Your pocket-sized online store manager

One App, multiple features. Get the flexibility of managing your product, stores and orders on the go from your Phone
A simplified setup to get your business online in just a few minutes
Manage your catalog with ease
Create a product in 30 seconds. Use custom categories and auto-generated identifiers
Craft your unique storefront
Customize theme, add store details, manage payments,  preview and share your website
Manage orders with ease
Streamlined order management, for smooth fulfillment and returns
Stay informed with order analytics
Get key insights on your store's performance, right on your home page
Manage your finances confidently
Subscribe to plans, update bank details, and handle invoices with ease
Seamless Onboarding
A simplified setup to get your
business online in minutes
Manage Your Catalog with Ease
Create a Product in 30 Seconds. Use Custom Categories and Auto-Generated Identifiers
Craft Your Unique Storefront
Apply theme, add Store Details, Manage Payments, and Preview Your Website
Manage orders with Ease
Handle Orders Smoothly, from Creation to Fulfillment and Returns
Stay Informed with Order Analytics
Get Key Insights on Your Store's Performance, Right on the Home Page
Manage Your Finances Confidently
Subscribe to Plans, Update Bank Details, and Handle Invoices with Ease
image webimage web
Aspiring Female Startups
Women with business ideas who are looking for support and guidance to turn their ideas into successful ventures
Seamless Onboarding
A simplified setup to get your
business online in minutes
Manage Your Catalog with Ease
Create a Product in 30 Seconds. Use Custom Categories and Auto-Generated Identifiers
Craft Your Unique Storefront
Apply theme, add Store Details, Manage Payments, and Preview Your Website
Manage orders with Ease
Handle Orders Smoothly, from Creation to Fulfillment and Returns
Stay Informed with Order Analytics
Get Key Insights on Your Store's Performance, Right on the Home Page
Manage Your Finances Confidently
Subscribe to Plans, Update Bank Details, and Handle Invoices with Ease

Discover why Fynd Platform App

Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for a while, discover why Fynd Platform App is your best choice

Get your business online in minutes

Conveniently create your store using your phone.Easily upload and manage your products directly from the app.Seamlessly collect payments from your customers.Enjoy a mobile-first fully responsive e-commerce website


Manage and fulfill orders on the go

Accept and Fulfill orders with easeMinimum transaction fees with unlimited transactionsManage delivery charges and partnersReceive and Manage payments

Scale as you grow

Personalize your storefront’s look and feelGet insights about your customersBoost sales with special discounts

Coming soon

Leverage the power of ONDC to boost your Sales

Get your products discovered by every ONDC customer on all buyer apps at no extra setup cost or operational hassle

Everything you need to sell online

Say goodbye to the complexities of managing multiple platforms. Fynd Platform App offers a hassle-free solution for creating and managing your online store. Showcase your products effortlessly and control everything from a single platform

Online stores powered by Fynd Platform

Looking to kickstart your online sales? Fynd is the go-to platform for building your online store, packed with all the features you need for a successful journey into the digital marketplace

Any questions?
Check out the FAQs

Still have unanswered questions and need to get in touch?
Contact Us

What is Fynd Platform App?

Fynd Platform App is an all-in-one solution for individuals and businesses looking to create and manage their online stores effortlessly. It streamlines the process of setting up, customizing, and operating an online storefront.

Who is Fynd Platform App designed for?

Fynd Platform App is designed for small and medium-sized businesses, individual entrepreneurs, and freelancers who want a user-friendly tool to establish and manage their online presence.

What sets Fynd Platform App apart from other e-commerce solutions?

Fynd Platform App stands out with its simplicity, affordability, and comprehensive features. It caters to users who may not be tech-savvy and offers a streamlined experience for online store management.

How easy is it to set up an online store using Fynd Platform?

Setting up an online store with Fynd Platform is incredibly easy. The onboarding process is optimized for simplicity, requiring only essential details like phone number, business name, email, PAN card, and business address.

Can I customize the look of my online store with Fynd Platform?

Absolutely! Fynd Platform provides store customization options, including the application of the Bodil theme. You can add banners, choose store colors, and manage other details to create a unique storefront that reflects your brand.

How does Fynd Platform help with product management?

Fynd Platform simplifies product management with features like custom categories, auto-generated identifiers, and a quick 30-second product creation process. The Product Tag field is conveniently placed for easy navigation.

What kind of financial management features does Fynd Platform offer?

Fynd Platform App streamlines financial management with features like bank account updates and invoice handling. Through Potlee, we revolutionize finance with a BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later) service—offering instant credit, seamless KYC, and flexible repayment, without documentation.

Can I get insights into the performance of my online store with Fynd Platform App?

Yes, Fynd Platform provides basic order analytics conveniently displayed on the home page. This feature offers insights into your store's performance to help you make informed decisions.

What is ONDC?

ONDC is a network designed to democratize digital commerce in India, providing sellers like you with broader access to customers and new markets. It's your gateway to reaching millions of potential customers across India.

What kind of financial management features does Fynd Platform offer?

Any product that you list on the website that you create through Fynd Platform App, would be visible for purchase on all the Marketplaces partnered with ONDC like Paytm, Freecharge, Mystore etc. helping you amplify your online presence, and unlocking limitless opportunities for growth and success.