is no option to create the listing based on exiting similar products.
  • Can I change my SKU ID once provided for?
  • No, once you have provided an SKU ID for a listing you will not be allowed to change it.
  • Product Updation FAQs
    How to download the existing SKU data in Myntra
  • Login to the

    Myntra Seller Portal

  • Select Operational Reports under Reports and Insights Select the Store, Partner Type, and under Report select Seller_Listings_Report
  • Click on Generate Report once you have selected the details from the dropdown.
  • Once you click on Generate Report it will be queued and the report will be generated in about 2 minutes.
  • How to add new variants for existing products?
  • Yes, we can add the variant based on stylegroupid
  • How to delete the variants for existing products?
  • Myntra does not allow to delete the SKUs faction.
  • Common errors while listing
    How to view the rejection reason for the submitted lots
  • If for any reason the lot gets rejected, you can re-submit the rejected styles. To view the rejection reason, click on View Details
  • QG1

    You can click on the status to see the reason for rejection


    What are the common errors and how to fix them?
  • The common errors and how to fix them are listed in the table below
  • QG1