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Best Practices

Fynd Platform has established a few guidelines for sellers to follow while creating products.

Item Code

Item-code is a unique number that is assigned to a product. You will not be able to create another product having the same item code.


  • Item code should always be in upper-case (capital letters), for e.g. 'BLK-5001'.
  • Avoid any whitespace at the beginning of the item code (leading space), for e.g. ' BLK-5001'.
  • Avoid any whitespace at the end of the item code (trailing space), for e.g. 'BLK-5001 '.
  • Avoid consecutive space, for e.g. 'BLK 5001'.
  • Avoid using any of the following characters: # . /


SKU stands for stock-keeping unit and it's an alphanumeric code that allows sellers to identify and track products in their inventory.


  • SKU code should always be in upper-case (capital letters), for e.g. 'POLO-M-362020'.
  • Similar to item code, avoid using any leading space, trailing space and consecutive space in your SKU.


An intuitive name to indicate the dimensions or capacity of a product. Example: L, Large, Small, XL, 128GB.


  • Size should always be in upper-case (capital letters), for e.g. 'XL'.
  • Avoid using any leading space, trailing space and consecutive space while mentioning the product size.

HSN Code

HSN code is an international code that is used to calculate tax rates. Click here to know more.


  • HSN code should have 8 digits.
  • If it's less than 8 digits, append zeros at the end to make it an 8 digit code.


The price of the product. You need to enter the Maximum Retail Price and Selling Price of the product.


  • Keep the selling price less than or equal to MRP but never exceed the MRP.

URL of images

If you want to upload or update the images of your products, you can use the sample excel and enter the image links. Check import products and partial update


  • There shouldn't be any space in the URL. If need be, replace it with %20
  • If your images are hosted on Dropbox ensure that the image URL should have dl=1 at the end. If it's dl=0 replace it with dl=1.
  • Avoid using any leading space, trailing space and consecutive space in your image URL.


The length, width, height (centimetres) of the packaging material along with the weight (grams) of the product.


  • Length should be greater than zero.
  • Width should be greater than zero.
  • Height should be greater than zero.
  • Length*Width*Height should be greater than 2.
  • Weight should be greater than 10 grams.

Import Products

If you want to enter more than one image URL, size, variants, gender or highlights in the excel sheet, you can use new rows to mention the image links. Make sure to enter the Item Code and Brand before using a new row.


  • Image link is an array and should be at row-level.
  • Size is an array and should be at row-level.
  • Highlight is an array and should be at row-level.
  • Variant is an array and should be at row-level.
  • Gender is an array and should be at row-level.