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Creating Product Catalog

Creating Product Catalog

After the Onboarding process is complete, the seller will need to add product listings to sell the products on AJIO. This can be done by creating a product catalog.

Getting Started with Cataloging

  1. To get started, you’ll need to login to the AJIO Seller Central and navigate to Products > Catalog and select the Product Template Download tab.


Figure 1: Product Catalog Page

  1. Select the categories that you want and click on the download button. All the selected categories will be in the excel file.


Figure 2: Download Template

  1. Fill in all the required attributes marked with an '*' in the excel sheet.


Figure 3: Add Details

  1. Navigate to the Product Catalog Upload tab. Click on the Browse for XLS button and select the excel file that you filled out. Once you have selected the file, click on Submit.


Figure 4: Upload File

  1. Once you have uploaded the sheet, you can check its status in the Upload History tab.

If you have filled in all the details correctly, once the catalog passes the Auto QC and the Manual QC, it will be listed as a success. If there are no rejections in Manual QC, then the products will go to system processing automatically.


Figure 5: Upload History

Listing Failure

If for any reason, the catalog fails the Auto or Manual QC, you can download the file and correct or delete rejections and re-upload the file.


Figure 6: Rejected Catalog Files

If you have missed filling in any required attribute or filled in any incorrect data then the upload will fail.

You can click on the reason to check why the upload failed


Figure 7: Error Details

Turnaround Time

Once the catalog is uploaded, it takes around 5 days for the Auto QC process to complete and another 5 business days for the Manual QC process.