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Product size can be available at one or more selling locations. An Article ID is tagged to the product depending on the seeling location. Get notified on the creation, updation, and deletion of any article.

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"modified_on":"2021-08-09 12:03:22.420565+00:00",
"inventory_updated_on":"2021-08-09 12:03:22.420565+00:00"
"updated_at":"2021-08-09 12:03:22.420565"
"updated_at":"2021-08-09 12:03:22.420565"
"updated_at":"2021-08-09 12:03:22.420565"

"name":"Spykar Lifestyles Private Limited",
"address":"Lotus Corporate Park, 19th Floor, F wing, Ram Mandir Lane, Jai Coach Junction, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon (East), Mumbai-400063."

Object Properties

idstringUnique ID, Auto Generated
uidstringUnique ID, Auto Generated
sizestringProduct Size
brandjsonIncludes brand uid
pricejsonIncludes marked (mrp), effective (selling price), currency, transfer price
storejsonIncludes store uid
is_setboolIs it a set of products or a single product
weightjsonIncludes weight and unit of measurement
companyjsonIncludes company uid
item_idintegerProduct uid
date_metajsonTimestamp details
dimensionjsonIncludes length x breadth x height and unit of measurement
is_activeboolIs the article active or inactive
identifierjsonProduct identifier, ean or alu or upc or sku
quantitiesjsonsellable (in-stock), damaged (if any), not_available (if any), order_commited (order processing)
manufacturerjsonProduct manufacturer details
return_configjsonProduct return policy details
fynd_item_codestringProduct code given by seller
tax_identifierjsonTax details (HSN)
total_quantityintegertotal_quantity = sellable + order_commited + damaged + not_available
track_inventoryboolIf false, we won't reduce inventory on each processed order
country_of_originstringWhere product is made
seller_identifierstringproduct x size unique code given by seller, (ean or sku or upc or alu)