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How to access on Fynd Platform


The dashboard is a concise overview of the entire e-commerce lifecycle. It shows the exact numbers and figures in real-time, starting from the availability of products till their subsequent delivery.

Dashboard Filters, Cards, and Graph

There are various sections in the dashboard that highlight real-time metrics and charts. These are explained below.


Figure 1: Dashboard - Graph

  1. Filter the business data of orders based on a specific date range. The default date range is 1 week, which means you can view all the business data for the past 7 days. For e.g., if you have selected date range Sep 01, 2022 to Sep 19, 2022 (19 days), then the business metrics will be compared with date range Aug 13, 2022 to Aug 31, 2022 (with previous 19 days).

  2. Revenue Funnel - Net and Total values can be used to view the dashboard. Net Values exclude the returned, damaged, or lost products, whereas the Total Values will include them all.

  3. Order Status - View the dashboard by selecting the status of the order from the dropdown. The available values are 'Placed' and 'Delivery Done'. The default value for this filter is 'Placed'.

  4. More Filters - Further, you can view the dashboard by selecting more filter values like Store, Category, and Brand.

  5. Sales Amount - It represents the total or net values of the sales in rupees between the selected date range.

  6. Orders - It represents the total count of orders between the selected date range.

  7. Product Return Ratio - It represents the percentage of products returned by the customers between the selected date range.

  8. Average Order Value - It represents the average amount of money spent each time a customer places an order on your website.

  9. View the graph by selecting either 'Daily' or 'Monthly' value from the dropdown.

Other Sales Metrics

There are other options on the dashboard to view different sales data. These are explained below.


Figure 2: Dashboard - Other Metrics

Top Products Sold By Units

It gives details like Product Name, SKU, and Quantity about products (top 5 selling products) that have been sold with larger quantities within the selected date range. Also, it represents the increase or decrease in percentage of sales for top selling products. For e.g., Shawn Black Formal Shirt has 5 quantities sold and shows 50% increase in sales as compared to previous sales.

Unsold Inventory

It represents the percentage of inventory not sold for the last 6 months. For e.g., high priced products or low rating products that are unsold for the past 6 months.

Products Not Available

It represents the percentage of products that were not available for orders between the selected date range. These are rejected items by selling location(s) due to out of stock or damaged product issues.

Orders By Location

It represents the distribution of percentage of orders processed for different cities. For e.g., Mumbai location has 68.18% orders processed for the selected date range, whereas Navi Mumbai has 31.82%.