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Reports is a detailed overview of the entire e-commerce lifecycle. It shows the exact numbers and figures in real-time, starting from the availability of products till their subsequent delivery.

Sales Report Filters

There are various sections in the dashboard that highlight real-time metrics and charts. These are explained below.


Figure 1: Reports - Filters

  1. Filter the business data of orders based on a specific date range. The default date range is 1 week, which means you can view all the business data for the past 7 days. For e.g., if you have selected date range Sep 01, 2022 to Sep 19, 2022 (19 days), then the business metrics will be compared with date range Aug 13, 2022 to Aug 31, 2022 (with previous 19 days).

  2. Revenue Funnel - Net and Total values can be used to view the dashboard. Net Values exclude the returned, damaged, or lost products, whereas the Total Values will include them all.

  3. Order Status - View the dashboard by selecting the status of the order from the dropdown. The available values are 'Placed' and 'Delivery Done'. The default value for this filter is 'Placed'.

  4. More Filters - Further, you can view the dashboard by selecting more filter values like Store, Category, and Brand.

Sales Metrics

This section offers 8 different reports that are explained below. You can also export / download reports for your reference.

Total Sales

This report offers total sales done by the sales channel on a daily or monthly basis within the selected date range. Here, we have selected 'Daily' option from the dropdown to analyse the Total Sales data. This section contains following metrics that are explained below.


Figure 2a: Total Sales

  • Time Frame - It is a day within the chosen date range. For e.g., Sep 08, 2022.
  • Units Sold - It represents the number of units sold.
  • Average Sale - It represents the average amount of the orders made.
  • Average Discount - It is the average discount offered.
  • Total Sales - It represents the total amount of sales made.

Click on Export if you wish to download the total sales data in CSV format.


Figure 2b: Export Button


It offers details about all the products sold by the sales channel. This section includes sales details like Product, Product Code, Seller Identifier, Units Sold, and Total Sales. Click on Export if you wish to download the sales data for all the products in CSV format.


Figure 3: Products

Delivery Status

It’s a brief graph about the delivery status of the bags made within the selected date range. The available states highlighted by this graph are RTO (Return-to-Origin), Delivered, Returned, and Cancelled.


Figure 4: Delivery Status

Billing Location

All billing locations associated with the sales channel are displayed in this report. It also highlights how many units were sold at each billing location offered by a sales channel. Click on Export if you wish to download sales data for billing locations in CSV format.


Figure 5: Billing Location


This report highlights details about the customers who purchased products from the sales channel within the selected date range. It shows customer details like Customer Name, Customer Email, Customer Phone, Units Sold, and Total Sales. Click on Export if you wish to download sales details for customers in CSV format.


Figure 6: Customer

Average Order Value

This report represents the average amount of money spent each time a customer places an order on your website. It also displays the order count and total sales made per day. Click on Export if you wish to download sales details for customers in CSV format.


Figure 7: Average Order Value


The report shows the store-wise distribution of the total sales made within the date range. It displays details of the store like Store Code, Store Name, Unit Sold, and Total Sale Amount. Click on Export if you wish to download sales details for all the stores in CSV format.


Figure 8: Store


It displays detailed reports about all the sales made by employees within each store of the sales channel. Here, you can track employee performance. It offers details like Store Code, Store Name, Employee Code, Employee Name, Units Sold, and Total Sale Amount. Click on Export if you wish to download sales details for all the stores in CSV format.


Figure 9: Employee

Download Sales Report

This report offers a detailed overview of the orders placed in the sales channel. With the help of this report, users can perform their own independent analysis within their preferred tool.

  1. Use section Sales Report Filters to apply filters. Follow the steps below once filters have been applied.

  2. Click on Sales Report to download your online business data in specific format.


    Figure 10: Sales Report Button

  3. Click on Yes.


    Figure 11: Yes No Window

  4. Save the file to the desired folder in your system.


    Figure 12: Downloaded Sales Report