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Add Product Review

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The Add product review page will display all the details of the product for which review is to be added. User can rate this product via star rating widget, write brief description about it and add title to this review slug.


Figure 1


product_dataObjectAn object containing details of the product
product_metaObjectAn Object containing meta information of product.


context object will contain all the details of the product. you can use this details to render UI as required.


The below example will render a sample add product review card.

// Add Product Review example

<div class="add-product-review" v-if="context && context.product_data">

<a class="product-details-slug" :href="context.product_data.slug">
<rating-star :stars="context.product_data.rating" />
<span>Rating: {{context.product_data.rating_count }}</span>
<img v-bind:src="getImageUrl" :title="" :alt="" />